GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #3

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New Information regarding the Roadside Check, February 4, 2010, posted today at The Star, FWIW:

It was Thursday, Feb. 4, when the officer sauntered over to the driver’s side window of Williams’ Pathfinder. The colonel identified himself as commander of the Trenton base. A second officer, meanwhile, studied the vehicle. Then the colonel was waved through.

“The officer who was talking to him didn’t suspect him because of who he was,” says an informed source who asked to remain anonymous.

But there was a problem, as investigators were soon to discover. His was the only vehicle to pass through the checkpoint that had tire treads and wheelbase measurements that matched those from a field near Lloyd’s home.

In an instant, investigators saw connections to crimes that had baffled police: A two-year spree of fetish home burglaries in Ottawa, where Williams had a home, and in Tweed, where he had a cottage, and the murder of Comeau, who worked at Williams’ base.

“Everything lit up,” the source said.

Years ago, the RCMP used to transfer their officers routinely every few years, so that they didn't become too intertwined in their communities. It was probably a good idea, especially in smaller, remote communities. I realize this case did not involve the RCMP.

I've wondered ever since Larry Jones made his statement about LE telling him RW couldn't be the perp: why was everyone so awe-struck? Is it because members of LE around there are former military, and so think of the commander as a person to be obeyed, even after they've left the military? Is it because of the para-military structure of police forces? Is it because they golfed with him, and his soldiers donated to police charities?

Who was the officer who kept his perspective? A new recruit, or a seasoned old one who had been around the block a time or two? Kudos to him or her! It's very concerning that the warning signs were ignored by others. This one officer is the saving grace in a case that has a number of black marks.

I couldn't help but notice that in this picture RW has a fairly signifigant and very fresh injury to his right shin. He is at Roundel Glen Golf Course on September 23rd, 2009

We did discuss that mark some time ago on the thread. I wonder if he returned to work with any visible injuries on other occasions. Did he occasionally cut himself shaving, or have run-ins with his cat?

Jessica Lloyd was last seen alive on January 28, 2010. RW called in sick the next day, January 29, 2010:

As noted in a link further up in the thread, we now know that LE believes RW kept JL alive for a day before killing her, bringing her back to his house in Tweed.
The SOB struck up a relationship with one of his b & e victims' son. I am just seeing red right now at the level of cunning and deception involved with this monster.

In September 2007, Monique Murdoch’s cottage in Tweed, 200 kilometres west of Ottawa, was broken into. It would be the first of 82 fetish break and enters – several of them attempted – in Tweed, Ottawa, Belleville and Brighton.

Murdoch’s next door neighbour was Williams. In 2004, Williams and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Harriman, had bought the cottage at 62 Cosy Cove Lane, a quaint cottage country road where people rarely locked their doors.

“They were always walking hand in hand,” says Murdoch, who has a year-round cottage. “I think he really loved his wife.”

The Murdochs and Williams and Harriman played cards and went ice fishing. Williams, who played the trumpet in high school, struck up a special relationship with Murdoch’s son, who was learning guitar. Murdoch’s home would be broken into two more times.

I'm sure you didn't miss this:

"Suspicion immediately fell on her ex-boyfriend. He was a pilot and had access to the home. While Comeau was on flights, he’d been renovating her bathroom. But they weren’t getting along. Comeau had accused him of snooping through her belongings.

The ex-boyfriend was brought in for a polygraph, and passed.

A second military man from the Trenton base was also a suspect. He lived close to Comeau. He was known to be awkward around women and to say inappropriate things. He was eventually cleared."


It seems that Larry Jones wasn't the only one taking heat for RW.
Former CFB Trenton Commander Colonel Russell Williams videoed part of the two murders and two bizarre sexual assaults he will formally plead guilty to later this month, The Globe and Mail has learned.

The videos, confirmed by multiple sources, have never been disclosed publicly before and are the most shocking element of an overwhelming range of evidence against the decorated pilot.

