Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #43

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Newborn twins named Corona and Covid - CityNews Toronto
''A couple in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh have named their newborn twins Corona and Covid.

The twins — a boy and a girl — were born during the ongoing 21-day long nationwide lockdown that began on March 24.

“The delivery happened after facing several difficulties and therefore, my husband and I wanted to make the day memorable,” Preeti Verma, the 27-old mother of the twins, told news agency Press Trust of India.

The couple said the names would remind them about the hardships they faced during the lockdown and ahead of the successful delivery in a government hospital last week.''
Sanjay Gupta addressed the 14 day question during last town hall. I think maybe some clusters we see out are in the safe zone, I hope, at least, since most are with children. I have contacts I’m not concerned about being around, they’ve been isolated from anyone not isolated. - Transcripts
KAREN RATHMAN, RETIRED: After 14 days two families stayed apart and self-quarantined by family at home for the entire 14 days. No member of either family shows signs of having the coronavirus. Is it safe for the two families to be together now in one home rather than continuing to be separated?


COOPER: Sanjay, what do you think?

GUPTA: That's like one of those A.A.T. questions. You have 14 days, two families.

COOPER: Traveling 14 miles at 12 miles an hour.

GUPTA: Yes, you know, so here's how I would answer that. I'm curious if Leana would agree with me. Fourteen days comes up because that's sort of the time between when you've been exposed and when you might develop symptoms. It's not a perfect number because, Anderson, as you and I know, we interviewed somebody who had the virus in their system longer than that.

But 14 days is a good number. If they haven't had any symptoms yet, they should be pretty much in the clear. And I think it's OK to be back together. Maybe that will make quarantining a little bit easier for them. But every time you move around, every time you're sort of traveling and things like that, it's an added risk.

COOPER: What about people who are asymptomatic?

GUPTA: Yes, I think even with asymptomatic, this idea that if you were -- if you were going -- the virus, if it was there between the time of exposure to the time of symptoms, you would have had it in about 14 days. You shouldn't have symptoms or --

COOPER: Got it.
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Opinion | It’s High Time We Fought This Virus the American Way

"Don’t let debate over the details of General Motors’ and Ventec’s honorable effort to build more ventilators hide the bottom line: The federal government has all the authority it needs to close the supply gap, allocate resources among states, and prepare for the production and distribution of the vaccine to come. Until the federal government demonstrates — with statistics, contracts and timelines — that the gap is closed and the vaccine pipeline is ready, we should ask: Why isn’t the government bringing its full arsenal to the fight?"

I would agree with this opinion piece if I felt the government could do anything fast and efficiently which is what is needed today.

Time after time I see slow and costly mistakes when government tries to accomplish nearly anything. A government takeover of private industry is not he answer. JMO.
I just talked to my Sister in Michigan. Her Son, my Nephew has the virus. At this point mild. He was the only of her 4 Children who returned to Canada years ago. He is in Toronto. Wife and 2 kids.

I’m so sorry to read this about your nephew @Bravo but I’m glad it is mild and hope it stays that way. Hopefully he will fully recover as soon as possible. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.
For weeks I posted someone would name their baby Covid. 99% disagreed, lol. I think Covid will be a popular name. Why? Idk.......
Newborn twins named Corona and Covid - CityNews Toronto
''A couple in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh have named their newborn twins Corona and Covid.

The twins — a boy and a girl — were born during the ongoing 21-day long nationwide lockdown that began on March 24.

“The delivery happened after facing several difficulties and therefore, my husband and I wanted to make the day memorable,” Preeti Verma, the 27-old mother of the twins, told news agency Press Trust of India.

The couple said the names would remind them about the hardships they faced during the lockdown and ahead of the successful delivery in a government hospital last week.''
I’m so sorry to read this about your nephew @Bravo but I’m glad it is mild and hope it stays that way. Hopefully he will fully recover as soon as possible. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.
Thank You. So very kind. Best wishes to you and your loved one's as well. I guess we all know we are going to have Family/Friends who get infected. As long as they recover that is where we remain hopeful.
Sanjay Gupta addressed the 14 day question during last town hall. I think maybe some clusters we see out are in the safe zone, I hope, at least, since most are with children. I have contacts I’m not concerned about being around, they’ve been isolated from anyone not isolated. - Transcripts
KAREN RATHMAN, RETIRED: After 14 days two families stayed apart and self-quarantined by family at home for the entire 14 days. No member of either family shows signs of having the coronavirus. Is it safe for the two families to be together now in one home rather than continuing to be separated?


COOPER: Sanjay, what do you think?

GUPTA: That's like one of those A.A.T. questions. You have 14 days, two families.

COOPER: Traveling 14 miles at 12 miles an hour.

GUPTA: Yes, you know, so here's how I would answer that. I'm curious if Leana would agree with me. Fourteen days comes up because that's sort of the time between when you've been exposed and when you might develop symptoms. It's not a perfect number because, Anderson, as you and I know, we interviewed somebody who had the virus in their system longer than that.

