Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #8

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I have some thoughts about this. From the very beginning of this horrible nightmare story, nothing, absolutely nothing, has added up to anything we can understand. At the same time, there are little tidbits of information that tug at your heart strings for both Nancy, the Mother, and even for Adam.... Nancy appears to be a mother who cared deeply about her son, but was perhaps in denial about how severe his problems really were. Adam appears to be a troubled soul that never fit in with anything he tried..... but that does not appear to have bothered him - at least outwardly.... Adam did not speak, Adam was abnormally thin, Adam played games online yet left no identity that can be traced. From our current perspective, it is obviously a recipe for "trouble"..... in this case, the "trouble" has ended in disaster. For the first time in humanity's existence, we can look at the DNA structure of human beings. We have mapped the entire human genome, and we have identified common abnormalities that cause human disease.... BRACA1 and BRACA2 for instance with breast cancer. The technology that has brought us to this state is fascinating and wonderful, and scary.... The technology now maps the human genome and it frequently finds abnormalities that have no known association.... Here is where it gets interesting... I would LOVE to see the human genome sequencing (microarray) for Adam Lanza and James Holmes. Do they share an abnormality? Maybe not.... but as time goes on, and we continue to gather data and analyze it in conjunction with past cases, the data may become evident. Genetic testing of Adam Lanza is one of the most crucial things we can do as a society to try and understand him.... and predict furture Adam Lanza's. Sorry for the long post.. This is a very deep subject.
We may find out in time, but right now there is a link between both shooters - SALK Institute.

I am way behind on this thread---but where is this big 'STRIKE' map coming from? Was this AL's map? Or someone else's?
It was in the Dark Knight Rises film.
James Holmes purchased his own guns via the internet. AL used guns legally purchased by his mother. His mother also took AL target practice. People are asking why AL's mother believed it to be a good idea to buy these lethal weapons when she had son with issues.

I don't think there's any problem with asking that.

Its jumping from questioning what looks like a bad decision with hindsight, (although we've no evidence that Adam Lanza ever showed any signs of violence before), to blaming her.

She was shot four times in the face while lying in her bed. She's a victim of this atrocity too.
There is no evidence she was going to institutionalize him. I believe she was in deep denial over his issues, as evidenced by her presumably leaving him alone for days at a time, her teaching him to use deadly weapons, and her keeping these deadly weapons in the basement of her house.

I agree with you.

I have a brain injured brother from a skiing accident. He's not violent (but if push came to shove, he's way stronger than anyone would think he is), he can be obnoxious, friends have long stopped coming around because the interaction is too difficult, and quite frankly - lives go on. If I didn't make a concerted effort to call when I know my mom isn't there so he answers the phone, we wouldn't talk for years either.

I don't understand why the dad didn't go see his son...except we don't know what Adam was like when he saw his dad. I can't imagine the torture of being a surviving father or brother in this situation.

My mom has for nearly 20 years said with exasperation to my other brother and me "well, you just expect him to not be brain injured anymore and be normal....he can't be." She completely accommodates his idiosyncrasies - like waking up at 3:00 am to be awake when he eats breakfast (there is a life threatening choking hazard due to his injury). My dad would not allow him to disrupt everyone's schedule when he was alive. So...I am not excusing anything, I just think Nancy was too close and didn't see how bad things were getting. I think there are a lot of people wishing they had made more of an effort to be inside the home and see what was going on.

I think even if we made 100 boxes of "if only this was different" or "if this combination of things were different" we still wouldn't understand what made him tick, or what voices he may have heard that made this horror happen.

It's not illegal, nor should it be to be mentally ill, or have a differently wired brain - my brain wants a logical if - then solution to this. I can't come up with one (yet) that would keep a tragedy from ever happening again.
A child was removed from our public school system by her parents in gr 4, we found out a few weeks later that the parents said they were going to homeschool her. An extended family member called and questioned the removal of her from school. We could not give her any info as she was not the parent. This family member did not believe the parents were capable of homeschooling her, we advised her to call authorities as there was nothing we could do about it. She called , the family was investigated and they told authorities everything that they wanted to hear... fast forward to today, the girl is now 18 years old, no education took place at home, she has no social skills, no friends, no job and is unable to get a drivers licence as you need to have your GED to do so in this area.

The bottom line is, the system is way to relaxed when it comes to homeschooling. This child received zero education at home, the parents lied and there was nothing the school, or the concerned aunt could do about it.

The government needs to make the changes to correct this.

As for AL, he did receive his GED, so this homeschooling issue is not a concern with this case.

I don't believe that an anecdotal example of one family's failure to properly homeschool their child is evidence that the system is too relaxed wrt homeschooling. Guidelines vary state by state. Having been a parent who homeschooled my youngest daughter, and having personally known many homeschooling families in our community, I observed that most of the kids received an education equal to or better than their public school counterparts. My daughter is currently a college student. My sister homeschooled all 4 of her children, and they all went on to pursue post-secondary educations.