I would suspect the video tapes are one of the things that they are trying to keep sealed to protect the victims' families.

thank you for this link...and MEH didn't have a clue what this SOB was up to?? no doubt in my mind that she was not aware of some of his activities ie: watching his *advertiser censored* etc. otherwise she must have been wearing blinders all the time..

I couldn't help but notice that in this picture RW has a fairly signifigant and very fresh injury to his right shin. He is at Roundel Glen Golf Course on September 23rd, 2009

Yes, the leg injury looks very fresh, no more than a day old would be my guess. But the two sexual assaults (that we know about) took place on September 17th and 30th, so I don't believe it's connected. No matter; the creep is pleading guilty to all charges. Justice!

I've wondered ever since Larry Jones made his statement about LE telling him RW couldn't be the perp: why was everyone so awe-struck? Is it because members of LE around there are former military, and so think of the commander as a person to be obeyed, even after they've left the military? Is it because of the para-military structure of police forces? Is it because they golfed with him, and his soldiers donated to police charities?

There is an attitude amongst many police that their peers deserve a lesser degree of law enforcement. Peers (in this sense) include police officers, firefighters, prison guards, or anybody who can present a badge. These examples are the most obvious but there are other factors as well. I know personally of a person who after almost certainly being charged criminally was let go upon impressing the officer with security clearance for a nuclear power plant.

I am not saying that all LE are guilty of this but this culture most certainly exists.

I agree with what you say about the RCMP and the advantages they have by circulating their officers.

Completely speculating here; I would think that anybody would be more likely to report their stolen dildos to LE if they expect the officer at their door to be only "the officer at the door" and not somebody they know via other social circles as well.

The Belleville PD incompetence in this case has me annoyed to no end and I believe any small town PD suffers from similar problems.
Former CFB Trenton Commander Colonel Russell Williams videoed part of the two murders and two bizarre sexual assaults he will formally plead guilty to later this month, The Globe and Mail has learned.

The videos, confirmed by multiple sources, have never been disclosed publicly before and are the most shocking element of an overwhelming range of evidence against the decorated pilot.

I would suspect the video tapes are one of the things that they are trying to keep sealed to protect the victims' families.

Fetish and bondage? WTH went on at Birchmount Collegiate during RW's formative years?
This makes me angry.

OPP covering $3,000 repairs after Williams' floor damaged

OTTAWA - The Ontario Provincial Police have agreed to cover a $3,000 repair bill for Colonel Russell Williams' hardwood floors left scratched after a police search at his Ottawa home, the Ottawa Citizen has learned.

The week-long search occurred in February, days after the disgraced base commander was arrested for two sex killings and two home-invasion sex attacks.
During the search police found so-called trophies from the sex crimes, including almost 600 women's undergarments and photographs police say he took of at least two of his sexual assault victims.

The evidence wasn't hard to find because Col. Williams gave detectives a lengthy interview, in which he directed them to his keepsakes hidden throughout the home he had purchased with his wife, Mary Elizabeth Harriman, in December 2009.

Officers did not turn the remarkably spotless townhouse upside down during the search. Before-and-after photographs were taken as a precaution.
Yes, the leg injury looks very fresh, no more than a day old would be my guess. But the two sexual assaults (that we know about) took place on September 17th and 30th, so I don't believe it's connected. No matter; the creep is pleading guilty to all charges. Justice!


I appreciate that you mention "that we know of".

I have to politely disagree with you that justice will be served upon his guilty plea. If there is one crime left of which he is guilty of, but not been charged for, then justice has not served. Not for the victims of these crimes, or members of the communities of where these crimes may have taken place or anybody else who cares.

There are more than a couple indicators that he is likely guilty of crimes other than those he will plead guilty to.
Something occurred to me last night.

If LE was watching Larry Jones, investigating Larry Jones, knew the tire tracks and wheel base measurements of the vehicle that was reported seen beside Jessica Lloyd's house that evening, including a description of the SUV (presumably), why didn't LE notice Williams pathfinder beside Jones home?

