GUILTY CO - Neveah Gallegos, 3, Denver, 21 Sept 2007

Actually, it was the DA's office contribution - they made the decision not to get involved in the first incident.

In any case:

Police Searched For Montoya Since Friday
DENVER -- A man once accused of killing a 3-year-old girl and then dumping her body in a ravine has been arrested again, police said Wednesday.

Police said they received a tip Angel Ray Montoya was at the Interstate Inn in Wheat Ridge.

Around 6 p.m. Denver officers searched the inn and found Montoya. He was arrested without incident, said John White of the Denver Police Department. (More at link)

One important thing I would wish people would observe in the beginning of the article: "A man once accused" This is the PC environment of the news media in Denver. I used to look at things in the paper or news online and go WTF? It makes it sound as though Montoya is not going to be investigated for Neveah's death ...

Finally! At least now we can move on the the next screw-up that we have come to know and hate from Colorado.
One important thing I would wish people would observe in the beginning of the article: "A man once accused" This is the PC environment of the news media in Denver. I used to look at things in the paper or news online and go WTF? It makes it sound as though Montoya is not going to be investigated for Neveah's death ...

I totally agree that the Politcal Correctness in this country and the media is sooo ridiculous. However, I certainly wouldn't agree that they should start labeling this guy as charged with murder until he is, in fact, charged with murder. He should be charged with murder, but he hasn't yet...and the media can't go reporting false information just because we know that he should be charged with murder.

In any event, I still think the problem in Denver is your DA and/or the LE or more likely combination of both. The media is here to report and is forced to follow LE's and the DA's lead. Meaning that if the LE/DA haven't formally accused him, pressed charges and/or held him for the crime, the media cannot act as judge and juror, police officer and district attorney to say otherwise. Whether we like or not, that is was Montoya is...a man "once accused" of murdering this poor child. Unless the police charge him again or formally accuse him again, he is not currently charged.

Of course, anyone with half a brain can't fathom what the LE/DA was thinking when he wasn't charged a year ago and then why they didn't hold them after they killed her....but it's civil rights. My family coming from a country where you don't have free speech or right to fair trial, I can tell you our civil rights are not something to take lightly. But tt's hard because we see this scum of Earth benefit from these civil rights protections and sometimes we see idiotic decisions from the LE/DA give them too much.
Actually, it was the DA's office contribution - they made the decision not to get involved in the first incident.

In any case:

Police Searched For Montoya Since Friday
DENVER -- A man once accused of killing a 3-year-old girl and then dumping her body in a ravine has been arrested again, police said Wednesday.

Police said they received a tip Angel Ray Montoya was at the Interstate Inn in Wheat Ridge.

Around 6 p.m. Denver officers searched the inn and found Montoya. He was arrested without incident, said John White of the Denver Police Department. (More at link)

One important thing I would wish people would observe in the beginning of the article: "A man once accused" This is the PC environment of the news media in Denver. I used to look at things in the paper or news online and go WTF? It makes it sound as though Montoya is not going to be investigated for Neveah's death ...

Thanks for the update. Believe, please keep us posted on what the reporter thinks. I don't understand why it is taking so long to determine how she died. In Illinois it is usually a couple of days and they file murder charges. There was a bloody papertowel in the appartment, what else do they need to know there was foul play involved. I hope they don't let him go again.
Very chilling observation. Where is Mom, I wonder? I am guessing shallow grave, but just a hunch. She was for sure the weak link. Now what are they going to do with him? They are going to have to follow this through. I have had an email dialog with the reporter who has been covering the case out there. Wonder what his take is.

My understanding is that they know where Miriam Gallegos is - she's still living in her apartment.
Wow. My jaw is on the floor. THey could have easily charged them with murder and dropped the charges.

Or maybe...they were hoping the would run and they could shoot them. I'm always an optimist!
So, where are we now as far as this case goes? Is it over? No charges are going to be handed down? What's up? They arrested Montoya for other criminal charges but not murder. We're all ninty percent sure these two killed Neveah, sooo is this crime going un-punished? I hope not.

What's next? Geez! This is crazy and sickning to my stomach, I truly don't understand, but then Ziggy may be right. The picture of the two leaving jail hand in hand, if they did do it, sickning.
Sex Offender Montoya Appears In Court

(CBS4/AP) DENVER A man who was questioned in the death of his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter is back in jail on a charge of failing to register as a sex offender.

This article has a good video that goes along with it. The police department says the coronary was unable to determine the cause of deth and that is why they are waiting for more tests. HOW COULD THEY NOT KNOW!!! This is driving me crazy. What tests could they be waiting on? Does anyone know about autopsies and such. Are they waiting on drug tests or something. It said the mother was found with him in the hotel. I have such hatred for this mother or should I say monster.
The autopsy report is in-read if you can stand to what condition this little baby was in and what those monsters did to her...please forgive the passion of my post, but you will be OUTRAGED!

