CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #1

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I now wonder if the parents...will get a hefty bill in mail that they will have to pay. Sheesh, I can't imagine the kids pulled this off for this many hours.
I sat on my rear all day, watching this all take place. lol
I wouldn't be surprised a bit IF it turns out that Falcon went up into the attic and hid, when the older boy was supposed to be watching him. Then when big bro couldn't find Falcon, he had the brilliant idea of setting the balloon-craft free and saying that his brother was in it. Does that sound plausible?

I just called my son to give him the update and he said the same darn thing. I told him I would hug him and happy to see him and then he would be grounded until he was 35.

Yep. Their butts would belong to me for a very, very long time. lol

I'm glad the kid is safe, but :furious: at this stunt.
I can't believe on HLN they already are discussing what his punishment should be. Let's all just take a collective sigh and thank GOD Falcon is ok! There should be no anger and frustration on the part of LE and the searchers. This is ridiculous!
Much happier ending that what I was thinking. My son (9) just said "he's in big trouble" haha.

You guys will never believe this but this afternoon I came home to a large helium balloon in my backyard ( I had not heard about this story yet) it has goodyear written on the side, It's probably about 2-3 feet long. Then I heard about this story I got alittle freaked out. I actually took another look a the balloon that is now on my deck. What are the chances? I live in PA so that would have been one heck of a flight but boy, that was weird.
Now that we know he is alright I have to say that I hope the parents face some charges.

I think negligence charges are in order. If that balloon was easy enough for their 6 year old son to release, it could have been ANY child from that neighborhood. The outcome could have been horrendous.

I also think they should be made to pay fines to cover the expenses incurred by LE etc.

I realize they have been through a traumatic experience and some may say isn't that enough but if they had been more cautious and showed more safety with regards to that balloon then this might not have ever happened.

Parents who take their kids on storm chases instead of keeping them in school imho have their priorities out of order.


I think the family is wacky. I think they don't supervise their kids very well.

But I'm so glad that this little boy is alive and well, I don't think it matters one bit what I think. :)
I can't believe on HLN they already are discussing what his punishment should be. Let's all just take a collective sigh and thank GOD Falcon is ok! There should be no anger and frustration on the part of LE and the searchers. This is ridiculous!
As you can see by my other post I disagree. They obviously did not have that thing secured.

They should have to pay the costs and face some charges.


Yep. Their butts would belong to me for a very, very long time. lol

I'm glad the kid is safe, but :furious: at this stunt.

oh yes, my acreage (all 20 acres) would be perfectly manicured with scissors!
Seriously? I guess all the parents in my development growing up, should have all been investigated too? Kids get into trouble, and they often know how to get into things that parents supposedly "Secured." The balloon was obviously going to be used for something today, since they spent all morning working on it. I'm sure they were excited, and they thought it would be funny to make up a story...the question is did they plan it from the beginning, or did the lie come out once they realized Dad's balloon was floating away?

I don't think it's just that they weren't watching their kids, its that everyone thought this child was floating away in a balloon and probably dead. If you have a pool, you have to fence it in. If you have a gun, you have to keep it locked up. These parents didn't take precautions to keep something that could have easily killed their children properly locked up. Should have had a locked fence around it at least, I think. MOO
I'm exhausted. I need a nap and a stiff drink.
Do we know for sure it was a stunt?

ETA: I mean that the brothers were involved and helped Falcon hide?
I am LIVID. I believe this was a hoax planned by the boys. IMO, the two older brothers knew and I think they finally caved and told the truth, or Falcon got tired of hiding and let his presence be made known. The sad thing is - they seem like the type to laugh it off and down the road say "Oh do you remember when we caused a massive nationwide panic and search/rescue effort?"

Maybe I wouldn't think this if I hadn't seen their video, so perhaps I'm way off. But it appears that they raised their children to defy authority and not to have respect for others. You reap what you sow.

(JMHO only).
Do we know for sure it was a stunt?

ETA: I mean that the brothers were involved and helped Falcon hide?

Kids alledgedly told the neighbor while standing on the roof that their bro floated away!
For those of us who have not watched the Episode yet.....
[ame=""]YouTube - Heene/Silver Wife Swap Episode Part 1 of 5[/ame]
oh yes, my acreage (all 20 acres) would be perfectly manicured with scissors!

LOL. I made mine move piles of dirt from one side of the yard to the other side for 2 straight weeks, every day. Sniff, sniff .... I really miss them "driving me nuts" right now.
The more I think about this, those kids watched their parents crying, afraid etc, the police all over the place, national news etc etc etc and they were quiet all that time. I don't know what the heck I would do. Thinking I would ship them to momtectives house to take care of those 20 acres ( for starters)
Where were the parents while everyone is searching and cops are frantic?
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