Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #41

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It does feel disrespectful. But I think these pictures are necessary to get through to hard headed people. I would allow myself or a loved one that has passed, to be photographed if it saved lives.
Agree. I've had people question me if it's all that bad, since they hadn't seen pictures like this. The published pictures/video were taken at a distance and showed body bags, similar to the pictures we've seen from other countries. This is historic and pictures like these are essential to ensure this pandemic isn't minimized and to provide a record for the future.

ETA. Chinese journalists have sacrificed themselves to publish images like these.
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@CSI Louisiana has Napoleonic Code based upon an earlier Spanish Code. It’s not regular civil law-it was ecclesiastical so it’s parish not county. Same thing just different historical terminology.
Sheriff’s Office obtains arrest warrant for pastor of Tampa church that held two large Sunday services
TAMPA — The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has obtained an arrest warrant for the pastor of a Tampa megachurch who held two services on Sunday for scores of worshipers, violating a county order for residents to stay at home to limit the spread of coronavirus.

“Because of the reckless disregard of public safety and after repeated requests and warnings, I worked with our state attorney, Andrew Warren, to obtain a warrant for unlawful assembly and violation of public health emergency rules, both of which are second degree misdemeanors,” Chronister said. “Our goal here is not to stop anyone from worshiping, but the safety and well-being of our community must always come first."

State law allows the order to be enforced as a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail, a maximum fine of $500 or both.

Arrest Warrant Issued For Pastor After Sunday Gatherings
The gathering violates the county's "safer at home" order as well as President Donald Trump’s social distancing guidelines and recommendations made by the Centers For Disease Control.

Public or private gatherings, including faith-based gatherings are limited to 10 people or less.

In a statement from earlier this month, church leaders said they felt they were an essential service and would be keeping their doors open.

The sheriff's office advised church leaders of the danger they are putting themselves and their congregation in by not following the guidelines.
Johnson & Johnson to Begin Human Trials of Covid-19 Vaccine by September

. . . The New Brunswick, N.J., company selected a lead candidate for the vaccine from the constructs it had been working on, and said human trials would begin by September at the latest. The company had said in February it expected trials to begin in eight to 12 months.

J&J said it could get approval under an emergency-use authorization to make the vaccine widely available early next year. The company said it has also chosen two back-up constructs in case the lead candidate falters.

The company said the vaccine, if successful, would be affordable and would be sold on a not-for-profit basis. . . .

Johnson & Johnson plans to manufacture the vaccine before the FDA gives approval, so millions of doses will be available immediately upon approval. That takes some corporate cohones to take that risk.
Mercedes-AMG F1 team develops new CPAP for COVID-19 patients - Roadshow

paraphrasing: Mercedes F1 engineers worked with University College London to dismantle a CPAP machine, then redesign it on CAD for quick, mass manufacture. Clinicians in the UK are saying that placing patients immediately on CPAP greatly reduces the likelihood that they will ever need ventilators.

This is good news IMO.
Reporting from San Diego. We have 519 positive (19 are new cases).
We have had 7 deaths.
I am thrilled with these numbers as we are certainly a large international city with a huge airport.
I hope we can keep these numbers this low.
They are closed in certain areas Like Miami, Ft Lauderdale, etc. I believe that’s being enforced. I guess Flagler County (NE FL) hasn’t closed theirs? There’s barriers here in SW FL to the beach parking lots.

I was shocked too. When I drove I-75 on Thursday to Tampa for my treatment, every single electronic sign said Public Beaches Closed.
From what I understand, they are closed. However, tourists and some residents still go around the barriers. MOO
Reporting from San Diego. We have 519 positive (19 are new cases).
We have had 7 deaths.
I am thrilled with these numbers as we are certainly a large international city with a huge airport.
I hope we can keep these numbers this low.

I wish that I could embrace your optimism. However, I believe that many people are being under counted, they are not getting tested, because they have a belief that giving information like this to the "government" will result in a negative consequence.

They may be sick, and staying at home, but they are still potentially giving the virus to others in the home.
Sheriff’s Office obtains arrest warrant for pastor of Tampa church that held two large Sunday services
TAMPA — The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has obtained an arrest warrant for the pastor of a Tampa megachurch who held two services on Sunday for scores of worshipers, violating a county order for residents to stay at home to limit the spread of coronavirus.

