CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #6

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Be thankful! I went 3 years without socks because my kid kept stealing them. He changes and showers way too much! I'm so happy my socks no longer fit him:)

One of my sons wouldn't even take out the trash unless he'd had a shower and every hair was in place because, "You never know who might go by!" The other one was kind of like, "I take a shower every other Saturday, whether I need it or not!"
If you are referring to the sonar search of the lake, the dive captain called the search off and said the dogs were wrong.

BBM This bugs me … what if the dogs were not wrong?
I think it is a mistake to not continue the water searches and land searches. :furious:
Maybe the reporting wasn't accurate, but I know at least one article I read said they had searched Mark's home previously, just not as thoroughly as this last one with the SW. I'm guessing that they needed to meet a certain threshold of info/evidence to obtain a SW and that's why a more thorough search of the home wasn't done previously. Moo

"The Sheriff's Office is not calling Mark Redwine a suspect," said Bender, "However, since that house was the last place Dylan was seen, it is only prudent to do a more thorough search of that house and property for any information that can help direct us to Dylan."

Bender told the Herald that Mark Redwine has allowed investigators to look through his house on previous occasions.

“But the meticulous nature of the search today required a search warrant,” Bender said.

Mark Redwine also agreed to give an official interview to the task force for the case – made up of agents from the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office, Durango Police Department, Bayfield Marshal’s Office, FBI and Colorado Bureau of Investigation – after investigators asked if he would be willing to do an in-depth interview, said Lt. Ray Shupe, spokesman for the task force.

Redwine has given several cursory interviews in the past, but this was the first in-depth interview he has given, Shupe said.

So authorities have looked through the house multiple times, and interviewed Mark multiple times.
Was Dylan's bed made up...or unmade?
Was there trash in the trash can that would be consistent with something Dylan ate or drank that night at the house?

IIRC, Dylan slept on the couch in the living room.
OT--Wish list: Sort button for posts that are the same thing, same questions, and same answers. Over and over again. They could be grouped under a heading and all we would have to do is go to that heading and woop there it is.

Just voicing my frustration and in no way trying to be rude. jmo

Do we know if Dylan was wearing socks? Heck I can not get my kids to wear socks even in below freezing weather! We have the ever famous sock battle at my house. me - Oh my gawd, I can't believe you are not wearing socks, again.:what:

He might have gone to bed in his socks and got up and just put his shoes on. Another one of these things we don't know.
If LE had immediately swarmed in on dad's house with the CSI vans and search dogs, some people would have really been upset because dad reported HIS son MISSING; a lot on here, I bet!!

he said he probably had a fishing pole with didn't understand WHY LE took so long to look at the lake because he said something about that initially....LE has "looked" everywhere dad said...well that didn't find LE is back at Point A

Dad appears to have been giving LE the run around and sending them on wild goose chases...MOO

How many missing children's parent's home are thoroughly searched immediately with crime scene tape around them???
Elizabeth and Lyric's, if I remember correctly.
Greetings all,
I'm a long time Websleuths lover, but infrequent poster!
I've read every bit of Dylan's threads and was completely stumped....UNTIL....I must have missed the fact that MR didn't go to Dylan's friends' house to look for him until 4:45. Sorry, but that's NONSENSE. Total nonsense. Your son is visiting you, he's gone missing without leaving a note or calling, and you wait about FOUR hours before starting to ask around with the ONLY other people he had plans to visit with?!?!!? He's THIRTEEN for God's sake! He's not, like, 17 or 18 years old!!!
Nope, sorry, that's it for me in that department.
I don't understand, either, why MR drove to the friends' house instead of calling them on his landline. Even if there's a toll charge, it's cheaper than gas, and this is his son whom he was supposedly worried about. Wouldn't he want to stay at the house and call around in case Dylan showed up????
BBM This bugs me … what if the dogs were not wrong?
I think it is a mistake to not continue the water searches and land searches. :furious:

I agree and there was quite a bit of discussion about it when it happened. I believe the original divers were local and then they brought in a team from New Mexico. These are the ones who just packed up and left and I don't believe they were even there and entire afternoon. jmo
I know! Right! I've never seen anything like it.

