GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #67

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Yes, that is the jist of the Diane Zamora case. She was considered of high moral character and intelligence to have been accepted into the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, yet played a key role in the murder of an innocent teen girl who was her rival for the affections of a equally morally backrupt paramour. Such a waste of lives.
Diane Zamora - Wikipedia

Jealousy is a powerful motivator who those that aren't stable,
Btw, even his rehearsed speech for the police and media demonstrated his stupidity. He kept saying "I have no inclination of where they're at." The word he was looking for was INKLING. The word inclination actually, like so many other things, implies him trying to cover up his guilt.
He's just an idiot all over and in and out. He may have been, as his HS teacher pointed out, very good with mechanics, etc., but his English teacher probably saw nothing whatsoever good from his mouth or pen. I just don't think he's all that bright. D'oh.


Welcome to Websleuths, BioInspector!!
Charles and Camilla, who one would expect to have decorum, had some unfortunate interactions revealed to the world.

That an “ in love” woman would send selfie nudes to her lover does not surprise me. People have sex with someone they met an hour ago.

What does surprise me is the public’s interest in such pictures and talk. It is bad enough the some LE get to look and hear, but the public’s voyeurism bothers me a lot.

What does that have to do with the crime? We know they exist. We are not the judge or the jury.

It puts everyone at risk because anyone could be involved in a crime when they really have no part. People’s addresses, etc.Not good[/
We haven't seen any of the nude photos, iirc they weren't released. Not interested either. So what would she be griping about? Maybe the public's attitude would be different had the DA been able to say, with respect to a brutal mass murder and body desecration by her boyfriend....."NK........Of course she was completely forthcoming, she helped us a lot." . But he couldn't say that because in his opinion she was not completely forthcoming.
We haven't seen any of the nude photos, iirc they weren't released. Not interested either. So what would she be griping about? Maybe the public's attitude would be different had the DA been able to say, with respect to a brutal mass murder and body desecration by her boyfriend....."NK........Of course she was completely forthcoming, she helped us a lot." . But he couldn't say that because in his opinion she was not completely forthcoming.

People seem to be wanting them. What do they have to do with her being forthcoming?

She did not kill them Yes, she is not a person I would want to even see in real life, but she is only a witness.

Just as any of us could be a witness. The thing of this is that it opens everyone’s life to the public. Any of us could have our lives put out on the net just by being involved in a crime by someone else.
People seem to be wanting them. What do they have to do with her being forthcoming?

She did not kill them Yes, she is not a person I would want to even see in real life, but she is only a witness.

Just as any of us could be a witness. The thing of this is that it opens everyone’s life to the public. Any of us could have our lives put out on the net just by being involved in a crime by someone else.
i don't believe anybody is 'wanting them" as in to see the nude pics.
we haven't, they aren't available??

people are disgusted knowing they exist NOT BECAUSE THEY EXIST but because she played down her relationship with CW and used it as an EXCUSE to why she deleted SOME of her texts to and from him.

we don't know if those deleted texts were nudies or incriminating toward the murders of 4 people.
likely a bit of both.


People seem to be wanting them. What do they have to do with her being forthcoming?

She did not kill them Yes, she is not a person I would want to even see in real life, but she is only a witness.

Just as any of us could be a witness. The thing of this is that it opens everyone’s life to the public. Any of us could have our lives put out on the net just by being involved in a crime by someone else.
I'm sorry if I sound crass, but I just don't care. She took her chances and got burned. Shan'ann and her kids did nothing wrong and they were murdered.
I agree. Also, it’s a peek inside the life of the wife. What does she have? Is she clean? What’s her decor style? What might I get (thru property dissolution) for our future house. Also, it can verify or not if there’s a real separation.

The fact that she admitted to LE that she felt "not right" being in "their space" when she was in their home shows she knew they weren't separated.
I'm sorry if I sound crass, but I just don't care. She took her chances and got burned. Shan'ann and her kids did nothing wrong and they were murdered.

I am talking about precedent. Anyone could become a witness in some kind of situation. Your next door neighbor could be doing things and you become a witness because you went there for dinner and the neighbors came to your house for instance.

