Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #54

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More Iowa news: Gov. Kim Reynolds to attend White House meeting on COVID-19 in Iowa
Vice President Mike Pence to visit Des Moines Friday
Des Moines extends COVID-19 measures, delaying farmers' market, arts festival IMO-Polk county where Des Moines is, now has the highest numbers in the state. And IMO-from what I've read and seen the month of May in Ia. won't be very good. Alot of people visiting the counties that have started to open back up and those people are coming from closed counties. I'm guessing there will be another spike in cases 2-3 weeks from now. And these will be after a decision is made about the 22 counties that are still closed until May 15th, so the decision to open them won't be able to made by watching the opening counties. Again all IMO.
Not political.
Speaking only for the USA, we do have to get our economy open again, and as soon as possible.
All of the Government Freebies and bailouts, are NOT free. Money does NOT grow on trees.
Every dollar printed off of the Treasury printing press has a price.
That price is dollar devaluation.
Paying unemployment to millions of out of work Americans is not free.
We and our children and their children will be paying for this for decades.
Americans need to utilize the precautions that we have been taught, to lower our infections and death rates.
But, we cannot all stay home and collect unemployment. Our entire economy would collapse.
Already, the ramifications from this virus on all of our businesses is huge.
Unfathomable actually.
We are in a war for our country and way of life.
People will die, and people will be wounded.
Still, we must go back to work. Taking care of the vulnerable and using all protection strategies.

Yeah, but we're not going to (follow the precautions). Virtually no one is. As we reopen (my county is having a soft reopen as I type), everyone is acting exactly and precisely as if it were before CoVid (except those of us who are "virtue signaling" by wearing masks and social distancing). Plus, apparently many people are so exuberant and individualistic and impulsive they cannot help but rush up to people they know (or barely know) and get really close.

Everyone is "vulnerable" in the sense that, except for under-20s (who are going to get older), people can have lifelong consequences from CoVid. But hey. It'll only be 2-5% of us.

(When I ask students whether they'd walk to their cars if there if 1 out 50 of them would drop into a 100 foot hole in the ground, they say "no"; when I ask them if they would walk outside in there were lots of bees - and only 1 person in our building of 1000 students would get stung - 80% say no)

But when it comes to social distancing, it's different. There's no inherent "sting," it's so pleasurable. Frankly, what I'm reading in my online classes seems to say that many are relieved they no longer have to go to family gatherings (old people there) but can go out with their friends instead.

So yes, people will die, mostly older people (which has some social costs, if those people are our best doctors and so forth) but hey, it's okay if we have to relearn many things from scratch (at least from the POV of the learners).

The thing is, the very people who don't want the distancing and want to "get back to work" may find that the very people who could afford their services (nurses, doctors, techs, accountants, business managers, teachers, computer scientists, etc, etc) are not going to go to stores, restaurants, etc.

What then? Stores are closing (permanently) in locations all around where I live. It's very very sad. And I think we will keep printing money, so costs will be passed on more or less equally to everyone, thereby hurting the poorer groups even more. A regressive tax, so to speak.

We need a good treatment and some vaccines.

If it mutates even a little (like the version causing the Kawasaki's) we are truly screwed and it will be truly tragic, but definitely brought upon ourselves as a species.
There is little chance the economy as a whole, recovers this year. People might recover enough to survive, but the U.S. economy as a whole will be in the toilet. If the virus explodes again, it could get even worse as hopelessness takes hold.

Managing expectations is key, imo. Having a false sense that life will bounce back to "normal" is going to be a let down. Hopelessness is a concern - but it can be prevented with a plan based on reality. False hope is not helpful.

What will happen to Netflix? Actors aren't willing to risk life to shoot on site. Revival of historic film might be interesting.
I left that out, because I feel like if the availability of testing improves, studios might be able to do some limited productions. And there's also Animation with voice overs. But that industry will suffer too, and people might avoid movie theaters. Netflix might still be in a position to do better than most.
Peer reviewed cloth mask study:

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers


Results The rates of all infection outcomes were highest in the cloth mask arm, with the rate of ILI statistically significantly higher in the cloth mask arm (relative risk (RR)=13.00, 95% CI 1.69 to 100.07) compared with the medical mask arm. Cloth masks also had significantly higher rates of ILI compared with the control arm. An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%.

Again, these appear to be either single layer cloth masks and homemade masks of an unspecified type (for the cloth masks).
The virus can get on the bottom of your shoes. Best to be careful when removing them. Can Your Shoes Spread Coronavirus? The Answer Isn't So Clear-Cut

Gotta tell ya i am not going to worry about my shoes--you can make yourself
crazy if you think about every tiny possibility of how you can contract this virus-it
would be different if i actually walked around a hospital with lots of covid patients-but
i wont be doing that. i dont plan to touch my shoes, then touch my face either. a person
needs to evaluate the most likely mode of transmission of the virus, and for me shoes
are way down the list
I left that out, because I feel like if the availability of testing improves, studios might be able to do some limited productions. And there's also Animation with voice overs. But that industry will suffer too, and people might avoid movie theaters. Netflix might still be in a position to do better than most.

That industry is going to suffer a lot. It is almost inconceivable. All the people behind the scenes - without jobs. It's already affecting real estate in a few places here in SoCal (there are a couple of towns were craft people are known to inhabit).