“Because of the reckless disregard of public safety and after repeated requests and warnings, I worked with our state attorney, Andrew Warren, to obtain a warrant for unlawful assembly and violation of public health emergency rules, both of which are second degree misdemeanors,” Chronister said. “Our goal here is not to stop anyone from worshiping, but the safety and well-being of our community must always come first."

State law allows the order to be enforced as a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail, a maximum fine of $500 or both.

Arrest Warrant Issued For Pastor After Sunday Gatherings
The gathering violates the county's "safer at home" order as well as President Donald Trump’s social distancing guidelines and recommendations made by the Centers For Disease Control.

Public or private gatherings, including faith-based gatherings are limited to 10 people or less.

In a statement from earlier this month, church leaders said they felt they were an essential service and would be keeping their doors open.

The sheriff's office advised church leaders of the danger they are putting themselves and their congregation in by not following the guidelines.
Same church that had the special machines.

“We brought in 13 machines that basically kill every virus in the place," Howard-Browne said. "If they sneeze it shoots it down like at 100 miles per hour and it will neutralize it in a split second."
It’s everyone’s number-1 question about the coronavirus pandemic: just how bad could things get?

The latest answer is anything but reassuring.

In fact, it’s shocking: 100,000-200,000 Americans dead.

And that’s apparently a best-case scenario.

Appearing Monday on NBC’s “Today” show, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx emphasized that the administration is “very worried” that the virus outbreak could easily “get out of control.”

“If we do things together well, almost perfectly, we could get in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities,” Birx said, adding that “We don’t even want to see that.”

Best Case Scenario? U.S. Facing 100,000-200,000 Virus Deaths - News & Guts Media

From your link...the 86 year old woman was assaulted by a criminal:

According to the Daily News, Marshall was in the hospital for a bowel obstruction and grabbed onto a metal stand while making her way down the hallway.

That’s when a woman identified by the newspaper as 32-year-old Cassandra Lundy, a seizure patient in a bed nearby, began complaining Marshall was not following social distancing. Lundy allegedly hit Marshall over the head, knocking her to the ground. She was pronounced dead at 5:40 p.m.

Lundy was issued a disorderly conduct summons by hospital police and was released before NYPD arrived, the Daily News reported, citing unnamed police sources. She lives in Bedford-Stuyvesant and has 17 prior arrests, on charges including drug possession, trespassing, assault and strangulation.

From your link...the 86 year old woman was assaulted by a criminal:

According to the Daily News, Marshall was in the hospital for a bowel obstruction and grabbed onto a metal stand while making her way down the hallway.

That’s when a woman identified by the newspaper as 32-year-old Cassandra Lundy, a seizure patient in a bed nearby, began complaining Marshall was not following social distancing. Lundy allegedly hit Marshall over the head, knocking her to the ground. She was pronounced dead at 5:40 p.m.

Lundy was issued a disorderly conduct summons by hospital police and was released before NYPD arrived, the Daily News reported, citing unnamed police sources. She lives in Bedford-Stuyvesant and has 17 prior arrests, on charges including drug possession, trespassing, assault and strangulation.


I wonder if she'll be charged with murder. <modsnip>
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Governor Northam issues stay home Order. Closes ALL private colleges, NO in person classes and no group larger than 10.


I could only "like" this post once - if I could I'd give it a hundred likes. All my immediate family is in VA, I'm 2 1/2 hours away from the largest cluster of family, across a state line. They have irresponsibly ignored all common sense and suggestions, stating repeatedly to me, " I wouldn't break the law" One sister, her husband and my other BIL all went shopping last week at Lowes to pick out cabinets, counters, appliances, etc for a kitchen remodel. The same sister sent me a picture a couple of hours ago of a lone wrapped roll of TP she had located after searching multiple stores, with the text "Doing my part". She didn't need this roll of TP - but she was out exposing herself and all others by doing so, while at same time taking away from someone that may actually need it. They have gone on with their lives as usual - this sister even told me last week, she thinks it's being exaggerated! Our mother is 85. My sister and her husband both have severe respiratory issues. Did I mention this sister is a retired RN? Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. I seriously fear I may lose this entire group of my family during this situation.
I think - I hope, my girls and their families appear to be more conscientious and practicing social distancing; if not, then at least they have enough sense to not tell me. Thankfully they are located outside this cluster of family.
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