CLUES: how to find Susan

I am NOT Search and Rescue; I am the survivor of a violent domestic violence attack 5 years ago [my now ex]. I have stared down the barrel of a loaded gun pointed at my face so not much scares me.

I was in Salt Lake City a week after Susan went missing; we were traveling to South Dakota to visit for the holidays. When I saw the story on the news I was saddened because I knew it wouldn't end well. Over these 2 years, every opportunity I have had, we have gone to SLC. What has happened this past week makes me want to go more. Susan touched my heart; her story and now the story of her sons demand justice. jp can't take the secret of her where-abouts to the grave, he doesn't get to do that! She will be found.

Wow! I am so sorry you had to experience such evil, yourself. It takes a strong individual to use past emotionally and physically terrible events, and turn it into a positive, like helping others who have gone through the same thing.
I applaud your strength and compassion.:hug:
What could have been in just Susans meal and not the others. He would have had to plate the food up and deliver to each person, making certain that Susan had the one that may have rendered her incapcatated. Could vomit have been the stain on the carpet that he was attempting to dry with the two box fans? The stains were reddish if I remember correctly. Could she have been throwing up blood?

In the beginning we began discussing that it was either a drug or poison in her food. josh did make individual plates for each one; it took him over 3 hours to make eggs and pancakes for 5 people. If it were poison, I would think she would have been frothing at the mouth more than vomiting blood. There has never been a definitive answer as to the carpet removed, the stain or anything else. There was a gag order put on this case by the judge in Utah, back in early 2010.
Wow! I am so sorry you had to experience such evil, yourself. It takes a strong individual to use past emotionally and physically terrible events, and turn it into a positive, like helping others who have gone through the same thing.
I applaud your strength and compassion.:hug:

Thank you. It is the right thing to do. I had two very strong grandmothers who were very instrumental in teaching me what is right and what is wrong. It saddens me that Susan didn't get out fast enough and it breaks my heart that her babies are gone. I do believe she is with them now.
In the beginning we began discussing that it was either a drug or poison in her food. josh did make individual plates for each one; it took him over 3 hours to make eggs and pancakes for 5 people. If it were poison, I would think she would have been frothing at the mouth more than vomiting blood. There has never been a definitive answer as to the carpet removed, the stain or anything else. There was a gag order put on this case by the judge in Utah, back in early 2010.

The recent news and lack of letting the Cox's or anyone else know what is going on has had me thinking. (I feel so sorry for them finding things out like we are, via facebook, t.v., and what have you.) If one of them, or friends, is reading, it may be time (as soon as you can bear it) to ask the lawyer to Petition the Court to lift the Gag Order. It may help to have lots of eyes looking at any evidence. We know LE and media read along on the internet, some little hints can help.
I woke up just now, at 4am, because I was thinking/dreaming about mines. We know that jp says one thing and does another; I think he said something about mines to throw people off.


I woke up early this a.m. from a deep sleep by what I thought was someone pounding loudly on a door (only no, that didn't happen), thinking about this case. I also had a dream last night. Thought I'd read here to find out if others here were having similar experiences. However, I know I can't post the dream. Besides it wasn't very specific.

Just a few forensic questions though, that I'm wondering about:

Do some of these mines have wooden platform stairs going down into them? Then, of course, as some of you have mentioned the possibility that a basement could be one scene of a crime. Surely, many basements have wooden stairs and crawl spaces.

Lets say for example that the perp. put a body inside of a wooden crate in order to increase/intensify the heat of burning. Would that be a thought of someone who wanted to get rid of evidence?


can DNA be extracted from scorched hair?

I woke up early this a.m. from a deep sleep by what I thought was someone pounding loudly on a door (only no, that didn't happen), thinking about this case. I also had a dream last night. Thought I'd read here to find out if others here were having similar experiences. However, I know I can't post the dream. Besides it wasn't very specific.

Just a few forensic questions though, that I'm wondering about:

Do some of these mines have wooden platform stairs going down into them? Then, of course, as some of you have mentioned the possibility that a basement could be one scene of a crime. Surely, many basements have wooden stairs and crawl spaces.

Lets say for example that the perp. put a body inside of a wooden crate in order to increase/intensify the heat of burning. Would that be a thought of someone who wanted to get rid of evidence?


can DNA be extracted from scorched hair?

