CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #66

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Well, could there now be another trial for PF, for the new soliciting charges. after he gets LWOP here.
Guess, they then cannot say, as you planned 12 other murders, Death Penalty awaits you.
Sam speculated that maybe if there's an acquittal or a reduced charge in this trial, they could file those.

They're going to carefully make sure Patrick spends as much time in the hoosegow as possible, at least until BabyK is grown.
Jeepers. Thinking he could get away with that, was more insane than thinking he could get away with this.

“I’m just going to kill everyone, and then they’ll just let me go. No witnesses, no guilty verdict.”

Or something.
I'm sure if this becomes a hung jury, certain folks just might be added to that list.

I can't even imagine anyone having any doubt in their minds, after the last two weeks.
Sam K
I don't know what media others are exposed to, but what I read is that Stiegerwald tore Bentley to shreds during the cross.

wait and see...

Sam Kraemer, who has been there through every minute of this trial didn't seem to think so.

He spoke of this testimony as a blockbuster with audible gasps from the gallery.

Frazee trial: Letters say Frazee asked inmate to kill witnesses

"...In letter 9, Frazee allegedly claimed that the DA’s Office was working with Kenney to give her quotes to say so her testimony matched the circumstantial evidence in the case...."

I'm old so maybe I am hearing impaired, but that sounds like a claim that would be made during a trial, not way back Sept-Oct 2019. How would PF have developed this opinion before the trial to relay it to Bentley? Didn't Bentley admit to watching a TV show about the the case and/or googling about it? What about Bentley's pending testimony in Weld County re: another solicitation, that was brought up during cross and other issues brought up during cross? Did you find him credible?

JMO Bentley was not credible, not at all. I do not think his testimony reflected well on the Prosecution, they should have skipped him, and they certainly should not have rested with him. His testimony all sounds like the sort of nonsense drug addicts come up with when they are high. All JMO

Well the letters were in PF’s own handwriting and the defense didn’t even challenge that. So it’s not nonsense. It’s all totally real and was explosive evidence in this case.

Can't imagine finding out someone you thought of as a friend wanted to murder you.
And your SO as well. What did she ever do to him ?
I know. That has to really blow his mind and his wife's. How many years did this man try to befriend him and treat him like a son, only to end up on his hit list?
The notes were hand-written.

The handwriting is PF's.

Therefore, PF wrote the notes.


Since they have the handwritten Alibi Script Patrick wrote to maintain his chain of lies, it would be fairly easy to compare with what will surely go down in history as the "Genius Letters".

Pretty smart people in the DA's office probably thought of this some time on Monday, don't ya' think?
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If PF's fingerprints are not on the paper, he didn't write the notes.

The witnesses were identified in the media during the trial. Names and addresses are easily available on the Internet if one spends the time looking. The witness is a career criminal facing serious additional charges who admitted he wanted to profit from the notes and he managed to get a felony cut to a misdemeanor.


I think you’re reaching. Not only that but the defense team clearly was horrified enough by these letters and the testimony that they fought hard to keep it out.
Had there been no letters, I’d have some skepticism.

But those letters were worth Bentley’s weight in gold.
Indeed. My favorite part of today’s recap by Sam was hearing that Patrick insisted on putting this all in writing rather than speak (and risk being recorded, I presume). Oh the rocks this kid has for brains!!! I love it. Trusting some guy awaiting his own trial (always read that to mean they have something to gain by helping to prosecute you) to follow his instructions to “take your own notes and flush this” is priceless and made my week. It’s Christmas already!!! :p
After everything we still get to hear excuses.
So Bentley, KK, CB, SF2, JM, a bank teller, a social worker, farm hands, multiple clients, cell phone data, DNA evidence, Radar the bloodhound, and the Tooth Fairy have all conspired against poor, innocent PF.

Lord give me strength.
Just skim over it. Every murderer, especially males, has a fan club willing to defend them, come hell or high water. It really is sad, as I feel like it's an insult to Kelsey and tarnishing her memory a bit. That woman was murdered, PF swung that bat. PF wanted to kill just about every one on the witness list and their family members.

Does it not bother the defenders that Patrick wanted Kelsey's own mother killed? How sick is that?

As I said before, Patrick could be on video killing her, and there would be doubters.

Nature vs nurture? 15 mos ago I thought nurture can overcome all. But despite the obvious influence Mommy-Scarest had on CW, I came to believe he also had a loose screw or two rattling around at birth. IMO nature + nurture created that monster.

And PF? Yes his family/background was warped and I had assumed played a big role. But 15 swings, those napkin letters and the rest — pure unadulterated evil. IMO this dude was destined to do heinous things no matter who raised him. PF makes me believe some monsters are born that way.

Maybe Mama Watts and Mama Frazee’s brand of “nurture” is actually nature. I know scientists have identified a genetic marker common in violent criminals. I’m sure long time WSers know lots more about it than me. I seem to recall it’s linked to poor impulse control. But there’s also evidence the right environment seemingly can prevent bad behavior despite that gene.

Perhaps there’s another as of yet unidentified genetic marker for what we’d call complete evil. Something well beyond having no empathy or conscience. Rather, a born instinct that actually compels inflicting emotional/physical pain— an instinct so strong nurture can’t stop it. And if there is, then what?

Very good questions. Then what indeed.
Not only authenticated handwriting but also fingerprints. The notes were written on paper so PF's finger prints would have to be on them.

I see the Judge has now added 2nd degree murder and manslaughter which is good. I've always thought 1st degree was a stretch but we'll see what the jury decides. Whatever is decided, I think there will be an appeal.


Well the guy talked about murdering Kelsey before he killed her to more people then KK. Like his buddy who testified at this trial. So it’s pretty obvious it’s premeditated.
I'm sure if this becomes a hung jury, certain folks just might be added to that list.

I can't even imagine anyone having any doubt in their minds, after the last two weeks.

I’ve been saying “slam dunk,” since before the trial began. After hearing all the evidence, I feel stronger about that than ever.

It was a slam dunk contest, and the prosecution delivered. PF didn’t come close to touching the rim.

I can’t imagine the jury having any doubt whatsoever. In fact, I’d be shocked if they deliberated for more than a few hours.
If PF's fingerprints are not on the paper, he didn't write the notes.

The witnesses were identified in the media during the trial. Names and addresses are easily available on the Internet if one spends the time looking. The witness is a career criminal facing serious additional charges who admitted he wanted to profit from the notes and he managed to get a felony cut to a misdemeanor.

He said he knew the charge had already been dropped to a misdemeanor before he came forward, and the defense did not challenge that testimony or show any evidence otherwise.
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