Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

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Are we even sure Cindy is a nurse and has a job??? I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear she's also told a few lies about who she is and what she does/has done.

Yes, its here somewhere and even names the place she works. Also, somewhere is her license renewal. A search might find it, however the feature has been slow lately.
the only place i can see where the baby was kept was in the car for hour after hour..

drugged and put in the car seat- locked the car and left her there.

"gone clubbing..... and gave her some over the counter benadryl":furious:
I just don't have trouble with it at all. They have tried to insult everyone's intelligence from the beginning.

I told ya the other day I am leaning your way I just haven't fallen across that line. I do concede in the timeline, the nursing home is the beginning. With the pretimeline starting probably on June 9th.
Boyfriend that she was "living" with. I'm not liking his responses to the answers posed by LE.

From a psychological standpoint, his answers, to me, seem like someone who is shocked and confused about the whole thing.

I think he was as informative as he could be. This isn't a boyfriend who was in her life for months and months. We are talking max 30-45 days. He went to school full time and had a busy social life. Really, I don't think he knew Casey all that well to that point. She may have "moved" in, but that doesn't mean he knew the details of everything in her life. 30 days is not a great length of time to learn about people's pasts, family members, etc. Everything in her life was a LIE. I think he was shocked and didn't know what to say. He seemed truthful and as upfront as he could be. I am sure while he was talking he is trying to process everything that is being said to him with things she said.
It is unnerving.

He has cooperated fully and continues to do so. We discussed his "interviews" at length and the fact that he has been staying out of the public spotlight. Who would want to be associated with Casey now? I can only imagine what he is feeling.
I don't know why, but I feel the outcome is going to be explosive and will involve more that Casey and her parents.

I'm feeling that too. I feel there is at least 1 person outside of the family who knows more than what they have revealed. I really feel Casey would have had to have told someone. JG quitting his job when he did is still very odd, and the fact that he hung up on the first officer who called him is also strange, even though he says Jeff called him the night before. But, when I saw him iv'ed, he quite frankly said he wasn't sure if Casey would do anything to harm Caylee. I also think there is still a slight chance that JG has Caylee somewhere safe, though it's hard to reconcile with the decomp odor. And I still wonder if she told Tony and find it odd that he doesn't back up Clint's version that he saw Caylee on the 9th. Why did Tony get his dates wrong too (assuming Clint got his right of course)? Still a lot of unanswered questions. IMOO
And even odder when you consider that Clint says he saw Caylee on or about the 9th, but Tony has the date much earlier. IMOO

Tony says that Casey was waiting at home with dinner and a clean house when he arrived. I think she was coming back to the apt with Caylee after the boys left for school and Clint got home earlier. Casey took Caylee to whereever before Tony got back. Clint said he got out of school at 1, Tony said with labs he wasn't done until 5.

My question is if she was always with Caylee during her "relationship" with Ricardo, to the point that Caylee shared a bed with them (squicks me out to no end)..... why the big difference with the Caylee time factor for Tony?
I was intrigued when reading Amy's interview, how she described Caylee sleeping on the couch and marveled at how Caylee could sleep through anything. Then she related how one time she (Amy) was in the house, Caylee was asleep on the couch and Casey was in the backyard. Caylee woke up and stared right at Amy and then passed out again. My first reaction was OMG Casey was drugging her daughter. I feel very strongly that this part of the whole tragedy is true. And I believe Zanny, Zani, etc. is Xanex. All MOO.
OKAY- just caught something. Casey just typed up the emails from her "bosses" herself - she didn't even go through a fake-email system.

The time she actually sent the faked email to herself is EARLIER than the date she "recieved" the email from her boss (pg 411).

ALSO, in a REAL email it says Date: *advertiser censored* (and then the date/time). In HER written up email, it says Sent: *advertiser censored* (and then the date/time).

She just wrote up a whole exchange in word then emailed it to herself...I HATE HATE to think of all the time LE WASTED because of her stupid narcissism
Tony is in this up to his eyeballs. Wonder if he has an attorney? Anyone know his last name?
I hate to say it, but I too have a kitchen knife in my car and yes, even I think it's weird when I open the glove compartment. My bf put it in there years ago - I think he took it to go fishing once after he lost his fishing knife. Used for cutting line and as SWAG1959 mentioned it's a good substitute for many other types of tools.

