Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #76

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We got call today from our restaurant in California's leasing agent. They want us to sign a contract, specifying just how much money we are going to repay them per month due to short payment of rent due to Covid.
*We have been paying them as much as possible every month. *But, he did not know that. Anyway,
I told him that we cannot sign and commit to ANY contract, because we have no idea what's happening day to day.
We're still in lockdown here in So. California. We can only accommodate 25% of our normal patronage, yet our bills are the same as they were before. EVERYTHING costs the same as if we were operating at 100%.
We've been paying our business landlord every month about 60% of our normal rent. That's all we could do, without losing our utilities and roof over our heads.
The California Sales tax representatives are calling my husband daily at our restaurant asking for money as we didn't send them March's payment. Hubby just hangs up on them (love this man).
I know that California is over 50 billion in the red, but why us? We are a little Mom & Pop restaurant.
I need to call the California Sales Tax people on Monday. I'm not sure what I'm going to say...

Thanks for letting me vent here. Kali in Cali

Sorry to hear of your difficulties. I'm supporting my local owned restaurants, and my neighbor did a pickup/takeout for me yesterday as I still don't venture out (exception is Kroger order online/put in my trunk no contact for free)

I've been following the tv show "Restaurant Impossible" and the last 5 or 6 shows he is revisiting folks from the past who have been affected from COVID rules. He stresses to consider outdoor patio seating options (many locales are easing old rules to allow), asking the mayor of the town to visit and get local publicity, using downtime to create long term web based ordering/payment/takeout, focus on dishes that can travel well if pickup etc etc. This may go on until mid 2021 and mindsets are changing overall from consumers.

IIRC, you to were attempting to refocus on takeout? How has that worked for you?

I wish you the best, and my heart breaks for your suffering during these times.
I too have to time my grocery store visits carefully or use one that has public toilets like Tesco's. You are not alone. Our public toilets have only recently opened after 4 months closed. The train station loos were closed, the library (with a public loo) was closed, the council and beach toilets were closed. Bars were closed. I think it was a plot specifically designed to keep us oldies at home and safe. :)
A lot of the public restrooms are not open and even if they were open - there are very few places I would feel safe using them during this time. Too many unmasked people around.

I bought some feminine depends and a female urinal for the car.

I keep a small plastic tote in the car.

Feminine wipes, disinfectant wipes, tissues, roll of TP, roll of PT, a waste bag, face masks and gloves.
If it helps, I think it was a garter snake. I usually scream loud enough to draw attention from everyone within a quarter mile of me. I was like "huh whatever". I was SO glad to go back to work!

This post made me smile. I realized last year when I found a little black snake under the mulch in my backyard... I said to myself...gosh, this is like having found earthworms, a gardeners dream! I was excited and covered it back up. It's so wonderful when we overcome our inherent fears through education.

(And then, a week later a neighbor posted a photo of a damn copperhead in her backyard... back on high alert when moving mulch!)
Glad to know you ventured out to the hairdresser and had a reassuring experience.

I've re-assessed the whole hair thing since lockdown. Going to the salon isnt for me any more. I liked the head massage and the coffees and dont want to feel I'm inside a closed space. I think I'd feel ridiculously upset with the changes, some things get to me more than others.

Having a hairdresser come to my home worked well for me. I've replaced my shoulder length brunette for short choppy blond-ish, which will only need attention every couple of months. Saving me a fortune too.

Taking back control of certain situations always makes me feel better.

(Sorry @tresir2012 - I replied to your post and somehow made it about me!)
I started a thread where we can discuss lifestyle changes during COVID and how it will or won't affect our activities when it's over. Lifestyle Changes During and After COVID 19
Had Sturgis locked up, they may have come, but they would not have stayed.

Theoretically, that sounds like a great solution. :) Geographically and practically speaking, it’s not really possible to “lock up” a city of 7000 that has an interstate highway (90) running through it, or the entire Black Hills that is a tourist attraction because of the scenery and Mt Rushmore. The City couldn’t force restaurants, hotels, campgrounds and private citizens who rent out camping space to shut down or limit service without a mandate from Gov. Noem. She encouraged the bikers to come in order to support the economy, so she would have strongly resisted any independent attempt by the City of Sturgis to limit businesses.

The City of Sturgis couldn’t force the communities of Keystone, Custer and others to refuse service to the bikers. The City canceled its advertising and events, but private campgrounds and bars hold their own events for bikers. Most of the rally-goers absolutely would have come, stayed and carried on as usual. Knowing they were going to come, all the City could do is take proactive steps to protect its citizens and the rally-goers, as they did.
2020 City of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Update

<modsnip: Removed political comment>
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Quote RSBM.

