Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #30

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Okay, thanks. That's why I asked. It came from an early article. In Texas, to be an operator, at least at a plant, you must have at least a 2 year degree. What about in Colorado?

I spent a bit of time reading up on operators. They fall within the Fieldman category, but so too do "pumpers" and they don't need any degree at all.
Just popping in to agree that SW has not been named a suspect in the murder of anyone.
CW has. And I cannot watch his videos of when they were "missing" one more time without screaming. Nope. :(
Justice for Shan'ann, CeCe, Bella and Nico.
I don't know about that one way or the other. I just remember one of the VIs mentioning that he was in a technical institute but I don't know what he studied or if he got a degree. In that public speaking class it was said he was in junior college, in Colorado, so maybe he finished up a degree there. IIRC IMO

NASCAR Training Program | NASCAR Technical Institute

This is the place if you’re interested
Just popping in to agree that SW has not been named a suspect in the murder of anyone.
CW has. And I cannot watch his videos of when they were "missing" one more time without screaming. Nope. :(
Justice for Shan'ann, CeCe, Bella and Nico.
Good morning, Chi. Glad to see that you're still following along. I ran across this video recently and it really sums it all up nicely. Take a look if you get a chance. :)
We have a VI who hasn't defended SW's behavior and actions prior to the murders, but nobody has come forward with any negative thoughts towards CW's character prior to this. This alone makes me question everyone and everything. People don't typically just snap and kill their whole family without any warning signs. There has to be way more to this than CW wanting out to have a fresh start with his AP party. jmo

Yes they do. Perhaps they don't "snap". These murders are typically planned. But they most certainly do suddenly murder their whole families with no forewarning.

The list of family annihilators has been repeated ad nauseum.

The worst thing about these cases is that indeed, there are really never any signs beforehand and there is no way to predict them.

These aren't men with previously noted issues.

I'm confused why some keep insisting this kind of thing doesn't exist. While rare, it does indeed happen:

"Older children [not infants] however, are more likely to be killed by their father and there is often little or no evidence that such men have an identifiable mental illness.

Researchers point to the fact that they are virtually all premeditated and typically executed with a chilling calmness and sense of purpose. This is particularly true in the case of ’family annihilations’ as they are referred to by psychiatrists, where the father not only kills his children but his partner and usually himself.

It is the calculating nature of these family annihilations that people often find so hard to understand.

US research shows that family annihilators rarely have a criminal record and will often appear to others as stable, trustworthy and dedicated to their family.

The typical profile of a family annihilator is a middle-aged man, a good provider who appears dedicated, devoted and loyal to his family. However, he is usually quite socially isolated, with few friends and with profound feelings of frustration and inadequacy."

What drives a father to kill?
With multi-level marketing, the goal is to have it shared by your friends to other new people that you don't know or you are not friends with already downline. ( this is not my opinion, it is the opinion of my family member who is in multi-level marketing.)

Many folks here have seen that they cannot share things on Facebook, because of their privacy settings.

Therefore people in multi-level marketing have it completely open to be shared.

Agree.... I have a friend on FB who is into MLM (energy/gas)..... she has a huge following/friends & publically compares electric/gas bills on FB for comparison..... she has also won Mercedes/trips etc.... I think SM is the nature of MLM in this day & age.

Edited to add.... back when I was Shanann's age, Tupperware/Pampered Chef/Avon parties were all hosted at someone's house. Now a days I get online invites to an online party. If your going to be successful in MLM today you need to open your life (versus your house). I miss the old days :)
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Dear Babybutterfly,
(once again I'm not a native speaker anyhow I will try to find the right words!)
I have so much respect for you and everyone else who knew Shannan/Chris personally. I wish in this world that there were more people like you. When I was 18 I lost my father due to lung cancer. His death had a real big impact on my life, my feelings.... the way I saw the world from there on. The loss of somebody you really loved and appreciated is one of the hardest things you could go through and yet you found the strength to be here to stand up for her. You are a real friend.
I believe if CW had been given more time to show his true colors, he would have acted much the same, but in his case NUA and LE got in his way.

