GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #58

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Does Frankie's post specifically mention NK? I know they are furious at some media outlets and people who told out-right lies about SW publicly. I have never heard them talk much about NK one way or the other.
he does mention the mistress and others close to CW and them knowing more than they say and maybe wanting a book deal.
FW has saved all his anger for those out there who still continue to support CW. Basically, the deluded ones.
I have been following this case since the beginning and I think Chris is the type to internalize his rage. Chris is a Beta male who probably feels inadequate due to both his mother and wife (both of whom are Alpha's). He may appear easy going and non-confrontational but deep down is seething with resentment towards the women in his life. Shanann and Cindi probably didn't get along because they're both Alpha's and Cindi treats Chris like a Momma's boy who can do no wrong. Similar to Scott Peterson, we have a golden boy who is worshipped by his parents.

I feel he'd intentionally cut himself off from his wife and kids. He didn't want to be attached to them in any way. He has NK who is probably younger and a bit naive. NK will follow Chris's lead and Chris can't believe he has a woman who will do what HE says but there's that pesky, pregnant wife of his who won't "go away" quietly because understandably, Shanann loves Chris unconditionally and is willing to work on their marriage. I also feel like Chris felt backed into a corner with baby Nico in the way.

So what does an emotionally immature Beta male do when he wants to rid himself of his family without paying out big $$$ for a divorce and child support? Just snuff them out plain and simple.

Chris is not smart or clever, nor is he a good actor. There is no way he was going to outsmart anyone by pretending to be the grieving husband. Chris is a dumbass who felt that he could go about life without a care in the world . Chris is a product of his parents (who btw seem pretty evil and narcissistic themselves). He honestly believed the police would just shrug and say "Yep, you're right Chris. Shanann probably just left without a trace. Oh well".

My guess is the kids were in bed, Chris is anxious for Shanann to get home from the airport. Shanann gets home, exhausted, feeling ill and pregnant. Takes off her shoes and gets ready for bed. She probably peeks in on the girls but tries not to wake them. Chris is probably pretending to be asleep.

Shanann gets into bed and gently tries to wake him up and whispers "Chris .. honey ...I'm home."

Chris probably lays there ignoring her while pretending to be asleep. Shanann tries to hug him and maybe he pushes her arms away. She says "**** off" and rolls over, maybe crying until she dozes off.

Then Chris probably rolls over, sits on top of her and strangles her first.

Then the girls. My reasoning is because he can't take a chance of Shanann discovering the girls are already dead and having her call the cops or cause a disturbance. He kills her first so that he has ample time to smother the children without Shanann interfering.

My other scenario is Chris pretends to be asleep in bed when Shanann gets home. She climbs into bed, and he rolls over and pretends to be loving by wrapping his arms around her. Maybe even says some loving words like "I missed you. How was your trip?" They chat like this for a few minutes until Shanann dozes off. Chris pretends to do the same.Then, with his arms still wrapped around her he strangles her. Shanann didn't have time to scream or fight back. Because of Chris's loving demeanor, Shanann, already tired from her trip, let her guard down and didn't want to to think about Chris's strange behavior the past week. She's dozing off when Chris decides to go through with his plan.
The alpha/beta thing has been debunked tho (in general).
I think age is a factor in this situation only because her age group know to check people out on social media. I dont know how anyone could watch SW’s videos and claim they believed they were getting separated. SW’s social media presence was not the norm...she put her whole life out there for everyone to see. The pregnancy video alone should have been a huge red flag for NK...but it wasnt because she didnt care.
I don't think she knew about the pregnancy. When he first lied and told her he wasn't the father she knew he was lying. He asked her if that meant it was over between them. Even if she accepted it that does still not prove she was implicated in any way. Married men have affairs even when their wives are pregnant. If anything, I would think she may have been worried that he would stay with her not murder her and the children. Chris Watts is the one to blame for that, whether or not he did it to start new life with his new lover or not.
If LE finds evidence that she is involved, then we will have a whole new topic to discuss. But my feeling is they have already investigated that possibility and found nothing to support It.
1. We have no idea who tried to purchase the hair care products. It could have been CW.
2. She thought they were planning the trip to Aspen together. Instead, he was planning it with his mistress.
3. She did not have the girls enrolled in a private school all on her own, her husband was involved in the decision.
4. CW was spending lots of money on his mistress-to the point where SW was becoming suspicious.
5. CW was the one on Groupon and online planning the trip to Aspen.
6. We have records of SW texting CW about parking in a cheaper lot to save money.
7. Nobody's life is as perfect as they make it appear on social media.
8. They were behind on their mortgage back in February. She died in August.
9. When she died, they had a combined $3,500 in their accounts, not $10. That was from when they declared bancruptcy 2-3 years before.
10. He was a free spender himself. Not sure why he's getting a pass.
Bravo! Well said, very well said. Thank you.
Yup. Another lie. I searched the documents in order to see if perhaps she had already reached out on her own (perhaps to another investigator), but I found nothing to that effect.

