Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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Dr. Birx said yesterday in an interview that the U.S. decided to have FDA approved tests and they would be more reliable than the WHO tests and that she believes that the quality of the tests and FDA approval were critical factors.
The FDA approved tests that the CDC developed and distributed were faulty and had to be withdrawn. (Why?) Which left us with no tests at all, unless the private sector developed them, like the ones administered to the NBA players. This was in late January or early February, there was a post and a link to this just a few pages back.
Toronto distillery producing hand sanitizer during coronavirus outbreak - CityNews Toronto

Workers at the Spirit of York Distillery making hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 outbreak, March 18, 2020. CITYNEWS/Audra Brown

A downtown Toronto distillery is converting a portion of their operation from producing vodka and gin to producing hand sanitizer.

Spirit of York, which operates out of the Distillery District, is working to combat the hand sanitizer shortage by using the alcohol from its facilities to produce an alcohol based hand sanitizer solution.

The hand sanitizer is being mixed following strict guidelines of the World Health Organization.

But they are not doing this to maintain their profits.

The bottles will be given away to those in need or, for those who can afford, be sold for the low price of $3.00.

The money raised from selling this hand sanitizer will go to local food banks.

Many craft distillers in the U.S. are doing the same thing. My son's business is one of them. All of it will be given away free.
Ok, some happy news! We got approved to be a foster dog parent with the county humane society. I passed my phone interview with flying colors. I get to go see the dogs on Friday morning. The shelter lady said "You can have your pick of whatever dog you'd like. We just want to get them out of here." I asked what their protocols were as far as being busy because I am of course, a cancer patient and high risk. She stated they implemented a policy of only 5 people in the facility at a time. If more than 5 arrive, they have to wait outside, not inside. I can wear my mask and gloves too.

I can't go help anyone else. Everyone else is helping me to stay isolated. So this is the only way I can help. I am happy to feel needed to be honest and it will help me stay active - playing fetch, wandering around my back yard, making sure my little charge has fun. Stay tuned!!

I love that. It’s awesome. Wishing you a life full of mutual love.
So phoned the vet this morning,
to arrange a routine pedicure for my black lab.
He's a rite spasmodic idiot when he goes to the vet,
(He gets da crazy eyes, iykwim)
and well known at the clinic,
so usually we arrange as first appointment of the day.

My husband pays the bill first, and then grabs the bucking bronco from the truck, straight through the front doors, into the back of the clinic; a few minutes later, the nail clipping is done and out the door he goes, back in the truck.

Today, K at the vet told me they are only taking priority cases,
but she knows me dog, and she could make a memo for exception,
or she would just call me back in two weeks.

She sounded overwhelmed and afraid.
I said I could wait, phone me back in two
and my hubs and I could try to trim the nails on our own.

So, y'all might what to contact your vet and see what's what.
total infected 80,894
total deaths 3,237

total infected 35,713
total deaths 4207

The mortality rate when China was infected was 2.5%. That increased to 3.4% when Italy and Iran were infected. I'm guessing that the mortality rate for the global community is going to be a lot higher than what was initially expected: 2.5% of sick old people dying.

(see worldometer link for numbers)

Well, China was locking up the Doctors that broke the news to the world. Not sure our friends in China were forth coming with accurate information.

I seem to remember, earlier thread, WHO called out China for only reporting confirmed cases. The numbers soared a few days later, China explanation ...a correction.

US is going to be more in line with the Italy, moo.
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"When the problems with its kits were first discovered, the C.D.C. told the labs not to proceed with any tests until new kits could be manufactured, but it refused to say when those would be ready. “You’re just thinking, any day it’s going to show up,” Becker said. “We really felt this enormous pressure to begin testing any way we could.” He corrected himself: “Not only pressure, but responsibility.”The C.D.C. notified the F.D.A. about the reagent problems on February 10th. According to an agency official, the C.D.C. told the F.D.A. that the contractor who had manufactured the faulty test kits would soon have a new batch of reagents ready for a suite of enhanced quality-control measures. If the reagents worked, then testing at the public-health labs would be able to begin in a few days. By Friday, February 21st, however, Nancy Messonnier, at the C.D.C., told reporters that the problems with the test kits were still not resolved."
What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.
Take-out is fine and, as far as I know, it's encouraged to keep restaurants in business (and it keeps food available for those who need it). Didn't Dr. Birx talk about takeout food yesterday in the presser - the importance of drive-through and curb-side service.


