Casey's Parents May Eventually Face Charges

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The REAL reason they are in a hotel is fear of wiretaps put in house by LE during search.

Intresting point: Last night GVS replayed her interview...when they went to the shed, which was AFTER KC took the cans, it had a lock on it...a MASTER PADLOCK. My Father's company is a locksmith/safe co....IF and I say IF the lock previously on there was the same (no reason to believe it wasn't, but NO PROOF it was) Theres NO WAY on God's green earth that you could EVER break it off as AL said with a shovel. No way.

So my point is, LE has no doubt investigated this....may even have the old lock....which puts a dent in AL's story OR in GA's entire gas can story. Im sure LE has done forensics on the cans if they were back in the shed for trace evidence. FWIW...?

I replayed Greta's interview and caught what I thought was way too strange. How could GA report the gas cans stolen on the 24th and see KC the same day. And CA says they had been looking for her for over a month, but GA never tells her KC has been to the house numerous times?? :confused:
My post was not to anyone in particular and neither is this one. The post was to point out that so many were so willing to jump on "sources" word as fact and trash the Anthony's more. There are thread after thread bashing them and wishing all kinds of hateful things about and to them and what does it gain? Why is it so important to go on and on about wishing bad things on them? I have seen acutal killers get more understanding than the Anthony's. IMO all they have done is is love and give Casey and Caylee all they could and found it all but impossible to believe Caylee was dead and possibly at the hand of their daughter. I really do find it hard to believe there are so many that feel so superior to others that they spend hours and hours on a board such as this trashing and wishing bad things to people they do not even know. They feel their opinion should count but God forbid someone disagree with them or wonder what they gain by the constant trashing.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and emotions regarding this case. Remember, we were all just living our lives and taking care of our families when this horrible story came out of Orlando. Who couldn't have been captured by Caylee's big brown eyes and sweet little face. When she sang "You are my sunshine" I broke down and cried and still do to this day! It was extremely easy to become emotionally involved with the A's and Cindy asked us to get involved. Did anyone want to feel frustrated with the A's-of course not! Somehow the A's changed from desperate, fearful grandparents to calculating, manipulating people who were speaking "mistruths" just like their daughter.
Their demeaner changed and we caught glimpses of smugness and outright arrogance. Our frustration grew as the A's seemed to be going into the opposite direction of those who were giving of their time and money to find Caylee. Then it comes to light that they are not only not helping LE and TES, they are actually putting stumbling blocks in their way. Isn't it perfectly natural that harsh feelings grew? Do I wish anything horrible to happen to the Anthony's-NO! KC has managed to destroy not only Caylee but her whole family as well. Nothing will ever be remotely normal for them ever! I truly feel sorry for Mallory! If she is really pregnant-it has to be extremely hard for her! I will not allow myself to be KC's victim also. She will not make me into a hard , bitter person wishing ill on another. However, justice is another story! Karma also! It's all in LE's and God's hands now! Now, is a time for healing for everyone who fell in love with Caylee.
Caylee's life was for a reason-it was not in vain. Let's honor her memory by being people she can be proud of!:blowkiss:RIP CAYLEE
I understand why the Anthonys have moved to a hotel. A luxury place like the Ritz-Carlton has better security than someplace like a Motel 6.

No one wants to believe that their daughter killed their grandchild. No one. However, the Anthonys have gone beyond simply denying that Casey had anything to do with Caylee's disappearance. George and Cindy are an odd pair with a daughter who is beyond odd. She has crossed the line from odd to criminal.

As far as the phone taps go, if LE wants a wiretap on the Anthonys' phone at the Ritz they will get it. Hotels like that are generally very cooperative with LE.
it could be a paver....LE said there was something in or around that bag that lead them to the home

So hard to get response from the server last night, I hope it's better today.

