Canada - Laura Babcock, 23, Toronto, 26 June 2012

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“The police have her phone records,” Babcock’s brother said. “They took her computer to see what digital conversations she’s had with anyone.” Source:

I wonder when they took her computer? Was it after DM's arrest or was it after she went missing. I'm figuring that if TO LE are saying they just got her phone bill a couple weeks ago, the same holds true for the computer?
Her exbeau LS confronted DM - DM advised that LB had been using

I really wish SL would give an interview? Or has he?
Question #1- was he concerned that DM was telling him the truth about LB and the last time he spoke with her? Question #2 - Did he have any concerns with DM's behavious? Question #3 - Did he know that DM was selling drugs, or was that the first time he heard of him selling drugs was when he met with him to discuss LB?
Thanks Newone-I followed the rhino remark to Spearmint Rhino in Vegas-I ask my fellow sleuthers to check out October. Is there a resemblance or am I seeing things?

I opened the new pic released yesterday of LB and compared with the girls on that site. Two struck me as possibilities, the one you mentioned (number 6) and another. I think the other (number 4) is a closer match based on facial features especially the irises of the eyes, phalange, nose and creases. The shape of the eye on number 6 is just off a bit from LB. Look close at the new pic of LB. Her left eye is just slightly smaller than the right that likely gets more pronounced when she is tired (aka droopy eye). The left eye on number 4 is just slightly smaller but hard to notice due to the heavy makeup. You can't really go much by skin tone as all these pictures are likely Photoshop enhanced and it is possible to change skin colour from light to dark and visa versa to a degree but the natural undertones remain. To me, it looks like number 4 has red undertones like LB, a nice, full body airbrushed tan, popular in the salons in Vegas. Number 6 has a paler complexion with yellow undertones and my guess would be she is doing skin lightening.
I opened the new pic released yesterday of LB and compared with the girls on that site. Two struck me as possibilities, the one you mentioned (number 6) and another. I think the other (number 4) is a closer match based on facial features especially the irises of the eyes, phalange, nose and creases. The shape of the eye on number 6 is just off a bit from LB. Look close at the new pic of LB. Her left eye is just slightly smaller than the right that likely gets more pronounced when she is tired (aka droopy eye). The left eye on number 4 is just slightly smaller but hard to notice due to the heavy makeup. You can't really go much by skin tone as all these pictures are likely Photoshop enhanced and it is possible to change skin colour from light to dark and visa versa to a degree but the natural undertones remain. To me, it looks like number 4 has red undertones like LB, a nice, full body airbrushed tan, popular in the salons in Vegas. Number 6 has a paler complexion with yellow undertones and my guess would be she is doing skin lightening.

Hey thanks for your input -- I am always amazed how easily a person can change their look but basic biometrics are always the giveaway - your observations are excellent

Just reexamined the #4 photo again and lips don't seem as full as LB's jmoo --
I opened the new pic released yesterday of LB and compared with the girls on that site. Two struck me as possibilities, the one you mentioned (number 6) and another. I think the other (number 4) is a closer match based on facial features especially the irises of the eyes, phalange, nose and creases. The shape of the eye on number 6 is just off a bit from LB. Look close at the new pic of LB. Her left eye is just slightly smaller than the right that likely gets more pronounced when she is tired (aka droopy eye). The left eye on number 4 is just slightly smaller but hard to notice due to the heavy makeup. You can't really go much by skin tone as all these pictures are likely Photoshop enhanced and it is possible to change skin colour from light to dark and visa versa to a degree but the natural undertones remain. To me, it looks like number 4 has red undertones like LB, a nice, full body airbrushed tan, popular in the salons in Vegas. Number 6 has a paler complexion with yellow undertones and my guess would be she is doing skin lightening.

I think #4 might have darker brown eyes, but that might just be the photo. Also possibly a more pronounced chin? But there is a resemblance, IMO
We don't know that she was addicted to drugs? Where do you
come up with that one?
SL has said that she did I posted a link earlier.

well SL also told the public she had some problems this is the first time that I heard this one.

Mr. Lerner and Ms. Babcock ended their romantic attachment in January, 2012, but the two remained close friends.

A month later, Ms. Babcock moved out of her parents’ house. She was going through some drug and mental-health issues, Mr. Lerner said.

