Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #27 **ARREST**

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I think the point is, he was married to Tee's friend. She had an affair with her friend's husband.

Not saying he wasn't equally to blame. I would be very upset if my husband had an affair. But doubly so if it was with a friend of mine. Just sayin....

Agree ! Just pointing out “stealing” when used on an adult male sounds so he had no choice in the matter, best friend or not.
“Hide yo man there’s been some thieving going around here!” Blamey on women while men get a pass is a little too old school thinking for me and I’m past 60
I don't care one lick what she looks like. It's her inner ugliness that bothers me.
same as that Flossy, same as that.
I'd have a shot at walking in the shoes of almost any killer or terrorist group in an effort to understand their thought processes but not this one.
This one is a step too far.
Something strong pushes me back.
A bridge too far...
I realize I had to step away from this for some time today.

And I realize I am 25 pages behind on this thread. And I'm sure most if not all of you have cried, poured your hearts out and sleuthined incredible information about TS.

I haven't read everything yet. However, I believe many of you have expressed anger like I have and many have helped others to see they need to forgive.

Altho I agree with the last part. We also need the dignity to be allowed to know and feel it is so to be angry.

There is a time to forgive. Right now, though, it may be too early, too soon for some of us to forgive.

Allow us to be angry. Allow us to feel grief.

We take these children as our own. They become apart our lives. Then we find out in the end their lives have been beaten out of them and left somewhere cold and lonely......

Some feel not forgiving is unrighteous. On the other hand, simply bottling up one’s anger and pretending it is not there may not be righteous either.

Remember, Paul counseled: “Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state.” (Ephesians 4:26)
There are scriptural ways to express anger, such as ‘having your say in your heart,’ talking out your feelings with a mature confidant, or even calmly confronting a wrongdoer.—Psalm 4:4; Proverbs 15:22; Matthew 5:23, 24; James 5:14.

My point is....allow us to grieve and have righteous anger.......
Thank you for this
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But fingerprints are required. And to get a license, copies of transcripts, and those likely contained different names (esp her undergrad one.) I was surprised she was licensed by two states but upon reflection, I'm not.

If what I'm looking at now is correct re: her criminal record, it's pretty minor. Gannon Stauch stepmom previously arrested for battery, domestic abuse and theft

Ignoring the headline, it sounds like her only conviction as an adult was for stealing a car. That was a felony but somehow it was reduced to a misdemeanor. (?) A bunch of other charges were dropped. Some traffic charges were paid with fines in Virginia. And it looks like the most recent stuff--the DV charge-- was dropped too.

I don't think for a teaching license charges without convictions would be a problem. And really, they shouldn't be. There are bad apples who might pursue bogus charges and besides, "innocent until proven guilty" would be the rule vs "where there's smoke there's fire." Especially since none of the charges related to children. JMO

NCWatcher, I am little confused,as not living in America but due Gammon's Dad and Mum's employment there would have been a security check on family and partners.
Unless TS lied about her criminal record which is possible. IMOO
I have a family friend much older than me who lived a rather interesting life in the eighties she met her husband who was in Army Reserves in Australia, he had just accepted his promotion while they were about to marry when he was informed a) he was to break off his relationship with her or b) resign from the Army. What happened was over twenty years earlier she and a group of friends went back packing around the world, which they went in and out of Eastern Block Countries, some how she was never questioned about but placed on the watch list. Any way they were in America,where they lost money, broke and needed money to get to New York,they were offered employment. As my friend put it it did not matter the people and their family/friends were anti government in New Orleans( she called it the Red Quarters, I think it was a nickname ), but they offered safety, shelter, food for her group they worked there for some time before resuming travel to New York.
Last year her visa to America was declined due to her past.
Stealing a car,even in Australia people would not be employed as teachers even if charges did not go to court. I had a security check only ten years ago as I worked in a up market hotel it was at the time run by American Hotel Chain. They ask "Have you been arrested/charged by police even if it did not go to court". I had to go my boss and tell that I was fined for Jaywalking, Perth, Western Australia back in the 80's, he checked, sure enough it came up on my Police Check.... (slight Blush) I was running late where I had go, also wearing Head Phones( I blame the volume of David Bowie Music ) I did not hear him calling me to stop....... so three officers went into pursuit ........
I was informed if I had not admitted it my employment would have been under question.

I wonder how did the Step mother stay under the radar?
Yesterday was hard. Very hard. But, this morning I woke with a sense of peace. That sweet boy is not hurting, he is not sad, he has no worries. He is at peace. He is in a far better place. Let's all take a minute to be thankful that he is far away from this cruel world that we are living in. Rest In Paradise Sweet Gannon!

