Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #61 *ARREST*

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I have been thinking that he might introduce them to the material in the AA.
So that he can spend some time preparing them.

"Look at this, it says I did this!!! We know that is when I was doing that, so I couldn't possibly have done this. It's all a bunch of lies. They don't have anyone else so they want to hang me for this. You know I loved your mother."
I can't imagine being in their position, it really is horrible for them. :(

Yes, I see him trying to slide his way out of all the 'lies and slander' against him, but there's 130+ pages that need some 'splainin. :D
Are there any boots on the ground in Salida? I'm most curious about what can be seen -- from public roads -- no trespassing -- where tree clusters sprung up. The ones with oddly arranged memorial rocks. I'm curious about depressions in the soil, mushrooms sprouting from the soils, and signs of distress with the trees or surrounding grass.... looking for any signs of chemicals.... chlorine, lime, etc....

Same question for casual kayakers.... how are all the beach areas holding up....

I need some real time satellite imagery!

Methinks the Colorado landscape wants to yield its secrets..... if only we knew where to look....

Remember when that YouTuber ran across and video taped BM that day when he was out 'searching the creek'. Wonder if he was checking on something and if that will come up in trial?
I can't imagine being in their position, it really is horrible for them. :(

Yes, I see him trying to slide his way out of all the 'lies and slander' against him, but there's 130+ pages that need some 'splainin. :D

In our Karen Ristevski case, the daughter stopped talking to the police - very early in the case - because they "were horrible to dad".
Dad is now sitting in prison for murdering his wife, Karen.

So the police had no-one who could tell them what went on in that house on the morning that Karen 'went for a walk'. No-one who could tell them what shoes were missing (Karen apparently went for a winter's morning walk with no shoes). No-one who could tell them if things looked different in the house, if anything was missing or newly broken.

Borce got their 21-year-old daughter defending him very, very early on. And that never changed.

I sometimes wonder that if/when she has a child of her own, she will realise what he did to them all, when he murdered her mother.
(Or, I should say, when he 'assisted the court' by pleading guilty to manslaughter at the last minute, thereby reducing his sentence and stopping all of the dirty details from coming out.)
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Maybe the bobcat repair included a power washing....DSI surely does that with their heavy equipment?
Interesting thought that reminded me of a conversation I had with the person that takes care of our trees. We were talking about trenching (with a Ditch Witch) an area in our yard. I still remember his words of caution. He told me to be adamant the equipment must be sanitized before they brought it into our yard. Otherwise, the equipment might inadvertently introduce disease or insects to our yard from their previous jobs.

I have no idea to how to "sanitize" digging equipment. But, I will bet DSI had the chemicals and/or equipment needed to sanitize their own digging equipment.

Did BM ask DSI to sanitize his equipment and attachments?

Barry was seen in the morning on 5/9 by MG, midday by JP and late afternoon by store owners.

I'd be curious to know how many wardrobe changes he had that day. And if he can account for any and all parts of his daywear.

Suzanne too. What was missing from HER closet?

Details, details -- criminals forget to think of everything.

Barry was seen in the morning on 5/9 by MG, midday by JP and late afternoon by store owners.

I'd be curious to know how many wardrobe changes he had that day. And if he can account for any and all parts of his daywear.

Suzanne too. What was missing from HER closet?

Details, details -- criminals forget to think of everything.


Which is why I wonder who is cooperating with the police. Because if no-one from the household is cooperating, how will the police know which items of Suzanne's clothing are missing?

If someone spots a shirt/pants/underwear/shoes somewhere, will they even think it could be Suzanne's? When no-one knows what of hers is missing. Other than a blue bike helmet. No potential clothing description ever given on a 'Missing' poster.
In my opinion, no, no one gets the AA except the Court, Court staff, and the "parties to the case" (who are Barry Morphew, the prosecution and the defense).
IMO Barry likely doesn’t want his daughters seeing the AA at all. He knows that it doesn’t portray him as a innocent and loving husband. I think he feels the less info they have, the easier it is for him to continue to tell them his version of events. IMO he might be better off having them see everything before trial. He can tell them that it’s completely overblown and even the judge agreed. Ethics aside, is there anything preventing his counsel from sharing it with the daughters prior to public release?
IMO Barry likely doesn’t want his daughters seeing the AA at all. He knows that it doesn’t portray him as a innocent and loving husband. I think he feels the less info they have, the easier it is for him to continue to tell them his version of events. IMO he might be better off having them see everything before trial. He can tell them that it’s completely overblown and even the judge agreed. Ethics aside, is there anything preventing his counsel from sharing it with the daughters prior to public release?
Hard to say what people told LE. We wait. But more often than not there are always people who have one impression and another that has a different. But impressions are one of those things that end up with a jury deciding if the people are credible or not…one of the things the judge wanted to preserve. Anyone that the prosecution or defense is going to put on the stand that relates to circumstantial evidence will be thoroughly vetted.
Are there any boots on the ground in Salida? I'm most curious about what can be seen -- from public roads -- no trespassing -- where tree clusters sprung up. The ones with oddly arranged memorial rocks. I'm curious about depressions in the soil, mushrooms sprouting from the soils, and signs of distress with the trees or surrounding grass.... looking for any signs of chemicals.... chlorine, lime, etc....