Yesterday I heard an interview on the radio with the owner of an Irish restaurant who had ordered 500 lbs of corn beef for St.Patrick's Day at his restaurant, based on last year's sales. He was very worried as St.Patrick's Day arrived, but his customers supported him and ordered carry-out and by the end of the day, he had pretty much sold out. That's a lot of corn beef!
total infected 80,894
total deaths 3,237

total infected 35,713
total deaths 4207

The mortality rate when China was infected was 2.5%. That increased to 3.4% when Italy and Iran were infected. I'm guessing that the mortality rate for the global community is going to be a lot higher than what was initially expected: 2.5% of sick old people dying.

(see worldometer link for numbers)
Total deaths for Italy is 2,978, I think you've used the figure for new cases. Similar stats tomorrow and they may well overtake China for total deaths.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 215,508 Cases and 8,889 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
Idk how people are not locked down for the most part.
Around here few things are open, the stores have nothing, so there’s really not too many places to go.
I guess if someone wants to infect their family, that’s their biz. Also, we all know how much we’ve been exposed to the public & are aware of our friends/family members exposure for the most part. I severed contact visits with a bunch of friends that work in manufacturing plants, too risky for me. Moo
Beauty shops are scrambling to cancel future appointments, they were told at 5 last night to close by 5 today, nail salons also.
I did learn about toilet paper shortage. My hairdresser’s son works freight at Kroger & his wife works freight at WMT, evidently they are allowed to hold things in the back, as long as they have money to purchase it that day.
Y'all ain't gonna like this...

I totally agree. We are just dragging this out, transmitting and infecting more and more. The longer we go with out containment the worse on all...People, Economic and our kids.

Until we contain the virus we can not mobe on, heal and recover.

China totally locked down, mandatory quarantine, armed guards guarding the streets, infected people removed from their homes under force and it was still months and will takes years to recover Financial.

Italian number are rapidly increasing. Dr. Birx said today, we see significant increases in positives over the next 5 days due to backlog testing. We will exceed Italy.

Heck YES !!!Lock us down, now!!! Lets get this over with and move to recover.

Lockdown are the ONLY thing than flattens the curve. We will be no different.

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Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health
''With weeks and months of the coronavirus pandemic ahead, it is important to have down time. Mind recommends continuing to access nature and sunlight wherever possible. Do exercise, eat well and stay hydrated.

AnxietyUK suggests practising the "Apple" technique to deal with anxiety and worries.

  • Acknowledge: Notice and acknowledge the uncertainty as it comes to mind.
  • Pause: Don't react as you normally do. Don't react at all. Pause and breathe.
  • Pull back: Tell yourself this is just the worry talking, and this apparent need for certainty is not helpful and not necessary. It is only a thought or feeling. Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are not statements or facts.
  • Let go: Let go of the thought or feeling. It will pass. You don't have to respond to them. You might imagine them floating away in a bubble or cloud.
  • Explore: Explore the present moment, because right now, in this moment, all is well. Notice your breathing and the sensations of your breathing. Notice the ground beneath you. Look around and notice what you see, what you hear, what you can touch, what you can smell. Right now. Then shift your focus of attention to something else - on what you need to do, on what you were doing before you noticed the worry, or do something else - mindfully with your full attention.''