But 14 days is a good number. If they haven't had any symptoms yet, they should be pretty much in the clear. And I think it's OK to be back together. Maybe that will make quarantining a little bit easier for them. But every time you move around, every time you're sort of traveling and things like that, it's an added risk.

COOPER: What about people who are asymptomatic?

GUPTA: Yes, I think even with asymptomatic, this idea that if you were -- if you were going -- the virus, if it was there between the time of exposure to the time of symptoms, you would have had it in about 14 days. You shouldn't have symptoms or --

COOPER: Got it.
(Quoting this because I had a heck of a time C & P this link for unknown reasons.)
I think this is good info for singles, especially if this continues for months.
If one can trust their friend/family isolated 14 or more days, per Sanjay, it is okay to stay together, or obviously get together.
Yep, another infected ship brought to Florida. These cruise lines need to figure this out. Florida is one of the hot spots with cases rising more than a thousand a day.
How many more can Florida handle?
There had to be several scheduled ports/stops on that itinerary - so all of them turned them away too?
Cuomo ( a bit more)
We have to get through it. There’s no wishing it away.

Hard work

It’s moving more East than North.
Long Island is exploding with cases. :(

Note. Personal scariness for me. My son and family live there.
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Its all hospitals, all countries. NY is not being singled out and has received more supplies, equipment and support than ANY other state.

One thing I want to say about price gouging - food and other necessities will go up in price. Sometimes this price rise is necessary for a variety of reasons, sometimes not. I suggest we keep track of those companies/stores whose prices seem outrages and compare with those who try to keep things withing reason. With the comparisons in mind, know where to do your shopping in the future.
Something has to be done about these corporations who pay little to no US income tax by registering their vessels in foreign countries. And then placing such a burden on our states and our country when they need a handout. (IMO) Bermuda has docks, why not dock where the ship is registered. And hardly a third world country. April is said (by google) to be the best time of the year for cruise ships to dock in Bermuda.
Its registered in Bahamas not Bermuda.

Bermuda - Wikipedia

The Bahamas - Wikipedia
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I would agree with this opinion piece if I felt the government could do anything fast and efficiently which is what is needed today.

Time after time I see slow and costly mistakes when government tries to accomplish nearly anything. A government takeover of private industry is not he answer. JMO.
I also doubt this government's competency, but DPA has been used to some effect many times. This report and article are interesting. Bottom line, we need more stuff. And as a previous poster noted, any reusable stuff does need to make its way back to the national stockpile after use.

The Defense Production Act: An Important National Security Tool, But It Requires Work (Heritage Foundation Report)

This is the law Trump could use to order more ventilators (Fortune Magazine)
Thank You. So very kind. Best wishes to you and your loved one's as well. I guess we all know we are going to have Family/Friends who get infected. As long as they recover that is where we remain hopeful.
@Bravo best wishes to your nephew & his family.
I’m learning of more & more cases in MI that hit close to home. I dread answering a call from MI.

(I hope new baby boy Covid is more popular than his namesake)
<ADMIN NOTE: Some of the information and images contained in the following links are graphic and may be disturbing to some members. >

The discussions here about cruelty to animals in China made me curious @tresir2012. I don’t want to see pictures either, but this very informative Wikipedia article has only one of a bear in a cage that wasn’t overly graphic and was easy to avoid. There are plenty of MSM links.

Animal welfare and rights in China - Wikipedia

The Wikipedia article goes on to detail what @Snoods described. And it is horrible and here’s hoping that animal rights’ activists in China will bring an end to it successfully. They are trying.

But as we quite rightly condemn cruelty to animals in some segments of Chinese culture, I would suggest that we also take a close look at the cruelty endured by animals destined for our tables in the United States. The Humane Society and other animal rights’ groups are working every bit as hard as their counterparts in China. If you scroll quickly, you can avoid the slowly unfolding photos of these animals. But maybe we should look. Personally, I think before we call out animal cruelty in China (which isn’t generally the cause of diseases like coronavirus), we should be willing to admit our own. Are we?

Animal Cruelty Is the Price We Pay for Cheap Meat | Rolling Stone

I am not a vegetarian, but this article certainly made me re-think the origins of the meat I buy. JMO MOO

The cause of this pandemic is about much more than the horrific cruelty to animals: it is the wet markets where bats and other animals are killed and their blood is dripping --they are being touched by people , maybe even being eaten and thus the virus is born. Animal cruelty is one separate subject-- it is horrific and horrible but the spread of the virus on the part of China is another and they are back at it with the wet markets and nobody in our country is addressing it with China and saying look, clean up your act or else-- whatever or else is the United States can figure it out.
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He wrapped up early today! He must be totally spent.
Cuomo ( a bit more)
We have to get through it. There’s no wishing it away.

Hard work

It’s moving more East than North.
Long Island is exploding with cases. :(

Personal scariness for me. My son and family live there.
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