Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #111

I don't even understand their reasoning. All countries have more than enough of their own population unmasked, out and about, and spreading Covid, and allowing it to mutate in doing so... so I'm not understanding why it matters if someone from another country has it and tries to enter your country. It's not like any county in the world has managed to 100% get rid of it!
I think at this point it’s not so much to stop Covid-positive individuals from coming in, but to identify and to track the emergence of the new variants?

“Select TGS samples are shared with CDC’s laboratory where they undergo viral characterization which can provide information about a new variant’s transmissibility, virulence, and response to current treatments or vaccines.”

Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance for Early Detection of New SARS-CoV-2 Variants

DH and I stopped at Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace on Saturday before we went out for dinner. I was surprised to see that there was some food sampling going on as I thought they discontinued the practice for good following the pandemic. There was a sampling display for Nino's Corned Beef and Barley soup, and a Boar's Head representative was handing out samples of a pre-cooked ham that will be featured for Easter. I was not interested in sampling either, but it seems that many folks enjoy tasting foods when offered. I know that Costco resumed food sampling once the pandemic was over, but I hoped that local markets where we shop would do away with the practice for everyone's health and well-being. Is there food sampling/tasting where you go for groceries?
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DH and I stopped at Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace on Saturday before we went out for dinner. I was surprised to see that there was some food sampling going on as I thought they discontinued the practice for good following the pandemic. There was a sampling display for Nino's Corned Beef and Barley soup, and a Boar's Head representative was handing out samples of a pre-cooked ham that will be featured for Easter. I was not interested in sampling either, but it seems that many folks enjoy tasting foods when offered. I know that Costco resumed food sampling once the pandemic was over, but I hoped that local markets where we shop would do away with the practice for everyone's health and well-being. Is there food sampling/tasting where your go for groceries?
My local TJ's appears to have stopped for good as they use that area as a display case now. No idea if my local high-end grocery store has resumed or not. I no longer shop in the afternoon as I prefer to get in and out shortly after stores open for a few reasons. (1) Less people, and (2 (don't laugh... lol)) I want the particles in the air from people breathing cootie breath all day long to fall and no longer be circulating up high (head level). Hence me going first thing in the morning. Less cootie breath to wade through. And that's from someone that is not a morning person. I'm now shopping as early as 7am when one of my stores opens. :(

Transmission of COVID-19 from inhalation of virus in the air can occur at distances greater than six feet. Particles from an infected person can move throughout an entire room or indoor space. The particles can also linger in the air after a person has left the room – they can remain airborne for hours in some cases.

DH and I stopped at Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace on Saturday before we went out for dinner. I was surprised to see that there was some food sampling going on as I thought they discontinued the practice for good following the pandemic. There was a sampling display for Nino's Corned Beef and Barley soup, and a Boar's Head representative was handing out samples of a pre-cooked ham that will be featured for Easter. I was not interested in sampling either, but it seems that many folks enjoy tasting foods when offered. I know that Costco resumed food sampling once the pandemic was over, but I hoped that local markets where we shop would do away with the practice for everyone's health and well-being. Is there food sampling/tasting where you go for groceries?
I've just seen the food sampling at our area Costco. Not at our grocery stores, and the grocery stores have discontinued offering salad bars since Covid an have not reinstated them.
Two of my co-workers are currently sick with COVID. One guy was here for half the day today before he went home and tested positive, and the other employee tested positive at some point over the weekend -- I'm guessing -- but still came to work? I just know they better not get me sick! I'm a COVID-virgin (as far as I know anyway) and would like for it to stay that way. As I mentioned recently, this week is my wedding anniversary and my husband and I have travel plans this weekend. My only saving grace here is that I don't have to share space. I haven't left my (closed door) office all day except for a brief trip to the bathroom, and I've used a tissue to turn every door handle! As you can tell, I'm super annoyed.
DH and I stopped at Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace on Saturday before we went out for dinner. I was surprised to see that there was some food sampling going on as I thought they discontinued the practice for good following the pandemic. There was a sampling display for Nino's Corned Beef and Barley soup, and a Boar's Head representative was handing out samples of a pre-cooked ham that will be featured for Easter. I was not interested in sampling either, but it seems that many folks enjoy tasting foods when offered. I know that Costco resumed food sampling once the pandemic was over, but I hoped that local markets where we shop would do away with the practice for everyone's health and well-being. Is there food sampling/tasting where you go for groceries?
No food sampling at the grocery stores around here.
Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was formally accused Tuesday of falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination data, marking the first indictment for the embattled far-right leader, with more allegations potentially in store.

