GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #69

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My recollection from seeing the drone footage overview of the prison was that there was what looked to be large lake adjacent to the prison. I do wonder if it is part of the prison so will have to check that out. Perhaps prisoner whatever her number is can start a waterskiing program to keep the prisoners in tip top shape! I do wonder how MT is getting her daily steps in at prison and what 'enrichment' programs she has started?

I keep thinking though about the pre sentencing report that isn't made public. Does anyone know whether it is sealed or could a FOIA request make it public? Asking for a friend....

I like the way you snark!
Sadly these documents prepared in CT so far as I am aware are unfortunately NOT public. Victims can choose to speak at sentencing but their written statements I don't believe are public record.

I think when I referenced 'character references' I meant it broadly to include anyone brought in to testify by the Defense that had anything remotely positive to say about about MT or a positive experience with her. Even Petu didn't really relay anything positive about MT other than to say she knew her for 8 years iirc and they did business together and were iir "soul sisters".

I also keep thinking about the Murder Eve Dinner Guests that the Defense trotted out at trial and their well scripted testimony along the lines of "All was Good" and "Everyone was Happy" etc. did not include anything specific really to MT as a person which I found quite odd in retrospect. We had the RE Agents wife on the stand talking about learning spanish in 10 days or something along those lines and speaking more about that issue than anything about MT. Why? And then who could forget the 'King of the Pond" testimony who also iirc didn't really speak about MT in any meaningful way even though he clearly knew her and had been a 'friend' of FD for many years. All quite odd that none of these people said much of anything about MT and not one anecdote that I can recall either. Were they instructed not to or did they simply have nothing to say about her because she was a ghost? Odd imo as they all clearly knew her and done so for awhile.

I also wonder if MT simply doesn't make friends? She no doubt had come into contact with many people in the area via her daughters sports activities and local school participation and not one of these people that I can recall came forward to speak on behalf of MT that I can recall. I think there were local people interviewed that iirc said they were surprised with the arrest and charges but no strong statements to say that they didn't believe MT was guilty. All very odd imo.


JF made a hasty departure from 4JC. Confident that she was well known and was liked by community & teachers, kid’s friends and families and was missed.

MT, the usurper, replacement, pretender quickly moved in …. Don’t think she got a warm welcome.

Am baffled tho’ that no Friends or acquaintances from past 30+ years have emerged from school, jobs, community. Even to sell a story to tabloids …

Maybe she just not friendly with women, unless she needs an alibi.
My recollection from seeing the drone footage overview of the prison was that there was what looked to be large lake adjacent to the prison. I do wonder if it is part of the prison so will have to check that out. Perhaps prisoner whatever her number is can start a waterskiing program to keep the prisoners in tip top shape! I do wonder how MT is getting her daily steps in at prison and what 'enrichment' programs she has started?

I keep thinking though about the pre sentencing report that isn't made public. Does anyone know whether it is sealed or could a FOIA request make it public? Asking for a friend....

The FOIA applies to only the Executive and Legislative branches, and to the Judicial branch only when it concerns administrative (not judicial) records.
JF made a hasty departure from 4JC. Confident that she was well known and was liked by community & teachers, kid’s friends and families and was missed.

MT, the usurper, replacement, pretender quickly moved in …. Don’t think she got a warm welcome.

Am baffled tho’ that no Friends or acquaintances from past 30+ years have emerged from school, jobs, community. Even to sell a story to tabloids …

Maybe she just not friendly with women, unless she needs an alibi.
Almost certainly.

I've never searched a defendants PSI report in CT but it appears that only Criminal Convictions are available online, and Criminal History Reports by the CT State Police.

However, in U.S. District Court, I know some PSI reports prepared for federal judges are sealed, and others are heavily redacted. I believe this in part could be that a defendant may view the PSI report in advance of sentencing, and can dispute information in the report they don't agree with. MOO
Yes, I have more experience with the Federal system vs CT State system and have seen any number of sealed Federal PSI reports which has always troubled and baffled me. Why is this aspect of a largely semi transparent criminal justice system held behind a thick curtain of secrecy? IDK.

Frankly I'm troubled by this secrecy surrounding the PSI on many levels as I'm truly not sure whose interests are being served by the lack of transparency of the contents? It simply makes no sense to me that huge sums of money and valuable court time are used to prosecute a case, someone is convicted and then the PSI report is not part of the visible public record? Why?