In the case of kidnapped Jacob Wetterling where the parents had zero to do with his kidnapping, they had to sue to keep things about their family private. The fight is not over yet. Does that seem OK to you?
The fact that she admitted to LE that she felt "not right" being in "their space" when she was in their home shows she knew they weren't separated.
Good observation. I missed that. Most of us, myself included, have been in someone's home, that was once shared with another. If it's a normal situation, you don't feel "not right". Yes, NK knew they weren't separated.
I am talking about precedent. Anyone could become a witness in some kind of situation. Your next door neighbor could be doing things and you become a witness because you went there for dinner and the neighbors came to your house for instance.

In the case of kidnapped Jacob Wetterling where the parents had zero to do with his kidnapping, they had to sue to keep things about their family private. The fight is not over yet. Does that seem OK to you?
I didn't say anything was OK, I said I don't care about NK. In fact I've got 3.5 hours to go to 2019, and I'd be happy to go this whole new year without hearing a word about her. But if posters come on and factually misrepresent what she said in her interviews, I'll correct them if I know they are wrong.
I am talking about precedent. Anyone could become a witness in some kind of situation. Your next door neighbor could be doing things and you become a witness because you went there for dinner and the neighbors came to your house for instance.

In the case of kidnapped Jacob Wetterling where the parents had zero to do with his kidnapping, they had to sue to keep things about their family private. The fight is not over yet. Does that seem OK to you?
What has been revealed about NK? What photos are on the internet being viewed? Which of her secrets have been exposed? So far, the only thing released is the fact that she was involved with CW, a suspected and then convicted family murderer, they shared salacious text messages and photos, and she deleted information. The deleted items may have all been photos and sex talk, or there may have been more. We don't know, because SHE DELETED IT! There is truth to what you say, but is colored by this fixation people have with social media and the idea it's okay to do, say, post anything without regard to consequences. What if your neighbors committed a heinous crime. You didn't know and weren't involved, but you had taken photos at their house one night and they wrote you some letters about it, which you answered. Then, they're arrested. Fearing you might be involved, you burn the letters and photos. If the police found out, you'd probably face some kind of charges. That is why there are "accessory" laws. Like it, or not, it's for LE and the courts to decide, because they know and understand the investigation. Do mistakes get made? Of course. It's not a perfect system. One more question. If you were on trial would you want someone who was likely self-serving, with a personal stake, deciding what evidence is available?
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This is very interesting - Check out this youtube video (I hope links are allowed here)
at the 15:00 mark. This really clicked for me as probably underlying the motive. I transcribe the message below if you don't want to go through the link.
One of the deleted texts between NK and her friend from August 12, 2018. That's the day before the crime (Sunday afternoon, before her long heart to heart phone calls with CW before SW got home).

"I just feel like I will always be second place like he's been there done that. It's early though we will see. He is very kind to me though."


This is what NK was feeling at the time. There are other messages shown in this video where her and her friend are talking about finding the right one, etc. This is undoubtedly what she conveyed to Chris in their hours-long conversation 2 hours before Shannan got home. It's not a big leap to think he made up his mind to prove to her that it will only be about NK going forward! There are two possibilities for me. We all know NK is a bad liar who obstructed justice here.
But 1. Either she really meant she wanted him to divorce and leave his wife completely and start anew with her, and she was ultimately shocked at what action he took, misinterpreting what she said, or coming to a really bad conclusion about how to address what she wanted, and she pieced together over the next 2 days as FBI started closing in and based on his interactions with her that Yeah, he might have actually harmed his family, wow I'm going to the police now.... After initially conspiring with CW to cover up the relationship in case they search his phone AS PART OF THE EFFORT TO FIND HIS FAMILY
OR 2. She planted this seed and this is what she wanted him to do. And she conspired with CW to delete their conversations to coverup her involvement when she felt like the police were closing in and that he had done a really poor job of covering up his crime and explaining so she knew she could be implicated. And at that point she turned on him when she or they both knew the FBI had him dead to rights. And the plea deal is part of his effort to "protect her."