But fingerprints are required. And to get a license, copies of transcripts, and those likely contained different names (esp her undergrad one.) I was surprised she was licensed by two states but upon reflection, I'm not.

If what I'm looking at now is correct re: her criminal record, it's pretty minor. Gannon Stauch stepmom previously arrested for battery, domestic abuse and theft

Ignoring the headline, it sounds like her only conviction as an adult was for stealing a car. That was a felony but somehow it was reduced to a misdemeanor. (?) A bunch of other charges were dropped. Some traffic charges were paid with fines in Virginia. And it looks like the most recent stuff--the DV charge-- was dropped too.

I don't think for a teaching license charges without convictions would be a problem. And really, they shouldn't be. There are bad apples who might pursue bogus charges and besides, "innocent until proven guilty" would be the rule vs "where there's smoke there's fire." Especially since none of the charges related to children. JMO
I don't know about other states, but when I received my teachers certification I was not fingerprinted and was not required to have any background checks. I just needed the appropriate degrees, completion of student teaching, and a child abuse course required by the state.

It was only when I applied to schools that I needed to be fingerprinted and had to pay for an FBI and criminal background check. I'm not sure what year they started doing this but the first time I had one was around 2003. You need to do it for each school district and state and I think it's only good for a year. So if you still aren't teaching after a year I'm pretty sure you have to get another one before you get hired.

I'm not sure how she was able to get around this, but maybe the name change had something to do with it. Or maybe since she wasn't convicted with a felony she was able to explain away the charges. I don't know because I have never been charged with a misdemeanor so I don't know how a school board would handle that. Maybe it's up to the individual district.

This thread is a lot more interesting now that the actual case is being discussed rather than how bad LS looks in her mugshot. I understand that emotions are running high, but yesterday was like watching a bunch of 15 year old girls at a sleepover bitching about a girl they knew who wasn't there. People seemed to be making out that her guilt was confirmed by how unattractive she looked. Some seemed almost beside themselves with delight, at her physical appearance.

Ted Bundy looked a million dollars in his mugshot and in just about every photo you can find of him. I would go as far as saying that the worst photo you can find of him before his final conviction was more flattering than the best photo most Websleuths members could find of themselves. Bundy turned out to be among the most vicious, remorseless, narcissistic and manipulative serial killers in American history. He confessed to 30 homicides, yet that number was dwarfed by the number of amorous women who sent him letters in jail.

'How could someone who looks so handsome/pretty really be that bad deep down?' seems to be the question they must have been asking themselves. By the same token, 'How can a woman who looks so awful be anything other than a monster?' was the one that appeared to be being posed, yesterday when the mugshot was released and the mob found its voice.

I am glad TS is finally in custody, but some people really need to grow up.

I understand what you are saying.

But to some extent, it's "natural." A famous social psychology study back in the 1970s by Dion, Berscheid & Walster found we do assume (often wrongly) attractive people have positive personality traits and (often wrongly) assume the reverse is true for less attractive people. The title of the paper was "What is beautiful is good." It's amazing how often we employ those stereotypic ideas in real life. JMO
We simply must help her to find her child.
She gave him to us,to all who care about him.
Even if only a single bone of his body can be located, she needs that.
He is off some track off the route she traveled.
There's only so many tracks, they're not infinite.
Some will lead to water, some will lead to heights.
She took the truck for a reason.
The reason may be terrain.
I know the entire FBI and LE and everybody is on it, but the more heads the better.
Maybe a local person knows of a hole or something that is not easily recognized from whatever geographical maps exist..
Gannon is out there.
Please #FindGannon

Amen, Kittythehare
Never give up until Gammon is found.
How she returned to South Carolina would tell me a lot. If she returned alone by car, did she pick him up from where she left him and disposed of him somewhere between Colorado Springs and Myrtle Beach? Or did she fly back or did someone come pick her up?
Wondering also, her leased car/suv had too many miles on it she’d have to pay for according to her rental car excuse? Did she leave it in Colorado?
I do not believe in God. But I do appreciate how it helps people who do during times like these. Gannon's mother discussing her beliefs was beautiful to me as it showed how it gave her strength in the worse possible circumstances.

