Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #17

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I remember now, someone posted ~they believed that individual could be involved.
Still thinking about it, I do not recall anyone saying they did not believe that individual, just that he ~might be involved. To not believe him would have to include he was asked if he was involved and he replied "No." I recall no such question posed (as reported either by LE or MSM).
Does anyone recall why no reward has been offered in this case? Personally, I think a reward would just muddy up things as it appears tips are rolling in without one. I am just curious if LE has addressed the absence of one somewhere
that I may have missed.

Reporters posed that question before. This is what a reporter posted on Twitter about it. I can link you to the video where they took that snippet from.

"I asked if there was a particular reason they aren’t offering a reward for tips - and Kirby said “That’s really out of my area of expertise. I’m not sure how how that whole reward system works... who puts up the money for them... how it’s paid out.. I don’t know enough (cont.)" " Amber Jo Cooper on Twitter

Here's a link KKTV's livestream with Jacqueline Kirby. She talks about the reward thing at 7:19. Search for Gannon Day 17
The only problems we have heard about was from some neighbors who said there was a lot of conflict between TS and Gannon's mom. Nothing was said about the days or weeks before Gannon disappeared, though. Imo
I can believe that! It seems TS has knives out for LH and the rivalry has been YEARS in the making. Probably goes both ways, and neither one is an angel in the history of their relationship. But I sure know which one I’d like to hug right now! And the other one? Well, let’s just say I’d like to see her get a new set of steel bracelets...
I've been following since the beginning but never chimed in as I have had nothing to add. But that post is very I second the "What??"

Haha IMO i think the OP is saying, in a rather unique and creative way that he/she believes that she who shall remain nameless, is guilty and that unfortunately, until the snow melts - we will have no answers...
IMO LS from an "armchair" perspective as I have not examined her in my office --has personality characteristics which I find quite interesting and
in some ways (JMO/MOO/SMO) may share attributes with people I have I recently come in contact with in my life....Here, there, and yonder. JMO/SMO/MOO.


I didn't see your first post...sorry the second was deleted without meaningful discussion, at least with you. As to this post isn't it creepy to realize...that we know people who share the attributes.

This whole incident with TS led me to rethink some personalities I have dealt with in my life, I honestly think at least one now would be capable of serious violence. They caused major chaos behind the scenes where I worked, that information only came to light via an accidental uncovering of information by a stranger.

ETA (I did read your second post, had a similar experience happen early on, it was disappointing)Not disappointing that the post was deleted, that was no big deal, the unnecessary snarky verbiage as to the reason why took me aback.
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Stepmom brought it up in her latest statement. It’s completely bizarre, and just has to be an effort to explain away blood evidence found by CSI personnel.

This is what she said:

I feel the need to fill in some gaps. Now let me stress this, POLICE have known this since the first interview.

Saturday Night, G was helping me unload in the garage and cut his foot because there are a lot of tools because Albert does woodworking.

He sat on the edge of the car and we bandaged it up. He was good to go. He always loves helping his dad in the garage build things like his LEGO tables and the flower pot they built for me as a gift.

ETA: I just noticed she said “first interview,” which implies multiple interviews with law enforcement.

Yeah but @MassGuy? Doncha think this is TMI?

Not that strange, actually. if you use street view on Google Earth you can see that this occurs with many of the houses on Mandan Drive. That's because the houses are not completely uniform in shape or design. Some (the multi storey houses) have the front of the house much closer to the kerb. Some have an L shape to the front of the house with the porch side being further back, and the garage side further forward. Hence the discrepancy and overlap of the positioning of the gates and fencelines between properties. As mentioned up thread, it's likely the properties were built at different times as well.

What seems strange about Stauch front fence is that it appears to be angled forward-- in other words, it looks like it is not at a 90° to the house. Maybe that's an illusion? It also looks like the house itself is the same distance from the curb as the house on the left in the picture recently provided on WS.

But I do agree houses are often "staggered." If two similar houses are built next to each other, staggering can prevent windows and porches in the two houses from lining up exactly with each other (which could compromise privacy.)
RD made a point of mentioning how well his camera could pick up sound, which AFAIK there have been no videos leaked of the video with audio. The audio could be very telling. I I wonder it was able pick up any conversation between Gannon and TS as she was helping him the car. Or anything else that may have occurred in that area the night before or later Monday.
Not that strange, actually. if you use street view on Google Earth you can see that this occurs with many of the houses on Mandan Drive. That's because the houses are not completely uniform in shape or design. Some (the multi storey houses) have the front of the house much closer to the kerb. Some have an L shape to the front of the house with the porch side being further back, and the garage side further forward. Hence the discrepancy and overlap of the positioning of the gates and fencelines between properties. As mentioned up thread, it's likely the properties were built at different times as well.
On Google Maps that neighborhood didn't exist in 2017, so all the houses are about 2 years old. The double fence seems unusual. Maybe that's how they do it now.
I can believe that! It seems TS has knives out for LH and the rivalry has been YEARS in the making. Probably goes both ways, and neither one is an angel in the history of their relationship. But I sure know which one I’d like to hug right now! And the other one? Well, let’s just say I’d like to see her get a new set of steel bracelets...
It’s truly disgusting. During her interview she was more focused on throwing shade at LH, than with trying to get the word out about Gannon.

A boy is missing, his life is on the line, and there she is attacking her enemies.

In her statement, she even may have gone as far as to blame LH for having some involvement here. We know she’s done this before, courtesy of those Board of Education documents.

She has no shame.
That is such a strange fence set up! Can't say I have ever seen that before. Are all the fences in the neighborhood, or on that street, like this one?

Not all, but definitely quite a few. You can probably see for yourself even on Google maps. But it has to be street view. Because for some reason the overhead satellite map has not been updated since before the Lorson Ranch development was built there. Just empty land and dirt roads a few years back.
RD made a point of mentioning how well his camera could pick up sound, which AFAIK there have been no videos leaked of the video with audio. The audio could be very telling. I I wonder it was able pick up any conversation between Gannon and TS as she was helping him the car. Or anything else that may have occurred in that area the night before or later Monday.
Yeah, that audio has the potential to be very important.

It could end any doubt that Gannon never returned (door closing), not that I believe law enforcement has any doubt about that.

It also may have picked up audio from what happened on Sunday night, as I wouldn’t be surprised if it captured an argument.
That is such a strange fence set up! Can't say I have ever seen that before. Are all the fences in the neighborhood, or on that street, like this one?
The fence design may have something to do with it. Post-and-slat presents a clean look (vertical slats) on only one side, posts on the other. You have to double them, side by side, to present a clean, finished appearance to both.
Yeah but @MassGuy? Doncha think this is TMI?

Of course it is, there’s way too much information there.

When people tell the truth, they tend to be direct. SM exhibits that pattern here, both in that statement and in her interview. True statements are short and sweet, while lies contain extraneous information.

She’s selling, and I ain’t buying.
I feel the opposite. I think they have exhausted all their leads and are drawing a blank. I watched Landen pleading for help and information and she sounded like she knew this was all going to come to nothing, and was begging people not to forget about him.
I feel so bad for Landen too.
But I saw her interview as just the opposite of your point of view.
I saw a grieving, heartbroken mother who is very aware that he isn’t coming home and that LE will soon be making an arrest but she wants to wake up and find it’s all been a bad dream, a nightmare, and she can hold him once again. She is distraught and heartbroken. And she knows TS very well.
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