Casey, "Don't worry, I haven't said anything.."

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In Session just played this particular tape this morning. I think Cindy was trying to say they had forgiven her for anything she had said (translate - lying to them and to the police) and for anything she had done (translate - stealing, partying, lying, pretending to work, taking Caylee on overnights with boyfriends, etc). I think she really thought if she caved on all of those issues and "supported" Casey, then Casey would tell her where Caylee was. Casey dodges the "anything you've done" part, maybe because she thought Cindy meant "anything you've done harming/allowing harm to come to Caylee", and as we saw over these three years, she is never going to admit to what she actually did.

Just my :twocents:. I really don't think there was any horrible secret she was keeping quiet about. It just was a statement she was using to dodge her mother's questioning, and it sort of took on a life of its own and in the end worked against the prosecution (unfortunately).
In Session just played this particular tape this morning. I think Cindy was trying to say they had forgiven her for anything she had said (translate - lying to them and to the police) and for anything she had done (translate - stealing, partying, lying, pretending to work, taking Caylee on overnights with boyfriends, etc). I think she really thought if she caved on all of those issues and "supported" Casey, then Casey would tell her where Caylee was. Casey dodges the "anything you've done" part, maybe because she thought Cindy meant "anything you've done harming/allowing harm to come to Caylee", and as we saw over these three years, she is never going to admit to what she actually did.

Just my :twocents:. I really don't think there was any horrible secret she was keeping quiet about. It just was a statement she was using to dodge her mother's questioning, and it sort of took on a life of its own and in the end worked against the prosecution (unfortunately).

I think too, Tallyho, that the statement was merely a way to brush off any questions her parents might have about her interrogations by saying, "I didn't supply info, I'm still okay." KWIM?

OR---my gut feeling has ALWAYS been that ICA said that lil remark purposely---she could always use it later to pretend they knew. It was just thrown out there, right away, a statement that ASKS more questions than it answers. It felt like a set-up to me, and maybe it was.

Her parents might have thought she was reassuring them that she had exercised her rights thusfar, that's JMO.
I think GA being X-LE, probably told KC on her way out the door when she was arrested, "KC, keep your mouth shut, don't say anything without your attorney present!" Not that GA had anything to hide but just as a reminder to KC that she had the right to remain silent.
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is all that...strange? Casey's daughter was missing. Casey obviously was involved. Cindy could've meant that they forgive her for anything she had told police, ie where Caylee was, what happened, there was an accident, etc- they forgive her for whatever she did and told the police about.

As for Casey's response, well, watch any CSI show and you'll find you're not "supposed" to cooperate or tell them anything. They'll twist words, make assumptions, etc. So don't worry, I didn't tell them anything so they can't go after me for whatever I said or didn't say.

Just my take on it, but I tend to take these words at face value and they are not really unusual to me.

Respectfully....If you take the words ICA said at face value, one would have to also consider the circumstances. A 2 year old child is reported to be the victim of a kidnapping after missing for 31 days. The car ICA drove smelled of decomposition that both parents smelled. ICA is arrested. On the Parents first visit, one of the first things ICA states to them both is, "Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything". CA doesn't require any more information on that train of thought and the conversation moves on......FWIW and IMO, I would have immediatly said what do you mean you haven't told them anything? You had better tell them everything you know, the baby is missing.
I take nothing the A's say at face value because more often than not everything they say or have said is not the truth.JMO.
I think GA being X-LE, probably told KC on her way out the door when she was arrested, "KC, keep your mouth shut, don't say anything without your attorney present!" Not that GA had anything to hide but just as a reminder to KC that she had the right to remain silent.

You may be correct but how in the world could she stay silent and why would the Mother of a kidnapped child stay silent when every second counts? Oh, that's right Caylee wasn't kidnapped, she drowned in the pool.:sick:
I have a slightly different angle.

Perhaps in the CA / KC fights where CA threatened to pursue guardianship of Caylee, KC's response to such threats was, " go ahead. I'll say dad (or you or both of you) sexually abused me". KC knew this would squash any effort to take Caylee.

