Cindy's eulogy for Caylee

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The seven sentences she spoke about Caylee were lovely:

On Aug.9, 2005, God blessed this Earth with one of his most beautiful children. Caylee Marie was born at 7:14a.m. in an Orlando hospital. From the moment she was born she forever stole the hearts of her family. Caylee was not only a beautiful baby, but she had a beautiful spirit that will live on in those that truly knew her and loved her.


Caylee's life may have been short-lived on this earth, but her life will not have ended without a purpose. She will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Caylee Marie Anthony now has her angel wings and will be watching over so many other children.,0,6952778.story

I'm having a hard time figuring out where the eulogy stops and the requests for donations take over in the article. KFN is mentioned twice. Is that part of the eulogy? They said Cindy wrote this?
The seven sentences she spoke about Caylee were lovely:

On Aug.9, 2005, God blessed this Earth with one of his most beautiful children. Caylee Marie was born at 7:14a.m. in an Orlando hospital. From the moment she was born she forever stole the hearts of her family. Caylee was not only a beautiful baby, but she had a beautiful spirit that will live on in those that truly knew her and loved her.


Caylee's life may have been short-lived on this earth, but her life will not have ended without a purpose. She will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Caylee Marie Anthony now has her angel wings and will be watching over so many other children.,0,6952778.story

I'm still at a complete loss for words. Yes, the 7 sentences were very nice.
That's a very nice memorial. I'm surprised it was released before the service, but she did a nice job. The only thing I noticed was under her list of organizations who have received money because of Caylee, I wish she would have included TES. Many of us donated to Tim because of Caylee. Otherwise it's well done though, IMO.
Honestly, I really didn't expect it. I wanted to be able to say it was beautiful and written from a kinder, loving heart which I may have not seen before during this past few months. When I read it, I was very disappointed. I didn't make my comments to start anything. I am deeply saddened she missed such an opportunity to make it all about Caylee.
The parts of the eulogy specifically about Caylee are lovely.

I am still digesting the part about the Caylee Foundation and I believe I will need an antacid soon. I am very sour on the way the Anthonys jumped right into creating a foundation while they were still professing Caylee was alive, but that's for some other thread that is probably locked and dead now.

Cindy's restraint does deserve some admiration, in regards to the fact that she mentioned Casey only once and in a formal manner only, as a survivor. Casey, the survivor... there is something a little Freudian in that somehow. Anyway, Cindy did show restraint in not bringing up anything to do with Casey being innocent or how she "loved that child" etc. I don't know if that was her intention or her attorney's influence.

Save some for me.
I was right there with them...right up until the the last two paragraphs. That cheapened (is that a word) it for me.

I hear what they are saying about a person like me, I get it. I can tuck my son in. His grandparents will never, ever feel his loss at my hands, and my son will be right where he is supposed to be.

I've never cried, ever in this case. Tonight, I shed my tears for Caylee, only Caylee.
I was going to hold back, but I have one more observation. Where the surviving family is mentioned, she makes no reference to anyone but CA's immediate family, no aunts, uncles...I hope that was simply an oversight and not intentional on CA's part.
Honestly, I really didn't expect it. I wanted to be able to say it was beautiful and written from a kinder, loving heart which I may have not seen before during this past few months. When I read it, I was very disappointed. I didn't make my comments to start anything. I am deeply saddened she missed such an opportunity to make it all about Caylee.

I feel the same.
I was going to hold back, but I have one more observation. Where the surviving family is mentioned, she makes no reference to anyone but CA's immediate family, no aunts, uncles...I hope that was simply an oversight and not intentional on CA's part.
That must be an oversight...:confused:
This has M. Bart written all over it, IMHGO

I'm with you LL. The 7 sentences as SS points outs, are truly 'eulogy' worthy. (and I looked up the definition of eulogy to validate to myself what one actually is.)

I'm not sure where the rest of it goes -- an obit maybe? a website update?
The seven sentences she spoke about Caylee were lovely:

On Aug.9, 2005, God blessed this Earth with one of his most beautiful children. Caylee Marie was born at 7:14a.m. in an Orlando hospital. From the moment she was born she forever stole the hearts of her family. Caylee was not only a beautiful baby, but she had a beautiful spirit that will live on in those that truly knew her and loved her.


Caylee's life may have been short-lived on this earth, but her life will not have ended without a purpose. She will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Caylee Marie Anthony now has her angel wings and will be watching over so many other children.,0,6952778.story

I know I may be nit-picking, but why did CA include the word "truly"? It really leaves me feeling like CA has decided who gets to benefit from Caylee's spirit and who doesn't. I can't explain it -just a strange feeling that I never got from a eulogy/obit before.:confused:
I know I may be nit-picking, but why did CA include the word "truly"? It really leaves me feeling like CA has decided who gets to benefit from Caylee's spirit and who doesn't. I can't explain it -just a strange feeling that I never got from a eulogy/obit before.:confused:

Good question. It was kind of like a career change announcement/obit in one. They are going into the charity business, guess there is no question about it anymore.
I'm with you LL. The 7 sentences as SS points outs, are truly 'eulogy' worthy. (and I looked up the definition of eulogy to validate to myself what one actually is.)

I'm not sure where the rest of it goes -- an obit maybe? a website update?

It reads like an eulogy/obit/advertisement.
I was right there with them...right up until the the last two paragraphs. That cheapened (is that a word) it for me.

*respectfully snipped
I couldn't find the words for what I wanted to say, but yours worked perfectly. That being said, I am relieved that KC's name was only mentioned once, and as another said, it was used formally. The words that were said about Caylee were quite lovely. The last two paragraphs, well, I just don't feel they were necessary.
Kind touching words about Caylee and I am sure they came straight from the heart. However, CA could not check her agenda at the door and must do her best to politely insult the people who scream for justice for this innocent child, alienate people that were part of Caylee's family due to CA's own disgruntled feelings toward them, and most importantly, never forgetting to point people in the direction of the donation plate for KFN, making sure to leave off TES who put so much effort into looking for little Caylee.
I'm with you LL. The 7 sentences as SS points outs, are truly 'eulogy' worthy. (and I looked up the definition of eulogy to validate to myself what one actually is.)

I'm not sure where the rest of it goes -- an obit maybe? a website update?
I looked it up myself since you mentioned it:

Main Entry: eu·lo·gy
Pronunciation: \ˈyü-lə-jē\

1 : a commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased <she delivered the eulogy at his funeral>
2 : high praise

So if you take out the sentence with "the ones who truly knew her and loved her"...we are down to six as this is also a backwards jab. Then when she mentions how Caylee's life "will not have ended without a purpose" (reflecting back to the donations, imo)...we are at five sentences exclusively about Caylee. Out of approximately 450 words: approx. 172 are about donations and approx. 81 about Caylee personally.
Cindy should have gone to a minister or funeral diector for advice on writing this. I really can't decide if it is an obit. or a eulogy.

Cindy "owns" everything. JMHO
I don't even know what to say. I'm speechless for once...and it's not a good thing.
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