I felt odd about that Denver interview.
I asked then, if money was involved.
No one seemed to agree, so I did not bring up my thoughts about NK, until after hearing the DA, and this great Discovery Info, for us.
Really how far back have you looked. Have you crossed referenced Dates and Names with addresses in Codis. How do you know?

I've read through more than 2,000 pages of the documents that go with this case. There is zero to suggest that SW had an affair. And if she did, it was clearly not relevant to this crime because, once again, there is NOTHING to suggest it. Therefore, I fail to see how such a speculation is even relevant to this conversation.
DP 1335
Plaintiff Wyndham Hill Master in the sum of $1533.80 for non payment of assessments and other fees. 26th October was last date I could see for hearing which was delayed due to C.W. arrest.

Assessments aren't the same thing as the regular monthly dues. Sometimes they hit you with these 'assessments' out of the blue and expect you to cough it up.

We had an assessment of 1800 bucks one spring, because our HOA wanted to refinish and repair the docks on the lake. But we didn't have a boat on any of the docks, nor did we use the docks. We did over look the lake. But why should we pay the same as the people who had boats docked there?

So it is possible that they just wanted to fight the assessment in court, and these weren't their monthly dues that were delinquent.
that's a funny question, I notice that the articles all say something like Here's the latest on the 2,000 pp that we (fox4, newsrag 5) were able to obtain!!!!! But no link.

Thank you, I had not seen it either and that's what I was asking.

Media doesn't seem to give the whole link and they want to leak it out.

Thank you for this website that we have it all in the beginning and thank you for those members that find it and post it for the rest of us!

It was great to be able to download the first document dump into a PDF and view it within a PDF and be able to search it. Having terabytes, that's not going to happen! We will need to work together to figure this out LOL

ETA.. another poster said that one media site did post the entire document link, Documents: Shanann Watts' mother suspected Christopher Watts of using oil to dispose of bodies shortly after disappearance
I don't think she was a hero. I don't want to be her friend. I think she engaged in some questionable acts (ie., lying to LE and to us, the public as well as deleting her texts and images). The only thing I've spoken out against is generalizing her activities as somehow being sexually deviant. Her Googling anal sex is not on par with him killing his kids, though it's been alluded to. I think we have many other things to discuss, nefarious acts like lying and killing and hiding evidence and generally being evil minded without resorting to generalizing the mistress' sex habits as being awful. Some of her other activities, sure. Watching *advertiser censored*?Not so much.
yeah I agree
I dont hold against her any of the sexual stuff and don't see its point talking about it.
only an observation that I think it shows immaturity of character (which is what we are seeking at the end of the day her character)and like most I was taken aback at the brazen text to her friend. lol its not what she said just the way she said it.
I am pretty liberal but ive never heard women use that talk to other women but that's not something I am judging her for. that was funny imo
the smut is the LEAST of the issues concerning her.

What is the one thing you'd most like to see in the next doc dump? ( And does anyone know yet when that will be?).

