GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #58

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I read the discovery documents. First off Ronnie Watts is every bit as nasty as Cindy. Maybe worse because he made SW think he liked her, when in fact he didn't. Jennifer and Jeremy Lindstrom were never Shanann's friends. They may have said they were but they were not. All his family and friends were against Shanann and may have help turn CW against her. I'm sure that's all he ever heard from them. She is crazy, bossy, bipolar, blah, blah, blah it never ended. as far as NK goes, She isn't innocent and I don't consider her a victim. So what, he lied to her. She knew he was a married man with children. She told her friend she wished he had never been married or had children. I think she probably made those statements to him NEVER considering he would kill them. If that is truly how she felt, she should have never got involved with a married man. I don't wish bad things on her but I can't scrape up an ounce of sympathy for her either. I find it strange that people want to protect her and see her as the victim, when Shanann wasn't afforded the same respect. I honestly don't think it was one thing that "triggered" him to kill his entire family. I think it was his families insistent and never ending criticism of Shanann. I think he knew the nut incident was major and that Shanann would protect her children at all cost. His fear of what people would think. His new relationship with NK. All those things added up to one big trigger. JMO
Yeah, that was really messed up. Clearly, they have hated her from the get-go. So many more details on the nut fiasco in the discovery docs as well. I can't believe the sister put a bowl of nuts out on the table after the ice cream blow up, just out of pure spite. SW did well to get her kids the hell out of that house. I really tried to give them benefit of the doubt but with all that came out in the doc drop, you can clearly see how mean and unaccepting they were of her. Such stark contrast to her family; kudos to her for trying so hard. :(

Now we know where all that BS came from, that we saw here. Stuff about the girls not really having asthma, or needing to see the doctors, but it was because SW had Munchausen tendencies.

And in the documents, we hear that both girls were diagnosed with asthma and prescribed the inhalers and the nebulizer treatments. Even though some here were accusing g SW of 'faking' all of that.

The nut-gate incident is very similar. It seems that CW's family didn't believe the child was really allergic so they put those nuts around to prove themselves right.
I believe the blowup with CW's parents while Shanann was visiting was an underlying cause of the murders. He has his idealized version of life with his girlfriend, after being "free" for 5 weeks. Then he gets a huge smack of family dysfunction and discord that his wife, justifiably, wants him to take care of. He has his own subterfuge, his "interesting person" mother pushing him one way, Shanann pushing him the other way. It was interesting to me that on 8/13 (iirc) one of his searches was for volcanoes. For most of this case I had "volcanic eruption" running through my head-and I end up seeing that in the discovery. I am in no way excusing him or believing that he didn't deliberately and cruelly murder his beautiful family. I just (after reading all of the discovery) believe that the extended family dynamics were part of the catalyst for this crime. moo
I am greatly disturbed by how CW's family treated SW. They are toxic people and have projected all of their awful behavior onto SW. It speaks volumes and is a great indicator of how CW became a monster. Clearly, IMO, CW was very skilled at hiding things. The secret calculator, the lies, the using of gift cards he hid from his wife to finance his affair tells me he has done this before. <modsnip - rumor>

Ever watch the movie, "Effie Gray?" Her MIL (in the movie) reminds me so much of the personality of the woman aforementioned. I love that movie, and it's based on a true story from the life of a DIL who finally escaped.
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Yeah, that was really messed up. Clearly, they have hated her from the get-go. So many more details on the nut fiasco in the discovery docs as well. I can't believe the sister put a bowl of nuts out on the table after the ice cream blow up, just out of pure spite. SW did well to get her kids the hell out of that house. I really tried to give them benefit of the doubt but with all that came out in the doc drop, you can clearly see how mean and unaccepting they were of her. Such stark contrast to her family; kudos to her for trying so hard. :(

