Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #30

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I'm interested to know what they find in the way of online/phone activity by Chris on the 12th and 13th. They likely had wifi and likely his phone would be connected to it. I know that you can see every site a person goes to based on wifi logging history (my husband is in IT) unless he had a TOR browser which I'm thinking is unlikely. Phone/internet activity could be really useful in narrowing down when the girls and SW were killed, that is if he was active on anything.
I believe CW killed them all, too. Actually, my comment could probably be considered O/T (just like what seems like 90% of the posts on the last 30 threads). I was just merely making an observation. SW seemed like a smart woman, who was very conscientious of her choices. The choice to announce her pregnancy earlier than “normal” is interesting and I was just curious. I haven’t lost any sleep, was not criticizing SW, or wagging my finger at her. But it does feel like you’re doing exactly those things to me. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
That would make it easier to attach the baby to the marriage if they separated/divorced later. And if she was with a "new" guy soon after that it would be easy to count back and see that the baby was from marriage to CW
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And it's that quote that makes me believe that the girls were killed before they ever got a chance to go to sleep on August 12. He tells us his his normal routine of turning on the monitors, rain machines, etc. Looking back, it seems he was reflecting on how he felt in retrospect. Killing the girls on Sunday resulted in him not being able to turn on the monitors, the rain machines, or being able to kiss them in bed. Why would he have a reason to, if they were dead before bedtime?

Seeing BW sprawled out and blue, IMO, was his way of adding a barrier to further detach himself from what he had done.

Based on that theory, I believe CW saw BW and CCW exactly as he mentioned, except I don't believe SW was anywhere in the picture, because I believe he did it himself. The monitor is just a story he told to distance himself from the grim reality of what he had done, IMO.

I think you're right.
These are all tells:
1.The baby monitor
2. "She barely let me..."
3. rain machines
4. "This has to stop."
Even family I would be surprised to see defending him. If this were my son or brother, even if I wanted to so badly believe him, I would not and I would not go about publicly defending him...probably not even privately defending him. But that's just me. I feel for his family, I'm sure they are still in shock and in total disbelief.
Jumping off your post here.... I have 2 sons. Both right around CW's age. Both have 3 precious babies. I have always told my children since the day they were born, there is nothing they could do to make me stop loving them. Heaven forbid if either of my sons were ever in the position of CW, I would love them (all the while not understanding their actions) & I would encourage (especially if I thought there was a chance they weren't being 100% truthful), maybe even DEMAND they own what they did no matter the outcome. I always tried to teach my children they had to be accountable for their actions & take the consequences as a result.... but as you said Madison, I would definitely NOT go about publicly or privately defending them.

CW talked about seeing Bella dead on the baby monitor and it's possible that he did see her dead but he had killed her not SW.

I think when CW said in the porch interview, "This has to stop" in reference to
whoever had taken his family, CW really could have said those words to SW in a fight, maybe even the night of the murders.

Sometimes people parrot things they've heard. I think it's equally possible that Shanann said those words to him, perhaps about his recent behavior, perhaps about the affair if she had an inkling of it. Perhaps she said it to him that night he murdered her and the words were still ringing in his head...
We don't yet have any evidence that they were in dire financial straights again. An HOA claim for under $2k is not evidence of needing to foreclose a house...its evidence they had a dispute with their HOA, IMO. Now, they very well could have been in financial straights, but I have not seen evidence to support that yet.
I agree. We know there was a bankruptcy in 2015. We don't know their incomes or debts for the last 3 years other than HOA debt, mortgage.
Jumping off your post here.... I have 2 sons. Both right around CW's age. Both have 3 precious babies. I have always told my children since the day they were born, there is nothing they could do to make me stop loving them. Heaven forbid if either of my sons were ever in the position of CW, I would love them (all the while not understanding their actions) & I would encourage (especially if I thought there was a chance they weren't being 100% truthful), maybe even DEMAND they own what they did no matter the outcome. I always tried to teach my children they had to be accountable for their actions & take the consequences as a result.... but as you said Madison, I would definitely NOT go about publicly or privately defending them.
BBM or publicly trash their victim.
These posts speaking about his job title got me thinking about his job training, since there have been many discussions on here in the past related to CW, and whether or not he tried to resuscitate the girls. There is a gap in the affidavit between the time CW claims he saw the girls on the monitors, and up to the point in which he strangled SW.

Does anyone in the oil industry know if it's likely that CW would have been required to have CPR or first aid training as an operator, as part of his job description?

I would believe that due to safety being a seemingly "high priority" in this type of role, I’d imagine CPR/first aid training would have been a necessity for any employee working around, or operating such large equipment. JMO.
Yes. The gas/oil company my husband works for definitely requires CPR & first aid training. I think most if not all of these companies have pretty strict safety rules.
Sometimes people parrot things they've heard. I think it's equally possible that Shanann said those words to him, perhaps about his recent behavior, perhaps about the affair if she had an inkling of it. Perhaps she said it to him that night he murdered her and the words were still ringing in his head...
Possibly. He could be replaying everything in his head.
It's possible. But I do not find it persuasive to his story as even with training at one time on no actual victim, he could not be reasonably expected to do what medics could if he had simply dialed 911. IMO.
They would have talked him through it if he was struggling on his own. It's just too convenient that both girls were beyond saving. He still could have called 911, talked to someone while emergency were on their way.
Yes they do. Perhaps they don't "snap". These murders are typically planned. But they most certainly do suddenly murder their whole families with no forewarning.