Certainly there are those few parents in the homeschooling community at large (nationwide) who do not provide an adequate education for their children, but I believe they are the minority. My experience has been that most parents who choose homeschooling are motivated to provide an excellent education for their children.
Her nickname was “Beanie.”

She grew up in Kingston, N.H., in her family’s 1740s farmhouse not far from the town’s center, an idyllic New England backdrop of general stores, ice cream shops and the historic home of Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

By all accounts, Nancy Jean Champion – or Beanie, as her high school yearbook calls her – had a charmed upbringing. Her mom was a school nurse. Her brother became a town police officer. And after she married her sweetheart in 1981, becoming Mrs. Peter J. Lanza, the couple built a house next door to her childhood home.
I don't think questioning the wisdom of having a cache of firearms in the house & wondering how secure they were equates to scapegoating NL.

Without a doubt, NL is as much a victim as the 20 children and 6 adults @ Sandy Hook Elementary.

Nevertheless, I don't think the firearms issue should be ignored or swept under the rug. If anything, it might be a learning experience for others who are in similar circumstances with a family member, and it may cause them to either get rid of any guns they already own, or lead them to decide to not purchase any.
I came across an interesting Youtube video of Robbie Parker, father of one of the slain children. It shows him right before speaking to the press. Parker comes out laughing and smiling, then he appears to be getting into "character." He starts breathing deeply, changing his facial expression from happy to sad. The video is not hard to find on Youtube. It has been posted several times. Of course, people are coming up with weird ideas about this, but still, I find Parker's behavior odd. Check out the video and see what you think.

I don't regard it as odd because his faith tells him his daughter is in a better place than here. For him, that is something to be happy about. Not every parent can be morose or crying 24/7 and for him and his family, death is not the end but the beginning of a wonderful life. I of course don't know him or even know what religion he is (I'm assuming Mormon?), and I am speaking off the top of my head and from impressions I got during his speech.

Regarding laughing and smiling, I have seen that video and possibly someone made a remark about the vulture media waiting for him or even the shooter that he found funny at that moment.
One reason I don't think this story is accurate- I'm pretty sure RL could recognize which was a picture of him and which was not.

I could see him saying some things in his space like "dude, he's still my brother- have some respect and take it somewhere else." I'd imagine I wouldn't want my facebook to be a "let's hate on your brother page" because this is probably very conflicting and confusing for him. I would be horrified. And he IS a victim. Brother aside, he lost his mother, who by all accounts seemed to try hard and be a loving mom. He was also named as the murderer. There is no other way to describe him than a victim IMO.

BUT- Those quotes also like they were written by someone younger or less educated than RL.
"I loss [sic] my mom and brother.” lost, not loss
“I will miss you bro. I will always love you as long as I live,” bro?from an educated New Englander? Possible, but not typical IME.
“I am so tired of people blaming me for something my brother did. I love Adam, his [sic] my brother,” he wrote. he's, not his. And I'd expect something more like "for my brother's actions."
But you have no right to call my brother names when he isn’t here no more. ]Just let my brother rest in peace. Please. Respect that.” isn't here no more? Seems very young in phrasing imo.

When he was freaking out about being named, which is CRAZY, he wrote "I’m on the bus home now it wasn’t me" It's not a great sample to compare to, but I find it hard to believe he types better when stressing out on the bus than when he has time to write a carefully worded post that he knows will be picked apart if it says anything positive. JMO but I'm not ready to attribute these words to RL.

I agree with the opinions expressed in this post. And re: the statement I bolded about RL's supposedly being on the bus on the way home: Do you think that NYPD would have released him to the public transportation system to find his own way back to his apartment? I doubt that. MOO.
We are all social creatures and need to get out and interact with people for a health of mind and body. Meeting people, learning new things, being active and engaging with friends is what makes life fun. Let’s step back from the media devices we use for entertainment and communication and let’s start to socially interact with people. Get up, get out, and have some real Social Interactions!


No, not everyone is a "social creature", especially someone with a true neurological disorder.
I agree with the opinions expressed in this post. And re: the statement I bolded about RL's supposedly being on the bus on the way home: Do you think that NYPD would have released him to the public transportation system to find his own way back to his apartment? I doubt that. MOO.

According to Daily Mail NYPD arrived at his work place after he had already left. So he might easily have been on the bus imo.

Ryan Lanza was working at his desk at the Ernst & Young when he saw TV news reports that he had killed 30 people at an elementary school in Connecticut.

It was the moment that a stunned Ryan realized what his brother Adam might have done.

Lanza quickly told his boss: 'I need to go.' He then walked out of his Times Square office, according to a co-worker who spoke to MailOnline on condition of anonymity.

