Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #8

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Those initial comments about being on the bus appear to have been posted by RL. But I don't believe the comments attributed to RL about his brother AL are actually posted by RL. I think it's somebody pretending to be RL for reasons already mentioned.

Yeah, that was the point I think... that writing style in the new quotes from the alleged RL is different from the ones that the real RL posted immediately after the shootings.
I haven't been able to really comment until now...this has rocked me to the core. I used to work in a health center in Danbury, working with both adults and peds, and our patients are among those killed. I have a child in the first grade, and we had looked into moving to the area to be closer to my job...Newtown was one of the areas I strongly considered, because of how great the schools are there. My decision not to move (I ended up changing jobs) may have literally saved her life.

My heart is completely broken for all of the families...I've just now gotten to the point where I can read about it without completely breaking down, but I really feel like I will never feel quite normal again.
I personally don't believe its RL who is posting these things.

Same here. That photo of what is labeled as Adam is Ryan as he bas brown eyes and not pale. Adam is pale, skinny, and has blue eyes.
Same here. Tbat photo of what is labeled as Adam is Ryan as he bas brown eyes and not pale. Adam is pale, skinny, and has blue eyes.

And that photo was on Ryan's facebook page.
Brothers do look alike, but Ryan apparently has brown eyes, while Adam had blue eyes.
That image supposedly of AL has brown eyes and was taken of RL's facebook. I presume that is RL, not AL. On an internet, anyone can pretend to be RL.

Agreed! Everything about this wreaks of another JLR hoax. I'll scurry around and see if I can find anything substantiating that.

ETA: Nope. Not JLR. It would appear that he has been incarcerated once again as of Friday. Heads up WS community since we were the ones who caught this first -- he's in for violating his probation (crossing state lines) and media fraud!!!!
I agree that I don't think that these posts are really RL. The Facebook page of his that was linked to on the 14th is gone and the new pages don't seem to be legit. The grammar is bad and I seriously doubt he would be out there saying those things right now.
I agree that I don't think that these posts are really RL. The Facebook page of his that was linked to on the 14th is gone and the new pages don't seem to be legit. The grammar is bad and I seriously doubt he would be out there saying those things right now.

Ryan Lanza would be in a state of shock.
If you were the father/brother, would you speak out? Put yourself in their shoes for a minute...After reading how your ex-wife/mom is being put under the microscope by the nation for how she raised your son/brother...the guns, homeschooling, his weight, etc
Whatever they say, they will be put under that same microscope...for not being in his life, not being closer to him, for not getting the guns out of the house, for not getting him out of the basement, for not getting him into a facility.

I think if I were the father/brother, I would not speak publicly either.

I wasn't saying they should.
I am sorry if it sounded that way.

I was stating we have not heard their
side of the story.
I think they have been asked not to
speak, surely they are part of the investigation.
-as far as getting background information.
That was before police picked him up and the picture of him being handcuffed hit the press. He reportedly told his boss that he had to go when it all started going down, got on the bus (presumably) for home, police caught up with him and took him in for questioning. So the bus comment was before police met up with him.

And the first thing that reportedly happened was friends texting him that the news said ' Ryan Lanza' had killed people. So I think he thought it was another person with the same name. I don't think he knew his mom was dead or even knew that his brother was killing people. I think he assumed it was the wrong Ryan Lanza, and not that it was his brother. imo
I wasn't saying they should.
I am sorry if it sounded that way.

I was stating we have not heard their
side of the story.
I think they have been asked not to
speak, surely they are part of the investigation.
-as far as getting background information.

I agree. As I tell my kid (particularly my rambunctious little boy), I may not always like what he does but I always love him. They're hurting too. They're experiencing a myriad of emotions that I know that I could not even begin to fathom. Shock, grief, guilt (by association or wishing that they could have prevented/foresaw this somehow), embarrassment... I think that they are doing the best thing that they can do for the family and the public at large now by willingly cooperating with the investigation. They want and need answers, too. MOO, of course. I cannot imagine the weight of their burden at the moment.
Originally Posted by pepperspray
We are all social creatures and need to get out and interact with people for a health of mind and body. Meeting people, learning new things, being active and engaging with friends is what makes life fun. Let’s step back from the media devices we use for entertainment and communication and let’s start to socially interact with people. Get up, get out, and have some real Social Interactions!


