Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #71

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He should have lobbed it. Might have fallen short, but it looked like his throw was so bad, it caught even the catcher off guard. He didn't make any attempt whatsoever to go after it.

okay: does anybody really care if Dr. Fauci's throw was good or bad? of course not: it was an honor for him to be there: Bless his heart: he is a hero!!!
Wait what?? Why are we having County fairs?

Ohio county fair tied to 22 coronavirus cases, with more fairs still to come — NBC News

“At least 22 cases of coronavirus were tied to an Ohio county fair at the end of last month, a cautionary tale as more county fairs are scheduled to continue amid the pandemic.

A nine-page report from Pickaway County Public Health found a lack of enforcement on safety measures to prevent the disease despite a “very thorough and extensive” planning process on guidelines. At least 19 attendees contracted the virus and another three had the virus passed onto them by a family member.”
It’s somewhat a relief to see companies and individuals Etc taking things seriously. Maybe we’re not totally in the shitter yet :rolleyes:
The WH recent effort too little too late imo

Southwest is requiring passengers 2 years or older to wear facial covering: No exceptions —

“If you're over the age of 2, you have to wear a mask when flying with Southwest Airlines: NO EXCEPTIONS.

Per a statement the airline released on Wednesday, if a customer is unable to wear a mask (even due to a preexisting health condition) "Southwest regrets that we will be unable to transport the individual."

Health officials released data in March showing that 80 percent of individuals with COVID-19 show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, but can still transmit the virus to other people. That's the reason for Southwest's now updated, quite restrictive policy.”

Southwest- thumbs up!
Yes. Mobile phones, satellites, fast world wide internet, cosmetic surgery, laser surgery, prosthesis, flights across the entire world in just 9 hours .... and so much more. And yet we are not advancing past masks and social distancing?

The scientists are doing it for us. Why are we not implementing the things that are passing their intense scrutiny and tests?

Some nations have, obviously. China is probably the highest tech in terms of medical systems. Plenty of trained workers, too - which is a key component. No point in getting a few scientists to know how to order special tests if there's no lab ability to process them, etc.

It takes true social focus, usually planned and implemented in some fashion by the government, as we see in Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, South Korea, China, Canada, Germany, Thailand, Japan and many others.

Then we have governments who have veered, historically, away from investing in medical infrastructure and left it up to the private sector almost entirely (as in the United States). There are governments who have tried to support medicine while permitting private competition as well. Profit motive in medicine does not, IMO, result in the best results for the most people. Yet, here we are.

Today has been a nightmare. A week ago was more hopeful. Today, the numbers are a trend and the trend, worldwide and in the US is upward. Faster than before because now so many more people have it.
“This is not working.” Parents juggling jobs and child care under COVID-19 see no good solutions — PBS NewsHour

“At 5 a.m., attorney Keisha Hudson wakes up, plants her toddler in front of the television, and plunges into work on her laptop to try to get through as much as she can. In less than two hours, her 8-year-old daughter will wake up, have breakfast, and from that point on, the day will just get more complicated. Zoom meetings, phone calls, emails, not to mention a general sense of chaos and guilt will then chase Hudson and her husband until late into the night. And it’s been this way for months–with no real end in sight.

“We found it impossible to work our jobs and then be parenting and supervising and teaching,” Hudson said, who lives in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, outside Philadelphia. “We’re not giving 100 percent to our jobs, and we’re not giving anything close to 100 percent to parenting at this moment.”
I’m going to find out. I know that my client who had it was given a nebulizer to take home and was given fever reducer.

My FIL went to the hospital and got tested but they sent him home. Don’t get me wrong. He is sick. Had trouble breathing. Trouble talking on the phone.

But compared to my client who had it, it seems like it was nothing. My client was very ill. Said he’s never felt anything close to it. Like he was drowning. And he was bedridden for a long time. Like I said earlier he called to make sure I wasn’t dead because he felt like if I got it, with my asthma, forget it.

It’s bizarre how it’s hit or miss.

I forgot something super important! My FIL has type O blood! I will see if I can find out the blood type of the rest of them. (Spouse has type O too).
I am convinced at least part of the difference has to do with the viral load.
How politics, inequity, and complacency undermined Texas’s fight against Covid-19

“But the warning signs were there, and some experts were already worried. Face masks were only encouraged — not required — in public places where maintaining physical distance from others wasn’t possible. Because Texas had imposed one of the shortest lockdowns nationwide, it hadn’t had much time to suppress cases and build up testing capacity. And it hadn’t achieved a two-week decline in cases, one of the key benchmarks states were supposed to hit before reopening.”
How depressing:

July 23, 11:15 a.m. While many California officials have said the coronavirus pandemic could grip our state for another year, Santa Clara County Executive Officer Jeff Smith suggested in an interview with KPIX Wednesday night the timeline could be even longer.

