CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #20 *ARREST*

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Do people really have “friends”who would haul a dead mother of a baby out of town and dispose of her body? I really must be naive about people in general. Every one of these cases boggles my mind. I cannot understand PF or even his family member doing this...but a friend of his?!

I do hope he did this by himself!

I don't believe it was done out of "friendship". I think that there were two different groups, someone who might have helped with the phone, out of friendship, and another group, who was involved in at least disposing of evidence, and they probably were paid, or had some other interests.
Can anyone say what they have read from MSM or elsewhere regarding Idaho and what anyone living there has to do with PF? I mean, without violating TOS? I don’t use Twitter, FB, or any other social media. I would love to know. Thanks.
I bet she’s a happy, smiling baby! Grandma is making sure of that, IMO

I hope it’s ok to say this. The family closed the Facebook page but posted in another Facebook group that the baby is getting tons of love and hugs and is happy and dancing her heart out.

Just sharing because the mental image of this made me so happy. Made my night.
Isn't SERE school located in Washington state? For AF anyway? I don't know.. Just grasping straws at to WHY this kid isn't squeaking a peep...

There is absolutely no evidence PF was ever in the military. The reference to military records in the defense motion was simply boilerplate language — nothing more.
Yes, I’ve worked with a few SO guys, and though I can totally see PF’s personality fitting in with theirs, even their records weren’t totally sealed. They would have outranked him for sure, too, so I can’t imagine we wouldn’t at least know that he had military service, when everyone could know of the guys I worked with.
Right..Exactly.. I am saying, even if PF was a say reservist, or JROTC, he would still get some sort of 'don't talk, don't move' military training, hence the non expression, not talking.. I guess i am not coming across clear here in the thread... Nevermind
Special Ops. They sometimes seal a lot of things for special ops service. They also are well trained in interrogation behavior and know how to keep quiet under pressure and show no emotion. I don’t think that’s the case here though.

Jason Young and Brad Cooper (educated NC wife-murderers) kept their mouths shut too. Brad had to talk when custody issues came up, but other than that they were lawyered up and silent. Neither is military.
Special Ops. They sometimes seal a lot of things for special ops service. They also are well trained in interrogation behavior and know how to keep quiet under pressure and show no emotion. I don’t think that’s the case here though.

A dishonorable discharge might be sealed, if requested, IMO
Jason Young and Brad Cooper (educated NC wife-murderers) kept their mouths shut too. Brad had to talk when custody issues came up, but other than that they were lawyered up and silent. Neither is military.

I was just thinkinking of Brad C.
I think his mother was instrumental in wanting custody of her grandbaby. She, apparently, cared for her 40 hours or more, each week, while KB worked.

As a grandmother, with a toddler grandchild whom I adore, I can testify to the strength of grandmother's love. If I thought my DIL was going to leave my son, and seek full custody and move out of state, I would be devastated.

PF was dependent upon his mother, financially, if nothing else. I think he also hoped to inherit some of that farmland at some point, if he was going to be able to continue with his 'career' choice. So his stupid, ridiculous attempt to gain custody was probably motivated by the urge to please his mother, IMO, JMO.
Do we know for a fact that that the grandmother cared for the baby this much, or, is it a one sided spin? If they were sharing custody...Daddy’s time doesn’t count as child care any more then Mommy’s time does. Is there any proof she wasn’t in day care?
Certain districts don't have the skilled expertise of the FBI either.. At some point the WPPD said, call the CBI.. Now, I know the CBI and FBI are tied together, but in the press conference they note that EACH individual branch has offered expertise and skills to the development to the case.. I can find that PC if I need to, Mods. So my question lies on, at what point did the WPPD say, "oh boy, lets call in the 'big guys'" because they decided it was beyond their skill set...
Maybe when the phone records showed it had crossed state lines.
I share your opinion. I just don’t see the average person being that in control of themselves at all times. It takes skill and practice, IMO.
I do not see PF as in control of his emotions, but more of a shut down and I am so mad at myself for getting caught . His demeanor and blank looks interpret anger to me.
Can anyone say what they have read from MSM or elsewhere regarding Idaho and what anyone living there has to do with PF? I mean, without violating TOS? I don’t use Twitter, FB, or any other social media. I would love to know. Thanks.

No one really knows. Kelsey's family is in Idaho, so presumably the text messages were sent from Idaho to give the impression that she was visiting family.

It could be nothing more than trying to give the illusion that Kelsey was in Idaho, but that also requires PF to be in Idaho. Maybe he wasn't in Idaho on Nov 25. If he was not in Idaho, then one of his solicitation accomplices was. The accomplice could be a colleague, girlfriend, family, employee ... no one knows.
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