Thank you for posting this. This is excellent advice. I’ve saved a screenshot for the next time I feel panic-stricken.
As of 2:00 PM tomorrow, PEI liquor and cannabis stores will be closed. This doesn't affect me at all (it's been 13 years, 5 months,and 3 days since my last drink and if the stress of this hasn't caused me to drink yet I'm going to be okay) but I'm so worried about those who are dependent on alcohol...this is going to be so hard on them. And nothing has been said yet about those who use cannabis for health purposes.

edited to correct: liquor and cannabis stores closing as of 2:00 tomorrow, not today.
I’ve been wondering what will happen to people dependent on alcohol as well. You can’t just stop drinking! You can die from that.
What are your thoughts on this:

My gym instructor is offering outdoor workouts at a local park. Everyone would bring their own mat and weights and would be stationed 6 ft apart.

I really miss this class so I'm weighing the pros and cons.

(ha..."weighing" the pros and pun intended :D)

Look, I am the last person who is overcareful, but this situation is different. Is it not a win win situation to wait 3 or 4 weeks to exercise, especially when it could spread disease and death? Sorry, exercise is not that urgent right now. It can wait.
So phoned the vet this morning,
to arrange a routine pedicure for my black lab.
He's a rite spasmodic idiot when he goes to the vet,
(He gets da crazy eyes, iykwim)
and well known at the clinic,
so usually we arrange as first appointment of the day.

My husband pays the bill first, and then grabs the bucking bronco from the truck, straight through the front doors, into the back of the clinic; a few minutes later, the nail clipping is done and out the door he goes, back in the truck.

Today, K at the vet told me they are only taking priority cases,
but she knows me dog, and she could make a memo for exception,
or she would just call me back in two weeks.

She sounded overwhelmed and afraid.
I said I could wait, phone me back in two
and my hubs and I could try to trim the nails on our own.

So, y'all might what to contact your vet and see what's what.
I took one of my cats in yesterday and the practice was pretty much business as usual. I took another cat in today and they had moved the billing computer into the exam room and the vet came in and asked me to back away. They were constantly cleaning the door handles and what not. Meanwhile I had made an appointment to take yet another in tomorrow and they said be close to my phone as they may be forced to closed. They said they are only seeing limited patients now. My vet also looked very worried and that worried me. She is a doctor and can understand the nature of a virus. Glad I was able to stock on flea meds and at least get two cats in for shots. Hope I can still get the other one in tomorrow.
Yesssss! And in the presser it was good that they now included the “younger” generation as at risk.
Ianad but I posted yesterday I felt we would maybe learn younger persons do get it, maybe their incubation period is longer? Idk, just guessing.
My son's 27 yo friend and his 60 yo mom have it, on home quarantine until March 25th.
He's letting every one know "this is bad!"
"We have been sick for 9 days!!!"
He knows a few unmarried friends, but most of them are married with children and he is saying "keep your kids at home. Please don't spread this!! Believe me when I say you dont want it!"
A few are listening-
So phoned the vet this morning,
to arrange a routine pedicure for my black lab.
He's a rite spasmodic idiot when he goes to the vet,
(He gets da crazy eyes, iykwim)
and well known at the clinic,
so usually we arrange as first appointment of the day.

My husband pays the bill first, and then grabs the bucking bronco from the truck, straight through the front doors, into the back of the clinic; a few minutes later, the nail clipping is done and out the door he goes, back in the truck.

Today, K at the vet told me they are only taking priority cases,
but she knows me dog, and she could make a memo for exception,
or she would just call me back in two weeks.

She sounded overwhelmed and afraid.
I said I could wait, phone me back in two
and my hubs and I could try to trim the nails on our own.

So, y'all might what to contact your vet and see what's what.

Our vet is currently running a full clinic, however she said she’s doing more house visits than usual and she can see them taking only emergency cases at some point. I’ve stocked up with additional meds and ordered a 5 litre bottle of high-level disinfectant - best to be prepared.
It's not unheard of for those in dire straits to seek other forms of alcohol, like Sterno or rubbing alcohol in desperation. Now, rubbing alcohol is also scarce, so that may prevent some deaths Hard choices. IMO
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