All I can say is that someone was looking down on NUA that afternoon because LE had already arrived by the time CW drove up. Who knows what would have happened if he asked her to go into the house with him.
When I read that CW is despondent and depressed in jail I ponder why. Is it because he can't believe what he has done? Is it because of what his life will be once he is convicted of all the murders? Is it because he misses his lover? Is it because he has shamed his parents? Is it all of the above? These are all self centered reasons.
A normal person would feel despondent and depressed because their family is dead, their little children won't grow up to have a career, get married, have their own families. A normal person would be depressed because a huge part of them will be sorely missed forever. A normal person...
I think he’s thinking, “Shanann was right. I am stupid. Why did I leave that sheet in that field?”
Dear Babybutterfly,
(once again I'm not a native speaker anyhow I will try to find the right words!)
I have so much respect for you and everyone else who knew Shannan/Chris personally. I wish in this world that there were more people like you. When I was 18 I lost my father due to lung cancer. His death had a real big impact on my life, my feelings.... the way I saw the world from there on. The loss of somebody you really loved and appreciated is one of the hardest things you could go through and yet you found the strength to be here to stand up for her. You are a real friend.

Thank you so much! You made me cry....(((hugs)))
Someone mentioned on a previous thread (I'm sorry I can't find the post and I'm paraphrasing here) about how possibly their relationship began to deteriorate after they began selling Thrive and doing all the videos. IMO this may be true. This is by no means an excuse for what CW did and I'm not blaming SW at all. In fact, I think they were both equal participants. Despite CW passiveness, he could have, at any time said "lets put the camera/video away". As far as the Santa video, he could have easily said something like "lets get someone else to dress up as Santa because I want to be there as Dad, the girls will be confused wondering where I am and I don't want to do that". IMO his extreme passiveness and inability to speak up led to some of their marital problems. JMO
CW talked about seeing Bella dead on the baby monitor and it's possible that he did see her dead but he had killed her not SW.

I think when CW said in the porch interview, "This has to stop" in reference to
whoever had taken his family, CW really could have said those words to SW in a fight, maybe even the night of the murders.
CW talked about seeing Bella dead on the baby monitor and it's possible that he did see her dead but he had killed her not SW.

I think when CW said in the porch interview, "This has to stop" in reference to
whoever had taken his family, CW really could have said those words to SW in a fight, maybe even the night of the murders.

Jumping off your post. Those words, this has to stop, have haunted me. That was the only interview I watched. After it ended, I cried, and told the SO that he killed them. I know I'm not the only one who said those words after just one interview, many mutual friends said the same.

However, I am open to hearing all sides, all theories....a few I've seen are pretty far fetched, but some may have some merit. Bottom line though, he DID confess, so he is at least guilty of two murders. I believe he also killed the girls, but, throw those theories out, let's hear them!

Not to mention, a jury has to operate within the law. There’s no law that says you can kill someone because they are bossy, or a liar, or controlling, or make up illnesses.

He could plead insanity but he needs to be evaluated and meet a HEAVY burden that he did NOT know what he was doing at the time of the murder. I think we all know he can’t meet that burden.

He could claim self defense, but he’d need to show his life was in immediate danger and he had NO other options. Given the size of him and that he managed to kill her, that’s out.

He could claim defense of his children, but he never called for anyone to help them, so that’s way out.

There’s nothing left. You cannot kill someone because they were bossy. It’s against the law. It’s murder. A jury would have to convict him in Shananns murder, it actually makes NO difference how “bossy” anyone thinks she was.

What you've said about a self-defense claim. Surely the whole point of that would be that murder was necessary in order to get help for the children? Which he never did, instead he took their bodies down to his truck, drove them to the oil site and dumped their bodies in tanks.

Then he said that they'd all 'vanished'. Like, as if by magic, everyone in the house just 'vanished' into thin air.

I don't know what the technical legalities of it would be, but even the 'rage' claim, what's the point of having rage if it isn't even enough rage to make you call 911 and beg for an ambulance to come asap?
What's next for the Colorado murder case against Christopher Watts?

Watts, 33, is not scheduled to appear in court again until Nov. 19 for a status conference, but it's not known what, if any, new information may be discussed at that time."

Thank you for that article as it answered a lot of the questions I had forgotten about preliminary hearings, and arraignments, and Status hearings.

It was very thorough as to answering all the questions I had up thread. Thank you again.
CW has confessed to killing SW and their unborn baby, he isn't innocent of that charge. So there's that.
CW had everything to gain by killing his family, total freedom and a big house to enjoy it in.

I understand some want physical proof on the bodies of Bella and CeCe that CW killed them. If it's found, will it make sense, of course, it won't. These family annihilations never make sense.
CW is being childish, such a quaint word for someone accused of despicable crimes but that's what's behind all this, he's scared, he's been caught out, he HAS to blame SW, it's too late to pin it on a random stranger, CW can't face the truth! Imo, the evidence will prove he's the killer of all 4 and SW's name will continue to shine.

I so look forward to seeing the interrogations of CW and the look on his face when he finds out LE know and they've known all along! Such a disgrace. IMO.
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