Cindy is Unbelievable

:cloud9: Question:

When Elizabeth Smart was found did the finder call 911 or the Smarts? Don't most of the missing people generally either stall the person with the victim (victum = NOT Kc) :confused:
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:

Bold by me.
So, do you think they came to JBP with intentions of searching?
I don't know how G&C feel, I hope to GOD I never do know, but I don't think bashing the very people TRYING TO HELP is a good idea...they have been less than cooperative. I would IMAGINE that, in this situation, most people would want and accept help offered to them...instead, they have aligned themselves with a questionable organization (KFN) who IS INDEED PROFITING from Caylee...just strange, that's all.
I just watched the video (second time) of Cindy and George this morning in regards to the bag of bones found at Blanchard Park and Cindy telling of a new tip.

Towards the end of the video George and Cindy talk about a "meet and greet" with people who are like-minded and who want to help them find Caylee. Cindy says they will be meeting with these people to tell them what they want them to do.

I find myself wondering why the secrecy? If Caylee were alive (I don't believe she is) wouldn't it make more sense to go on television and tell everyone who's listening what they need to look for? Why would they want a meeting with "like-minded" individuals? Is this meeting organized by KFN for the purpose of collecting donations?

After seeing that video of KFN head, Dennis M, yelling at and threatening the news media at that confrontation at Blanchard Park, I don't think I'd want to have anything to do with him or his organization.
CA's reaction to the bag of bones is all the more reason why I think she knows more than she's telling.

I agree. I'm convinced more than ever that she knows where the body is. I wasn't sure before, but now I have no doubts.
I believe Cindy, George, and Lee know a lot more and I wish LE could demand that they take a polygraph. The whole family is wasting the resources of LE by not telling what they know.

The Anthony family seems determined to drag this out as long as they can. I think their reasoning is that if they can get through the trial without the body being found, it increases their chances of dodging the death penalty.

Hmmmmm..... and there were at least two sightings of Lee driving through the park today???????
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:

Huge difference between helping the search and 'showing up' at the search ..

The Anthony's have done nothing but order others to search for their grand daughter ..
Never before have I seen a more sickening family ..

I hope Casey never sees the light of day again ..
Hopefully, Cindy will be in the cell right there beside her! :mad:
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:

Bolded part by me.

I don't hate the Anthony's. I really don't. I actually have quite a bit of sympathy for them, especially GA. If I knew them, I'd like to walk up and give them a big hug, because I'm sure deep inside they are both in a whole lot of pain. I just found CA's initial response to hearing that her granddaughter could have been found shocking. I don't even know Caylee personally, and I cried when I heard she could've been found. How can her grandmother not get even remotely upset? I just don't understand that. Maybe it is the meds, like you said. I don't mean to, or want to, bash her, but that is really weird to me. WESH had a reporter there from the get-go (apparently he was there all day, even before any news was broken), and they reported that GA was a little unnerved, but CA wasn't. CA herself afterwards said that she wasn't the least bit phased by it. How can hearing about the bag of bones not even remotely unnerve someone who has a missing relative? They were both apparently skeptical from the get-go, which I can totally understand, but to flat out deny that it is her and go on without the least bit of change in emotion or concern, just strikes me as being odd. Even if I was skeptical, I think I would still be a bit concerned. It makes me think she knows something, too. That, or she just doesn't exhibit normal emotions. Or, she's just too darn stubborn to hear even for a moment that Caylee may be gone. In which case, if they do ever find her and are able to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is her, CA is going to be in for a serious shock.
If I'm wrong I will apologize later but after seeing CA and GA AND how calm CA was, with no emotion AND comparing to how she was on video at Blanchard Park about the Caylee Memorial, AND all the other interviews - the exact opposite - extreme opposite of how she was today I am Convinced at this point that CA and GA KNOW MORE THAN THEY ARE SAYING. On the interview today CA was so calm, extremely confident like a totally different person, not herself, out of character, weird weird weird like out of an original episode of "Twilight Zone" weird like she's saying to herself "hope they don't recognize that I'm not really me 'cause an alien has taken over my body" weird IMO everything i.e. DRAMA that she has ever said to date is for the soul purpose of misleading LE.
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus
Main Entry: nonsense Part of Speech: noun
Definition: Something that does not have or make sense.
Synonyms: blather, bunkum, claptrap, drivel, garbage, idiocy, piffle, poppycock, rigmarole, rubbish, tomfoolery, trash, twaddle
Unbelieveable.. Maybe it isn't caylee.. but as a grieving relative you would think she would be interested to find out forsure for closure..
ALl I can think of is their confidence stems from knowing the real truth.. ?