I agree that some kind of immunity passport could work - but rapid testing would be key. It sort of stymies me that big industries (like movie studios and sports teams) cannot go and figure out how to buy Rt-PCR machines and reagents to test for CoVid in 15 minutes. Daily, before people are on the set or on the field.

Do they just not understand how the science works? Or is it the overall liability? I really have no clue. For low risk people (say, 20-somethings), a quick daily test would make them employable. The older people who are coaches, directors, and who run the cameras could be tested too. Also, there's a lot of social distancing available (coaches know how to use megaphones, people can have headsets).

Maybe that will happen - but I sure am not hearing anything about that. People in the motion picture industry seem paralyzed and most of the more well-heeled ones seem to have fled to Wyoming or Montana or whatever.

Managing expectations is key, imo. Having a false sense that life will bounce back to "normal" is going to be a let down. Hopelessness is a concern - but it can be prevented with a plan based on reality. False hope is not helpful.


1918 pandemic criticism includes some governments not telling people the facts, instead providing hypothetical predictions and empty promises.

WW1 alone was a reason for countries to deny that there was a pandemic - can't win a war when the enemy knows you have a deadly plague.
AZ local news reported that President Trump wore no mask while visiting Honeywell, where N95 masks are being produced, to talk to masked workers making the masks
It's almost a tongue twister

The closest he got to a mask was when he was presented with one in a frame by a Honeywell CEO


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Entertainment is a HUGE part of this nation's economy, and there are going to be extremely limited entertainment options available for many months, and possibly the rest of 2020. No Live Concerts, No Filled Stadiums For Sports, Severely Restricted(If Available) Amusement Parks, No Packed Theatres For Broadway Shows. And the biggest killer of all, No Traveling, which will impact Airlines, Hotels, Car Rentals, Tourist Attractions, Etc.

There is little chance the economy as a whole, recovers this year. People might recover enough to survive, but the U.S. economy as a whole will be in the toilet. If the virus explodes again, it could get even worse as hopelessness takes hold.

Yeah, entertainment is one of our top three exportables. We don't make anything. No one wants our recyclables any more. Or our machinery/tools/etc.

Software engineering/tech is big, satellite software is big (we don't make the satellites much any more - we do still launch them, but that's no longer an American monopoly).

US music, film and television is huge. Broadway is huge. Tourism, and theme parks, etc. - I'm guessing together this is about ⅓ of the US economy. I know the economists are really worried.

Sports is part of entertainment, of course. This virus may be the "big leveler" and ultimately, the destroyer of "American" influence on the world. I hope reruns are popular, because new movies, theater, dance, etc are going to be dead for a while.

Maybe someone can film their own household for either reality TV or scripted drama, with a crew of 10 or less. Everything else in small post-production units.

AMC is likely to go bankrupt. We're all gonna stream. Small personal dramas and comedies.
Protesters once again march on Capitol steps demanding state to reopen

I know that my state has partially re-opened and it was needed for employment but I will not lie, I am scared to death. I am not ready to go face people at work. I have done my work from home for 7 weeks and I am lucky to be able to work from home but I know that employers like mine will demand that we come back to work, they are paying big lease money on offices. I have until May 15th before it becomes a real threat of returning to work. Going to Wal Mart gives me anxiety attacks.

My former son-in-law works at a local hospital and told me that the news is not telling the truth, more cases of the virus than being reported in our area. One lady that was a school teacher handing out lunches for kids, got sick one day and died the next day from the virus. This lady was in her early 30's. My Step daughter had a heart attack caused by the virus and she is in her 30's. I am so paranoid and just want to crawl under a rock.

Thanks for listening, my anxiety attack kicking in. The dentist office called me today and wanted if I wanted to schedule an appointment for a cleaning this week, I told them no I am not ready .

I truly understand that the US workers need to get back to work, need their paychecks but I still feel it is too soon. Maybe if I was not able to work from home, I would definitely feel different.

I feel like we are all in the Twilight Zone except this is reality and it stinks.
I live in Sacramento CA where we are blessed by a very small number of cases and deaths.

So far it's at 1133 confirmed cases and 47 deaths in Sacramento County which has a population of about 1.5 million people. With these rates it will not surprise me that people here will push for most business's to reopen.

When the majority of people don't personally know someone who has been infected or died from the virus it's hard for citizen's to understand the justification for an extended shutdown. JMO

COVID-19 map of California: Latest coronavirus cases by county
I left that out, because I feel like if the availability of testing improves, studios might be able to do some limited productions. And there's also Animation with voice overs. But that industry will suffer too, and people might avoid movie theaters. Netflix might still be in a position to do better than most.

Hollywood is one sector I can definitely live without.
I believe the handshake and public buffet style eating is gone forever.
I also think fresh fruits and vegetables will soon be in protective wrappings at the grocery store/farmer's markets.

I never liked buffets so I will not miss them. I do know that many people in my neck of the woods love the Chinese buffet. Not me, I always ordered vegetable fried rice. I do agree about the fruits and vegetables. I was picking out potatoes the other day, only wanted 2 or 3 and not a whole bag, I wondered how many people have touched these potatoes.
I never liked buffets so I will not miss them. I do know that many people in my neck of the woods love the Chinese buffet. Not me, I always ordered vegetable fried rice. I do agree about the fruits and vegetables. I was picking out potatoes the other day, only wanted 2 or 3 and not a whole bag, I wondered how many people have touched these potatoes.
Thought the same about grapes. No sneeze sheild!
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