Smith said because a vaccine has never been developed against the common cold or any other coronavirus, "there will never be a vaccine that will be effective."

Due to the lack of a vaccine, he said we will be "doing what is more equivalent to spot fire treatment and struggling for the next 10 years."

Watch the full interview on KPIX.

Updates: Bay Area official warns COVID-19 may be here for up to 10 years
I fell off the smoking wagon today. It’s work. It's the stress of working with people who are taking their mask off to eat and then instead of just damn well eating, wander about the office between bites, maybe cough a little bit. Or take their mask off to sip water and then not put it back on while speaking directly to you. Or take their mask off to sip coffee, swallow the wrong way, then proceed with a five minute coughing FIT without their mask. If we had a balcony I may have jumped off today just to freaking escape morons. My boss was responsible for much of this today. We work together in a tiny office. Thd patrons ate one thing - most in and out in fifteen minutes. It's the people I am next to for six hours that are raising my blood pressure.
U.S. reports more CoVid cases in the past 2 weeks than in all of June.

The global numbers aren't good, either.

Of people known to have CoVid in the United States per the CDC/Worldometer, 3.5 have died. This percentage deflected downward slightly as case numbers rose ahead of deaths.

Now, we're beginning to see the rise in deaths. If the 3.5% number is optimistically a good number to use, the new cases we had just today (~69,000) will result in 2,436 deaths in future.

We are currently at half of that, but since everything is now appearing to rise rapidly, we can only wait and hope that something (perhaps a new treatment, perhaps the use of steroids, perhaps the new antivirals) will reduce that death rate. We need that new intervention immediately.

We need people who think they've been exposed to go get tested and quarantine completely. And every single person with any kind of possible symptom should do the same (and yes, that includes feeling overly tired).
I fell off the smoking wagon today. It’s work. It's the stress of working with people who are taking their mask off to eat and then instead of just damn well eating, wander about the office between bites, maybe cough a little bit. Or take their mask off to sip water and then not put it back on while speaking directly to you. Or take their mask off to sip coffee, swallow the wrong way, then proceed with a five minute coughing FIT without their mask. If we had a balcony I may have jumped off today just to freaking escape morons. My boss was responsible for much of this today. We work together in a tiny office. Thd patrons ate one thing - most in and out in fifteen minutes. It's the people I am next to for six hours that are raising my blood pressure.

I'm so sorry. Right now, that wagon is waiting for you and it will be there tonight and tomorrow.

I hope you are wearing both a mask and a face shield. Or if you prefer, get some ski goggles (low light ones so you can see indoors) and wear a mask and a gaiter. Will that make your point? Maybe get one of those disposable medical hats and wear that too, ha.

(It's not legal to spray your coworkers with Lysol, I figure).
Here's a list of the countries where things are spiraling at an exponential rate.

Peru, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, United States, Sweden, UK

The first 4 on that list are completely Out Of Control. In the past week, Peru & Chile passed the U.S. in terms of Deaths Per Million, even though the U.S. is still moving up. Brazil will pass us soon, followed by Mexico.

Other countries not doing so well at the moment include Iran & India, but India has such an enormous population, their #'s are not taking off. However, they have been relatively calm until recently, so it's possible the outbreak is just starting to take hold there.
How depressing:

July 23, 11:15 a.m. While many California officials have said the coronavirus pandemic could grip our state for another year, Santa Clara County Executive Officer Jeff Smith suggested in an interview with KPIX Wednesday night the timeline could be even longer.

Is he a Doctor or Scientist? Should you trust an Executive Officer to know what's going to happen with a Coronavirus?
I'm so sorry. Right now, that wagon is waiting for you and it will be there tonight and tomorrow.

I hope you are wearing both a mask and a face shield. Or if you prefer, get some ski goggles (low light ones so you can see indoors) and wear a mask and a gaiter. Will that make your point? Maybe get one of those disposable medical hats and wear that too, ha.

(It's not legal to spray your coworkers with Lysol, I figure).
Oh. Yes. I forgot to mention that last week one of my coworkers told me he only uses hand sanitizer, does not wash his hands, while at work because he doesn't trust the water. He then proceeded to lose his mind when I tried to explain why hand washing is necessary after blowing your nose or using the bathroom. Hand sanitizer does not cut it in all situations.

It's a wonder I haven't started drinking (like on the job). Or breaking bad. Or something.
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