As for forgiveness, I don't know how to do it myself. I have been abused by people who deny it and will never take responsibility. I don't know how you do it when the other person will never show remorse. I look at LS and just know that she doesn't deserve it. Anyone who can try and find forgiveness in their heart for this is better than me.
I can't speak for others but i certainly don't judge or assume people are good and bad based on physical appearance, Actions speak louder than words, and actions over time speak louder, You can meet the nicest person in the world on a bad day and get the wrong impression. It takes time to get to know anybody and some cases we have seen even people who you thought you knew turn out to have a side you would never have imagined possible.
NCWatcher, I am little confused,as not living in America but due Gammon's Dad and Mum's employment there would have been a security check on family and partners.
Unless TS lied about her criminal record which is possible. IMOO

I wonder how did the Step mother stay under the radar?

>>>Snipped by me<<<

I'm sorry, I can't answer that in terms of the military.

I can understand why she could get a teaching license though. One conviction as an adult (with proper remorse shown in likely required statement of explanation to the licensure board) would not have barred her from getting a license. Many of the reported arrests never resulted in convictions.

I hope someone else can weigh in on military stuff. It's a good question.
The arrest warrant was signed by the judge after 5 p.m. on Friday, February 28th. So at that point, the investigators knew he was dead. Date of all 4 charge offenses are listed as 1/27/20 (including tampering with a corpse).

She didn't rent the car until the morning of the 28th of January.

I wonder if she really rented the car to flee the area (guilt of conscious) sort of thing.
I wondered if she rented the car because there was evidence in the truck and she was having it thoroughly cleaned or detailed somewhere. Jmo
I'm not sure how she was able to get around this, but maybe the name change had something to do with it. Or maybe since she wasn't convicted with a felony she was able to explain away the charges. I don't know because I have never been charged with a misdemeanor so I don't know how a school board would handle that. Maybe it's up to the individual district.


I would think that there would be a check run on her social insurance/security number, so a name change wouldn't create a problem. I would not even be able to teach Sunday School with a history that she had. I'm in Canada, so my situation isn't comparable, I suppose. How on earth did she slip through the checks?
When I first saw the video interview of LS from the back, she so reminded me of Diane Downs. Diane shot her own children in her car in 1983, claiming some unknown guy did it and she was only shot in the arm -not life-threatening. When someone remarked that she was lucky, she said (paraphrasing) "I don't feel lucky; I haven't been able to tie my own shoes for a month!" I remember reading that and anticipating before reading the second part of the statement, that she would answer, 'I don't feel lucky; two of my children are dead and one clings to life.' I had Deja Vu when LS said, (again, paraphrasing) "I can't wait for Gannon to come back home and everyone can apologize to me." and I was expecting: "I can't wait for Gannon to come back so I can tell him how much I love him, missed him, etc." I continue to be shocked at the total self-absorption of her statements.
This is going to be a brutal case to follow. I am convinced that she blamed poor Gannon for many things and as is common with child abuse, I'm so afraid that he died thinking he was bad and brought the punishment on himself. I know he is free now, but it is extremely painful to imagine his last minutes on earth and it angers me to no end that some narcissistic fool did this for no other reason than to protect her own fragile ego.
NCWatcher, I am little confused,as not living in America but due Gammon's Dad and Mum's employment there would have been a security check on family and partners.
Unless TS lied about her criminal record which is possible. IMOO
I have a family friend much older than me who lived a rather interesting life in the eighties she met her husband who was in Army Reserves in Australia, he had just accepted his promotion while they were about to marry when he was informed a) he was to break off his relationship with her or b) resign from the Army. What happened was over twenty years earlier she and a group of friends went back packing around the world, which they went in and out of Eastern Block Countries, some how she was never questioned about but placed on the watch list. Any way they were in America,where they lost money, broke and needed money to get to New York,they were offered employment. As my friend put it it did not matter the people and their family/friends were anti government in New Orleans( she called it the Red Quarters, I think it was a nickname ), but they offered safety, shelter, food for her group they worked there for some time before resuming travel to New York.
Last year her visa to America was declined due to her past.
Stealing a car,even in Australia people would not be employed as teachers even if charges did not go to court. I had a security check only ten years ago as I worked in a up market hotel it was at the time run by American Hotel Chain. They ask "Have you been arrested/charged by police even if it did not go to court". I had to go my boss and tell that I was fined for Jaywalking, Perth, Western Australia back in the 80's, he checked, sure enough it came up on my Police Check.... (slight Blush) I was running late where I had go, also wearing Head Phones( I blame the volume of David Bowie Music ) I did not hear him calling me to stop....... so three officers went into pursuit ........
I was informed if I had not admitted it my employment would have been under question.

I wonder how did the Step mother stay under the radar?
That was a jay race! Well done you!
It's the weirdest thing that all charges against her were either dismissed or made to vanish and details cannot be accessed... something funny about it, for sure
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