Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered*

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Has it been stated when the father left for military duty? iirc He flew back from OK.
<modsnip: broken quotes>

So we know Gannon was at school on Friday.

Saturday? Where, and what, did he do Saturday? Weekend sports teams, swimming lessons, tutor, hang out with friends? Who saw him on Saturday? How was he? Everything OK? Talk to Dad on the phone, play video games? What happened on Saturday?

Sunday - Only persons to see Gannon are step mom and sister (step?/half). They went on a hike. Where? What time? How did they get to the hiking spot? Anyone see them hiking? Anyone see them leave the house? CCTV comings and goings?

Monday - Gannon home sick. Sick with what? Step mom home with Gannon. Gannon asks to go play with a friend and step mom says OK. Off he goes (or so we are told) however, CCTV doesn't pick Gannon up leaving the house.

Based on information we have received from LE it appears that the last independent confirmed siting of Gannon was at school on Friday. Past Friday, the only persons to see him were his step mom and sister. It appears that no one has seen Gannon since Friday outside of his immediate family (that we know of).

I'd like to know if he texted anyone, talked to anyone between Friday after school and Monday just prior to him reportedly leaving the house. Is it common for him to text friends etc. or call up buddies? Does he normally play with other kids? Is him not being around different or is this normal?

Not a good scenario shaping up here.

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Oh they absolutely should get rid of that policy. I think 10 is wayyyy to young to be considered a runaway. How many cases have we seen that a 10/11 year runs away and actually STAYS away. Teens, yeah I get it, but 11 years old is still a child!
That’s just initially. I’m sure when he didn’t show up by the following morning, things really got moving.

It appears that although law enforcement categorized this as a runaway, their behavior never aligned with that. That’s what matters the most.

Yesterday things changed.
Hi. I'm sorry I have not been able to keep up with the latest the last few hours. Last I heard there was a man in the background of a selfie taken by stepmom on the "hike" Sunday. That man supposedly came forward and confirmed that yes it was sunday. Is that still the case?
Interesting. It'd be nice to know where they were, what time it was, and if it was the three of them (mother, daughter, gannon).
I am beginning to feel no one has seen Gannon since Friday at school!!!
Who was the last to be able to talk and touch this child?
Would love to know a lot more about Friday?
I know I've asked this in other cases : Who saw him last outside of family ?
Could mean nothing at all.
One other possibility is that he was taken while walking to the friend's house.
No offense intended-- but I'm hoping LE will focus on the cameras in the area and see if he was seen walking anywhere in the neighborhood.
If he was seen-- would they keep that close to the vest , for whatever reason ?
Serious question.
I thought I read early on that a man in the neighborhood saw him Sunday morning, but now I don't know where that info came from so don't take it as verified. Would LE keep a sighting to themselves? I'm not sure why they would, but I guess that depends on which direction their evidence is going? It's hard to know, without knowing what we don't know, which sounds weird but I suspect you know what I mean.
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Evidence disposal.

Evidence? But he was not reported missing until Monday. May have been seen by a neighbor on Sunday morning, unable to verify that yet..
Why would she take a child with her if she was disposing of evidence? Or another child?
Did any CCTV pick up her vehicle leaving and returning on Sunday? Did both children alight from vehicle? Did anybody else accompany them on this alleged hike?
Doorcam footage would certainly have picked up a vehicle leaving a next-door property.
And if it was a thing that G got killed in the course of the hike, the other child would know something or at least ask.
We have nothing at all, do we?

Timeline, he left his home at 3 or 4 pm according to sm.
Lieutenant Mihalko said the sheriff’s office received a call about 6:55 p.m. Monday for a runaway child in the 6600 block of Mandan Drive. Police entered Gannon into missing persons databases about an hour later as an active runaway. Mihalko said deputies conducted an initial investigation that included interviews with the reporting person, identified as Gannon’s stepmom, and she told them he was last seen between 3 or 4 p.m. that day. The deputies also searched the area but did not find Gannon. (source Heavy)

If he left at 3pm, and details not entered until 7.30pm, thats a 4.5 hr headstart he got.
If he went voluntarily, he would have been aware of the darkness curfew. He possibly felt comfortable about having 3 to 4 hrs to get where he was planning on going, IF he left voluntarily.

I'd be interested in his movements in the days preceding his disappearance too. Missing clothes and foodstuffs?
That’s just initially. I’m sure when he didn’t show up by the following morning, things really got moving.

It appears that although law enforcement categorized this as a runaway, their behavior never aligned with that. That’s what matters the most.

Yesterday things changed.

Yeah, to me, from the start they weren't treating it as a runaway. They were treating it as a missing person. But that just makes me wonder why they classified it as a runaway to to MSM, while they were treated it different. Was it because they were trying to make the suspect feel at ease? Or were they strictly flowing protocol? And even though it was changed to endangered until last night, it seems like they have had all hands on deck from the beginning, so I hope that will lead them to him sooner.