It was around that time she began hanging around Mr. Millard. (so Feb)The three went to a performance at Medieval Times in Toronto and later retired to Mr. Millard’s condo.
I'm wondering why they are waiting for "that person" to come forward? If they have the information of the last known contact, why are they not pursuing this? Waiting for someone to come forward? Doesnt make any sense to me!

I don't think LE can force them to come forward and without reasonable evidence of a crime, may not be able to question them. That person either doesn't want to or can't become involved so LE is likely going to be waiting a long time. Perhaps that person promised LB not to disclose her whereabouts.

LB is technically considered a missing person but there is no evidence of foul play or a crime on her part or against her. She is an adult, free to go where she chooses without having to inform anyone. So their hands are tied somewhat unless they can find evidence to say otherwise.

Evidence has shown that she was using an alias so if she is alive it is reasonable to speculate that she is using that or another alias. Lack of contact with friends may mean she simply went somewhere else to start fresh, leaving her old life behind and she does not want to be found. OTOH, it could mean she is in a position where she can't make contact which could mean anything not necessarily that she is dead. LE said she was involved with DM but not dating. What better way to get a bit of revenge than to stay in hiding bringing more heat onto DM and what him and his friends may have been up to? :twocents:
What better way to get a bit of revenge than to stay in hiding bringing more heat onto DM and what him and his friends may have been up to? :twocents:

Interesting - a theory could possibly be that LB is in hiding from DM, which is why her friends are so reluctant to give more information out and why her parents don't seem that stressed that LE aren't doing enough to find their daughter, because they are in on helping LB hide from DM (and his associates, some of which may not be behind bars like DM is presently, hence her still in hiding)? :moo:
We don't know that she was addicted to drugs? Where do you
come up with that one?

That's right, we don't know for sure, as we don't have proof - that is why I said "probably".

In My Opinion, based on the numerous references to drugs...
Interesting - a theory could possibly be that LB is in hiding from DM, which is why her friends are so reluctant to give more information out and why her parents don't seem that stressed that LE aren't doing enough to find their daughter, because they are in on helping LB hide from DM (and his associates, some of which may not be behind bars like DM is presently, hence her still in hiding)? :moo:

I'm inclined to think that she could be really freaked out and wants to stay safe and under the radar -- not knowing what to expect next or she is really afraid.
Sorry all, I do remember the bf saying in the media LB was
having problems with drugs.
I am assuming that you are referring to DM as the pimp, well LE mentioned he was not involved in the sex worker part

Yes and they also had "no idea" that DM was involved in photographing women naked either apparently.

We can't link to "sex trade" sites. If you feel you have a tip in this case, you are encouraged to use the tip line, but when it comes to these kinds of sites, we can't be linking them from Websleuths.

Thanks so much!
I have one thing to say about LE anywhere. While they have a tough job to do, and there are a lot of people missing, or reported missing etc, ANY LE agency should treat a missing person as they would if it was their own family member. A missing person is someone's mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son etc (you get the point).

It's hard to say what happened in the case of Laura, did TPS know or didn't they know about more info? However if you go to her "Help us find Laura" page on facebook, there are posts from SL from back in July 2012 appealing to friends on facebook DATED saying he went with this kind of information to police. So I guess you can draw your own conclusions if LE did their due diligence for Laura.

All I can say is, if it was a family member of someone in LE, I feel they would've done more.

Here's one of the posts I found on the facebook page. Not only that, SL is offering up a $5000 reward for information. I give him MAJOR props, everyone needs a friend like him in their corner. IMO TPS dropped the ball. Hoping friends and family of LB find some answers.

Shawn Lerner
Hey guys- she had my iPad with a sim card in it. I have asked Rogers if they can track when or where it was last used. They said they'd need it subpoenaed from the police. Told the police over a week ago but haven't heard anything. Anyone know ahackers who might be able to trace its last usage?
July 21, 2012 at 5:02pm near Thornhill, Ontario

We can't link to "sex trade" sites. If you feel you have a tip in this case, you are encouraged to use the tip line, but when it comes to these kinds of sites, we can't be linking them from Websleuths.

Thanks so much!

re IPad with SIM as per Canadiangirls post above

LE could have pursued that information - discreetly - found out if she was ok or not without divulging her whereabouts if they had concerns that ex beau was iffy.

LE was in kind of tough spot with him --
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