Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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I'd like to know what movies she'd been watching before this.

And books she reads. That Zanny the Nanny comes from that book the OP mentioned above, "Double Trouble Squared: A Starbuck Family Adventure, Book One"
They seem so amazed. I like how they keep getting her to confirm that she lied, to make sure she's not really nuts. This interview is PROOF she is not delusional, just a liar.
I wonder what her parents will say once they hear these interviews. Probably nothing, but I hope it helps them come back to reality.
These tapes are very difficult to listen to. Hearing them however, it seems to me that these lies are all rooted in her personal success fantasies -- real "Walter Mitty Syndrome"... And then she's dug herself in - cannot turn back.
Really really hard to listen to.
She makes everybody's life a living heck just to save herself very said
She lied about her Universal job so she could go up there and pass Caylee's picture to a security guard?
I just detected a hint of emotion.....

Anger at the detective for not believing her.
I love it how just having an "obituary" -- means that it's true.
They seem so amazed. I like how they keep getting her to confirm that she lied, to make sure she's not really nuts. This interview is PROOF she is not delusional, just a liar.

Yep...there goes her insanity defense. :woohoo::crazy:
Isn't it interesting how LE releases little tid-bits regarding how dishonest and so forth Casey is? They want the public to know, I believe, that despite the A's spin masters any body can see what a guilty liar Casey is. IMHO
She keeps acting like she is mad that casey "acts" a certain way with her and different with her mom and she doesn't understand why she wasn't upset about not seeing her - and she says SHE IS LIKE THAT I DON"T KNOW WHY SHE IS LIKE THAT.

so crazy.
I love the dumpster and buried comments they keep saying...

they knew so much even then.
you know...this audio brings it full circle to me. She is so obviously lying and fabricating and weaving. How absolutely frustrating and disgusting and list goes on. I am open~mouth flabergasted!

I can't listen until tonight, but it sound fascinating! Isn't it amazing that a person can lie like that when the truth is staring them in the face. What happens when she finally gives it up and says she doesn't work at Universal?

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