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Originally Posted by SWAG1959
Nope - but they sure make a handy dandy lil screwdrive, plier, type tool in a pinch! I know I use them all the time for all kinds of things - lol

And do you keep one in your car for that purpose?!
Do we know when Casey "stole" her parent's car? Wondering where she was parking it before it was left on the 26th, whether it was there the whole time, or if it was parked in any strange place, if anyone saw or smelled something-someone mentioned maybe at Tony's residential parking place-wonder if that's shaded
Funny how those gas cans keep popping up in this whole story. It also tells me that George had already talked to Casey and she gave him the heads up that the car needed gasoline...or he would not have had a full can ready. Since the key was NOT recovered with the car...the tow owner or associates could not have turned it on to see that it was empty before George got there or between the time he arrived then left to get cash.

He could have brought the Gas due to past expierience... A lot of times those Tow Copanies will sell you Gas when you pick up your car if you need it & they Charge like $10 a gallon plus a service charge. He may have brought the gas just incase he needed it ...imo
OKAY- just caught something. Casey just typed up the emails from her "bosses" herself - she didn't even go through a fake-email system.

The time she actually sent the faked email to herself is EARLIER than the date she "recieved" the email from her boss (pg 411).

ALSO, in a REAL email it says Date: *advertiser censored* (and then the date/time). In HER written up email, it says Sent: *advertiser censored* (and then the date/time).

She just wrote up a whole exchange in word then emailed it to herself...I HATE HATE to think of all the time LE WASTED because of her stupid narcissism

That whole e-mailing to yourself just takes this to a whole different level to me. I sorta feel like CA... "Are you KIDDING me??!!"
From a psychological standpoint, his answers, to me, seem like someone who is shocked and confused about the whole thing.

I think he was as informative as he could be. This isn't a boyfriend who was in her life for months and months. We are talking max 30-45 days. He went to school full time and had a busy social life. Really, I don't think he knew Casey all that well to that point. She may have "moved" in, but that doesn't mean he knew the details of everything in her life. 30 days is not a great length of time to learn about people's pasts, family members, etc. Everything in her life was a LIE. I think he was shocked and didn't know what to say. He seemed truthful and as upfront as he could be. I am sure while he was talking he is trying to process everything that is being said to him with things she said.
It is unnerving.

He has cooperated fully and continues to do so. We discussed his "interviews" at length and the fact that he has been staying out of the public spotlight. Who would want to be associated with Casey now? I can only imagine what he is feeling.

I totally agree with you. Tony does not send up any red flags to me. In our family when tragedy struck at the hands of another family member obviously the children raised in that section of the family were use to dysfunction and high drama, I was from my own family of CRAZY and was use to it, my BIL had married a girl from an overall pretty normal and healthy family and she was dazed and confused. Could not process info at all and had no background to frame it in and no coping skills to function under it. Of course she was the healthier of our group, but Tony strikes me as equally dazed.

YES YES YES!! I just got finished reading CA's statement again and saw that. The hotter the heat, the more she went backwards in grammar.

I have no idea how LE kept their cool in that room with her. YM's statement summed it up for me: "'re treating us like we're stupid...I take be a personal insult."

AMEN to that.

I can't help but think though, at least Casey eventually admitted to making the stuff up, seems to me Cindy will never get to that point. IMOO of course.
He could have brought the Gas due to past expierience... A lot of times those Tow Copanies will sell you Gas when you pick up your car if you need it & they Charge like $10 a gallon plus a service charge. He may have brought the gas just incase he needed it ...imo

I agree they had already been there once and had to leave for cash, why risk having to go get some gas too.
That whole e-mailing to yourself just takes this to a whole different level to me. I sorta feel like CA... "Are you KIDDING me??!!"

Especially when you look at the dates and realize her whole life is like this. She writes an email to her boss from his boss and then forwards that one to herself? And I love the important job titles, who signs their internal day to day emails with that kind of job title in the first place?
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