I don't go anywhere except shopping every ten days and l save till receipts with time and date. We were in complete lockdown for 3 months and I have been shielding also which has only recently changed. However, I have BT internet landline which means it automatically connects to public wireless internet for free or I can choose to change it to mobile internet when that is available. We still pretty much keep to our lockdown rules even now, so it is easy to know where we have been.
Thanks for explaining! That kind of landline-wifi setup is unfamiliar to me. Sounds very workable!
Looks like they may be going to pay the price now.

Over the last two weeks South Dakota's new daily cases have grown by about 43%. And Sturgis plans to mass test its residents next week to try to stem a possible spread of the virus from the rally.

Some who attended Sturgis motorcycle event have coronavirus, South Dakota officials say
Their highest daily count in SD was 249 back in May. This link shows the data.

It has been slowly rising since a low in July.

Cases over time
South Dakota



1 Apr 20201 Jul 2020300225150750
Date range Cases over time
10–16 Mar 10
17–23 Mar 18
24–30 Mar 72
31 Mar–6 Apr 188
7–13 Apr 579
14–20 Apr 818
21–27 Apr 561
28 Apr–4 May 421
5–11 May 947
12–18 May 413
19–25 May 559
26 May–1 Jun 448
2–8 Jun 437
9–15 Jun 457
16–22 Jun 398
23–29 Jun 390
30 Jun–6 Jul 389
7–13 Jul 419
14–20 Jul 419
21–27 Jul 501
28 Jul–3 Aug 576
4–10 Aug 643
11–17 Aug 697
18–21 Aug 524
Each day shows new cases reported since the previous day
Updated less than 15 hours agoSource: The New York Times

ETA Meade County where Sturgis is located, only has 138 cases total for the whole county. Info also at the link above.
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Wow, super informative. THANK YOU!

Any help here?
In Australia our accountants help in areas where we do not know where to start with assistance programs. But the programs themselves can actually help with applications as well.

California and the federal government are providing broad assistance to small businesses and employers impacted by COVID-19.
Businesses and employers - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response
NBC News: Minnesota becomes 3rd state with coronavirus cases linked to Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Coronavirus cases linked to Sturgis Motorcycle Rally now found in Minnesota, 2 other states

Ok, so to try and keep track, the rally was 7-16th and we have heard of 1 person at the rally in one of the bars plus 7 from Nebraska plus now Minnesota with 15. What was the third state?

Presumably, within the next week we should hear about any more that can be linked also.
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Ok, so to try and keep track, the rally was 7-16th and we have heard of 1 person at the rally in one of the bars plus 7 from Nebraska plus now Minnesota with 15. What was the third state?

Presumably, within the next week we should hear about any more that can be linked also.

South Dakota itself, where the motorcycle rally was held. From the article:
“Earlier this week, South Dakota health officials said a resident who visited One-Eyed Jack's Saloon during the rally had tested positive for the virus.”
More at both links

’Paternalistic and punitive;’ Mass. teachers union balks at state request for classroom instruction during remote learning

The Massachusetts Teachers Association says new guidance from the state that calls for educators in districts with remote learning plans to report to school buildings and instruct from classrooms demonstrates a “fundamental lack of trust” in educators by Education Commissioner Jeffrey Riley.

Massachusetts education officials want teachers in districts starting school year remote to instruct from classrooms
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has said it expects teachers and critical support staff working in districts that are starting the new school year with a remote learning model to instruct from school buildings each day.

DESE, in guidance issued Friday evening, said the department believes having teachers and staff work from educational spaces will be beneficial, allowing students to remain familiar with a classroom environment, ensuring teachers have reliable internet access and making it easier for teachers to collaborate.
In North Alabama, our kids went back to school August 7th. They had a choice of virtual or in person. The majority chose in person. My 14 year old was more than ready to go back.

They hav assigned seating everywhere. PE, bus, lunchroom, classroom. And they wear masks. There is random temperature checks.

She is in classrooms with up to 20 other students. So far no surge but the schools are very cautious. If a student has any symptoms the are quarantined and all students around them are too. Once the original kids brings a doctors note that he/she does not have the virus, all the kids come back.

One class went from 20 kids to 9 and is now back to 20. No cases have been found yet.

My county has 1500 current cases. The next county over (where everyone works lol) has around 6000 cases.
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