About the paver- I wondered about this, too, but didn't the pavers get delivered around the 4th of July? I haven't checked the timeline; does anyone know? Maybe they decided to do the pavers AFTER they had used one for ballast. Same reason they spread all that stupid lime all over their yard in the summer heat.
There's something about Georgie here, I think.
Please let them be charged, soon, with aiding and abetting, obstruction of justice, violation of Caylee's human rights.
Did anyone else notice that when cindy and george came back home, they went through the back door into the garage? I thought, they probably didn't want to go to the front door where the big poster of Caylee is hanging. So sad.

ETA: Why aren't they staying with Lee or other friends/family? If I had just gotten the news they did, I would want to be with loved ones.
In reply to:

You know up until they found the body the other day, I'll bet KC as screwy as she is was enjoying the "Being waited on", in her own twisted way. Seems they all have the same thinking, thanks to CA.
"As goes the leader, so goes the pack."

I acknowledge that there are lots of dysfunctional families that do not ever reach this level. The Anthony family is like the "perfect storm." You combine the entire family's personality disorders and dysfuntion together (especially Cindy, who seems to be the Alpha Dog in the "pack") and add to it a narcissistic daughter -- and this is the result.

I don't want to trash George and Cindy, but the kind of behavior they are showing is what has enabled Casey to act the way she has acted without having to deal with the consequences of those actions-- and this behavior is sick.

I pray that once it is confirmed that the remains are Caylee's, the grandparents will be able to face the truth. Unfortunately, I don't believe that will happen. Their behavior of not acknowlediing the reality of the situation will continue, and that will enable Casey to continue to deny reality. This is a pattern that I suspect has gone on since Casey was quite young.
I agree with you! I can't believe it... 18 pages or more of tearing down this family, and 2 pages of condolences for their loss... go figure.
"Sources" have said a lot of things that may or may not be true, but I would bet that the A's did not pay for that hotel... nor that dinner. Larry King himself might have, (since they were going to be on a live video feed for his show last night) or maybe the sheriff's dept. Whoever put them up wanted them to be away from their house for good reason, and probably for their safety. I saw a clip of Sheriff Beary warning the public that they would not put up with any nonsense... for everyone to stay away from the Anthony home. Good for him!!
I feel for them, I really do. And I can't help but wonder... if any one of us were suddenly put into this situation, without warning, what would we do? How would we act? It's so easy to SAY you would do everything perfect... but a helluva lot harder to actually DO it!!
All I can do is pray for some who hate them so much. God help you if you ever get thrown in a situation like this someday.

Doing what's right isn't always easy -- and I think the frustration here is the grandparents appear to have made poor and easy choices with Casey much earlier than this tragedy ever occurred and I disagree with you that they didn't have any warning. They did with Casey's behavior long before Caylee went missing.

Bottom line is the road to hell is paved with good intentions and very little, if any, stop lights on the way. Unfortunately, that road the Anthonys travelled with their daughter may have cost them their granddaughter, who they profess to love dearly. It's heavy burden to carry and one that not facing reality and making the hard and right decisions up front is now going to weigh on them considerably for the rest of their lives.

IMO, I can't help being completely twisted about the grandfather - when you see what he said to FBI investigators in August as opposed to what he's said recently on LKL, one can't help but wonder WTH he's thinking. If he (or the grandmother) would lay down his life for his granddaughter whom he professes to love so much, why would his media statements almost completey exclude the truth he told the FBI in his interview back in August? And again, in another decision they have chosen to live with, they've appeared in public vocally seeming to "hide" their own concerns about their daughter that they've made to investigators on video and tape. It's this kind contradiction in action that makes folks want to tear their hair out in frustration. Those same actions in the public and media won't, I think, be taken advantage of by LE for obstruction charges, instead the sad fact is that it gives Jose Baez and his team a way to hammer at their credibility on the stand at trial.

This is the path they have chosen, and they marched all of us down it with them for the last 6 months.
Did anyone else notice that when cindy and george came back home, they went through the back door into the garage? I thought, they probably didn't want to go to the front door where the big poster of Caylee is hanging. So sad.