So now with KC in jail, Caylee gone, CA and GA knowing in their hearts that Caylee was dead, CA and GA thought maybe under pressure from LE, KC would tell LE that her parents abused her in an effort to create a "defense" for what happened to Caylee.

CA was just telling KC that those old threats and fights didn't matter anymore in this new reality of a missing and quite possibly dead child.
IMO..I thought it was sometimes more interesting to watch CA in jailhouse videos. CA was trying to figure out if ICA was lying. Interesting to watch after the fact now that we know more of her body language. I'm surprised she has any skin left on her face after rubbing those aligator tears for 3 years! You can plainly see the easy questions she answered and when the hard ones came she would cover her eyes, look down, pretend she was crying..etc...etc..
They were seen at home depot yesterday buying a chain saw lol.
They were in their brand new red vehicle.

I saw the new jeep also. Jeeps are not cheap cars to buy or own. How are they affording it/? GA is not working and Ca is on much could that possibly be? don't get it.
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is all that...strange? Casey's daughter was missing. Casey obviously was involved. Cindy could've meant that they forgive her for anything she had told police, ie where Caylee was, what happened, there was an accident, etc- they forgive her for whatever she did and told the police about.

Don't worry ehough22 , you're not alone. There is at least two of us. :-) I have never felt the need to try and read into that exchange. They knew she had lied to the police already. I always felt they were just telling her that they forgive her for the lies she told or whatever new lies she was telling. Or if she was giving new info that they had not been told yet. As typical, they didn't want her to think they were mad at her. And Casey being herself didn't feel she said anything to LE that they needed to forgive her for. So, "don't worry, I didn't tell them anything" (you need to forgive me for)<- my words, not hers- imho) just the way I always heard it.
JMO, but I think it was nothing more than reassurance to CA and GA that she hadn't said anything about the blowout the night of 6/15/08 (the fight). Seems to this day, none of them wanted to talk about it except Lee.
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is all that...strange? Casey's daughter was missing. Casey obviously was involved. Cindy could've meant that they forgive her for anything she had told police, ie where Caylee was, what happened, there was an accident, etc- they forgive her for whatever she did and told the police about.

As for Casey's response, well, watch any CSI show and you'll find you're not "supposed" to cooperate or tell them anything. They'll twist words, make assumptions, etc. So don't worry, I didn't tell them anything so they can't go after me for whatever I said or didn't say.

Just my take on it, but I tend to take these words at face value and they are not really unusual to me.

ITA and back in the very beginning I said this same thing. I know that if LE was taking my child to jail, I would probably remind them, "Don't say anything without a lawyer!"
You know I notice on HLN many new pics of Caylee. Since the family trademarked her name, do you all think they have sold more pics/videos in order to pay the attorney bills, vehicle, mortgage payments? JMO
I've often wondered if this exchange between Cindy/Casey was about the reason Casey (and, ostensibly Caylee) abruptly leaving home in the first place - because of & immediately following the big Cindy choking Casey fight (which was probably about grandparent's checks theft).

Respectfully....If you take the words ICA said at face value, one would have to also consider the circumstances. A 2 year old child is reported to be the victim of a kidnapping after missing for 31 days. The car ICA drove smelled of decomposition that both parents smelled. ICA is arrested. On the Parents first visit, one of the first things ICA states to them both is, "Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything". CA doesn't require any more information on that train of thought and the conversation moves on......FWIW and IMO, I would have immediatly said what do you mean you haven't told them anything? You had better tell them everything you know, the baby is missing.
I take nothing the A's say at face value because more often than not everything they say or have said is not the truth.JMO.

Well, just because I take this specific statement at face value doesn't mean I take anything else a murderer says at face value, I just really believe there's nothing more to this statement than the face value. It doesn't seem unusual, in this day and age, for someone to not only refuse to "tell them anything" but to think that is a good thing, worth telling one's mother not to worry about. As for CA's reaction, or really lack thereof here, well, they're a weird bunch. I still don't think the statement itself means anything. I still don't think it's an unusual or telling statement.
In Session just played this particular tape this morning. I think Cindy was trying to say they had forgiven her for anything she had said (translate - lying to them and to the police) and for anything she had done (translate - stealing, partying, lying, pretending to work, taking Caylee on overnights with boyfriends, etc). I think she really thought if she caved on all of those issues and "supported" Casey, then Casey would tell her where Caylee was. Casey dodges the "anything you've done" part, maybe because she thought Cindy meant "anything you've done harming/allowing harm to come to Caylee", and as we saw over these three years, she is never going to admit to what she actually did.

