Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #60 *ARREST*

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I tend to think the PE guys got the idea that BM was on the dark web from somewhere, and they are an approved source here on WS. IIRC, when they were approved as a source, we were told it was up to the individual if we believe them or not. Just like any MSM.

I choose to believe them. If they want to continue their presence in true crime on their channels, I doubt they would be making stuff up out of whole cloth.


This is the video where MK mentions the dark web

At just past 24 minutes in: we've been digging deep into social media platforms and others as we continue to search this out, we've been in both the uh, open web, and the dark web, and we would encourage law enforcement if they don't know how to search the dark web, reach out to us and let us help you because there are organizations that will work only with law enforcement to help you explore the dark web and explore things that people think they've hidden away. We've been able to find a lot of that, and it's been very interesting to us, and it's helped us to continue to focus in on where we think things are going.

It's not about choosing to believe MK or not, it's that he's not involved in the investigation from the inside, so his opinions and thoughts don't have the same authority as if he were in Spezze's shoes - and said the same thing. I think that's a very important distinction to make, as last evening's confusion sort of pointed out.
With all due respect, it's extremely easy to connect to the dark web. Anyone can do it in less than two minutes. All you need is the Tor browser. Tor is literally the front door to the dark web.
You can download Tor for free and be on the dark web in a matter of minutes.
Knowing where to go is made easy with the Hidden Wiki which is like the phone book of the dark web and also extremely easy to access and find online.
It's a huge misconception that the dark web is this impossible place to access. It's used all the time for everyday browsing by people that don't like being tracked like on the regular internet.


I've been online since 1993 and can honestly say I've never known anyone that uses the Tor browser to access the dark web, so that they can avoid being tracked online. I have no doubt some folks do, I've just never known anyone that does it for that reason, so I do have to wonder how common that actually is?

As it pertains to BM, I have no doubt, a man with ugly, dark secrets to hide, might be inclined to search out how to access the DW for various reasons. Most folks just go "incognito", but if LE does uncover (or if they already have) that he was trying to hide things that way, I don't think anyone here will be surprised.
With all due respect, it's extremely easy to connect to the dark web. Anyone can do it in less than two minutes. All you need is the Tor browser. Tor is literally the front door to the dark web.
You can download Tor for free and be on the dark web in a matter of minutes.
Knowing where to go is made easy with the Hidden Wiki which is like the phone book of the dark web and also extremely easy to access and find online.
It's a huge misconception that the dark web is this impossible place to access. It's used all the time for everyday browsing by people that don't like being tracked like on the regular internet.

Thank you @LogicBasedTheory. Always amazed at what I learn on WS! :)
With respect to Mike King at Profiling Evil, I think it should be clear that his reference to the "dark web" and reaching out to LE was specific to introducing another team of professionals and a concept featured on his channel on July 21, 2020. The name of the episode is listed below and was an introduction to open-source intelligence, and developing a "virtual volunteer search party" concept.

How the dark web can help law enforcement find missing persons? Trace Labs explains | Profiling Evil

Lauren Brittney Dumolo disappeared from her home in Cape Coral, Florida on June 19th. Her purse and top were located in a park near her home. This episode will focus on her disappearance and how searching the Dark Web may help. Join Mike King and Chris McDonough as they review the case in brief and speak with Robert Sell and Adrian Korn of Trace Labs.

FL - FL - Lauren Brittney Dumolo, 29, Cape Coral, 19 June 2020
This works if LE has evidence that she is indeed deceased and they can connect her death to Barry and no one else. That is the whole case to prove.

From the press conference with Linda Stanley I felt very confident that they do have evidence that Suzanne is dead and they have evidence to connect it to BM. I think they do have extensive and irrefutable evidence to prove it. My own opinion is that BM's lawyers are going to try and nit pick the prosecution case to try and find things to prove an unfair trial or other paper work omissions.
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This tweet answers two questions asked upthread by posters:

Lauren Scharf

#BarryMorphew attorney said, "He's been sitting in a jailcell/cage waiting." Prosecutor said "the staff member primarily responsible for the organizing the discovery was sick. There is a boat load of information to culminate. Over 10,000 police reports."

Lauren always hits the mark but this is quoted incorrectly.

I was watching and listening. I also went back and watched Scott Reisch's play by play and the lead prosecutor clearly says "over 10,000 pages of police reports" etc.. The word pages is omitted and for context it's important.

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Ontario Mom said:
I must have missed this info - when did Barry move out of his Poncha Springs condo?

When he went to jail.....



Still chuckling, @K9Enzo !!
Lovin' dat answer! And thanks for the question, Ontario Mom!
And I must add, he looks damm good in prison orange & white. :rolleyes:
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I need to see the AA before I decide how strong the case is. I’ve always felt that Barry murdered Suzanne, and I have to trust that the DA has faith in getting a guilty verdict. Knowing who committed a crime and convicting that individual are two different things.
With respect to Mike King at Profiling Evil, I think it should be clear that his reference to the "dark web" and reaching out to LE was specific to introducing another team of professionals and a concept featured on his channel on July 21, 2020. The name of the episode is listed below and was an introduction to open-source intelligence, and developing a "virtual volunteer search party" concept.

How the dark web can help law enforcement find missing persons? Trace Labs explains | Profiling Evil

Lauren Brittney Dumolo disappeared from her home in Cape Coral, Florida on June 19th. Her purse and top were located in a park near her home. This episode will focus on her disappearance and how searching the Dark Web may help. Join Mike King and Chris McDonough as they review the case in brief and speak with Robert Sell and Adrian Korn of Trace Labs.