Either way, I'm pretty sure she planted that seed and this email shows exactly where her feelings were the days surrounding the crimes. This to me is a bombshell.
This is very interesting - Check out this youtube video (I hope links are allowed here)
at the 15:00 mark. This really clicked for me as probably underlying the motive. I transcribe the message below if you don't want to go through the link.
One of the deleted texts between NK and her friend from August 12, 2018. That's the day before the crime (Sunday afternoon, before her long heart to heart phone calls with CW before SW got home).

"I just feel like I will always be second place like he's been there done that. It's early though we will see. He is very kind to me though."


This is what NK was feeling at the time. There are other messages shown in this video where her and her friend are talking about finding the right one, etc. This is undoubtedly what she conveyed to Chris in their hours-long conversation 2 hours before Shannan got home. It's not a big leap to think he made up his mind to prove to her that it will only be about NK going forward! There are two possibilities for me. We all know NK is a bad liar who obstructed justice here.
But 1. Either she really meant she wanted him to divorce and leave his wife completely and start anew with her, and she was ultimately shocked at what action he took, misinterpreting what she said, or coming to a really bad conclusion about how to address what she wanted, and she pieced together over the next 2 days as FBI started closing in and based on his interactions with her that Yeah, he might have actually harmed his family, wow I'm going to the police now.... After initially conspiring with CW to cover up the relationship in case they search his phone AS PART OF THE EFFORT TO FIND HIS FAMILY
OR 2. She planted this seed and this is what she wanted him to do. And she conspired with CW to delete their conversations to coverup her involvement when she felt like the police were closing in and that he had done a really poor job of covering up his crime and explaining so she knew she could be implicated. And at that point she turned on him when she or they both knew the FBI had him dead to rights. And the plea deal is part of his effort to "protect her."

Either way, I'm pretty sure she planted that seed and this email shows exactly where her feelings were the days surrounding the crimes. This to me is a bombshell.

I believe a very big part of the plea deal was him protecting NK and seeing himself as a Knight in Shining Armor! She may not have been involved in that decision (plea deal), but I think she knows he did it for her.

I also believe she was invested in "taking' CW away from his wife.
I believe a very big part of the plea deal was him protecting NK and seeing himself as a Knight in Shining Armor! She may not have been involved in that decision (plea deal), but I think she knows he did it for her.

I also believe she was invested in "taking' CW away from his wife.

I wonder if his records of visitors or calls from prison are available.... is he allowed visits yet? I wonder if she is low enough to contact him?!
I def. think that she laid the law down that evening.....I think she was sick of the run around per say and knew he was stringing her well as his wife... I believe NK gave him the ultimatum in a sense of completely leaving SW or else she was gone. I think she finally confronted him with the lies he was telling her-NK...… and was having to keep up with lies to the wife and to the mistress...….Where is the confession/document of the triple murder? Why haven't they released it? In his confession of SW, he was so concerned about them contacting NK and not any care for his daughters and pregnant wife.
Charles and Camilla, who one would expect to have decorum, had some unfortunate interactions revealed to the world.

That an “ in love” woman would send selfie nudes to her lover does not surprise me. People have sex with someone they met an hour ago.

What does surprise me is the public’s interest in such pictures and talk. It is bad enough the some LE get to look and hear, but the public’s voyeurism bothers me a lot.

What does that have to do with the crime? We know they exist. We are not the judge or the jury.

It puts everyone at risk because anyone could be involved in a crime when they really have no part. People’s addresses, etc.Not good

Charles and Camilla, who one would expect to have decorum, had some unfortunate interactions revealed to the world.

That an “ in love” woman would send selfie nudes to her lover does not surprise me. People have sex with someone they met an hour ago.

What does surprise me is the public’s interest in such pictures and talk. It is bad enough the some LE get to look and hear, but the public’s voyeurism bothers me a lot.

What does that have to do with the crime? We know they exist. We are not the judge or the jury.

It puts everyone at risk because anyone could be involved in a crime when they really have no part. People’s addresses, etc.Not good
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