CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39

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Even if through further investigation/tips, it is found that Mark had nothing to do with Dylan's disappearance, the damage this man has done to his children and ex-wives and other family members is displorable and totally uncalled for.

But it seems, Mark is just being Mark....this behavior didn't develop since Thanksgiving 2012.
Yeah, if everything said about him is true, but that's different than murder or kidnapping. Might still be bad, but different....

ETA: Don't think I like Mark's actions, I don't. Just not willing to convict him of murder with what evidence is available
EATA: I do think he had something to do with the disappearance. I feel in my bones he is leaving important information out. IMO.
Which leads me to wonder still why he even went on the show. He was already hated on a smaller scale, why go on a national show and make sure that everyone hates him and he can't even step outside his door?? Makes zero sense to me why he did this. Unless, unless he really loves and cares about his son and wants to know where he is and is willing to be put through this to get the word out. Why else would he put himself through this??? He had to do it for Dylan. IMO

I am not necessarily implying that it's the case with Mark, but an individual who feels that they can get away with anything, talk their way out of any given situation, and/or believes they are smarter than everyone else would have no problem going on such a show. Such a person is oftentimes referred to as having a narcissistic sociopathic disorder. Again, I am not implying such is the case with Mark. I am just explaing how the scenario you describe could possibly occur.
A lot of questions regarding WHY MR would even appear on the Dr. Phil show.
Just my opinion, but it ties into the spousal revenge theory that I believe is the most likely motive surrounding this case. And when I consider that, I have to say I believe MR would DO ANYTHING to see Elaine, be with Elaine, talk to Elaine. I believe this is what he has wanted since day ONE and if it took an appearance on the Dr. Phil show, he didn't care. That has been what I see as his number one motivation. He cannot let go of that woman and because he cannot have her, he will do whatever it takes to force her to acknowledge him. JMO
I have a question!

In that preview when they are going to do that poly.

I dont think they would do the poly right after the show with everyone yelling and screaming at him so my guess is they came and woke him up later that night or the next morning.


MR probably just turned up in his "street clothes". I wouldn't be surprised if his suit was provided by the show's wardrobe department, plus all guests would get a fair bit of attention from hair and makeup. I have seen very few episodes of Dr Phil, but guests seem to look freshly gussied up and coiffed IMO. I know most people would try to look their best for tv, but I'm sure the studio polishes people up even further.
Parents are usually discouraged from any organized searches. At least they have been with any of the searches in my area. I can think of dozens of reasons why (too emotional; if guilty, messing up evidence; too stressful; not wanting any evidence found considered contaminated-what parent wouldn't run and grab something they knew belonged to their child, etc) I give him a pass for the searches, not for the gatherings, though.

A lot of questions regarding WHY MR would even appear on the Dr. Phil show.
Just my opinion, but it ties into the spousal revenge theory that I believe is the most likely motive surrounding this case. And when I consider that, I have to say I believe MR would DO ANYTHING to see Eileen, be with Eileen, talk to Eileen. I believe this is what he has wanted since day ONE and if it took an appearance on the Dr. Phil show, he didn't care. That has been what I see as his number one motivation. He cannot let go of that woman and because he cannot have her, he will do whatever it takes to force her to acknowledge him. JMO

MR probably just turned up in his "street clothes". I wouldn't be surprised if his suit was provided by the show's wardrobe department, plus all guests would get a fair bit of attention from hair and makeup. I have seen very few episodes of Dr Phil, but guests seem to look freshly gussied up and coiffed IMO. I know most people would try to look their best for tv, but I'm sure the studio polishes people up even further.

I think thats probably what happend!
He did look good tho till part 2!

Ahhh hahahahaha! I do that sometimes without even thinking! It must be seeing your name all the time, LOL.

Mea Culpa! :truce:

ETA: I fixed it!
I don't either. I'm thinking that's what the waterworks were about, maybe
even a little hyperventilating. Oh boy !

I didn't see any just appears he's trying to conjure up some but couldn't.
A lot of questions regarding WHY MR would even appear on the Dr. Phil show.
Just my opinion, but it ties into the spousal revenge theory that I believe is the most likely motive surrounding this case. And when I consider that, I have to say I believe MR would DO ANYTHING to see Elaine, be with Elaine, talk to Elaine. I believe this is what he has wanted since day ONE and if it took an appearance on the Dr. Phil show, he didn't care. That has been what I see as his number one motivation. He cannot let go of that woman and because he cannot have her, he will do whatever it takes to force her to acknowledge him. JMO

BBM, if that's the case, why has he been ignoring her texts and calls? Do we know who initiated the divorce? I don't get all the comments that he's obsessed with her. I get the spousal revenge thing, but they've been divorced for many years and from what I understand she's been back with MH for several years. Why would it all come to a head now? Because she moved to CS? Wasn't that this past summer? Hasn't he had a couple of visits with Dylan since then, even a cross country vacation? I just don't get it. MOO




I completely agree with you. Disturbing, weird, extremely immature - I was going to say reminds me of high school but it's more like Jr. High. It makes me sad because I know ALL of us want Dylan home. Ugh there's more I want to say but don't want to get into TOS violations. To answer your question, no, I haven't seen it hysterical at this level in any of the other cases I've followed. Doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but I haven't run across it.

While following baby lisa's case in the early weeks, I visited the fb pages and dozens popped up for every player and they were a circus, an absolute circus. So I don't post on any of them, even though sometimes it's tempting. But these fb pages are way calmer than the baby lisa ones were. It's almost imaginary. They're all run by adults.. that's the silly thing.
Hi everyone.. Was there a search today or was the weather just to bad? I hope everyone is well.
<Mod Snip>
He's doing fine. He's cooperated fully with LE, he's opened up his home to the media, he's now attended a national media event with a combative and accusatory ex-wife and son, and he's denied any participation into the disappearance of Dylan with no evidence that suggests otherwise.

He is a victim until evidence, rather than baseless speculation, proves otherwise.
Haleigh Cummings definitely deserves a spot, also Victoria Stafford IMO. Missing children's cases rank up there with religion & politics (sad but true); must be an emotions factor. I have certainly seen worse FB groups by FAR then we have seen in Dylan's case (they are actually tame). I like it here because, I like to discuss the facts, thoughts, & to have that venue of people who are also interested in a case.

Oh, thanks! I forgot about poor little Miss Haleigh. :please:
And I didn't follow the VS case, but I'll take your word for it! :great:

My only point was this is NOT uncommon behavior. It is human nature and to be expected.
Yet, you are comfortable throwing out unkind adjectives and showing little - if any - empathy for folks (missing child's mother and brother) who are WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT victims in this situation. I suppose your point is that the individual who actually was responsible for the minor's wellbeing @ the time of the disappearance in question deserves more leeway than others involved in this tragic situation.

Courtrooms are full of people who consider a perp's rights before the victim's rights. Grrr....:furious:
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