Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #54

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Was it ever determined that CW had a gay lover and that he looked for guys on the gay dating apps? Or, were they just lies from an attention seeking male?
I am going to guess lies but who knows. I think he is similar to Scott Peterson and other FAs who kill at the peak of a fairly new affair. I posted before that I read that this can be like a drug. Obviously it rarely results in murder and to murder one's family take a special kind of depravity, heartlessness, viciousness and complete absence of morality or, really, humanity.
What surprised me during the sentencing was the DA presenting more evidence against CW that proved that CW is an even bigger moron than I thought he was, IMO. How did he honestly think he would get away with anything?

I was surprised with all the things the DA said he wanted to make it crystal that Chris is a monster. He used the word annihilate
Oh baby Bella, I’m so sorry!!!!

He unenrolled them from school! He contacted a realtor to sell the house! He texted his co-worker the night before to say he’d take care of that site on his own!

8 inch holes, omg.

I 100% believe the girls were gone before Shan’ann got home. I said it from the start and I say it now.

We now know for sure this was well and truly premeditated.

I hate him so much.

So much love for the Rzucek’s. Wow the dignity and grace they have, expressing sympathy for the Watt’s even after those vicious interviews. What incredible people they are.

The DA spoke to the Watt’s. It’s a bit late now to call Shan’ann “their beloved daughter” but at least they made an appropriate statement. I was so worried it was going to be a circus. Thank goodness the proceeding was treated with seriousness and respect it deserves.

Justice for Shan’ann, Bella, CeCe and Nico. We will never forget you.

Thanks to each and every websleuther who never waivered in standing up for the innocent victims, what a tough, heart wrenching road.

And special thanks to our moderator extraordinaire, @liltexans , what a job that was, hey.


I think he may have killed them ahead of time, especially since this was so premeditated. It would give him more time and less chance of dealing with 3 live people ...anyone who could have screamed and made enough noise to have alerted others. Also, from the get go, LE said they may have been killed first.
Yep! Walking that back pretty quick, LOL. Also - the condition must've been because of being buried for 4 days.

I was surprised at that, too. Why lie? I guess because he could.

I think he lied about the smothering vs strangling, because the smothering story wouldn't sound as believable when he tried to sell his story that his wife was killing the girls.

If he tried to say he saw her smothering CeCe, and he ran in to stop her, then it would make no sense he had to strangle her. Why not just push her away and call 911 and begin CPR?
I watched CW the entire time his mom and dad gave statements and I never saw one tear. He never looked up. The camera moves away from him a few times so maybe in those few moments he dropped a tear but I seen none.
He did have tears stream down his eyes after his dad's statement, he actually looked up when his statement was read, no reaction to his mother at all.
The general public watching would not notice what they did not say, it's just those of us who followed their words beforehand.
The passive voice is so disturbing in murder cases. Reminds me of the nanny killer and her family continuing to refer to her brutal murders as accidents or things that "happened." The murderers are always "sorry for what happened" as if they did not MAKE it happen!
What surprised me during the sentencing was the DA presenting more evidence against CW that proved that CW is an even bigger moron than I thought he was, IMO. How did he honestly think he would get away with anything?

Fortunately he made a series of stupid mistakes (honorable mention to NUA!) that showed his hand. Did he think that the school wouldn’t have spoken up eventually? “Hey, the dad of these missing kids called to tell us they won’t be showing up”? That NK wouldn’t put two and two together?

He was delusional. It’s kind of breathtaking.
You arrive home from a weekend working away, in the early hours of the morning, [perhaps take a peek through the gap of your children's doors to see them apparently asleep in bed, and go straight to your own bed, next to your husband.

You pull up the comforter/quilt up to your neck and fall asleep on your right side. Next thing you know, someone's weight is on top of you, pinning you to the bed by their legs around your arms and body, and over the quilt/comforter so you cannot move an inch. That person strangles you from above. The left side of your neck does not feel the assailant's hand itself because it is 'protected' by the quilt/comforter, [just the pressure] but on the right the hand that is strangling leaves indelible marks for forensic experts to identify later.