ETA: Why aren't they staying with Lee or other friends/family? If I had just gotten the news they did, I would want to be with loved ones.

there is an estrangement between the two that was evident in the walk to side of the house. it is also evident at times during their joint interviews. I don't think they are close and would not be surprised if they divorce sometime down the road. I think their "love" is for the cameras.
If you are speaking to me let me clarify. When I speak of what they have earned, I do not mean financially. I mean any punishment they have worked so hard to earn, wearing stripes and making little rocks out of big rocks in the local hoosegow that our taxes support.

I do not want sentiment to decide if they are arrested. Just the facts and the law. The grieving grandparent excuse does not allow for them to knock off a 7-11. Therefore, it should not allow them to obstruct, steal evidence, destroy evidence or dupe others out of their hard earned dollars. If their actions are illegal, I want them charged. Playing on the publics sentiment to break the law should be taken into account if any sentencing is due.

I reckon they are glad that obnoxious aint illegal

Indeed. I am also angry at the amount of air time/media attention this case has gotten when there are so many who don't get any (press). I am angry that so much attention went to this case, when Casey could have stopped the road show long ago. On this very board, the attention to the case alone kept people off this week - and, not just this forum, but, from all of them, for all the other cases that are deserving of our care.
Did anyone else notice that when cindy and george came back home, they went through the back door into the garage? I thought, they probably didn't want to go to the front door where the big poster of Caylee is hanging. So sad.

ETA: Why aren't they staying with Lee or other friends/family? If I had just gotten the news they did, I would want to be with loved ones.

bold by me

has anyone seen or heard from LEE???? where is that boy????????

I thought it odd as well that they chose the side door----

People are just sick of the lies that C&G have told. It is hard to pray for someone, feel sorry for them - when you watch the lies they tell. Just look at the LKL interview from Wednesday night. George denied the decomp smell in the car - talked about how a bag of garbage in the car from 20 days would smell, instead. Cindy talked about how the nanny/kidnappers were threatening them. They both bad-mouthed LE. And, that is only touching the surface of some of the stunts they have pulled. C&G have acted "abnormal" from the very beginning, in my opinion.

Sorry, I also consider myself a "realist". Who do I feel sorry for? Shirley and Rick, and other family members who have been the victims. I also feel a bit sorry for anyone (Jesse, Amy, Tony) who were thrown under the bus by CA, for the sole purpose of defending Casey (the liar, thief and murderer).

Just my opinion!

No, it's not. People like this need prayer even more so.

IMO, any one of us could be just like G or C, if we were put in the same situation. They believed in their daughter, just like we all believe in our own children. Nobody wants to think they could have raised a child that turned out to be a killer, especially a killer of their own child.

Although I feel Casey is 100% responsible for what happened to little Caylee, I also pray that God is with her throughout all of this. There has to be something seriously wrong with somebody who could do this to their child. I'm not saying she's insane, or mentally challenged, just that she must have had so much hate inside of her to have done this, and at the age Casey is, how could she have hated someone this much. She had her whole life ahead of her, yet she choose to let her hate guide her, instead of the love that God has provided for all of us.

I also pray for Casey's defense team. They have a hard road ahead of them. In order to seek justice, it must be done properly, or else there is no justice. Although our criminal justice system is full of holes, it is still much better to let a guilty person go free, rather than lock up an innocent person for life. It's better to let a guilty person free, rather than kill an innocent person. If justice for Caylee is to be served, it must come by providing Casey with a proper defense. Afterall, any one of us could be put in a situation where we were charged & convicted for a crime that we didn't commit, and wouldn't we want to depend on the justice system to do things correctly, or would we just settle for "it is what it is"?

I'm a realist, but I also have forgiveness in my heart.