Beyond Bizarre

Well, ER did accuse MR of doing something to Dylan, and if she wholeheartedly believes he did, could account for her use of past tense. IMO
IIRC, Dylan slept on the couch in the living room.


IMO That...oh my gosh....I'm going to wait for confirmation before I go off on that! If true, my hair is gonna burst into flames
Greetings all,
I'm a long time Websleuths lover, but infrequent poster!
I've read every bit of Dylan's threads and was completely stumped....UNTIL....I must have missed the fact that MR didn't go to Dylan's friends' house to look for him until 4:45. Sorry, but that's NONSENSE. Total nonsense. Your son is visiting you, he's gone missing without leaving a note or calling, and you wait about FOUR hours before starting to ask around with the ONLY other people he had plans to visit with?!?!!? He's THIRTEEN for God's sake! He's not, like, 17 or 18 years old!!!
Nope, sorry, that's it for me in that department.

Yes, this has been a sticking point for me also! Hello everyone..I am an avid lurker. Havent posted in awhile. I am hoping they find this boy just hidden somewhere. Wouldn't that be nice for a change?
I agree and there was quite a bit of discussion about it when it happened. I believe the original divers were local and then they brought in a team from New Mexico. These are the ones who just packed up and left and I don't believe they were even there and entire afternoon. jmo

Because of the depth of the water (and possibly some other condition), they were only allowed to dive for about 30 minutes a day. They were there at least twice, and maybe 3 days, but that's still not a lot of time. They were using the sonar too, and I think they were basing it more on that. MOO
I haven't heard that Dylan slept on the sofa and would love to see that info confirmed.

I kept seeing everyone referring to sheets and Dylan's scent.....but...there were no sheets?
And I absolutely 100% agree with Mr. Redwine on this point. In fact when we found out they just searched Thursday many posters couldnt understand what took them so long especially with the CBI and FBI involved early on. It still makes no sense that they waited over a week to do this.

They should have done this immediately. In fact in cases like this where the child goes missing from any location it is searched with an obtained SW right away. We usually see LE arrive on the scene and start putting up crime tape around the property to keep the looky loos and the media off of the property and then they will wait outside until one of the lead detectives goes to a Judge to get him to sign off on the SW.

Now they waited over a week to do so. This should have been done the very day he went missing. I dont have a clue why they waited so long and it seems neither does Mr. Redwine.

I saw no anomosity that he had for LE whatsoever. He said he understands they have to look at him and his home since he was the last to see his son.


I disagree. The first two days he ewas missing they had all hands on deck for their SEARCH for a missing child. They were coordinating search and rescue efforts in the woods and abandoned outbuildings and at the dam, where dad himself insinuated the boy might be, with his missing fishing pole. There were searchers in the woods ALL night both Monday and Tuesday, and 200 people searched the surrounding neighborhoods, and local parks.

How would it have looked to amass their forces at Dad's cabin while Dylan might be out in the woods in a ditch or stuck in a ravine? They took dad at his word that Dylan went off fishing by himself. So why would they put all of their resources into searching his property?

Besides, they DID search it the first day or so. They said they looked in all of the rooms and the basement, looking for Dylan and his cell phone. So they did do a search. And obviously they kept their eyes peeled for a crime scene or anything obvious.

But I find dad's constant criticism of LE kind of insulting, given the irresponsible parenting on his part, imo. He leaves the kid alone, NEVER checks in on him, then when he does return, he does not check into why he is not there. He assumes he somehow got a ride somewhere, with no double checking at all.
Eventually, 5 hrs later, he does go see if he is at his friends. And he has the nerve to criticize LE for not finding his own son sooner?

Mark Redwine said Sunday that he hadn't been able to find the boy's fishing rod.

"I question why it has taken this long to start scouring the lake because from Day One they have known it is likely he had a fishing pole with him," Redwine, 52, said. Information he received from the boy's friends suggests that Dylan was hitchhiking when he disappeared, Redwine said.

"It sounds to me like he's not even in the area," he said.

I just don't know what to think.

Hitchhiking with a fishing pole!
I dont know!
He would have surely been noticed.
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