Thirty minutes later, New York police officers stormed the office. Between leaving his place of work and being taken in for questioning, Lanza defended himself in a series of bizarre Facebook posts when he was mistakenly named as the killer after his ID was found at the scene.
I agree with the opinions expressed in this post. And re: the statement I bolded about RL's supposedly being on the bus on the way home: Do you think that NYPD would have released him to the public transportation system to find his own way back to his apartment? I doubt that. MOO.

It was before the police got to him that he updated with that. I believe, as the story went, he left work when he heard about all of this via the news. The "on the bus" thing would have been the bus out of Manhattan back into Hoboken. The police picked him up in Hoboken.
Sounds exactly like the behaviour of Stevie Branch's mother as captured in the first Paradise Lost movie. Its shock, possibly mixed with self medication to deal with the grief.

Jusr went to a funeral yesterday, and in private family only we we laughing as we told tales..and rembered the departed. One minte smiling and even laughing, .as we walked twenty feet into the churc from the anteroom...., we became somber. Guess another reason family only. I see nothing odd about Steveie's dad behavior at all. Seems normal to me.
Jusr went to a funeral yesterday, and in private family only we we laughing as we told tales..and rembered the departed. One minte smiling and even laughing, .as we walked twenty feet into the churc from the anteroom...., we became somber. Guess another reason family only. I see nothing odd about Steveie's dad behavior at all. Seems normal to me.

I agree, but it can be seen as odd by some people when the poor parent has a bunch of television cameras shoved in their face.
This is a powerful comment/opinion piece from the Guardian, a British national daily newspaper; I understand that everyone who chooses to read might not agree with the writer's words but her writing is impactful and powerful:

The scapegoating of Nancy Lanza

Thanks for posting this. Spot-on analysis, IMO. I noticed the author of this piece is the aurthor of _We Need to Talk about Kevin_. Interesting.

I don't consider Nancy a scapegoat for what happened to her and the school faculty and students, but question why with all her money didn't she go a different route in raising Adam, like the Arts, in playing a musical instrument or painting, instead we read how she has weapons that weren't necessary for everyday living, except she had a fear of someone from New York City was coming for her material possessions, because the husband was no longer living with her as protection. Did this fear spill over to Adam and that's why he acted like he was at war, including his clothing, when he shot and killed Nancy and then drove to the school and did the same to 20 small, defenseless children.

BBM#1: The rest of your post contradicts the first phrase.

Also, can you please clarify what you mean re: someone coming from New York?

BBM#2: But guns are legal. It is the second amendment, right? This is scapegoating, IMO. The argument can be made that NO guns are necessary for everyday living. Why is she being blamed for owning guns that are legal in your country. Doesn't sound like she was irresponsible with them. Why isn't she being afforded the same freedoms other Americans are? Not trying to single you out; this is a POV I've come across repeatedly.

We may find out in time, but right now there is a link between both shooters - SALK Institute.

What does this mean? Thanks.
Jusr went to a funeral yesterday, and in private family only we we laughing as we told tales..and rembered the departed. One minte smiling and even laughing, .as we walked twenty feet into the churc from the anteroom...., we became somber. Guess another reason family only. I see nothing odd about Steveie's dad behavior at all. Seems normal to me.

My family also has known tragedy, first you are numb, then sadness, crying, hysterical. Then I think for sanity, everyone starts with the stories that are great memories. You laugh, cry, mourn and say WHY? If you have faith, you believe the loved one is waiting in a special place to see you again. JMOO
I agree with the opinions expressed in this post. And re: the statement I bolded about RL's supposedly being on the bus on the way home: Do you think that NYPD would have released him to the public transportation system to find his own way back to his apartment? I doubt that. MOO.

That was before police picked him up and the picture of him being handcuffed hit the press. He reportedly told his boss that he had to go when it all started going down, got on the bus (presumably) for home, police caught up with him and took him in for questioning. So the bus comment was before police met up with him.
According to Daily Mail NYPD arrived at his work place after he had already left. So he might easily have been on the bus imo.

Those initial comments about being on the bus appear to have been posted by RL. But I don't believe the comments attributed to RL about his brother AL are actually posted by RL. I think it's somebody pretending to be RL for reasons already mentioned. The image of AL supposedly posted by RL is from RL's facebook. The image has brown eyes-I presume this is a photo of RL when he was younger. AL had blue eyes. Whoever is chatting with NYP claiming to be RL isn't using the best grammar either.
True - most folks don't have magnets laying around the house.

Yes - AL obviously did a good job of destroying the hard drive, because even the experts @ Quantico can't put it back together (according to recent reports).

For all we know (which is very little), he MAY HAVE actually swiped the surface of the hard drive with magnets, and then smashed it for good measure. At any rate - it's toast.

I had not heard this, link? I am surprised FBI commenting before investigation is complete.
I had not heard this, link? I am surprised FBI commenting before investigation is complete.

They aren't officially commenting on anything. It all comes from "anonymous sources."
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