It's the only way I can think to explain no defensive marks on Shannan, no wounds on CW of any kind, and markings only on the right side of Shannan's neck. :(

That makes more sense.. I can't imagine she wouldn't fight. And that goes along with my original theory that the kids were not already killed before she arrived home. Every time I come home no matter how late.. I go into my son's room and kiss him and tell him I love him. There was no screaming.. No fighting.. And we know the sheet was stripped so it likely happened in bed.

He then proceeded to kill the girls. There may not have even been an emotional convo.. Just his plan. He texted the coworkers before knowing her flight was delayed but had to wait until she arrived and checked on the kids to kill her. That's why he wasn't left with much time to clean up the loose ends.. Or thought he would have time so didn't rush..

Poor Bella.. I can't imagine why he teared up at CeCes name and not the one who fought him back. I wonder if she ever knew it was him who was doing it.

Unfathomable and unnecessary... I'm glad it is over.

When Shanann's mom spoke it was beautiful... I can't imagine having that much composure.
I think he texted the co worker beforehand so that no one would come to the site when he was disposing of his family. He was trying to ensure his privacy.
I noticed at that point the DA said "that night" and not in the early hours of the morning, which points directly to planned and Shanann was killed in the early hours.
I thought the Watts’s representative did a good job of ... reading a statement with all of the appropriate things in it that one should say. I do not think the Watts’s are completely ‘there’ yet. They are still the people we saw in the past week. I don’t have much else to say about them.
I’ve been on vacation and reading the threads, but I hate posting when I’m not caught up. They’ve been moving so fast, and I’m finally current today.

I am so glad for the Rzuceks this morning. What classy, dignified people. I am completely unsurprised that CW refused to make a statement. He knows no one would believe him anyway.

Massive gratitude for the DA and the judge in this case. I’m happy for this outcome. I am just so sad that it ever had to happen. I am so sad for the details too, but genuinely not surprised. Asking for a plea after the autopsies were given to both sides was too coincidental. There had to be something - and cause of death for the babies was it.

Nothing broke me more than hearing SW had sent him relationship books that he threw in the trash. Just like he did his family. Frank is right; may the Lord have mercy on his soul.
I think that the fact that the kids were smothered and not strangled, is the key reason that the parents seem to have come around.

Had they been strangled, they’d still believe that Shanann did this.

If the timing of that text message to the co-worker is as incriminating as it seems to be, even people in complete denial may see the light.

This would have helped as well.
Also, SHAME on those monsters "leaking" the autopsy info which was totally false.

Sick, dark, disgusting souls. The kind that gleefully imagined Shanann's shock as she was strangled to death by the man she "controlled."

Those who blame victims need to think of their own motivation and look around at the company they're keeping (fellow blamers). It could explain everything.

Such darkness.
Also. kudos Gitana, you were so right about the DA Rourke, I was moved by the way he gently guided Shanann's father to the podium and then stood protectively beside him. He was protective and gentle with all of her family. He was also the consummate professional giving the facts to the Judge in a clear concise manner and conveying the horror very effectively. Again, you were right and no none could have done it better!
I doubt it. She may have been killed quickly, however, because she was pregnant and not feeling well. We should also remember that SW had a history of neck issues and had surgery for it a couple years ago. It might not have taken much time for him to kill her. I keep thinking back to CW's slip up in the TV interviews where he started to say "She barely let me..." I think he wanted to say something else. JMO. :mad:

Agreed.. I was just trying to make sense of why it doesn't appear she fought back.
Hmm. Watching the Watts' statement. I amy be backtracking a bit on my thankfulness for their statement. Hearing it live it's actually sort of what I predicted. They accepted the plea of guilt but I think they aren't really saying he is guilty for all. More they're upset for how he handled it - killed Shanann and how he disposed of the bodies.

"I hate what has happened." But they don't really fully acknowledge what he did?

It's kind of what I thought - how good and normal their family is. How they still love their son. They accept the plea and that HE has accepted responsibility.

I don't know. It is definitely an improvement. I am glad they apologized about the interviews they gave smearing the victim.

I did feel for them during their statements. So sad.

He destroyed everything.

As Sharon Rocha said, "Divorce is always an option!"

IMO, the DA fully briefed the Watts with the evidence over the weekend, a mountain of evidence that they had not heard. So I imagine they have barely processed it all. I do feel for them, having to hear and face the horrors that their son committed and the carnage he left behind for the living.
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