CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #4 - LWOP

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I will try and find out about the final hearing. I hope it will be streamed. It would be strange if it wasn't considering how the entire trial has been so far.

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Hoping--missed the last part but God willing 😇
@shelley_****** @thegoldpatrol Do you know if the final part of the #theatershooting trial will be live streamed? I'm reading conflicting reports online

@thegoldpatrol: @shelley_***** We haven’t heard for sure yet, but locals seem to think it will be. We will keep you posted

@pstenser: @shelley_****** we are planning on it

Thank you miss maize!!! 0
I do not remember the next trial date....does anyone have it? Please and thank you.
I think it is 8/24? Not positive though.

Thanks everyone. August 24 is marked in my phone.

I feel 'lost' without listening to a trial and reading all of everyone's comments! Getting lots done so I already for the next one. Trying to stay cool, deal with earthquakes in KS, and knitting up a storm for a lot of kids who need hats and mitts. "See" everyone soon! :seeya:
Thanks everyone. August 24 is marked in my phone.

I feel 'lost' without listening to a trial and reading all of everyone's comments! Getting lots done so I already for the next one. Trying to stay cool, deal with earthquakes in KS, and knitting up a storm for a lot of kids who need hats and mitts. "See" everyone soon! :seeya:

Like all of us guys who keep coming back here for some tid bit of info..and yep..I'm in a bit of withdrawal :shame:..But most of all, I miss the discussions and opinions and how everyone ( until verdict) respectfully addressed things..Such a refreshing change of pace :love you: ..So, TY all for such a wonderful discourse ..I enjoyed each and every day..LOL WE all have a Date on August 24th..right? :happydance:
Thanks everyone. August 24 is marked in my phone.

I feel 'lost' without listening to a trial and reading all of everyone's comments! Getting lots done so I already for the next one. Trying to stay cool, deal with earthquakes in KS, and knitting up a storm for a lot of kids who need hats and mitts. "See" everyone soon! :seeya:

Having lots of earthquakes???? HATE them.
So these upcoming trials. Where do you all watch them? You know, just in case I miss you too much and want to follow you :D

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So these upcoming trials. Where do you all watch them? You know, just in case I miss you too much and want to follow you :D

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Hi Maisie! I haven't found any trials to follow live streamed yet. A good place to check is Cathy has a place on the website for live streams & keeps up with the trials.
The one I was going to watch is the McStay family murders-Chase Merritt. WS has threads on the case if you want to read up on it. It was supposed to be this fall & now the new date is mid-Jan.
Juan Martinez has one coming this fall too. Of course, we never know if live streams are allowed until a few days before trial.
In the meantime, I've been delving into Serial podcast. It's fascinating! Just google it & all the info will come up if you're not familiar with that case.
I'm going to be following this one... set to start Feb 8, 2016
The Brian Brimager Trial.

I just watched the 48 episode and was really moved by it.
I'm hoping it will be live streamed and that I can follow it here on WS.

I posted the link for the episode on the thread above ^^^ .. Such a tragic story. I want to see Justice served quickly and harshly with this one.
Here's Wild About Trial -- Nothing much doing out there now, but they carry trials:

And here is Court Chatter:!schedule/mainPage

Not much going on in the trial department that I can see, but I check those sites above from time to time.

I am following the Madyson Middleton case -- an 8 y/o was sexually assaulted and killed and her body was found the day after she went missing -- in Santa Cruz, CA. Her admitted killer is 15 y/o, and lives in the same apt complex as Madyson. They knew each other; the young man who confessed was known to be a nice, polite kid, so this incident has been quite a horrible surprise to everyone. We will be going into the long, dark "middle period" soon -- no trial date set yet, IIRC, and LE saying nothing and no one else saying anything -- so things will probably be slow on this one soon enuff.

Still got my eye on Hernandez in Connecticut -- his 2nd trial for a double murder (this time) is scheduled, IINM, for December 2015 . He is the great football player (tight end), who went with the N.E. Patriots, had good stats, etc., bought a fine $million house for himself and his girlfriend and his child. Now, that house and his hummer (IIRC) are up for sale to help cover a WD lawsuit, a result of a prior single murder for which he is serving life for 1st murder.

So yeah, if anyone finds a "hot one," let us know!

And I have said this before, but I'll repeat. I hope JH is absolutely miserable and scared every day he draws breath, and even more I hope his name will fade quickly and he will be miserable and forgotten by everyone on earth and beyond. Gurrrrrrr.

Still miss all my good friends here, and I will, till we all get back together on one case or another. We are a happy little Websleuths Family, and this includes our Coldpizza!

