Casey's PC Files!

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Ok.. so Casey did searches for a ZF and a ZG in Orlando and in Jacksonville?

Why would she do that? It would seem fruitless to pin this on someone that exists...

I'm really confused now.

But, it looks like that's exactly what she was doing.

How fruitless is it to tell the cops you have an office at Universal?

Or, that you attended college, when you hadn't.

She may be a prolific criminal, but she isn't a smart one. She would have been in jail YEARS ago, had she not been enabled.
I hadn't seen it. ]

I think it might bolster a theory of mine. That KC saw ZG's ap at the Sawgrass. AFTER that, she searched MySpace for the name, so she could find details on a real person, to "flesh out" her Zani character.

Execpt that ZG did not fill out the application at Sawgrass until AFTER the search shown on June 12th, and certainly WAY after a search from EIGHT months earlier in Oct. 07! So, how did Casey supposedly arrange for this person she made up and searched for to mysteriously show up a certain place and coincidentally at the exact day that her daughter supposedly disappeared? How did a computer search 8 months earlier result in the MADE UP person she planned to blame showing up in real life on the right day, time and place?
I know how you feel. The one of her with her Great-Grandpa really gets me. I have a 2-year old and she is just as sweet when she's hugging her "Pop-Pop." It's really difficult to think about sometimes.

Love to know how many people JUST on THIS w/s would have offered Caylee a stable and loving home.
Wait a minute? Did anybody notice the first Zanieda file says accessed 7/16/08 at 12:03 PM yet Lee said when he picked up the computer it was blue screened and I had the impression he was unable to access her computer. So how could the file have been accessed if the computer was broken till they turned it over? Could this mean somebody cleaned the computer out and blue screened it AFTER they got the comp from Tony's house? Or did I misunderstand Lee's Statement?

This is my first post but just had to jump in with my thoughts. Could Cindy have been the one searching online back in October for Zani in order to learn more about the person she thought was keeping Caylee?

I was wondering if all this info was coming from the laptop ?? Didn't LE also pick-up their home computer ???

Welcome AV.......I too, wondered if Cindy might have been doing these searches.

Anyone know where Casey was @ 12:03 PM.....7/16 ?? Was she still leading LE on the 'goose chase'??
In one of the video clips of Cindy (the new ones), she tells law enforcement Caylee's father's name is Eric and can't remember the last name. Might be the E.J. but I am not sure.

there's an Eric J B.... in South Carolina who is a dermatologist!

there's also an eric j b... who went to college in winter park (orlando) florida.
but he lives in California now.

i doubt either of these are him though...
Execpt that ZG did not fill out the application at Sawgrass until AFTER the search shown on June 12th, and certainly WAY after a search from EIGHT months earlier in Oct. 07! So, how did Casey supposedly arrange for this person she made up and searched for to mysteriously show up a certain place and coincidentally at the exact day that her daughter supposedly disappeared? How did a computer search 8 months earlier result in the MADE UP person she planned to blame showing up in real life on the right day, time and place?

She has probably been stalking ZFG insome way or another sonce the first Oct. o7
Really wish we had access to the phone records.I'm wondering if maybe Casey called her grandmother and played a recording of Caylee's voice at the time Casey's grandmother got the supposed call from someone who played a recording of Caylee's voice that got cut off...
Do we know who Eric Baker is?

Well, Cindy told LE that the bio-fa was named Eric, was in the military, was a one-nighter, was married, and is dead. Said she's in touch with his widow.

So, we have yet another entry in the bio-fa sweepstakes,
ZG was looking for an apartment and had looked other places. That's what interests me ... the other places. Could Casey have got her name from one of the other places?

ZG did not recognize Casey (testimony in first 400 pages) so she would not have seen her MySpace page (plenty of photos) or met her in person.

But did anyone see the pic of Casey ZG was shown? I didn't even recognize Casey in the picture!!
People refer to their children by all sorts of names: buzzard (my best friend's dad called her little sister that), ankle biter, rugrat ... I don't think too much can be put into Caylee being called "snot head" or "offspring" ... one person's term of endearment is another's insult.

A friend of mine calls his baby dau, "critter." He adores her.
Seems they were still going at it as late as May 08.


Anthony Rusciano is the man she was having the affair with. He was the sheriff's deputy later fired for lying about the affair. Casey often talked about the sex."Sex is good with us, really good. And I know it's not the only reason you want to see me," she told Rusciano during the online exchange in early May."Good, I hope so, but Jesus, three-week droughts blow, so, again, bring your little fine *advertiser censored* over here," he wrote back.It seems like Casey's daughter Caylee was the problem in the relationship."Ha, want me to bring the little snot head?" Casey asked Rusciano. "Didn't think so," she told him.
Oh......MY......GOD! She is evil.

Because she visited a missing person's website? In that case all of us on here have just been called evil! I would guess that millions of computers in America have connected to those websites simply due to something seen on the news.
Former party girl here. Taking Xanax with my liquor always allowed me to drink more, which was my true drug of choice (and from the pics I've seen, seemed to be Casey's as well). Convenient way to knock out a todller, evidently, too. :mad:

Know what I just thought of? I've had friends do xanax and drink at the same time...and the next day they remember nothing! Absolutely nothing from the night before! Wonder if she really doesn't remember what happened to Caylee.
Oy! :bang:

"My most prominent memory...

hands down, the moment i found out that i was going to be a mom. it was completely unexpected, and i'll have to admit, i was horrified. in that moment, i knew that my life was going to change, and that i was going to become the happiest i have ever been. not once have i ever questioned that, nor have i doubted the wonderful feeling it is to be a parent."

"What my best friend would say about me...

he/she would say that i am extremely outspoken. they would tell you that i am a 'mom' to everyone. i have been since i was a little kid. it has always been in my blood. he/she would also say that i have the coolest daughter in the entire world. why? because it's true!"

"The most important thing in my life is...

my daughter, my family, and my friends. i cherish the people i share my life with, and strive to show them that each and every day."

"My motto...

live for the future, forget the past."

Yeah, I have nothing to say but this woman has one warped sense of reality.

Oh and btw, she quoted her annual income as $25,001 to $35,000. If that puts things in perspective at all.

Well, CA once said she'd stolen about that amount!;-)
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