I realize he probably parked the SUV in the garage (the automatic garage door opener was mentioned in one of the articles), but surely if LE was monitoring the Jones' THAT much, they would have picked up on that SUV right beside the home?

Just a thought.
thank you for this link...and MEH didn't have a clue what this SOB was up to?? no doubt in my mind that she was not aware of some of his activities ie: watching his *advertiser censored* etc. otherwise she must have been wearing blinders all the time..

You are most welcome for the link.

My understanding is that they didn't really live together on a regular basis (based on different media reports). She was in Ottawa and he was in Trenton/Tweed and would see each other possibly on the weekends. I suspect she didn't know what he was doing during the week when he was on his on, and no doubt it was a shock to her when she realized who she actually married - this of course, is just my own opinion.
thank you for this link...and MEH didn't have a clue what this SOB was up to?? no doubt in my mind that she was not aware of some of his activities ie: watching his *advertiser censored* etc. otherwise she must have been wearing blinders all the time..

Would you suggest that a woman with dildos deserve suspicion as well?

Interesting facts:

25% of all search engine inquiries are *advertiser censored* related.

Utah is the greatest consumer of internet *advertiser censored* in the US and the numbers reduce when church is in.
Project Redwing

Despite the previous discussion here, where the Commander formally stated that "today meant nothing", The National reported tonight, that the military has indeed started the procedure to strip the Colonel of his rank.

The National also reported that the military has opened up what they are calling "Project Redwing", which is a full analysis of crimes occurring in regions where RW was for his military obligations, both in Canada and abroad. I will post a link to this when I can find it, I think they do upload their show.

Here is the link for my discussion on this from last night, as promised.

At apx. 4:00 minutes into the lead story on The National last night, the discussion begins regarding the Military and Williams.

-The National has learned that the military has already begun the process of stripping Williams of his rank.

-The National has learned that the military is holding their own investigation that is looking into any suspicious activities that occurred at Bases where Williams has served, both here and abroad. It is called Project Redwing.

(There is good coverage and interviews with MSC and Larry Jones here too).
Spreadsheets? This SOB is an animal. OMG.


Here are some of the key pieces of physical evidence that contributed to Colonel Russell William’s decision to plead guilty.

The Videos

Like Paul Bernardo, he videoed much of the suffering he inflicted on his two murder victims, sources say. Police seized that material, and had the case gone to trial, it would likely have been aired in court.

The Tire Track

In a snowy field behind Jessica Lloyd’s rural home on the outskirts of Belleville was a highly distinctive tire track that matched the tires on Col. William’s Nissan Pathfinder, pulled over in a police spot check six days after she vanished.

The Boot Track

A boot track was also found nearby, matching that of a pair of boots he owned. When Col. Williams was summoned by the OPP for the interrogation in which he confessed, he had on the same footwear.

The Fetish Trophies

In the garage rafters of the colonel’s Ottawa home, police armed with a search warrant found hundreds of items of stolen lingerie, plus bathing suits and shoes, carefully stored in boxes and catalogued.

The Spreadsheets

Along with his “trophies,” Col. Williams kept careful track of which houses he had burgled, on what dates, and what he had stolen. The information was carefully recorded on spreadsheets he created, also seized by police.

*advertiser censored*

Police also seized a cache of *advertiser censored* videos that Col. Williams owned, depicting bondage.
Spreadsheets? This SOB is an animal. OMG.


Here are some of the key pieces of physical evidence that contributed to Colonel Russell William’s decision to plead guilty.

The Videos

Like Paul Bernardo, he videoed much of the suffering he inflicted on his two murder victims, sources say. Police seized that material, and had the case gone to trial, it would likely have been aired in court.