A total of 15 teeth and 19 hair shafts from 20 unrelated individuals
were analyzed in this study. Sequence analysis of mtDNA was
successful for each of the samples. Neither the condition of the
tooth nor type of tooth used (canine, molar, premolar, or incisor)
made a significant difference in the quality of sequence obtained.
Likewise, all of the hair samples, regardless of the environmental
condition, were suitable for analysis. Neither the type of hair tested
(head or pubic) nor the color of hair affected the ability to amplify
or sequence the material. The single exception was an individual
who had bleached blonde hair.
This sample required a larger
aliquot (3 mL of the 30 mL elution) of DNA to be added to the PCR
reaction in order to obtain a signal equivalent to that of other samples
(Lane 4 of Fig. 1).
Sequencing of the hypervariable segments identified unique sequence
variations in each individual. Where both hair and tooth
samples were available, the same sequence variation was detected
in DNA extracted from both sources.
Im still trying to find my post in regards to Idaho, there was a place they liked to go there. I did find this map I had done while going through my post showing a hundred mile radius from Susans home when we were discussing where he may have went intially, anyhow I do notice Idaho shows up in that radius, Im going to keep looking for my post, its driving me crazy....
Im still trying to find my post in regards to Idaho, there was a place they liked to go there. I did find this map I had done while going through my post showing a hundred mile radius from Susans home when we were discussing where he may have went intially, anyhow I do notice Idaho shows up in that radius, Im going to keep looking for my post, its driving me crazy....

Yes, early on, it seems we established that when the grandparents and father took SP, they lived near Spokane. I did some research that showed the specific area was loaded with mines.

Last night I was thinking about the "nearly 24 hours" JP was gone. With about 2 hours to stash a body, that's about a 10-hour drive each way. What others have said here about why he would claim he was driving around WVC CLEARLY this time said to me that he could not come home earlier because he wasn't close enough. Also, that the wind burn on his arms - if it was that - was severe because it was even colder than in Utah.

Although it would have made a lot of sense for him to go west or south, or stick somewhere close, I am returning to the theory that he drove up to the Spokane area, or close, to be met by SP, to hand over Susan at a prearranged spot, somewhere SP could get there first. Or somewhere SP could retrieve her and take her to the burial spot.

I woke up early this a.m. from a deep sleep by what I thought was someone pounding loudly on a door (only no, that didn't happen), thinking about this case. I also had a dream last night. Thought I'd read here to find out if others here were having similar experiences. However, I know I can't post the dream. Besides it wasn't very specific.

Just a few forensic questions though, that I'm wondering about:

Do some of these mines have wooden platform stairs going down into them? Then, of course, as some of you have mentioned the possibility that a basement could be one scene of a crime. Surely, many basements have wooden stairs and crawl spaces.

Lets say for example that the perp. put a body inside of a wooden crate in order to increase/intensify the heat of burning. Would that be a thought of someone who wanted to get rid of evidence?


can DNA be extracted from scorched hair?

BTW, I also had a dream last night about a long wood box. Not a coffin per se but very like one. I guess it's on all our minds.
I would like to see a timeline of FACTS. I would disregard everything JP said and only look at the eye witness accounts and what LE has released.
Has this been done?

Has a profile of JP been done yet?

If JP was really driving around and took 2 - 3 hours to come home the day Susan disappeared, did the cell phone ping on a tower near there?
I would like to see a timeline of FACTS. I would disregard everything JP said and only look at the eye witness accounts and what LE has released.
Has this been done?

Has a profile of JP been done yet?

If JP was really driving around and took 2 - 3 hours to come home the day Susan disappeared, did the cell phone ping on a tower near there?

This has not been released because of the judge's order. The gag order still remains.
I just finished watching last nights Dateline and 20/20 episodes. Dateline had much more info and included old video interviews with JP. In one of them, JP took the boys and Dateline to a water area. I don't know where that is, or if it is an ocean, river, or what have you. Since JP chose that spot, I have to wonder if her remains were not transported there and it was JP's sick joke to have major media filming there. Of course if her bones are there, they could be on the bottom or shifted much further away with tide, and never be located. :(
I would like to see a timeline of FACTS. I would disregard everything JP said and only look at the eye witness accounts and what LE has released.
Has this been done?

Has a profile of JP been done yet?

