Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #52

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At the moment I'm at home with confirmed Covid-19, my symptoms are mild with a fever of above 38,0 Centigrades (100 F) if I don't take paracetamol, a headache that won't go away, tiredness, and very mild cold symptoms. No breathing difficulties, cough, aches or anything else. I most likely caught it at work (emergency department), as we have had more and more patients with suspected corona during last week, and one of my colleagues have also got it. Now I have to stay at home until all symptoms are gone + two more days. I got a call from one of the doctors at the Department of Infectious Diseases, as well as from a nurse at the Disease control unit at the hospital, giving me advice and what symptoms to be observant of.

The number confirmed cases here in my part of Sweden is still low, 73 cases, and 2 deaths. The laboratory capacity have been increase and now all hospital staff, and personnel taking care of elders, are tested if they have any symptoms that could be coronarelated.

Take care. Get well soon!
Oh my...

Brooklyn funeral home: Up to 60 bodies found in four trucks outside the home - CNN

Four trucks containing as many as 60 bodies have been discovered outside a Brooklyn funeral home after someone reported fluids dripping from the trucks, a law enforcement official told CNN.

The Andrew Cleckley Funeral Home home was overwhelmed and ran out of room for bodies, which were awaiting cremation, and used the trucks for storage, a second law enforcement source said Wednesday.

At least one of the trucks was unrefrigerated, according to one law enforcement official. One source said the bodies were put on ice.
IDK, but a few ago, I started noticing media in developed countries promoting reopening their societies. Now, I understand that most societies cannot put the energy and expense behind contact-tracing, massive testing that S. Korea has. Apart from societal differences, the population #s, govt structure and govt finances are an issue.

I am very sad that so many poor and old will die. But, that has always been the case during epidemics.

During the Black Plague in Europe --

  • Flight was the chief recourse of those who could afford it or arrange it. The rich fled to their country places like Boccaccio’s young patricians of Florence, who settled in a pastoral palace “removed on every side from the roads” with “wells of cool water and vaults of rare wines.” The urban poor died in their burrows, “and only the stench of their bodies informed neighbors of their death.” That the poor were more heavily afflicted than the rich was clearly remarked at the time, in the north as in the south. A Scottish chronicler, John of Fordun, stated flatly that the pest “attacked especially the meaner sort and common people—seldom the magnates.” Simon de Covino of Montpellier made the same observation. He ascribed it to the misery and want and hard lives that made the poor more susceptible,
Tuchman, Barbara. A Distant Mirror. Random House Publishing Group.

Of course, here we can add the willingness of society to help the sick, access to health care, the greed of those who want to reopen when they can afford to pay workers for some time.
Couldn't they work from behind a plexi screen, like the shop cashiers do? I would say those shop workers have been the guinea pigs in this experiment. They have to deal with adult nitwits like me going the wrong way in and out of the store. Also there are lots of articles saying kids don't spread it.

I wouldn't count on kids not spreading it.
I don't understand why some veg*ans of all kinds are so much into having "fake meat" products. One of the reasons why I became a vegetarian more than 30 years ago was that I had never really liked meat, so I don't see a reason why I should eat "fake meat" instead. There are times when they come in handy, but I prefer genuine vegetables, legumes and eating things I can identify. Yes, it takes more skills to be able to compose meals so that the nutritional balance is correct, but the end result in so much more satisfying.
I totally agree. Vegetables, grains, beans, etc are perfect ingredients and there is an endless variety of dishes to make from them from super simple to elaborate.

ATLANTA — Dr. G. Ashley Register, a family practitioner in Cairo, Georgia said after the state’s health system lost its first nurse to COVID-19, the prospect of loosening social distancing restrictions hit closer to home.

“We had a health care worker die,” he said Wednesday. “And that makes it even more personal.”

Register was among a group of doctors speaking out on the current state of coronavirus in Georgia during a press conference hosted by Protect Our Care Georgia — an advocacy group that pushes for full Medicaid expansion.

Georgia is one of a handful of remaining states that has chosen to forgo expanding Medicaid.

Rural Southwest Georgia has seen a surge of coronavirus cases, with Doughtery County designated as one of the country’s worst hotspots. As cases continue to flood hospitals, the group said, there’s little indication coronavirus spread in Georgia is leveling off.

Register said in Grady County, he admitted 10 patients just yesterday and nervously awaits the impact of lifting the statewide shelter-in-place order, set to expire Thursday.

We're concerned and a bit frightened that the number of COVID cases will go up,” he said. “... It’s a cascade effect that will happen if we're not continuing to pressure people to take it seriously.”

Epidemiologist Dr. Rebecca Mitchell, a visiting assistant professor at Emory University, said multiple Georgia-specific case models indicate increased infection rates if social restrictions are relaxed.