I'd like to see the interrogation tapes, just to compare CW's demeanor/tone of voice to the porch interviews. He needs to be examined close up.
I'd like to read more ramblings from Papa, Mama and sister Watts, if they exist.
1. We have no idea who tried to purchase the hair care products. It could have been CW.
2. She thought they were planning the trip to Aspen together. Instead, he was planning it with his mistress.
3. She did not have the girls enrolled in a private school all on her own, her husband was involved in the decision.
4. CW was spending lots of money on his mistress-to the point where SW was becoming suspicious.
5. CW was the one on Groupon and online planning the trip to Aspen.
6. We have records of SW texting CW about parking in a cheaper lot to save money.
7. Nobody's life is as perfect as they make it appear on social media.
8. They were behind on their mortgage back in February. She died in August.
9. When she died, they had a combined $3,500 in their accounts, not $10. That was from when they declared bancruptcy 2-3 years before.
10. He was a free spender himself. Not sure why he's getting a pass.
I never gave him a pass. They BOTH lived above their means.
1. He claimed to be asleep when she came home. I would assu,e she was ordering=g hair products since he barely had any hair nut so what..doesnt matter who was ordering..their cards was declined .
2. I think she was planning the trip to Aspen and made reservations..he killed her so knew she wasnt going to be able to go so he was going to take his mistress instead.
3. Yes, there both should have known they couldnt afford the private school. I do think he was more financi8ally responsible one of the toe. And he should have said no, we cam’t afford it! But, we all know he was too much of a wuss to stand up to her or his mother.
4.He was using work gift cards to wine and dine his mistress. He did charge $60 for a dinner which SW called him right away to question him, about it and also told him to save the receipt..I’m sure so she could see how many entrees and drinks were ordered to see if he was alone. This probably pissed him off because she probably spends that each month getting her nails done.
5. I read that Shanann planned the groupon aspen trip and asked the Thayers to babysit.
6. Yes, they were trying to save money on parking.
7. Of course no ones life is perfect and usually not as great as they portray it on social media.
8. They were behind on more than their mortgage..they were being suede by their homeowners association for not paying their dues.
9. $3500 in their account when they have 2 kids and a baby on the way and a monthly $2800 house note, is definitely a sign of financial problems...$3500 isnt squat when you have their bills to pay... I have that in my everyday checking account...thy had to be both stressed to have that little $.....Neither are getting a free pass..they both were living above their means!
No way he would have gotten away with it, but he may have bought himself a few more days.

I love so much how on top of him NA was. As soon as he told her not to call police, she did. She got him talking to the media right away. She knew instantly and did everything right.

It must have made him so angry.


CW even blamed NUA and her son, running all through their house.
NUA's son found the phone, without its attachment.
Later CW presented the phone to LE, with the attachment now present!
Poor CW did not know the SW's phone password!

With time, more and more absurd lies would be uttered by CW, and he certainly would have hung himself.
Was the interview with the Thayers in the document dump? I didnt see an interview with them.
I just searched the document (twice). They were interviewed, however the actual interviews were not in the released material. Their interviews (and the interview notes) were listed alongside links that are not accessible. I'm thinking they will be included in the next, 3TB(!) release.
I'd like to see the interrogation tapes, just to compare CW's demeanor/tone of voice to the porch interviews. He needs to be examined close up.
I'd like to read more ramblings from Papa, Mama and sister Watts, if they exist.
I think we’ll see the same guy, with the same flat affect.

I really want to see his body language when he realizes that the jig is up.

And I’d love to see more from the Watts family, a group of characters that seemingly could give the Fratelli family in the Goonies, a run for their money.
I never gave him a pass. They BOTH lived above their means.
1. He claimed to be asleep when she came home. I would assu,e she was ordering=g hair products since he barely had any hair nut so what..doesnt matter who was ordering..their cards was declined .
2. I think she was planning the trip to Aspen and made reservations..he killed her so knew she wasnt going to be able to go so he was going to take his mistress instead.
3. Yes, there both should have known they couldnt afford the private school. I do think he was more financi8ally responsible one of the toe. And he should have said no, we cam’t afford it! But, we all know he was too much of a wuss to stand up to her or his mother.
4.He was using work gift cards to wine and dine his mistress. He did charge $60 for a dinner which SW called him right away to question him, about it and also told him to save the receipt..I’m sure so she could see how many entrees and drinks were ordered to see if he was alone. This probably pissed him off because she probably spends that each month getting her nails done.
5. I read that Shanann planned the groupon aspen trip and asked the Thayers to babysit.
6. Yes, they were trying to save money on parking.
7. Of course no ones life is perfect and usually not as great as they portray it on social media.
8. They were behind on more than their mortgage..they were being suede by their homeowners association for not paying their dues.
9. $3500 in their account when they have 2 kids and a baby on the way and a monthly $2800 house note, is definitely a sign of financial problems...$3500 isnt squat when you have their bills to pay... I have that in my everyday checking account...thy had to be both stressed to have that little $.....Neither are getting a free pass..they both were living above their means!

I just thought of an aha moment. They were talking about the last order was for hair care products. It made me think of what our verified Insider said, and was somewhere else that I can't remember, but it was related to skater boy and his hair care products.
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