If JP was really driving around and took 2 - 3 hours to come home the day Susan disappeared, did the cell phone ping on a tower near there?

BBM. Did LE ever get JP's and SP's cell phone records for those days?
I'm going through all the videos I can on youtube of JP, clearly the search in August was a joke to him, so she is not where they were searching then. He's having a hard time keeping that haha grin off his face. So, that is not the place.

[ame=""]Joshua Powell Interview - YouTube[/ame]
I'm going through all the videos I can on youtube of JP, clearly the search in August was a joke to him, so she is not where they were searching then. He's having a hard time keeping that haha grin off his face. So, that is not the place.

Joshua Powell Interview - YouTube

So he's bragging about all the churches giving him support, yet he refused to go to church with his wife and kids?
Thanks, Queen D! I looked up this mining company and found that on/by its grounds is a "Stauffer Chemical Tailings Pond".
This mining company in Vernal, Utah is 3 hr. 27 min. from the Sarah Circle house. Putting a body in a chemical pond could decimate a body, and could make JP's hands irritated/red.

Just a thought.....

When I looked it up, it seems like people fish there- at the very least fish are living there so I wouldn't count on the chemicals being that strong.
So he's bragging about all the churches giving him support, yet he refused to go to church with his wife and kids?

Yes, and with that snickering grin trying to sneak out. I don't think the drama classes taught him anything.
I'm beginning to think that besides SP holding information back, so is sister (A).
I think without accusing her that she holds many answers.
Maybe she does not realize it, but she should cooperate with the LE.
She was living in the same house, heard and saw things.
She was a temporary mother to Susan's sons.
I do think the key will be with (A).
(A) got the money, she has the house and knows now what to do with the 'utilities'.
Also can the disabled brother be manipulated?
Since this is a double (triple) murder investigation and a wierd suicide,
I hope LE can get another search warrant for the whole house!
In regards to burning a body to ashes, I do not think it is possible to do with a regular type of campfire. This article about cremation says that temperatures during cremation reach 2000° Fahrenheit. That reduces the tissue to an ash like consistency, but the bones need to be ground up, which results in something akin to gravel. It also takes 2-3 hours at this temperature.

According to these campfire guidelines "The average campfire can get as hot as 500°C (932°F) in as little as 3 hrs."

Based on that info, I would conclude that a campfire would not be hot enough to burn a body until it was ashes. There would be identifiable bones, which would be charred but still look like human bones.

Warning: graphic description.

In an open wood or charcoal fire, it is unlikely that all the flesh would be burned. Whatever flesh was left would act to protect the bones. The surface of the body would be charred but would still be recognisable as a human or large mammal body.

It would also take an incredible amount of wood or charcoal (way more than one 40 pound bag) to reduce the body to bones. It is possible he used an accelerant but those tend to burn very fast, releasing most of the heat into the atmosphere. They increase surface charring of the corpse but don't significantly damage the bones, unless the perpetrator has a large supply and keeps adding more.

Adding more accelerant to an open fire is tricky. Just pouring it on leads to a high risk of explosion or of the flame igniting the stream of accelerant from where it contacts the fire up to the container. Way safer is to soak something like a burlap bag or cloth tarp and then throw that on the fire but that increases again the amount of equipment that has to be hauled to the fire site.

It makes for a huge fire site, much larger than the size of a human body; say about the size of a human body with a two to three foot margin all the way around it. Such a fire site would be easily visible from the air and would look very different from the usual sort of campfire site.

The burn site would have had to have been located out of easy view of whatever road he used to get there or it would have been found by now.

While burning her body and then transporting the charred remains would help conceal what had happened to her, keep in mind that he would have to wait for the body to cool, which would take several hours even in the winter.

I could be wrong but I'm thinking Josh Powell did not have enough time or equipment to effectively burn her body. He may have made some sort of attempt but I don't think he had long enough to get anywhere close to reducing an adult human body to bones. It would have required hauling hundreds of pounds of firewood or charcoal (not exaggerating) in addition to her body.

Even if he used an accelerant, keep in mind that gasoline weighs around 6 pounds per gallon and it would take many gallons to reduce a human body to bones.

I just don't see him as having the strength or stamina required to haul so much stuff to a burn site. I could be wrong... but really, he looked like a typical desk jockey to me. Relatively young, relatively fit but not having the sheer strength or stamina needed to carry out such a task.

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