Just my :twocents:. I really don't think there was any horrible secret she was keeping quiet about. It just was a statement she was using to dodge her mother's questioning, and it sort of took on a life of its own and in the end worked against the prosecution (unfortunately).
This is exactly how I always interpreted this video...i never thought i heard her say, "i didn't say anything". When Cindy began "fishing" to find out some info from Casey on the whereabouts of Caylee, all of a sudden there was a problem with the sound/monitors...per XICA, of course because she was dodging the questions from her mother. So, you're right, Cindy was trying to find out information, Casey was trying to avoid those questions & then she did the "I've been "stuck in here", I'm not on the outside, I don't know anything, I can't tell you anything". No bombshell here!
Reading the transcripts from the jail tapes really helps to understand just how Casey "talks around" everything! When you listen to them you don't always catch the meaning of "talks around"...she answers with these long, drawn-out sentences that actually does not make any sense whatsoever. I use to work with someone that talked like this but it wasn't to lie, it was to cover-up the fact that she really didn't know what she was talking about. I use to say she'd make a really good politician by being able to talk-around everything....when she was finished, you either thought she knew more about the subject than you did or she didn't know a damn thing (depending on the subject & whether you knew the answer)

So, the moral of the story is this....there was no hidden answers in her conversations to the family, only words upon words that meant nothing at all, doing what she always her way out of everything, never having to own up to anything or take responsibility & giving Cindy her lie fix that she needed from her daughter so she could go into her save Casey mode & make everything all better!
Well, seeing how the jury didn't know about any fight (and I didn't either when I first saw the video during the trial) this comes off as very suspicious to me...who would say "don't wory I didn't tell them anything" to their family and their family does not challenge it at all, when the issue is supposed to be a missing child??
I agree, until today I had only seen the "don't worry I haven't said anything" excerpts and not the whole video. Tonight watching it from the beginning, I saw it as more of a "wth are you talking about I haven't said anything".. Much like maybe they heard she had said something to her lawyers (did she have jose then?) about the sex abuse way back then and they knew she had said that? They were simply saying "we forgive whatever" and she being the liar she is said she hadn't said anything about anything.

I don't see it as anything more than innocent and her parents reassuring her that they don't care what she has said or done... trying to placate her to get real answers about Caylee.

Well, this is my theory. Here goes...

Remember it had been a week since George and Cindy had seen Casey. During that week I saw Cindy saw more than once, when asked what she wanted to say to KC, that she had to tell her that she loved her and forgave her for whatever had happened, that was what people needed to hear in order to feel free to communicate (I'm paraphrasing, obviously.) Cindy says "We forgive anything you've said" and then while KC is yelling for them to turn the volume down Cindy also says "or anything you've done" (you have to watch Cindy and listen closely, because she's talking while KC is yelling.

I've always thought Cindy was busting a gut to find out ANYTHING about what happened to Caylee. She wanted to rush in there and get the message across that we forgive you for everything, just tell us where to look. I've never thought that the doctor being there had anything to do with what Cindy said.

Now, as far as what KC meant by "Don't worry, I haven't said anything" who knows with this bunch.

Just my thoughts...
Absolutely... this reminds me of Tracy (LP's associate) that MCA would talk just to talk.. she never had anything to say... just talked and talked... I agree with Tracy.. if ANYONE had just let MCA talk all she wanted... they would have gotten the answers they needed...

So, the moral of the story is this....there was no hidden answers in her conversations to the family, only words upon words that meant nothing at all, doing what she always her way out of everything, never having to own up to anything or take responsibility & giving Cindy her lie fix that she needed from her daughter so she could go into her save Casey mode & make everything all better!
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