Charlie Sheen a pedophile?

michelle said:
I agree with that. I mean he has an obsession with Nicole Brown Simpsons murder and showed her the autopsy photos, was that a scare tactic??
I want to know where he got Nicole Brown Simpson's autopsy pictures! I thought they were sealed.
Charlie Sheen is denying everything... what a surprise. I've seen so few perverts who have stepped up the plate and said, "I have a real problem with sexual deviancy". Mostly, though, he just rambles on and seems to say nothing.

I'm deeply saddened because this is clearly demonstrating a wanting and willful attempt at what I describe as a radical and transparent smear campaign and clearly a departure from sound, sane, responsible co-parenting," Sheen said.
"It is a reaction to a failed marriage, a reaction to some twisted desire -- real or imagined -- to hurt, to punish, to discredit, to completely torpedo, to undermine my perception as a responsible father ... a contributing father, a guy who would give his life for his children."

Sheen was reacting to Richards' written declaration that she could "no longer accept (his) abusive and threatening manner and must stop him from the cycle of his abuse toward me and our children and his continued threats of violence and statements that he is going to kill me."

Richards is "the only one entirely culpable for putting these radical allegations out for public consumption ... my children included," Sheen told Entertainment Tonight
Here is the thing...

Lets say those sites he visited were really of just young looking people of age "pretending" to be underage ...
IMO it doesn't matter if they are or not .. the real issue is that anyone would find that fantasy in any way appealing. Real or not, if that is something that works for him then he is a pedophile.
If the image of what appears to be underage children together in that way turns him on then he is a sicko.

Edit to add: What Denise should have done was turn the computer over to the FBI sex crimes lab.
I'm guessing that shooting for the last episodes of "Two-And-A-Half Men" are almost over for the year (and probably are already over)... so maybe his father will send him back to rehab in hopes of getting him cleaned up before next year's episodes are filmed.
Amraann said:
Here is the thing...

Lets say those sites he visited were really of just young looking people of age "pretending" to be underage ...
IMO it doesn't matter if they are or not .. the real issue is that anyone would find that fantasy in any way appealing. Real or not, if that is something that works for him then he is a pedophile.
If the image of what appears to be underage children together in that way turns him on then he is a sicko.

Edit to add: What Denise should have done was turn the computer over to the FBI sex crimes lab.
If your definition is what qualified as pedophilia, then every man who has cheerleader & catholic high school girls in trouble fantasies (and those are the most common--as in mainstream--adult male fantasies) and every gay guy with making it with the high school quarterback fantasies would be a pedophile. The truth of the matter is that men are sexually attracted to younger women and gay men are attracted to young men, and that pretty much includes every man you know. (Indeed, most of us would consider a man who fantasized about 60+ year old women a perv.) However, being attracted to or by something, doesn't mean someone acts on it.
To paraphrase a quote: "If everyone knew what we fantasized about while masturbating, we would all be deemed perverts."

Personally, marrying someone you know is a sex addict and then turning around and having children with them is a recipe for disaster. Why? Having children does NOT stabilize that type of personality, nor does it make them "grow up". What sex addicts truly crave is attention/validation, more than actual sex, and once their partner has another focus of attention, such as a child, the sex addict will fall back into old habits in order to validate themselves. And once women get into mommy mode, things tend to flag in the bedroom anyway, even with men who don't have the intimacy & compulsion issues that sex addicts do. A lot of actors and rock stars have this type of personality, by the way--it's what key to making you want to get up on stage and perform.
My interpretation of Denise's description was that these were not simply adults dressed up.

TO answer your question if the fantasy is about those that appear pre pubescent then darn right I consider him a pedophile.
If we are just talking some costume based on some high school fantasy then that is different. That I would not be alarmed about.
Here's a pretty detailed description of a pedophile (as opposed to a molester) in an article re Polly Klaas:

It is important to understand the differences between pedophiles and molesters. Pedophilia, which is a psychological disorder, is a distinct sexual preference for pre-pubescent children. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 111-R), which is published by the American Psychological Association, supplies this definition of pedophilia: “recurrent, intense, sexual urges and sexual arousing fantasies of at least six months duration involving sexual activity with a pre-pubescent child” (DSM, V.3, 1987). Generally, this means the target of the fantasy will typically be less than 12 years old. Notice the definition does not require the person to actually engage in a sexual act. Pedophilia is a psychological disorder that does not require, and usually does not involve, a criminal act. The pedophile might keep his desires a secret. He may never go public or share his fantasies with anyone. At times, they will even marry a single mother to gain or continue access to her children. Pedophiles can be very determined and single-minded in their efforts to stay close to children. Maintaining access to children at all costs is one of the defining trademarks of pedophilia, which will be discussed later. Child molesters, however, can have many different motivations for their crimes. And those motives, surprisingly, are often not of a sexual origin.
blueclouds said:
I do disagree with the comment above from MICHELLE - pedophiles do not come from or escalate to children. They have the sickness from the beginning.
I think that over a period of time the persons sexual urges may get stronger and stronger and thats why things start to escalate because they need something else or more to fufuill their desire, thats what I am saying. I am not saying ALL pedophiles just continue to escalate into more things, some, thank God get help. But a sexual addict, like any addict, I would think would continue to get stronger urges over a period of time until their is some kind of intervention and they get serious help.
Based on the above definition of a pedophile, I feel I should change the title of this thread - but I don't know how to do that. What shoud I change it to? If someone will tell me how to change it, I am open for suggestions for a new title.

Re: Sheen's denial of the charges. Well, of course he's going to deny them! But there are a lot of things in there that are proveable. The part about him threatening the children's pediatrician. The part about her warning the guards at her complex to be on the alert for him. The part about the guard who was at her house during the visit by Charlie where he took their wedding picture into the garage and defaced it. The lawyers who were involved in taking her complains in January 2006 to a "private judge" - and what exactly is a "private judge", I wonder. This woman thought she had a Protection from Abuse order and then learned that she didn't. That whatever "private proceeding" she went through was not legal.

I notice in her declaration she mentions her "former lawwyer", so apparently she now has someone who is truly and legally representing her.

Plus, the order WAS granted, even though it is only temporary at this time.

Methinks Mr. Charlie Sheen better get himself into a rehab center prior to the next hearing on May 22. There are way too many actions involved that are independently provable for him to continue to deny them. But then again, most any kind of addict is heavily into denial, aren't they?

Sheen's statement that his wife's declaration is merrely "a reaction to a failed marriage" would be downright laughable if it weren't so sad.

Again, I hope Denise has a body guard at this time for both herself and her children. And I also hope she has good friends who are reaching out to her at this time.

Obviously, the Sheen "machine" will try to negate her and smear her. I'll bet his family members won't have much of anything to say.......
AlwaysShocked, I would suggest either "pervert" or "sex addict" as the replacement word, but maybe someone else will have a better idea. Amraan seems to drop by this thread periodically, so maybe she can change the title for you. I think we lose the ability to edit after 24 hours, and then it has to be done by a moderator.
" Again, I hope Denise has a body guard at this time for both herself and her children. And I also hope she has good friends who are reaching out to her at this time. "

I agree or one morning we are going to wake up and find that Denise Richards has met the same fate as Nicole Brown Simpson. Charlie Sheen is one scary dude!!!
BillyGoatGruff said:
Personally, marrying someone you know is a sex addict and then turning around and having children with them is a recipe for disaster.
Right on BGG, for crying out loud she wasn't a kid when she married him, knew all that he had done, marries him anyway, has problems after the birth of their first child, THEN GETS PREGNANT AGAIN :doh: Not too smart for a woman her age.

I feel sorry for Charlie's grown daughter, she must have hated seeing his name in the news for so many years.
Tom'sGirl said:
I feel sorry for Charlie's grown daughter, she must have hated seeing his name in the news for so many years.
He has another child?
Tom'sGirl said:
An ex-girlfriend as I remember reading.
I never knew that, I bet she does dread reading the paper with his name and all this crap all in it.
michelle said:
I never knew that, I bet she does dread reading the paper with his name and all this crap all in it.
Actually I was off a year, she was born in 1984 (from his high school sweetheart Paula Profitt).

I had read that some time back I think when he married Denise.
Tom'sGirl said:
Actually I was off a year, she was born in 1984 (from his high school sweetheart Paula Profitt).

I had read that some time back I think when he married Denise.
You know he dated Kelly Preston and had a gun in their apartment and something happened and it went off and she got shot, hmmmm. I wonder....
michelle said:
You know he dated Kelly Preston and had a gun in their apartment and something happened and it went off and she got shot, hmmmm. I wonder....
I know, and so did everyone who read the papers INCLUDING DENISE!

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