Rest in peace Caylee Marie. You're with the angels now, and your life will forever be free from the cruel world in which you lived & died.
I couldnt sleep....I wrote this over on another thread....I wonder if they found Caylees book.....KC did tell LE that when she spoke to Caylee that she was telling her about that book that we see in the video.....I also wonder if they replaced that seem like nothing was missing.....also I thought about a bed sheet or blanket.....being found...and yet there is none missing from Caylee room......hmm
I agree with you! I can't believe it... 18 pages or more of tearing down this family, and 2 pages of condolences for their loss... go figure.
"Sources" have said a lot of things that may or may not be true, but I would bet that the A's did not pay for that hotel... nor that dinner. Larry King himself might have, (since they were going to be on a live video feed for his show last night) or maybe the sheriff's dept. Whoever put them up wanted them to be away from their house for good reason, and probably for their safety. I saw a clip of Sheriff Beary warning the public that they would not put up with any nonsense... for everyone to stay away from the Anthony home. Good for him!!
I feel for them, I really do. And I can't help but wonder... if any one of us were suddenly put into this situation, without warning, what would we do? How would we act? It's so easy to SAY you would do everything perfect... but a helluva lot harder to actually DO it!!
All I can do is pray for some who hate them so much. God help you if you ever get thrown in a situation like this someday.

I would respectfully submit that it's not about hate, it's about common sense and decency and a commitment to justice, coupled with NORMAL human emotions that prompts the outrage and disgust.
The Anthony's behavior has been so far removed from commonly held and agreed upon norms that it is they, not us, who have ingrained repulsion and aversion on many of us. Bind that up with their repeatedly callous manipulation of privilege and access to media, and you get these impassioned pleas for reason to prevail, and for justice to be fully served, for Caylee and all other defenseless victims of heinous, torturous crimes.
I couldnt sleep....I wrote this over on another thread....I wonder if they found Caylees book.....KC did tell LE that when she spoke to Caylee that she was telling her about that book that we see in the video.....I also wonder if they replaced that seem like nothing was missing.....also I thought about a bed sheet or blanket.....being found...and yet there is none missing from Caylee room......hmm

think jcp purchase......

I agree with you! I can't believe it... 18 pages or more of tearing down this family, and 2 pages of condolences for their loss... go figure.
"Sources" have said a lot of things that may or may not be true, but I would bet that the A's did not pay for that hotel... nor that dinner. Larry King himself might have, (since they were going to be on a live video feed for his show last night) or maybe the sheriff's dept. Whoever put them up wanted them to be away from their house for good reason, and probably for their safety. I saw a clip of Sheriff Beary warning the public that they would not put up with any nonsense... for everyone to stay away from the Anthony home. Good for him!!
I feel for them, I really do. And I can't help but wonder... if any one of us were suddenly put into this situation, without warning, what would we do? How would we act? It's so easy to SAY you would do everything perfect... but a helluva lot harder to actually DO it!!
All I can do is pray for some who hate them so much. God help you if you ever get thrown in a situation like this someday.

I truly want peace and healing for the Anthony family. I hope that they are able to find it. Unfortunately their actions and words are going to have a large impact on the amount of future support they'll receive. I can't imagine how anyone could fault a parent for continuing to love their own child. But the Anthonys can't continue to choose "Cain over Abel" without reaping the bitter harvest that goes with it.
I agree with you! I can't believe it... 18 pages or more of tearing down this family, and 2 pages of condolences for their loss... go figure.
"Sources" have said a lot of things that may or may not be true, but I would bet that the A's did not pay for that hotel... nor that dinner. Larry King himself might have, (since they were going to be on a live video feed for his show last night) or maybe the sheriff's dept. Whoever put them up wanted them to be away from their house for good reason, and probably for their safety. I saw a clip of Sheriff Beary warning the public that they would not put up with any nonsense... for everyone to stay away from the Anthony home. Good for him!!
I feel for them, I really do. And I can't help but wonder... if any one of us were suddenly put into this situation, without warning, what would we do? How would we act? It's so easy to SAY you would do everything perfect... but a helluva lot harder to actually DO it!!
All I can do is pray for some who hate them so much. God help you if you ever get thrown in a situation like this someday.

I have tried - several times to type a condolence. But, I can't. I just can't extend condolences to members of a conspiracy to kill and cover up the killing of a child. I don't know exactly where the A's come in, but, I bet LE does.

And if LE did put them up in the Ritz, then every single resident of that jurisdiction needs to be rising up and letting them know that is unacceptable and demand the resignation of whomever decided on that misuse of public money. If it was local LE or national, that would be very wrong.
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