(((Hugs))) and {{{kisses}}} to you all. Keep in touch all ye.
Here's Wild About Trial -- Nothing much doing out there now, but they carry trials:

And here is Court Chatter:!schedule/mainPage

Not much going on in the trial department that I can see, but I check those sites above from time to time.

I am following the Madyson Middleton case -- an 8 y/o was sexually assaulted and killed and her body was found the day after she went missing -- in Santa Cruz, CA. Her admitted killer is 15 y/o, and lives in the same apt complex as Madyson. They knew each other; the young man who confessed was known to be a nice, polite kid, so this incident has been quite a horrible surprise to everyone. We will be going into the long, dark "middle period" soon -- no trial date set yet, IIRC, and LE saying nothing and no one else saying anything -- so things will probably be slow on this one soon enuff.

Still got my eye on Hernandez in Connecticut -- his 2nd trial for a double murder (this time) is scheduled, IINM, for December 2015 . He is the great football player (tight end), who went with the N.E. Patriots, had good stats, etc., bought a fine $million house for himself and his girlfriend and his child. Now, that house and his hummer (IIRC) are up for sale to help cover a WD lawsuit, a result of a prior single murder for which he is serving life for 1st murder.

So yeah, if anyone finds a "hot one," let us know!

And I have said this before, but I'll repeat. I hope JH is absolutely miserable and scared every day he draws breath, and even more I hope his name will fade quickly and he will be miserable and forgotten by everyone on earth and beyond. Gurrrrrrr.

Still miss all my good friends here, and I will, till we all get back together on one case or another. We are a happy little Websleuths Family, and this includes our Coldpizza!

(((Hugs))) and {{{kisses}}} to you all. Keep in touch all ye.

I checked out the Madyson Middleton case.. I don't think I can follow that one because of the ages involved. The ones with children REALLY bother me and give me intense anxiety... my youngest daughters are 13 and 9 and its just too intense... I have followed several here and they just get WAY too stuck in my head.
Maisie, the McStay trial also interests me. The (next) Aaron Hernandez double murder also does, about the same time as the McStay trial though. Jury selection is in December & trial start the beginning of January. His first murder trial was live streamed this year, so this next may be also...depends on the judge...this is a different judge & county.

There is also & for live stream links. Some trials are not live streamed so we have to follow by tweets from reporters in the courtroom (and also those nice folks attending the trials & tweeting & posting on WS as in the last JA trial). I hate to admit it, but have gotten a little used to it, but much prefer live stream! I miss the old Court TV!

I hope to meet up with you & others on another has been a pleasure.
This trial is to starting Monday last I believe. Unfortunately not live streaming but as the coined term that's often used..This is trial by tweet and then video will come out after that day ( I think)...There is a thread already here on WS~~

This is popsicle's post I brought over here~~from that thread ( Hope it's okay Coldpizza :truce: to do this )

Quote Originally Posted by popsicle View Post
Still photography and video coverage will be allowed in the courtroom when the trial of former CMPD officer Randall Kerrick begins Monday. But Judge Robert Ervin also ruled Friday that live streaming of the trial proceedings will not be permitted, and reporters will not be allowed to make live social media postings from the courtroom.

That certainly sucks.

It's suppose to last a month or so??? If you read the link embedded ..that's what is suggests!!

Ohhh thought I'd edit to add..this is the case of officer being charged for killing Jonathan Ferrell..who was gunned down by officer, when seeking help after car accident..I'm sure one can google the back story..
Maisie, the McStay trial also interests me. The (next) Aaron Hernandez double murder also does, about the same time as the McStay trial though. Jury selection is in December & trial start the beginning of January. His first murder trial was live streamed this year, so this next may be also...depends on the judge...this is a different judge & county.

There is also & for live stream links. Some trials are not live streamed so we have to follow by tweets from reporters in the courtroom (and also those nice folks attending the trials & tweeting & posting on WS as in the last JA trial). I hate to admit it, but have gotten a little used to it, but much prefer live stream! I miss the old Court TV!

I hope to meet up with you & others on another has been a pleasure.

Yup - going to watch those two trials - McStay (where I've made the timeline) and Hernandez. Plus Maddie case, also Stephanie Warner from Oregon - if they only would arrest the suspect!! Jessica Funk-Haslam, Sierra LaMar's case, once that stops delaying... there are others, but can't think of them now!

:seeya: all over there! If you need links - let me know, and I'll post them!
I'm going to be following this one... set to start Feb 8, 2016
The Brian Brimager Trial.

I just watched the 48 episode and was really moved by it.
I'm hoping it will be live streamed and that I can follow it here on WS.

I posted the link for the episode on the thread above ^^^ .. Such a tragic story. I want to see Justice served quickly and harshly with this one.

I am going to jump in with you, imjazzed. Thanks for the link. See you there! :)
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