The federal police indictment released by the Supreme Court alleged that Bolsonaro and 16 others inserted false information into a public health database to make it appear as though the then-president, his 12-year-old daughter and several others in his circle had received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Police detective Fábio Alvarez Shor, who signed the indictment, said in his report that Bolsonaro and his aides changed their vaccination records in order to “issue their respective (vaccination) certificates and use them to cheat current health restrictions.”

“The investigation found several false insertions between November 2021 and December 2022, and also many actions of using fraudulent documents,” Shor added.

DH and I stopped at Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace on Saturday before we went out for dinner. I was surprised to see that there was some food sampling going on as I thought they discontinued the practice for good following the pandemic. There was a sampling display for Nino's Corned Beef and Barley soup, and a Boar's Head representative was handing out samples of a pre-cooked ham that will be featured for Easter. I was not interested in sampling either, but it seems that many folks enjoy tasting foods when offered. I know that Costco resumed food sampling once the pandemic was over, but I hoped that local markets where we shop would do away with the practice for everyone's health and well-being. Is there food sampling/tasting where you go for groceries?
Whole Foods had samples out last week in Maryland.
scientists in Australia suggest that Covid-19 is more likely to have had an ‘unnatural’ origin than a ‘natural’ one.

Results from the assessment pointed to the virus having an ‘unnatural’ origin – with the fact that the first infections were in the vicinity of laboratories studying coronaviruses noted as one of the strongest indications.

The study highlights that the first cases of Covid-19 were reported in Wuhan, China, on 30 December 2019 – all within close proximity of both the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (WHCDC).

Dr Xin Chen, a researcher at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, said: ‘The WIV had been conducting experiments involving SARS-like coronavirus in bats since 2010.

scientists in Australia suggest that Covid-19 is more likely to have had an ‘unnatural’ origin than a ‘natural’ one.

I think that the general consensus now is that the Wuhan lab was conducting gain of function research and that the virus escaped the lab.

It's also notable that the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. had funded a grant for a U.S. company also doing gain of function research at the Wuhan lab.

I hope that gain of function research is no longer supported by the NIH, that's our taxpayer dollars that the government is spending on this dangerous and risky research.
I think that the general consensus now is that the Wuhan lab was conducting gain of function research and that the virus escaped the lab.

It's also notable that the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. had funded a grant for a U.S. company also doing gain of function research at the Wuhan lab.

I hope that gain of function research is no longer supported by the NIH, that's our taxpayer dollars that the government is spending on this dangerous and risky research.

Robert Redfield, as head of the CDC, said long ago that it was a lab leak in China, but he received a lot of pushback on that.

Screen shot from his Wikipedia page:

Good info on the timing of a booster, or revamped vaccine, after a Covid infection.

Q: I'm a healthy, active 73-year-old who has had all the COVID vaccines, including the one released in fall of 2023. I now see that the CDC is recommending that persons over 65 get another booster. But I was infected with COVID and had mild symptoms in February 2024. Should I still get the booster, or was the active infection an adequate substitute? – Bruce, Bend

A: You should still get the booster, but your recent COVID-19 infection should protect you for about 90 days. Neither the vaccine nor a past infection can protect you 100% from getting infected, but either way you are well protected against serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. After 90 days, however, consider getting that booster. We have seen summer surges of COVID-19 in the past, so in that respect we can’t lump it in with other respiratory viruses and let our guards down during the warmer months.

Here's one on timing of Covid vaccines after receiving a steroid shot.

Q: I am over 65 and therefore eligible for a COVID booster shot. However, I recently got a steroid shot in one of my wrists for tendonitis, and it's my understanding steroids suppress immune response (including from vaccines). How long should I wait after receiving a steroid shot before I get the COVID- booster shot? – Michael, Sisters

A: Steroids certainly suppress the immune system somewhat, and the steroid shot you recently received for tendonitis may cause you to not respond quite as well to the COVID vaccine. That is, your immune response to the vaccine could be weaker than it otherwise might be, making the vaccine slightly less effective. Nevertheless, it’s unlikely to hinder your immune response completely. Except in the case of live-virus vaccines (COVID vaccine is not one of them), there is no recommendation to delay or avoid vaccination before or after receiving steroids.