Also, as a die hard Bills fan, every time I see your avatar, my left eye involuntarily twitches. :p:D
If the sunday hike was at the Garden of the Gods Park (which i think it might have been) that place is for nothing other than hiking and enjoying the scenery. On any given weekend, that place is like a Whole Foods parking lot. It's packed with families, hikers, rock climbers, horse-back riders, picnickers, mountain bikers. And I mean packed, have to wait your turn in some places like standing rock or kissing camels. Even off-trail you are bound to run into people (it's where we went to get into mischief in high school). It's hardly a place you would look to plan something nefarious. Garden of the Gods is on the west side of town, not close enough for a 10 year old to return to.
Yeah, to me, from the start they weren't treating it as a runaway. They were treating it as a missing person. But that just makes me wonder why they classified it as a runaway to to MSM, while they were treated it different. Was it because they were trying to make the suspect feel at ease? Or were they strictly flowing protocol? And even though it was changed to endangered until last night, it seems like they have had all hands on deck from the beginning, so I hope that will lead them to him sooner.

Also, as a die hard Bills fan, every time I see your avatar, my left eye involuntarily twitches. :p:D
I think it’s possible that they just weren’t sure what they were dealing with, or they wanted to keep a certain person talking.

Maybe both.

If you immediately classify this as anything other than a runway, you may close the line of communication with a potential suspect.

I get the impression that they immediately had reservations in regards to the stepmom’s story. If it didn’t sound right to us, then it definitely didn’t sound right to them.
“There’s a number of factors in this case. Obviously we’ve been having cold weather, so the weather was one issue. The time frame as you pointed out, sir, is another issue," Lt. Mitch Mihalko said. “The fact that he’s under the age of 13, he’s 11 years old, and he also has specific medication that he takes, so we want to make sure that all those resources are being poured into finding him.”
ENDANGERED: 11-year-old Colorado boy not seen for nearly 72 hours
If the sunday hike was at the Garden of the Gods Park (which i think it might have been) that place is for nothing other than hiking and enjoying the scenery. On any given weekend, that place is like a Whole Foods parking lot. It's packed with families, hikers, rock climbers, horse-back riders, picnickers, mountain bikers. And I mean packed, have to wait your turn in some places like standing rock or kissing camels. Even off-trail you are bound to run into people (it's where we went to get into mischief in high school). It's hardly a place you would look to plan something nefarious. Garden of the Gods is on the west side of town, not close enough for a 10 year old to return to.
He had about 5 hrs headstart.
I imagine at 11, he knew how to ride buses etc though I'm pretty sure LE would have checked all that out.
Where is the nearest train to his house and what routes does it serve?
Could he have saved lots of pocket money and taken a bus to a train depot or a long route bus depot and traveled further afield?
I'm still looking :( all the misinformation and rumors are frustrating.

Indeed they are, and it's exactly why I make zero apologies for insisting folks post MSM or LE links for their info. Not everyone likes that, but those are the rules, and it's a rule for a reason. If you can find that info and the link, it would be very helpful.
I also want to know when Gannon supposedly did the "search" on his phone wanting to know "if his parents could track his phone if it was off." I mean, how much planning does an 11 year old put into purposefully running away if that's what we are to believe?

If this search is the one and only reason that initially sent LE down the runaway theory (and the fact that every child is considered a runaway at first), I think I'd have to pause and think about how much an 11 year old would put into his decision making. Unless something terrible was going on in that house, I can't see him planning something like this. I just can't believe that.

And here's the other thing, if he NEEDED to get away from his family - he had a mother that obviously loves him and is devastated that he's missing. He could have contacted her in an effort to get away. Do we know how much contact he has with his bio mom? Do we know why he doesn't live with her?

Common sense and logic are keeping me from believing the circumstances that we are being told regarding Gannon's disappearance. In fact, common sense and logic are just creating a firestorm of more questions and concerns that are all leading in one direction.

Public transportation isn't really that strong out there, nor in Colorado Springs in general. WAY too many things would have to align for a 10 year old to figure out how to take multiple buses, many of them running sparsely, to get him there. And all the while, adults are around him wondering what the heck a 10 year old is doing wandering around alone at a bus stop. It's just not likely he went back there without being noticed or at least remembered by public transport employees by now.
I also want to know when Gannon supposedly did the "search" on his phone wanting to know "if his parents could track his phone if it was off." I mean, how much planning does an 11 year old put into purposefully running away if that's what we are to believe?

If this search is the one and only reason that initially sent LE down the runaway theory (and the fact that every child is considered a runaway at first), I think I'd have to pause and think about how much an 11 year old would put into his decision making. Unless something terrible was going on in that house, I can't see him planning something like this. I just can't believe that.

And here's the other thing, if he NEEDED to get away from his family - he had a mother that obviously loves him and is devastated that he's missing. He could have contacted her in an effort to get away. Do we know how much contact he has with his bio mom? Do we know why he doesn't live with her?

Common sense and logic are keeping me from believing the circumstances that we are being told regarding Gannon's disappearance. In fact, common sense and logic are just creating a firestorm of more questions and concerns that are all leading in one direction.

Yeah, and that press conference firmed things up for me yesterday.

There were two incredibly concerning things:

The chief investigator refusing to express optimism that Gannon would be recovered alive.

His non answer to the reporter who stated that he heard the stepmom was being less than cooperative.
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