*bolding mine*

I agree. But the fact that CA showed up flipping out like a freakin nut at the search the other day really grabbed my attention. They have never done that. Heck they have never even bothered to SEARCH! They have never been in a hurry to bring Caylee home to rest because THEY KNOW where she is. They hope that in time they will be able to visit her resting place and pay their respects. Maybe they already have. Why else would the not knowing NOT drive them nuts? Why else would they NOT be out there searching hysterically for Caylee? I can't think of a reason.
These are shrewd and manipulating women. Poor George never stood a chance up against the little pack they have formed. Yes, they fight like cat and dogs, but they are also bonded strongly. You mark my words, Cindy knows precisely where that baby is. She's a control freak and to not know would make her positively frantic. She knows. :mad:
Huge difference between helping the search and 'showing up' at the search ..

The Anthony's have done nothing but order others to search for their grand daughter ..
Never before have I seen a more sickening family ..

I hope Casey never sees the light of day again ..
Hopefully, Cindy will be in the cell right there beside her! :mad:

I agree there is a HUGE difference between showing up and looking for their grand daughter.........I think Cindy WILL be in the cell with her where she needs to be..This is a Circus and the A family makes it 10X's worse...
AND TES and TM is the A's new bff - is that because he did not find Caylee and is no longer in Orlando? And now LP is here still searching and now he's on the A's hit list. Now I think that CA was, well for lack of a better word, cocky on todays interview because she had already started the rumor about "stolen beads" out of KC's room etc.
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:

Good post! :bow:
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:
I don't think tha As went to BP to search do you? Or are you talking about them going to Gainesville?
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:

I agree about the meds...speaking as a nurse, she definitely appears medicated. You know how people act when someone has died? They are in a daze for those several days and all through the funeral....people showing up, bringing food, calling you...when the death is a shock, medication is often prescribed compounding the daze (ala Jackie Kennedy) But when everyone is gone and the calls and the meals stop coming, reality hits. You have to go back to work, pay bills, clean house, etc.

CA has not come back to reality yet. She has been in a prolonged state of shock for 4 months. Compound that with the meds, a daughter in jail and worldwide media. Life has not returned to anywhere normal, spinning more and more bizarre each day. Even though it appears she is functioning when we see her on TV, I bet she could not function 5 minutes if she went back to her nursing job. The reality would be too real. She would break down.

Right now she is living in a heightened state like those few days after someone has died only it has stretched out for 4 months. She needs her websites and the well-wishers, the tiplines, George's billboard, the media, the prayer vigils. She needs to be scouring Websleuths, , Murt, Orlando Sentinel forum to keep her in this heightened state of her new reality. Her mind must be racing a million miles a minute, even with the meds. If all this stopped (and it won't) I don't know if she could survive it.
*bolding mine*

I agree. But the fact that CA showed up flipping out like a freakin nut at the search the other day really grabbed my attention. They have never done that. Heck they have never even bothered to SEARCH! They have never been in a hurry to bring Caylee home to rest because THEY KNOW where she is. They hope that in time they will be able to visit her resting place and pay their respects. Maybe they already have. Why else would the not knowing NOT drive them nuts? Why else would they NOT be out there searching hysterically for Caylee? I can't think of a reason.
These are shrewd and manipulating women. Poor George never stood a chance up against the little pack they have formed. Yes, they fight like cat and dogs, but they are also bonded strongly. You mark my words, Cindy knows precisely where that baby is. She's a control freak and to not know would make her positively frantic. She knows. :mad:
But at least she got a good squeeze out of it.
I could not believe her reaction. She knows what happened. I think she does anyway.
I agree about the meds...speaking as a nurse, she definitely appears medicated. You know how people act when someone has died? They are in a daze for those several days and all through the funeral....people showing up, bringing food, calling you...when the death is a shock, medication is often prescribed compounding the daze (ala Jackie Kennedy) But when everyone is gone and the calls and the meals stop coming, reality hits. You have to go back to work, pay bills, clean house, etc.

CA has not come back to reality yet. She has been in a prolonged state of shock for 4 months. Compound that with the meds, a daughter in jail and worldwide media. Life has not returned to anywhere normal, spinning more and more bizarre each day. Even though it appears she is functioning when we see her on TV, I bet she could not function 5 minutes if she went back to her nursing job. The reality would be too real. She would break down.

Right now she is living in a heightened state like those few days after someone has died only it has stretched out for 4 months. She needs her websites and the well-wishers, the tiplines, George's billboard, the media, the prayer vigils. She needs to be scouring Websleuths, , Murt, Orlando Sentinel forum to keep her in this heightened state of her new reality. Her mind must be racing a million miles a minute, even with the meds. If all this stopped (and it won't) I don't know if she could survive it.
She always can chase down her "missing money". (sorry...she can't be nearly catatonic one minute and totally lucid- and diabolical in my mind- the next minute.)
I don't hate the A's. I don't beleive that they are telling the truth. I don't believe that KC told them to focus on Caylee and not to visit. I don't believe that CA thinks it was pizza in the trunk that caused the odor. I don't believe that they never talked to KC about what she knew while KC was out on bond. I don't think it is a coincidence that the A's are calmer the closer it gets to KC's trial date. And I don't believe that GA has changed his mind that he thought the odor in the car smelled like a dead body.
The A's are planting reasonable doubt for the jury pool. I need a break from this case so I want to know WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE GAG ORDER?

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