Is the concern (privacy or otherwise) the convicted individual, the contributors the report, the bureaucrats and other mental health functionaries, family members and friends etc.? I simply don't know but I'm very curious why so much effort has been expended to increase transparency across the criminal justice arena yet these reports exist effectively separate and apart from transparency of the system. Its always bothered me and oddly enough I can't recall reading much about public outcry on the issue?

Convicted individuals IMO simply by virtue of their exposure to the criminal justice system due to the crimes they committed. I'm not seeing a strong argument to put a shield over these reports that are being written about people that have been convicted of breaking the law? Perhaps the redactions seen in the reports could be justified to protect the individuals making statements in the report to protect their privacy and maintain their safety but even this argument imo might just be a stretch.

In the case of MT (or any other similarly situated criminal) to the extent that there is a psych workup or perhaps a violence assessment or whatever workups might have been done by some presumably credentialed individual, that the public has a right to know as do any fellow criminals or prison workers that would have cause to come into contact with her during her period of hopefully long incarceration. If MT is a psychopath or sociopath with a propensity for sadism, bullying and violence against others and this assessment has been made by a credentialed individual then why does the public not have a right to know? Clearly I would think Prison officials would have access to the report but what about the prison staff and prisoners in MT orbit or what about people she might encounter in some crazy CT designed work release program where she might be reading stories to children at a local library etc.? I realize the PSI will determine where MT will be held within the prison system and which types of criminals she will be housed with? But, if she is psychologically damaged (my long suspicion), on the spectrum someplace (yes another long held suspicion) and is violent, emotionally unstable, immature, vengeful and volatile (more long held suspicions) and she is housed with non violent offenders by virtue of MT not having a documented criminal history, how is this right or even safe for those she is housed with in prison? I simply don't see it.

JF made a hasty departure from 4JC. Confident that she was well known and was liked by community & teachers, kid’s friends and families and was missed.

MT, the usurper, replacement, pretender quickly moved in …. Don’t think she got a warm welcome.

Am baffled tho’ that no Friends or acquaintances from past 30+ years have emerged from school, jobs, community. Even to sell a story to tabloids …

Maybe she just not friendly with women, unless she needs an alibi.
Amen, Amen and Amen yet again!

What I always found a bit interesting about bland and boring on the surface MT is that FD I believe had her housed in the West Hartford grey/beige colonial house with her pony rugs on the floor and that this house was purchased iirc by another FD crony and then later flipped.

I believe MT lived quite well in this nice West Hartford house during the period when she and her daughter moved to CT from Miami and where she was doing very little other than flaunting her relationship with FD in a very public manner at local coffee shops, restaurants and 'the Pond' with no restraint by all accounts. Even the provincial press in the area had comments about the affair as neither MT nor FD made any attempt to hide it. IIRC there even was a period when MT wanted her daughter to attend the same school as the Dulos children etc. until there was pushback. What struck me was that both FD and MT had long histories as cheaters but so far as I know this was the first time MT as a mistress was put up in a nice house, given a Jeep and was getting a decent salary for the 'work' she did for FORE Group/aka FD.

YET, MT wasn't satisfied to have the colonial house in the suburbs and carry on her affair with FD as the professional sidepiece/mistress and enroll her daughter in the same school as the Dulos children before moving her to EW School. No. MT had grandiose aspirations imo to be the Duchess of 4JX with her soft *advertiser censored* 'art' image placed over the bed in the 4JX MBR and she was not satisfied with the nice colonial and the Jeep and her 'job' at FORE Group. MT wanted everything JFD had and she wanted JFD gone and erased from the life of FD. I do think this was possibly quite different from what FD might have wanted and so my guess is that high conflict existed almost from Day 1 between FD and MT. But, whatever the motivations I believe FD used MT quite throughly as her role was to be just one of the many tools of torture to be used against JFD. I don't see how MT could claim lack of knowledge of any of this as imo she was front and center for all of it! I mean who could forget the information about MT going to the local Probate Court to try and get the Trust documents of the Dulos children and JFD Trust information as well!

