Credit Card Records

I agree there is some damning evidence possibly on the credit card statements.

IIRC, there were three cards? Sears, JC Penny's, and a BOA card, right?

Casey will never be brought up on charges for them though because CA hasn't made a formal complaint about them. LE can't bring Casey on charges, what if CA gave her permission to use them? That's all CA has to say and then it would be up to the card companies to bring forth anything for fraudulent use of a card which would mean CA would lose them too, if she said she gave Casey permission that is.

I can't believe she hadn't turned them over, all though, with CA nothing should surprise me.

I hope LE subpoenaed them!
I agree there is some damning evidence possibly on the credit card statements.

IIRC, there were three cards? Sears, JC Penny's, and a BOA card, right?

Casey will never be brought up on charges for them though because CA hasn't made a formal complaint about them. LE can't bring Casey on charges, what if CA gave her permission to use them? That's all CA has to say and then it would be up to the card companies to bring forth anything for fraudulent use of a card which would mean CA would lose them too, if she said she gave Casey permission that is.

I can't believe she hadn't turned them over, all though, with CA nothing should surprise me.

I hope LE subpoenaed them!

CA has to press charges. If she doesn't, as long as she pays, the credit card companies don't care. I know because we have had a similar experience in my family. My Mother couldn't bring herself to press charges either. She just struggles to pay for them.
I don't understand why the LE cannot subpeona them from the credit card company. They subpeona everything else.

They certainly can and I am sure they did. It definitely pertains to placing her at times and places and what she bought may be important....

...I was under the impression it was a JC Penney's card, were there others? cant get chloroform and Penney'sfor example..
I think LE already has them. They are just letting the pubic know Cindy won't cooperate with them. Could be they will use it against her/KC in the trial. They know what they are doing. jmo

Personally, I wish they would stop releasing information just to incite the public. It makes me think the police do not have enough eveidence to make a case. I understand that the Anthony's have brought this on themselves. I just wish LE would be the bigger "person" on this. The Anthony's don't need any help in getting people to hate them. They have that down pat.
CA was uncharacteristically quiet when LE asked about those records. She paused and said that she's already looked at them, and there was nothing on there. Well, Cindy, this is an investigation into your 2 year old grandaughter's disappearance, and anything that LE asks for, you need to provide, bottom line. Whether you think it's important or not. Without question. What is so hard to understand about that? What is more important, worrying about your lifestyle coming to light for all the world to see, or doing all that you can to assist with finding your grandaughter??? Sorry for the rant...

I agree, I honestly feel there is something on those records that will be incriminating. Also, I'm SURE that LE has obtained those records, it's not that difficult of a process. Their BS radar probably went through the roof the second Cindy hesitated! Another one of those pieces of info that they are not releasing to the public, just like the other interviews...It'll all come out in the end.
If Casey was using those credit cards prior to 6/16 and up through 7/15, it is VERY important for LE to have those records. There is a lot of information to be gained: where she was and when, what she purchased and when, etc..

So true...but...guess what - I bet LE already knows what charges are on the statements and are testing CA and letting her weave her web of deception even tighter. LE wouldn't have to have the A's approval to get this documentation from the CC companies, would they? I feel like they already have them! As always, MOO
I think Casey used the credit card to buy the chloroform.
What I don't get is that the grandparents refuse to take a polygraph. They won't turn over documents that MIGHT help. They try to incriminate people who do take polygraphs and turn over everything the LE ask for. I used to feel sorry for these people thinking they were in denial... I now think other wise.
I agree there is some damning evidence possibly on the credit card statements.

IIRC, there were three cards? Sears, JC Penny's, and a BOA card, right?

Per Cindy's video statement, the BofA card is a debit card. So I want to know is what card do we not know about? There was a card that Casey racked up 25K to 45K on.
In the interview they are speaking specifically of the JCPenney's statement. What could you buy at Penney's that would be relevant here?.... Luggage...
I would think LE can subpoena Cindy's credit card statements since it's known that Casey was using those credit cards during the time Caylee was missing, since she is the POI in the case. It shouldn't come down to charges for theft on those cc's because that isn't what they're investigating.
CA has to press charges. If she doesn't, as long as she pays, the credit card companies don't care. I know because we have had a similar experience in my family. My Mother couldn't bring herself to press charges either. She just struggles to pay for them.