I can't read the whole story. It might make me sick. I have felt so badly for this little girl. I even prayed for her last night when I was putting my own 3 year old DD to sleep. I prayed she didn't suffer. I prayed that God had mercy and didn't let her feel the pain. Why was it ruled undetermined? If they know she was hit in the abdomen and strangled.
Actually COD hasn't been determined-suffocation or strangulation seem to have been the means. I would love to believe she didn't suffer, but considering the axe this man had to grind...I can't even say it. If they know where mom is she better be in custody shortly since she clearly was an accessory to this crime. Their citizenship appears to be in question, which means that he cannot get the DP because if he is Mexican, he has the right to appeal to the consulate for assistance and Mexico is completely against the DP. Just please let him do the time here so he can at least get a sense of prison justice when it comes to child rapists...sorry if that seems harsh. :banghead:
Actually COD hasn't been determined-suffocation or strangulation seem to have been the means. I would love to believe she didn't suffer, but considering the axe this man had to grind...I can't even say it. If they know where mom is she better be in custody shortly since she clearly was an accessory to this crime. Their citizenship appears to be in question, which means that he cannot get the DP because if he is Mexican, he has the right to appeal to the consulate for assistance and Mexico is completely against the DP. Just please let him do the time here so he can at least get a sense of prison justice when it comes to child rapists...sorry if that seems harsh. :banghead:

Doesn't seem harsh to me at all. If he is from Mexico, I can't believe he didn't run there before they arrested him. I am glad he is so stupid he didn't. If his last crime was a felony he should have been Deported if he is illegal. I know that if you are convicted of a felony they do deport you. I wonder if he is legal but not a citizen. That would mean he could not leave the country or could loose is status. Anyway it doesn't matter. I hope he fries in the worst way.
You know, I cannot find any indication that Miriam is up next for arrest. She is at least guilty of felony child abuse I would think now that the autopsy is complete...I am somewhat mystified as to what they are waiting for before they pick her up...WS'ers?
You know, I cannot find any indication that Miriam is up next for arrest. She is at least guilty of felony child abuse I would think now that the autopsy is complete...I am somewhat mystified as to what they are waiting for before they pick her up...WS'ers?

Here is the autopsy report. I can't past any of it but she had blunt force trauma to the abdomen nonaccidental abuse but cause of death was undetermined?:waitasec:

Original arrests affidavidts that they were later released from. Also BF is still in custody for failing to register as sex offender but mother is still free to live her happy life. Where is the justice for this little girl. How much more evidence do they need? If anyone is in law inforcement, could you explain why they have not been charged with her murder. They charge people with murder without bodies now. They have this baby's badly abused body and nobody has done anything.:furious:

DENVER - Neighbors say they were upset when they saw Angel Montoya and Miriam Gallegos walking free Monday afternoon. The two had been accused in the murder of Gallegos' 3-year-old daughter Nevaeh.

"The fact that the little girl is passed away and those two are free, out walking, is disgusting," said one neighbor, lives near Gallego's mother and didn't want to be identified.

The two were released because prosecutors haven't yet gathered enough evidence to formally charge them. They're still waiting on the results of an autopsy.

Please see this article. There is a picture of these two leaving jail holding hands. This mother is the biggest I have ever seen in my life. They can't hold them because it is extremely hard to make lesser chargest stick to keep them in jail!!! Thats what the article says. So I guess they didn't even try.

Imthemom, doesn't this remind you of Tesslyn O'cull? Same scenario, the lovey dovey BS, right after Tesslyn was murdered, only difference was Oregon LE & DA nailed them right away.
We live in Mexico on and off. I know if this had fled to Mexico and IF the town he fled to knew of his crimes, he would have been killed and burned in the streets.
Down there where we live, they don't play kissy-face with child molesters. I remember stopping at the border at Loredo and seeing a sign about a wanted said DEAD OR ALIVE and beside it was a picture of a guy laying dead on a street. It said *FOUND*.

We should do that here! Mothers no longer protect their babies from the men who want to harm them so we as a community need to protect them.
Hell, even LE and DA's are no longer protecting our kids! It makes me sick.

And even if they are LEGAL/citizens of the US, that does not stop people from fleeing the country. Nothing to do with racism. It is just facts. People will run down to Mexico only because they refuse to extridiate people back to the US if they have the death penalty over their heads. That is the facts. Mexico sucks like that but luckily the towns have their own justice.
Imthemom, doesn't this remind you of Tesslyn O'cull? Same scenario, the lovey dovey BS, right after Tesslyn was murdered, only difference was Oregon LE & DA nailed them right away.

I know paddy but at least Tesslyn's killers were brought to justice even if the system failed her. This baby was failed but the child protective system and now the justice system.
We live in Mexico on and off. I know if this had fled to Mexico and IF the town he fled to knew of his crimes, he would have been killed and burned in the streets.
Down there where we live, they don't play kissy-face with child molesters. I remember stopping at the border at Loredo and seeing a sign about a wanted said DEAD OR ALIVE and beside it was a picture of a guy laying dead on a street. It said *FOUND*.

We should do that here! Mothers no longer protect their babies from the men who want to harm them so we as a community need to protect them.
Hell, even LE and DA's are no longer protecting our kids! It makes me sick.

And even if they are LEGAL/citizens of the US, that does not stop people from fleeing the country. Nothing to do with racism. It is just facts. People will run down to Mexico only because they refuse to extridiate people back to the US if they have the death penalty over their heads. That is the facts. Mexico sucks like that but luckily the towns have their own justice.

No kidding Pixie. My DH is from Mexico and he always tells me how much I will like it there, not having to worry about the kids, they can just run and play everywhere. I don't think so. There might not be child predetors but there are scorpions and scores of other things that I have to protect them from, LOL.
No kidding Pixie. My DH is from Mexico and he always tells me how much I will like it there, not having to worry about the kids, they can just run and play everywhere. I don't think so. There might not be child predetors but there are scorpions and scores of other things that I have to protect them from, LOL.

Not that I doubt your DH, but what the heck is going on in Juarez then? Many of those victims were young girls....

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