OH, and also, an insider and witness to the nut incident, had the gall to lie to Tricia about the incident. The lie was designed to make SW look like a crazy bi-polar nutcase and that version was posted here, as if it was the gospel truth. That is how deceitful those people are.
OH, and also, an insider and witness to the nut incident, had the gall to lie to Tricia about the incident. The lie was designed to make SW look like a crazy bi-polar nutcase and that version was posted here, as if it was the gospel truth. That is how deceitful those people are.
But most of us could see through that nonsense, I think. MOST of us. JMOO.
Well goodness gracious. Chris Watts Had 10 Month Affair with Gay Escort. Chris Watts had affair with gay escort, paid for lip injections — Daily Mail
This was never confirmed in the discovery, although that person was interviewed. I suppose in the end, it was not relevant to the monster CW murdering his wifeand children as a motive. If it had gone to trial, I would bet TB would have been a witness to testify as it speaks to CW's character. Which we now know he has none.
I read the discovery documents. First off Ronnie Watts is every bit as nasty as Cindy. Maybe worse because he made SW think he liked her, when in fact he didn't. Jennifer and Jeremy Lindstrom were never Shanann's friends. They may have said they were but they were not. All his family and friends were against Shanann and may have help turn CW against her. I'm sure that's all he ever heard from them. She is crazy, bossy, bipolar, blah, blah, blah it never ended. as far as NK goes, She isn't innocent and I don't consider her a victim. So what, he lied to her. She knew he was a married man with children. She told her friend she wished he had never been married or had children. I think she probably made those statements to him NEVER considering he would kill them. If that is truly how she felt, she should have never got involved with a married man. I don't wish bad things on her but I can't scrape up an ounce of sympathy for her either. I find it strange that people want to protect her and see her as the victim, when Shanann wasn't afforded the same respect. I honestly don't think it was one thing that "triggered" him to kill his entire family. I think it was his families insistent and never ending criticism of Shanann. I think he knew the nut incident was major and that Shanann would protect her children at all cost. His fear of what people would think. His new relationship with NK. All those things added up to one big trigger. JMO
Reading this made me wonder if the nut incident made him start to think there were grounds for him to lose custody if he wouldn't protect them from his family, and he didn't want Shanann to have them. I tend to think that event and the "dagger" he accused her of driving between him and his father allowed him to demonize her.

I see a very sneaky shift in his text messages towards saying things he wasn't really feeling, and I think it may have been the time he made the decision to kill her so he wanted to create a trail of caring about her and going along with actions like therapy and a weekend away, even though at the end he would have to also have an event where she would walk out on him and take off her wedding ring.
OH, and also, an insider and witness to the nut incident, had the gall to lie to Tricia about the incident. The lie was designed to make SW look like a crazy bi-polar nutcase and that version was posted here, as if it was the gospel truth. That is how deceitful those people are.
They obviously didn't know there were texts on Shanann's phone proving it! :D
Are we ever going to see the police/media follow-up on the blind woman's email regarding the Anadarko employee's wife who may have had an affair with CW as well? I disregarded the email initially, as it was hard to read, but (as someone mentioned in the last thread) it caught my attention when I read the forensic detective's report on CW's cell phone and "secret calculator app." Given that the strange email mentioned that app specifically before the documents were ever made public, there's likely some truth to it (MOO).

Email is on Discovery Page 132.
Forensic mention of calculator app is on Discovery Page 2078.

Edited to add that there is no further mention of the email or the name referenced within in the rest of the discovery pages.

(Mods please delete if this sleuthing is not allowed by TOS.)
Reading this made me wonder if the nut incident made him start to think there were grounds for him to lose custody if he wouldn't protect them from his family, and he didn't want Shanann to have them. I tend to think that event and the "dagger" he accused her of driving between him and his father allowed him to demonize her.

I see a very sneaky shift in his text messages towards saying things he wasn't really feeling, and I think it may have been the time he made the decision to kill her so he wanted to create a trail of caring about her and going along with actions like therapy and a weekend away, even though at the end he would have to also have an event where she would walk out on him and take off her wedding ring.
I noticed that shift too! You could just see his ( reasonable facsimile of a) mind at work.
This was never confirmed in the discovery, although that person was interviewed. I suppose in the end, it was not relevant to the monster CW murdering his wifeand children as a motive. If it had gone to trial, I would bet TB would have been a witness to testify as it speaks to CW's character. Which we now know he has none.

I did not see it confirmed either but I have missed some things.
Even though the Wyoming border is not that far away from CW I wonder where he found the time to fit that in?????
I did not see it confirmed either but I have missed some things.
Even though the Wyoming border is not that far away from CW I wonder where he found the time to fit that in?????
TB also said CW was in his truck, and the truck he drove was a work truck which is only to be used for work travel. So there are some questions there unless he was in Wyoming for work.
I thought that was very cruel and talk about getting off on the wrong foot. And for Shannan to find out that the reason they were not there was because they did not get an invite. Bad.

P.S. Also to not like Shannan as much as they did I keep on looking for a reason, like a bad one that would warrent that kind of behavior but am coming up empty handed.

I think they met a mature, confidant, ambitious, outgoing, lovely "divorced" woman with "the big house" and they felt inferior to her. They decided right then they didn't like her and didn't give her a chance. They probably thought she was too much for their precious Christopher.
I am greatly disturbed by how CW's family treated SW. They are toxic people and have projected all of their awful behavior onto SW. It speaks volumes and is a great indicator of how CW became a monster. Clearly, IMO, CW was very skilled at hiding things. The secret calculator, the lies, the using of gift cards he hid from his wife to finance his affair tells me he has done this before. <modsnip - rumor>

I hope the Watts family read every word of the discovery doc, although being so defensive and in denial (I don't believe they meant a word of their statement at the sentencing) that I doubt any of it will sink in.
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