I can just imagine MT complaining endlessly about the 'small' house and the inconvenience of not being with FD all the time and on and on and on. I do wonder if it was this no doubt endless ranting from MT that prompted FD to demand that JFD allow MT and her daughter to move into 4JX? Did MT demand that FD make this demand of JFD or did the couple come up with this plan? However it all happened, imo the plan was based on infliction of pain and humiliation on a sustained basis and was sadistic. Combine this plan with the no doubt extensive gas lighting by FD and I wonder how JFD made it through most days as the pressure on her must have been crushing and no doubt debilitating. Yet, she persevered and had she not been murdered by the pair of imo psychopaths (yes I know FD proudly proclaimed, "I am not a psychopath" or some such nonsense) would have eventually prevailed even with the ineptitude of Judge Heller and CT Family Court dysfunctional system.

What was so tragic about the dysfunctional Family Court system was that at the time of her murder, JFD had effectively come full circle in the legal battle with FD after spending a huge amount of her money (which interestingly enraged FD) where the issue was his financial disclosure and that no real progress had been made on this issue in the 2 year process in Court which is quite stunning. Its also quite stunning that FD never paid any support to the 5 children and even reneged on his written agreement to provide insurance. IMO there is NO WAY that MT didn't know every detail of what FD financial situation was and it frankly disgusts me that FD was paying MT $100,000+ a year via FORE whilst not paying a dime in support for his 5 children. Who would have any interest in a still married father of 5 that CHOSE to not support his children financially? Apparently this person is MT!

Can you imagine how the locals in the small community that surrounded JFD responded to someone like MT? Can you imagine being on school drop off or the skating rink or local ski slope or some after school activity with your child and seeing MT there with her daughter and FD and knowing that JFD was effectively being publicly mocked and humiliated by the cheating couple? Forget the entire issue of girl code violations here that were taking place, but what MT and FD imo were doing was undertaking a public campaign of ritual humiliation in a small community of JFD. This comes on top of the classic narc move of FD moving JFD away from her beloved home turf in NYC and isolating her in the remote suburbs of Hartford away from her family, familiar world and friends. The FD and MT psych warfare campaign imo was well planned out, cruel and designed to inflict the maximum psychological pain possible on the intended target, JFD. They succeeded in their goal and I think it was this plan of FD and MT to effectively publicly torture and humiliate JFD that was the early days of their planning to continue to inflict maximum psychological pain on JFD throughout the divorce and custody case and in the Civil Court matter as well.

I think in the Family Court documents what comes through quite clearly is that there was a long term plan in place to inflict maximum torment and torture psychologically on JFD by attacking the children that she held so dear and effectively sacrificed her life for imo. There imo was also a level of sadism in the entire process of the torture as it wasn't subtle, it was periodically made public via leaking information to the Press about sealed and confidential information and was all managed in a methodical and well thought out way to attempt to psychologically rip JFD to shreds. Was this plan devised by MT with an assist by her mother? Both had the psych training and knowledge imo to do it. You combine this devious planning to undermine the mental well being of JFD with the legal manipulation skills of FD and his long line of scum bag attorneys such as Michael Rose, Pomander and KM and all I can say is my hat goes off to JFD for hanging on and doing the best she could for her children as she appeared to have a team of folks working not only against her but the children.

For me, it was reading the Family Court reports of the damage of the FD/MT divorce and custody battle campaign that was truly heartbreaking. To see two individuals in FD AND MT undertake a campaign that inflicted emotional damage on innocent children was something that told me very long ago that MT was herself a sick and deeply damaged individual and ditto for FD. But, I also thought about it from the perspective of MT and wondered what kind of person would undertake this kind of behavior and direct these actions towards a fellow mother of 5 young children or involve her own daughter to circumvent Family Court communication rules? MT did all of this am more imo.

IMO the divorce and custody court games conducted over 2 years was a joint campaign of FD and MT and it was designed to inflict the maximum amount of pain possible on not only JFD but her children. I simply don't see any way to disentangle MT from FD as they always acted in tandem and were both focused on a singular goal that imo was quite clear.

I do believe that the local people that knew JFD saw the impact of the situation on her as well as the impact on the Dulos children and they were rightly repulsed not just by MT and her role in the situation but also MT's decision to bring her daughter right into the middle of one of the longest running high conflict divorce cases in CT history. I also believe that any surface level of 'narc charm' the FD might have had with the locals had long worn off as a universal comment in the early days of the case was that the locals at school never noticed him being present and just saw JFD. Perhaps this was the time FD was pursuing his 'waterskiing championship' season or perhaps it was the early days of the MT affair in Miami? IDK but my guess is that a narc like FD would have been attuned to people having no interest in his 'game' and so he stayed away from the school orbit intentionally.