Same question for casual kayakers.... how are all the beach areas holding up....

I need some real time satellite imagery!

Methinks the Colorado landscape wants to yield its secrets..... if only we knew where to look....

I’ve had the same nagging thoughts about the landscape! Id love if someone could fill us in on all of it! I am surprised we don’t have an active WS member from the immediate area on these posts.

I’m also very curious about the statue placed where the bicycle was found. I’d be surprised if it’s still there, mostly speculation. MOO
As BM had very recently met the housecleaner ,he would have known that the holiday homes she had just been cleaning would have been unoccupied. I wonder if the land around these houses has been searched.
Excellent question! Maybe Team Barry searched the area in his 200 mile search efforts. /s/.
BM’s friend of 400 Iraq tours lives close by iirc. I also remember there were a few items found by AM’s search army in the first day or two that were turned over to CBI. I wonder whatever became of those items. MOO
The use of the word inflammatory is in the first sentence of the analysis and was part of the argument.

Yes, that was The Defendant describing it as such. The judge kept it sealed of course but he wasn't the one that called it "inflammatory", that was BM's defense. It actually reminds me of the "meth head!" accusation.


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Which is why I wonder who is cooperating with the police. Because if no-one from the household is cooperating, how will the police know which items of Suzanne's clothing are missing?

If someone spots a shirt/pants/underwear/shoes somewhere, will they even think it could be Suzanne's? When no-one knows what of hers is missing. Other than a blue bike helmet. No potential clothing description ever given on a 'Missing' poster.
I thought about that and wondered if anyone in my family could figure out what clothes or shoes were missing if I went missing. Sadly I don’t think they could. I have to assume that the youngest daughter was around the most might know what biking clothing she had…maybe. But everyday stuff I don’t know.

I’m not sure if I can locate the info to cite, but, iirc, when the sandwich story first came out, it supposedly happened on Friday. Anyone else remember this, or am I mistaken?
It was told by AM in one of his first interviews, the information was told to him by BM is what I remember, this was before IMO he realized BM was involved. I am trying to find the interview. I do believe this was the first time he was in Salida as soon as he had word SM was missing not the second time for the big search without BM.
I thought about that and wondered if anyone in my family could figure out what clothes or shoes were missing if I went missing. Sadly I don’t think they could. I have to assume that the youngest daughter was around the most might know what biking clothing she had…maybe. But everyday stuff I don’t know.

We thought about that a lot in the Ristevski case. I think general consensus was that - being a daughter who might borrow mum's clothes every now and again, and might go shopping with mum - she would likely be more aware of her mother's clothing items than her dad was.
We thought about that a lot in the Ristevski case. I think general consensus was that - being a daughter who might borrow mum's clothes every now and again, and might go shopping with mum - she would likely be more aware of her mother's clothing items than her dad was.

How quickly do we suppose Suzanne's clothes got boxed up? Too soon? You know, pack them up so no one is saddened by the sight of them...

And also so no one can notice what could be missing.

No link, pure speculation.

Pure Drew Peterson.

So the defendants wishes prevail.
Yes. Because the law and the facts support their position.
And the judge's order re release of AA keeps it out if public view for only a (relatively) short time. So def prevails only temporarily. As some other posters have mentioned, a lot (not all) of AA info will surface at trial.

Although for some less patient types, seems like eons. my2ct.
sooner or will come out. I'm thinking it will be horrible. I knew that bobcat looked weird parked by the trailer.
So was he really "fixing" the bucket thing or switching it out with a different attachment? Why did he supposedly need to go to that place to do that?

I'm sorry but if there is a lot of detail on what he did, I'm not sure how those girls can process it all.

I'm sure there is division in the families. What a jerk. He has ruined so many lives.
Poor Suzanne. Such a beautiful person.
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