Casey's Attorney Files Counter-Claims Against ZG

I loved that part too. JM seems like an ol' Southern bulldog that's about to eat some unsuspecting arrogant little purse pooch like JB for "suppa'".


And apparently KC! he,he...he gets to meet with her ang depos her :woohoo:
I love where he is asked if this is a "rookie move." PRICELESS!!!!
This is my favorite statement of the day:

In fact, legal experts told Eyewitness News the motion that Anthony's attorney filed is not even a countersuit, but really a motion to dismiss.

"I don't think I ever read anything like it in my 25 years of practice," Morgan said.
Ha ha ha. He can question her now! This ought to be interesting... Is there a date set for these proceedings? How is it that Baez didn't have time to deal with the fraud charges but he had time for this "supposed" counter-suit?
OMG! OMG! OMG! :Banane45::bow::Banane54::Banane57::applause:
JBM did it!
WOW! KC's going to be put under oath and JBM is going to be able to ask lots and lots and lots of questions. No judge present. If she objects, she has to answer anyway and just preserve the objection ... unless she goes immediately to court. Is she going to do that 196 times?
Wayyyyyyyyyyy to Goooooooooooo, JBM! Very Cool!

Didn't Jose know this? hehehe, it is too funny. :woohoo::woohoo: Her downfall could be her countersuit. Seriously, wouldn't Jose know this?
"I think the whole thing is ludicrous," Cindy Anthony said. "Attorney Morgan -- it's frivolous -- he needs to just get back to chasing the ambulances."

"I think the mother (of Casey Anthony) -- in a way -- seems to be enjoying this whole thing," Morgan said. "Instead of talking about chasing ambulances, I would be chasing after Caylee. I would be in the woods. I would be door to door." :bowdown:

YiPPee..... I am loving Attorney Morgan :blowkiss:. He sure told Cindy how it really is; now didn't he.
Does anyone else think he is just setting the stage for a mistrial?? I mean it's just been mistake after mistake with this guy, and this one's HUGE. :bang: If he's pulling this stuff now, what's he going to do in the murder trial?
I loved that part too. JM seems like an ol' Southern bulldog that's about to eat some unsuspecting arrogant little purse pooch like JB for "suppa'".

My favorite part is the request on Casey's part for attorney's fees and court costs. That would be a first, huh?...I don't think Casey has paid a dime for that yet.
"I think the whole thing is ludicrous," Cindy Anthony said. "Attorney Morgan -- it's frivolous -- he needs to just get back to chasing the ambulances."

"I think the mother (of Casey Anthony) -- in a way -- seems to be enjoying this whole thing," Morgan said. "Instead of talking about chasing ambulances, I would be chasing after Caylee. I would be in the woods. I would be door to door." :bowdown:

OH, bless your heart, JM! You're talking our language now! :woohoo::woohoo:
Do we have a copy of ZFG's original Complaint? I'm searching and can't seem to find it anywhere.

Did I heard John Morgan correctly when he stated Defendant's Answer/ "Counter-Claim" was filed by Jose Baez?

JB needs to withdraw from the criminal case NOW. What is he doing??
Does anyone else think he is just setting the stage for a mistrial?? I mean it's just been mistake after mistake with this guy, and this one's HUGE. :bang: If he's pulling this stuff now, what's he going to do in the murder trial?

From talk on the other threads on this in the past...I don't think JB will be first chair at the murder trial. Not qualified.
I'm liking JM very much. I just saw his interview via raw video. He sounds like he really knows what in the heck he's doing. Thank you KC for the counter-suit!
I don't think JB is the lawyer on this suit - it's some other rocket scientist.

I love JM - I hope when he finishes with KC, he'll draw up a pretty little slander suit against Sin-dee. He's the guy to get the job done. He seems like he's got a great sense of humor too and is on the same page with the rest of us. I'd love to send him a note GO JM! Just don't drink the kool aid.
AWESOME! JUST AWESOME! Finally somebody is going to tell it like it is!


I hope the mods will give JM his own support thread. I'd love for him to get wind of all of our support...and I vote Themis' post be at the top as it's particularly expressive of that support!
JB should be sued by his former law school and the Florida Bar ... Unlike his "countersuit", they could actually prove damages ... damaging their reputations by his continued and profound mockery of the practice of law.
Well in that case she may have a stronger case although it still does not match all the other demographics KC used to describe ZFG. JB will say that the nanny could have lied to her about who she was and that the nanny is the one that should be sued :crazy:

JB said that?? About someone Casey supposedly knew for several years? Knew the mother? Sister? Kind of car she drove?

It's almost freakishly funny... "not that ZFG but a different one" that Casey can't recall an address or phone number for and that none of her family nor friends ever met.
The way it typically works is this: person under depo is asked a question, and, if they/their attorney thinks their answer might incriminate them in any way, the response is "On the advice of counsel, I invoke my 5th Amendment rights."

Then the attorney taking said deposition has 2 choices: (1) object to said taking of the 5th, and later on file a Motion to compel the witness to answer, and try to continue on with the questioning, or (2) call the presiding judge in the civil matter, who may, if he or she's available, get on the phone to rule on the invocation of the 5th Amendment rights. The court reporter will be taking all comments down, so if either side wants to take it to a higher court on appeal, the transcript is there.

Personally, if I were taking Casey's depo (and I've been down the path of deposing civil litigants who tried to invoke the 5th,) when scheduling the deposition, I'd call the civil judge's chambers FIRST to get his available dates, cause you know he'll be needed, before floating possible dates to Jose Baez.

That way, you ensure that the judge is available to rule as these issues arise, which is the most expeditious way to handle this potential issue.

Better yet: since Casey's already under arrest, and being kept in the jail, her deposition could easily be set up to take place in the civil courtroom (more of a scheduling hassle to have an arestee moved to courthouse for a depo, but would be well worth it in this case) with the judge either present during the entirety or, as mentioned, available to come in and rule whenever necessary. :D

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