FL - FL - Lauren Brittney Dumolo, 29, Cape Coral, 19 June 2020

This is good to know. Maybe the inmate never ventured into the dark web.

My son just told me 'it's the scum of the internet'. Why he put it on my laptop so many years ago is another issue. He's been a tech for at least 20 years.
It's amazing to me how some folks "out there" seem to think that "circumstantial" evidence is faulty, unreliable, and say "all they have is circumstantial evidence..." It drives me nutz. Grrrrr.
We here, however, know differently.
And here's a good explanation from the American Bar Association in case we run into a skeptic of circumstantial evidence.
Just venting a bit. Please excuse this mini-rant. :)

The heart of the case is the presentation of evidence. There are two types of evidence -- direct and circumstantial.

  • Direct evidence usually is that which speaks for itself: eyewitness accounts, a confession, or a weapon.
  • Circumstantial evidence usually is that which suggests a fact by implication or inference: the appearance of the scene of a crime, testimony that suggests a connection or link with a crime, physical evidence that suggests criminal activity.

Both kinds of evidence are a part of most trials, with circumstantial evidence probably being used more often than direct. Either kind of evidence can be offered in oral testimony of witnesses or physical exhibits, including fingerprints, test results, and documents. Neither kind of evidence is more valuable than the other.

How Courts Work
This is the video where MK mentions the dark web
and we would encourage law enforcement if they don't know how to search the dark web, reach out to us and let us help you because there are organizations that will work only with law enforcement to help you explore the dark web and explore things that people think they've hidden away.

I don't think they have to be concerned about law enforcement needing help with the dark web - not with the FBI involved. I think there are many branches of law enforcement that are very adept on the dark web. Which is how they snare pedo rings, sex traffickers, members of radical organisations ... and likely other criminals.
Barry has been self-employed since he left college. He's been the boss for decades. He tells others what to do and when to do it.

It's not easy for him behind bars inside a cage since he led a lifestyle where he controlled nearly everything and everyone around him.

Will he listen to and follow his lawyers' advice? Will he give them free reign? It's most likely that he's spending copious hours in dialogue with them but he'll be the one to determine how to best wrangle back his freedom from the clutches of a competent Sheriff's Investigation coupled with CBI and the FBI and a fierce DAs Office. Much to my delight, the forces are against him.
IMO, Barry's ego and bravado have been broken. And I say that simply based on his appearance, especially the vacant look in his eyes.

If BM wants any chance at freedom, he had better follow his attorneys the tee. I think if he starts getting cocky with his attorneys to tell them how to do their job he will be shut down in a heartbeat.

BM is no longer in the drivers seat:), far from it.

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It's amazing to me how some folks "out there" seem to think that "circumstantial" evidence is faulty, unreliable, and say "all they have is circumstantial evidence..." It drives me nutz. Grrrrr.
We here, however, know differently.
And here's a good explanation from the American Bar Association in case we run into a skeptic of circumstantial evidence.
Just venting a bit. Please excuse this mini-rant. :)

The heart of the case is the presentation of evidence. There are two types of evidence -- direct and circumstantial.

  • Direct evidence usually is that which speaks for itself: eyewitness accounts, a confession, or a weapon.
  • Circumstantial evidence usually is that which suggests a fact by implication or inference: the appearance of the scene of a crime, testimony that suggests a connection or link with a crime, physical evidence that suggests criminal activity.

Both kinds of evidence are a part of most trials, with circumstantial evidence probably being used more often than direct. Either kind of evidence can be offered in oral testimony of witnesses or physical exhibits, including fingerprints, test results, and documents. Neither kind of evidence is more valuable than the other.

How Courts Work

It’s possible they have both! Wouldn’t that be amazing? A circumstantial case can be as strong, if not stronger. ITA with you! Eye witnesses are notoriously not accurate. Maybe someone saw him late Saturday night doing something untoward! MOO IMO
IMO, Barry's ego and bravado have been broken. And I say that simply based on his appearance, especially the vacant look in his eyes.

If BM wants any chance at freedom, he had better follow his attorneys the tee. I think if he starts getting cocky with his attorneys to tell them how to do their job he will be shut down in a heartbeat.

BM is no longer in the drivers seat:), far from it.


I very much hope BM 's demeanour is because he has examined the AA and knows how much evidence there is against him.

I also think he had hoped his fancy lawyers would have managed to push for bail almost immediately after he had hired them.
It's amazing to me how some folks "out there" seem to think that "circumstantial" evidence is faulty, unreliable, and say "all they have is circumstantial evidence..." It drives me nutz. Grrrrr.
We here, however, know differently.
And here's a good explanation from the American Bar Association in case we run into a skeptic of circumstantial evidence.
Just venting a bit. Please excuse this mini-rant. :)

The heart of the case is the presentation of evidence. There are two types of evidence -- direct and circumstantial.

  • Direct evidence usually is that which speaks for itself: eyewitness accounts, a confession, or a weapon.
  • Circumstantial evidence usually is that which suggests a fact by implication or inference: the appearance of the scene of a crime, testimony that suggests a connection or link with a crime, physical evidence that suggests criminal activity.

Both kinds of evidence are a part of most trials, with circumstantial evidence probably being used more often than direct. Either kind of evidence can be offered in oral testimony of witnesses or physical exhibits, including fingerprints, test results, and documents. Neither kind of evidence is more valuable than the other.

How Courts Work

I hope they have both in this case. Circumstantial evidence can be considered by a jury as guilt as long as it is not also consistent with innocence. In my mind that would be circumstances that are easily explained and not out of the ordinary. So I am much looking forward to the details in the affidavits.
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