The Tire Track

In a snowy field behind Jessica Lloyd’s rural home on the outskirts of Belleville was a highly distinctive tire track that matched the tires on Col. William’s Nissan Pathfinder, pulled over in a police spot check six days after she vanished.

The Boot Track

A boot track was also found nearby, matching that of a pair of boots he owned. When Col. Williams was summoned by the OPP for the interrogation in which he confessed, he had on the same footwear.

The Fetish Trophies

In the garage rafters of the colonel’s Ottawa home, police armed with a search warrant found hundreds of items of stolen lingerie, plus bathing suits and shoes, carefully stored in boxes and catalogued.

The Spreadsheets

Along with his “trophies,” Col. Williams kept careful track of which houses he had burgled, on what dates, and what he had stolen. The information was carefully recorded on spreadsheets he created, also seized by police.

*advertiser censored*

Police also seized a cache of *advertiser censored* videos that Col. Williams owned, depicting bondage.

From the same article: "Both Ms. Comeau and Ms. Lloyd were also sexually assaulted, The Globe has learned; with both women, Col. Williams wore condoms."

The article seems to be making a connection.
Does the OPP/local LE have a list of any other deaths in the same general area where there are unexplained deaths of women/men who may have shown evidence similar to MFC? For example, are there any deaths by "misadventure" or whatever such deaths are called, where the deceased showed ligature marks, or evidence of tape, or any kind of bondage activity?

I'd say they should consider such a possibility, as far north as Peterborough, for example, and even east to Ottawa. That should be a starting point, with the parameters broadened as necessary. Of course, any suspicious/unexplained deaths in the areas RW is known to have been, such as Kingston/Brighton/Belleville/Ottawa/Scarborough/Deep River are obvious, to me anyways. Then there are places you might pass through on the way to other places, such as Pembroke on the way to Petawawa. Then again, he has visited so many places, even overseas, such a task is daunting. Daunting, but prudent.
I heard on the CBC today, that the Globe and Mail was reporting that LE believes Jessica Lloyd was kept alive by RW for up to 3 days. I remember the range of dates, from the PDF Charge sheet on the CBC, but, I also remembered the date from the Obituary for her date of death as January 29th. I thought for sure there was a mix-up with the number of 3 days (and wished it so :( ), but, after having gone back to the charges PDF, see that it may indeed be possible that he DID keep dear Jessica alive, which is truly heartbreaking to think of.

He is believed to have kept Ms. Lloyd, whose mother Roxanne carried a framed picture of her into the courtroom, prisoner for as long as three days before killing her, an eerie echo of convicted serial killer Paul Bernardo, who with his then-wife Karla Homolka kidnapped schoolgirl Kristin French and kept her at their rented home for days before killing her.


Jessica's Obituary, October 2, 2010.

Rest in Peace, Jessica

LLOYD, Jessica Elizabeth - Cherished daughter of Roxanne Lloyd (McGarvey) and the late Warren (Ebb) Lloyd, and beloved sister of Andy, was taken from us way too soon, on January 29, 2010 at 27 years of age.

Jessica, We'll hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again.
This makes me angry.

OPP covering $3,000 repairs after Williams' floor damaged

OTTAWA - The Ontario Provincial Police have agreed to cover a $3,000 repair bill for Colonel Russell Williams' hardwood floors left scratched after a police search at his Ottawa home, the Ottawa Citizen has learned.

The week-long search occurred in February, days after the disgraced base commander was arrested for two sex killings and two home-invasion sex attacks.
During the search police found so-called trophies from the sex crimes, including almost 600 women's undergarments and photographs police say he took of at least two of his sexual assault victims.

The evidence wasn't hard to find because Col. Williams gave detectives a lengthy interview, in which he directed them to his keepsakes hidden throughout the home he had purchased with his wife, Mary Elizabeth Harriman, in December 2009.

Officers did not turn the remarkably spotless townhouse upside down during the search. Before-and-after photographs were taken as a precaution.

what bloody nerve MEH has to ask for this payment...
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