Anytime the Troconis Family goes on and on and on about the importance of 'family', 'love' and 'support of MT' all I can think about is their knowing the environment that MT placed her daughter into at 4Jx was highly toxic and they also knew the games being played by MT and FD in Family Court as who can forget about the MT Protective Order filing by MT which imo had the fingerprints of MT mother all over it. I frankly don't think any one of the MT family cared about anything other than the fact that MT and her daughter were living the life at 4JX as it was the facade and image that was important to them all. Entire family of grifters imo and I very much look forward to their court house tears and hysterics following a long sentence imposed on MT!

I'll bet money someone WAS HOME at the time of the fire.

And there was no associated missing person.

It's the totality of the evidence...

Hey, does anybody know -- do they have skiing at prison? Alpine or waterskiing, no need to be picky.

Oh, snap. Neither.

Bummer, Honey Buns.

There is a lake behind the prison, but thinkin' she'll not be able to use it.
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I was thinking about posting something sparky about where beige hair extensions go to die, but then my mind went to a sad place.... thinking of all the things that the inmate tried to take which weren't hers. Jennifer's husband, Jennifer's money, Jennifer's house, Jennifer's tree, Jennifer's bed, the space above Jennifer's bed, Jennifer's children, Jennifer's life.

There's a price to pay that. There's no restoring Jennifer's life but there is a price. Her own (the inmate's) right to life and liberties and free access to the happy things...

All the things Jennifer would have have surrendered nor squandered...
I was thinking about posting something sparky about where beige hair extensions go to die, but then my mind went to a sad place.... thinking of all the things that the inmate tried to take which weren't hers. Jennifer's husband, Jennifer's money, Jennifer's house, Jennifer's tree, Jennifer's bed, the space above Jennifer's bed, Jennifer's children, Jennifer's life.

There's a price to pay that. There's no restoring Jennifer's life but there is a price. Her own (the inmate's) right to life and liberties and free access to the happy things...

All the things Jennifer would have have surrendered nor squandered...
Quoting myself to correct myself.

Jennifer would ^never have surrendered nor squandered what MT took from her.

May her sentence, Inmate #433612, be lengthy. Drifters grift, takers take, and there's a price for that.

I was thinking about posting something sparky about where beige hair extensions go to die, but then my mind went to a sad place.... thinking of all the things that the inmate tried to take which weren't hers. Jennifer's husband, Jennifer's money, Jennifer's house, Jennifer's tree, Jennifer's bed, the space above Jennifer's bed, Jennifer's children, Jennifer's life.

There's a price to pay that. There's no restoring Jennifer's life but there is a price. Her own (the inmate's) right to life and liberties and free access to the happy things...

All the things Jennifer would have have surrendered nor squandered...
@Megnut, What was her inmate number again? Tried to remember and just couldn't recall.

Seems appropriate imo to render her existence to that of a number at this point given all that has gone on to get to this point. Writing and thinking about the history of this tragic case simply by following the footsteps of MT as she moved with her daughter from Miami, FL to West Hartford, CT and the many many decision points along the way in all that she did with FD, all I can say at this point is I'm praying to see the only type of justice available at this time meted out on the 30th. Justice won't bring back JFD for her children, family and friends but its the best that the imperfect system can deliver. I'm praying also for Judge Randolph as he personally endured over 3 years with this case and its clear to me that it took alot out of him even though he remained a consummate professional every step of the way and took the 'high road' when Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson and MT took up permanent residence imo on the 'low low road' ALWAYS.

Wasn't it 166xxx?

@Megnut, What was her inmate number again? Tried to remember and just couldn't recall.

Seems appropriate imo to render her existence to that of a number at this point given all that has gone on to get to this point. Writing and thinking about the history of this tragic case simply by following the footsteps of MT as she moved with her daughter from Miami, FL to West Hartford, CT and the many many decision points along the way in all that she did with FD, all I can say at this point is I'm praying to see the only type of justice available at this time meted out on the 30th. Justice won't bring back JFD for her children, family and friends but its the best that the imperfect system can deliver. I'm praying also for Judge Randolph as he personally endured over 3 years with this case and its clear to me that it took alot out of him even though he remained a consummate professional every step of the way and took the 'high road' when Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson and MT took up permanent residence imo on the 'low low road' ALWAYS.

Wasn't it 166xxx?

INMATE #433612
I apologize if this has already been posted, but 4 Jefferson Crossing is up for sale again.


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