I got my booster today from the updated vaccine from last fall. I went in for something else and asked for it since I was there. Turns out the gal realized she shouldn't have given it to me as their protocol isn't do go by CDC guidelines (which said it's OK), but their staff has to approve it first. I guess the nurse will check if people had the reformulated one back in 9/23 before jabbing someone next time. lol I guess I lucked out. :) In the future I'll just go to a pharmacy as they go by CDC guidelines, and not what some mucky mucks at the hospital decide to do. I found that interesting that they don't go by CDC guidelines.
Interesting, but scary :( article outlining how Covid-19 leaves its mark on the brain.

Just a few of the findings from studies:

Shrinkage of brain volume

In mild to moderate case individuals: changes commensurate with 7 yrs of aging

In severe case individuals: may result in cognitive deficits and damage to brain equivalent to 20 hrs of aging

Drop in IQ

Interesting, but scary :( article outlining how Covid-19 leaves its mark on the brain.

Just a few of the findings from studies:

Shrinkage of brain volume

In mild to moderate case individuals: changes commensurate with 7 yrs of aging

In severe case individuals: may result in cognitive deficits and damage to brain equivalent to 20 hrs of aging

Drop in IQ

I said it from day one: Covid is evil
Interesting, but scary :( article outlining how Covid-19 leaves its mark on the brain.

Just a few of the findings from studies:

Shrinkage of brain volume

In mild to moderate case individuals: changes commensurate with 7 yrs of aging

In severe case individuals: may result in cognitive deficits and damage to brain equivalent to 20 hrs of aging

Drop in IQ

I can't even imagine what society is going to be like in the future when the majority of people (since the majority have had Covid at least once) are mentally aging prematurely.

More Than Three-Quarters of Americans 16 and Older Have Been Infected With COVID: CDC. July 5, 2023, at 7:13 a.m. WEDNESDAY, July 5, 2023 (HealthDay News) – While a little more than half of American adults think they've had COVID-19, the reality is about 77.5% have been infected at least once, new government data shows

In addition to early cognitive defects, all of their health issues will be clogging our systems. I think we're in for a world of hurt IMO, and that includes Novid's (Covid virgins). We'll be affected by all of this too, unfortunately. :(

In addition to brain fog, COVID-19 can lead to an array of problems, including headaches, seizure disorders, strokes, sleep problems, and tingling and paralysis of the nerves, as well as several mental health disorders.

Global estimates suggest 65 million people now suffer from long COVID.

I can't even imagine what society is going to be like in the future when the majority of people (since the majority have had Covid at least once) are mentally aging prematurely.

More Than Three-Quarters of Americans 16 and Older Have Been Infected With COVID: CDC. July 5, 2023, at 7:13 a.m. WEDNESDAY, July 5, 2023 (HealthDay News) – While a little more than half of American adults think they've had COVID-19, the reality is about 77.5% have been infected at least once, new government data shows

In addition to early cognitive defects, all of their health issues will be clogging our systems. I think we're in for a world of hurt IMO, and that includes Novid's (Covid virgins). We'll be affected by all of this too, unfortunately. :(

In addition to brain fog, COVID-19 can lead to an array of problems, including headaches, seizure disorders, strokes, sleep problems, and tingling and paralysis of the nerves, as well as several mental health disorders.

Global estimates suggest 65 million people now suffer from long COVID.

Long Covid.....

My husband and I had a family Doctor we loved for years and she contracted Covid just a few months before Covid vaccines
were given out to all the medical professionals. She ended up hospitalized.

She tried up until this year to come back to her practice. She would come in twice a week but would just get too tired.

Last year they cancelled my December appointment with her and a few months ago I got a letter saying she was leaving for good.
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But not everyone that has had Covid is negatively affected. DH and I both had it in the fall of 2020. We were and are fine. I know that there are people left affected, but not all of us.

I assume most people do not get long Covid. There are many variables.

The type, how sick, vaccinated or not, age, general health etc....

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