The list of family annihilators has been repeated ad nauseum.

The worst thing about these cases is that indeed, there are really never any signs beforehand and there is no way to predict them.

These aren't men with previously noted issues.

I'm confused why some keep insisting this kind of thing doesn't exist. While rare, it does indeed happen:

"Older children [not infants] however, are more likely to be killed by their father and there is often little or no evidence that such men have an identifiable mental illness.

Researchers point to the fact that they are virtually all premeditated and typically executed with a chilling calmness and sense of purpose. This is particularly true in the case of ’family annihilations’ as they are referred to by psychiatrists, where the father not only kills his children but his partner and usually himself.

It is the calculating nature of these family annihilations that people often find so hard to understand.

US research shows that family annihilators rarely have a criminal record and will often appear to others as stable, trustworthy and dedicated to their family.

The typical profile of a family annihilator is a middle-aged man, a good provider who appears dedicated, devoted and loyal to his family. However, he is usually quite socially isolated, with few friends and with profound feelings of frustration and inadequacy."

What drives a father to kill?

I agree family annihilation do exists and some kill, I'm not arguing that fact.

All I'm saying is my perception of CW doesn't fit with a family annihilation at this time. I don't believe CW thought his family let him down, or that he's anti-social with rage, anger management and resentment issues. There was no known acts of domestic violence patterns and I don't think CW acted out with revenge. jmo
Found this on SW’s Facebook page. SW bought a multi-pack pork roast from Costco, and asked C.W. to put one of them in the oven. C.W. took out 2 roasts, stacked them on top of one another, and placed them in the oven. To me, that’s really funny. I think if my husband did something like that, and I pointed it out to him, he would think it was funny, too. I’d probably say, “What were you thinking?” Whenever one of us does something stupid we laugh about it. We call each other, “Dumba$$.” Our egos aren’t sensitive like that. Would I put it on Facebook, probably not. Maybe. I’d ask him, first. One of SW’s commenters said SW married a “complete idiot,” and that’s bad. Does it make SW abusive? I don’t think so. Sticking 2 pork roasts on top of one another is funny! It’s Saturday Night Live type humor. But I recognize some people are more sensitive than others, and sensitivity to one another is extremely important in a marriage. It’s important that each partner feels safe enough to express what they like and what they don’t like. As time goes on you learn each other’s soft spots and treat them gently. But you don’t murder them.

Shanann Watts
I think you're right.
These are all tells:
1.The baby monitor
2. "She barely let me..."
3. rain machines
4. "This has to stop."

Also the touching of his nose, common sign of liars. And the defensive arms folded in every news interview I recall.
CW talked about seeing Bella dead on the baby monitor and it's possible that he did see her dead but he had killed her not SW.

I think when CW said in the porch interview, "This has to stop" in reference to
whoever had taken his family, CW really could have said those words to SW in a fight, maybe even the night of the murders.
I think there is a hint of truth in a lot of what he said in the porch interview.

When he says "it's like walking into a ghost town" - it was because they were all dead.

When he's talking about whether or not his family is safe he says "but if they’re not, this has got to stop, someone has got to come forward.” I think he's talking to himself here. In other words he knows they're not safe and this charade needs to stop, I need to tell what I know.

If CW was in an interrogation room, don't you think they would have brought dad into that room to talk to CW ?
Can't wait for the interviews to be released.

I was thinking that too. And if that was the case, then I don't know that LE are obliged to switch off any recording equipment?

I have a vague recollection that in some cases defense has filed motions regarding conversations that were had in this same kind of situation?
They would have talked him through it if he was struggling on his own. It's just too convenient that both girls were beyond saving. He still could have called 911, talked to someone while emergency were on their way.

I imagine the state will really hammer this point home during trial. "Why didn't you make any life saving efforts for your kids??"

ETA: "Did you check their pulses?" "How did you know they were dead?" "Did you perform CPR?" "Did calling 911 ever cross your mind?"
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I agree family annihilation do exists and some kill, I'm not arguing that fact.

All I'm saying is my perception of CW doesn't fit with a family annihilation at this time. I don't believe CW thought his family let him down, or that he's anti-social with rage, anger management and resentment issues. There was no known acts of domestic violence patterns and I don't think CW acted out with revenge. jmo
There were none of those issues demonstrated with Scott Peterson. The articles of F.A. note I believe that there is rarely domestic violence and that the reason is not usually revenge. Scott Peterson was extremely charming and social, IMO. I agree it is hard to comprehend because I see videos of CW and I just can't see it - but the studies of family annihilators and then my common sense of evaluating his behavior post-murders leads me to no other reasonable conclusion.
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