'I luv irony, Pepperspray'.
Thanks for posting this. Spot-on analysis, IMO. I noticed the author of this piece is the aurthor of _We Need to Talk about Kevin_. Interesting.
Respectfully snipped by me.

brighidin thank you so much for sharing that the author of the Guardian piece also wrote "We Need to Talk About Kevin", I had no idea. Watched film earlier this week; it was powerful. Interestingly enough, Starz has replaced all scheduled broadcasts of the film with Peter Pan and films similar to Peter Pan.
UPDATE: Lanza family says impersonator behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page, falsely claiming to be Newtown shooter's brother

A spokesman for the Lanza family says an imposter is behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page and that Ryan did not post the messages in this story.

I'd like to compliment all the WS members who smelled something fishy about the New York Post/Newscorp article with comments from "Ryan Lanza."

Just another example of the gross misreporting on the tragedy that continues endlessly....
True - most folks don't have magnets laying around the house.

Yes - AL obviously did a good job of destroying the hard drive, because even the experts @ Quantico can't put it back together (according to recent reports).

For all we know (which is very little), he MAY HAVE actually swiped the surface of the hard drive with magnets, and then smashed it for good measure. At any rate - it's toast.

Years ago, I frequently visited a local computer shop. They would destroy a hard drive by melting the platters with a small propane torch. This is one of the best methods of disk destruction. Those inexpensive little torches heat to 3000 degrees. The platters melt like butter. So, just a FYI if you are paranoid (like me) about people getting into your stuff.
UPDATE: Lanza family says impersonator behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page, falsely claiming to be Newtown shooter's brother

I'd like to compliment all the WS members who smelled something fishy about the New York Post/Newscorp article with comments from "Ryan Lanza."

Just another example of the gross misreporting on the tragedy that continues endlessly....

Press is continuing to victimize RL. What else is new? This story spread all over the internet.
UPDATE: Lanza family says impersonator behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page, falsely claiming to be Newtown shooter's brother

I'd like to compliment all the WS members who smelled something fishy about the New York Post/Newscorp article with comments from "Ryan Lanza."

Just another example of the gross misreporting on the tragedy that continues endlessly....

I knew it was a fake. Anyone can say they are Ryan Lanza. First thing was the photo of Adam was Ryan.
Press is continuing to victimize RL. What else is new? This story spread all over the internet.

JJenny, I couldn't agree more. What is most troubling is how quick this story went viral, and with no secondary confirmation (would have been easy to track down the screenshots from RL's in-transit post that is readily available and note from Facebook friend who offered to help if he needed anything--clearly a real friend based on familiarity conveyed in the post--and ask them to verify RL's identity). This, like many other reports that are single sourced, went viral and the Associated Press even did a story which presented the comments being from RL.

You would think the media would note the importance of triple checking anything to do with RL based on their global misidentification of RL.

IMO it might be interesting to review all media stories and note all single-sourced reporting and reexamine it.
And LE even warned everybody that there were online hoaxes. Guess it fell on deaf ears.
Decades later, elementary school teachers tend to remember their students frozen in time, each child a collection of moments, sweet and savory. From Adam Lanza&#8217;s time in second grade, Carole MacInnes remembers an intelligence almost lost in silence.

&#8220;He was a little boy in my class in second grade&#8221; at Sandy Hook Elementary, said MacInnes, who taught in Newtown for 22 years before retiring three years ago. &#8220;A thin little fellow. He was very quiet. There was a quiet depth to him that I couldn&#8217;t penetrate.&#8221;

The distance was unusual for a second-grader, but Adam was not yet debilitated by his withdrawal. &#8220;He didn&#8217;t need that much from me,&#8221; MacInnes said. &#8220;Some kids coming in from first grade need more attention, but academically he was fine. Socially, he got along with the others. I don&#8217;t remember him as hostile.&#8221;

Nancy Lanza visited MacInnes at parent-teacher conferences and the sessions were unremarkable; mother had no special concerns.

But Lanza&#8217;s concern about her son was already evident, said Wendy Wipprecht, whose son, Miles Aldrich, was invited, along with the rest of their first-grade class, to Adam&#8217;s birthday party &#8212; duckpin bowling at Danbury Duckpin Lanes. Miles and his mother were happy to be invited, in part because Miles, who had autisim diagnosed and had a teaching aide devoted to him, was not always included in class social events.
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