Yikes, I didn't write that thought out very well, did I? LOL! :bang:

I meant that with CA not bringing charges that the only thing that could happen is the CC companies could get CA for fraudulent use for giving Casey permission, just resulting in the loss of the cards and immediate payment required. I know it won't happen, CC companies have more things to worry about than this if no one ever brings charges up nothing will ever happen. All CC companies have the right to do this if anything hinky goes on with the card, it just goes back to the card holder.
Kasey first went to JC Penney purchased Large duffle bag and large bath rug to wrap Caylee in. Stopped by Target to use BOA card for new outfit and shoes for going out to Fusion. As an after thought went to Sears to buy an inflatable boat to sink the poor baby in a lake somewhere. Just my opinion and it is twisted and sick!
Kasey first went to JC Penney purchased Large duffle bag and large bath rug to wrap Caylee in. Stopped by Target to use BOA card for new outfit and shoes for going out to Fusion. As an after thought went to Sears to buy an inflatable boat to sink the poor baby in a lake somewhere. Just my opinion and it is twisted and sick!

Is your stament fact or opinion? Do we know she bought these items?
Perhaps something that would assist in the disposal of Caylee??? That would be something she surely wouldn't want coming to light.

Oh, there is a reason Cindy won't give them to LE... maybe purchasing chloroform online? Or drugs? They can subpoena them, of course, and may have already. Unless Cindy destroyed them, in which case they can get the records from the credit card companies, I would think.
I don't understand why the LE cannot subpeona them from the credit card company. They subpeona everything else.

When I was a grand juror the police officers were always get records from all over so I know here in Texas they can be gotten pretty quick! You would think LE would get the records that way since it seems the whole family seems to leave alot of info out.
Did Casey have ALL of Cindy's credit cards? WTH?

I have a fantastic relationship with my Mom but she would never put up with me taking even one of her credit cards. She might allow me to use one...for one day...but it appears that CA knew KC had the cards and apparently didn't care until KC wouldn't let her see Caylee. Right?

And can anyone clear up the $4500 vs. $45,000 KC allegedly stole from her parents? I find it hard to believe it was $45,000 because what nincompoop wouldn't notice that amount of money being siphoned off of their account? Even the most generous of parents probably wouldn't just blow off that kind of money.

OTOH, I read that CA had to go into her 401k plan to pay off some kind of debt and most people wouldn't go to that extreme to pay off $4500. Does anyone know if the 401k was used to pay of KC's theiving or was it for some kind of gambling debt?

Thanks - I know this is a little OT, but I'm hoping somone who is following this will know the answers.
In the interview they are speaking specifically of the JCPenney's statement. What could you buy at Penney's that would be relevant here?.... Luggage...

Maybe to see when she stopped buying Caylee clothes?? I know when my daughter was that age I got her new clothes almost everyday.
I was thinking that there could have been a purchase from an internet site, something along the lines of CHLOROFORM perhaps? CA sure was insistant that there was nothing on there so why didnt she want to just produce the bloody things to prove that? People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Something incriminating is on the statements. Can't wait to find out what it is.

It would be interesting if internet purchases were made and check them out and find out where and if items were shipped too. Maybe things were purchased and shipped to a different address if she did not was parents to know she was using their cards. Just a thought.
CA was uncharacteristically quiet when LE asked about those records. She paused and said that she's already looked at them, and there was nothing on there. Well, Cindy, this is an investigation into your 2 year old grandaughter's disappearance, and anything that LE asks for, you need to provide, bottom line. Whether you think it's important or not. Without question. What is so hard to understand about that? What is more important, worrying about your lifestyle coming to light for all the world to see, or doing all that you can to assist with finding your grandaughter??? Sorry for the rant...
It'll all come out in the end.<snip>

Oh I'm sure she is doing her OWN investigation the same way KC did when the story hit the news!!! :crazy:

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