Looking at county-by-county breakdowns of cases and death percentages based on population, Mitchell said, the worst ranking counties are in rural areas of the state.

“This is not an urban problem, this is an everywhere problem,” she said.

Rural doctors worry about lifting social distancing
Age of Coronavirus Deaths
COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:
*Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). This probability differs depending on the age group. The percentages shown below do not have to add up to 100%, as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.

confirmed cases

all cases

80+ years old

70-79 years old

60-69 years old

50-59 years old

40-49 years old

30-39 years old

20-29 years old

10-19 years old

0-9 years old
no fatalities

*Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). The percentages do not have to add up to 100%, as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group.

In general, relatively few cases are seen among children.

This is from the Worldometers site that has been linked upthread. Basically 21.9% is the fatality rate for all cases and the probable deaths for each age group is shown.
Not May 1, but better early than late, because I keep my word. Do you still have food? Toilet paper? Are you able to order food and supplies online, for the most part? At this point the virus has not taken as many as the flu takes on average to bad years. The problem is people that aren't able to get regular health screenings or are putting off things that need evaluated/treated.

Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #22
Are you guys turning into CV hyperchondriacs? I have decided my tale of woe starting last night and ending this morning is most likely a gift from those beef and bean burritos I ate for dinner. Whew. Jmo
Then there is the stress on the funeral, mortuary industry. It's not the typical flu, I don't think. At least we don't have mass graves, cardboard coffins and the dead littering the streets like they in equatorial (read hot and humid) Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Coronavirus News: Brooklyn cemetery worker describes struggle to keep up with COVID-19 deaths

There are morticians going to New York the same way healthcare workers are going in from all over. I honestly didn't realize that until yesterday.

Louisville embalmer reported to New York City to assist amid coronavirus tragedy
The issue I have with the reopening is that folks aren't wearing masks. I am appalled by this - I cringe when I do my curbside grocery pickup and see all the people going in/out, brushing up against each other, 75% without masks. To me - a mask is a symbol of a person that has greater love for anyone than himself.
Yes, although I'm medical and understand that a mask protects the other person most, I still feel like my mask offers me a little protection against those carriers carelessly spreading the virus. Maybe minimal, but it's a small barrier between me and them.

I want to go up to the mask wearers the way I do our military in uniform and thank them for their service to our country and their love for others.

I admit, I'm selfish. I want to see those precious grandbabies of mine grow up. I want to see my elderly mother live another 10 years and not go down as a statistic in this pandemic. To me - a short term interruption to our "normal" is a small price to pay for a quicker and safer re-entry back to a new normal of the life we obviously so loved and miss.
We, Americans, are an arrogant nation. We don't want anyone else telling us what we can and can't do - even if it's for our own safety and good health. We scream that we relish our freedom, but flaunt that freedom in ways that jeopardize our own lives and those of others. And of those we love.

I'll go back to my corner again now

Yes, it has been indeed eye opening as to where folks are on the spectrum of empathy for others that have nothing to do with ourselves (the difference between animals and humans MOO), notwithstanding direct affect one can have on another and discounting due to more value being put on individual freedoms perhaps. Indeed, we all have different value systems and I'm sure many have found that their close friends have different value systems than their own.
IDK, but a few ago, I started noticing media in developed countries promoting reopening their societies. Now, I understand that most societies cannot put the energy and expense behind contact-tracing, massive testing that S. Korea has. Apart from societal differences, the population #s, govt structure and govt finances are an issue.

I am very sad that so many poor and old will die. But, that has always been the case during epidemics.

During the Black Plague in Europe --

  • Flight was the chief recourse of those who could afford it or arrange it. The rich fled to their country places like Boccaccio’s young patricians of Florence, who settled in a pastoral palace “removed on every side from the roads” with “wells of cool water and vaults of rare wines.” The urban poor died in their burrows, “and only the stench of their bodies informed neighbors of their death.” That the poor were more heavily afflicted than the rich was clearly remarked at the time, in the north as in the south. A Scottish chronicler, John of Fordun, stated flatly that the pest “attacked especially the meaner sort and common people—seldom the magnates.” Simon de Covino of Montpellier made the same observation. He ascribed it to the misery and want and hard lives that made the poor more susceptible,
Tuchman, Barbara. A Distant Mirror. Random House Publishing Group.

Of course, here we can add the willingness of society to help the sick, access to health care, the greed of those who want to reopen when they can afford to pay workers for some time.
I don't think it is greed for companies to want to reopen but survival. Virgin Australia and many other companies are going bust despite being fronted by very rich people. These companies often have shareholders that they have to answer to and businesses cannot afford to pay employees for doing nothing unless the government foots the bill, or 80% of it like the UK. Even then there will only be so long that government help can continue to do that.
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