Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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Im reading 10 pages behind, and this may have been discussed already, so forgive me if it has.

IIRC, when Jennifer left the family home in June 2017, under the pretense of visiting her father grave on Father’s Day, she and the children made their escape, literally with the clothes on their backs.

I’m wondering how much of their belongings were left at 4 JX? Had J returned and packed everything up? I can’t picture FD allowing this to happen.
My point is, were any of JD belongings, and clothes still in the marital home? Clothing to which MT might have been helping herself?
Good question.

I have never seen an answer to this point, but I bet your suspicion is correct and that JD had to start from 'scratch' with the move to NY and then NC. If anyone has a MSM source for an answer it would be useful.

Doesn't he have a partner who could cover him, as is standard practice everywhere? This continuance proves to me that I am correct about FP being a total rookie. He is "high on publicity" and doesn't want to share the spotlight with anyone, including his own partner! This is a routine PT hearing, with zero legal ramifications, so there is absolutely NO reason for this continuance, other than the fact NP wants his time in the sun. He's got to be at that hearing so he can run his mouth some more. Pathetic.
I also wonder too if the possible delay relates to their ongoing discovery efforts and the new PI brought on board by No Case Norm? Pattis has a small crew at his firm and they are in catchup mode on the discovery IMO. They were also probably operating on one path of blaming EE for the entire JD disappearance and EE atty said EE had no interest in speaking with FD PI. So, the defense strategies are dropping like flies and No Case Norm most likely has had to regroup especially after the latest news of the bloody shirt and underwear found in the bags on Albany.

Even though No Case Norm was vocal about a speedy August trial it looks like yet again he was a blowhard and grandstanding as they are attempting to get their ducks in a row. The FD legal team was rocked with resignations and was in disarray for roughly a month. The GF civil litigation is active and pressing FD hard and no doubt requires atty focus and efforts and the Family Court matter for custody is moving full steam ahead as well. The FD legal crew has alot on its plate and no doubt need time to handle what needs to be done. The issue of FD 2nd no show on the GF civil litigation no doubt will involve some work from the legal team as well.

No shortage of work defending FD from the world IMO and that takes time!

Do I believe that KM threatened to do FD a FAVOR if FD didn't do him one? Nope.
So maybe KM discovered criminal activity in FD’s financials and offered to make the data disappear if FD made his wife disappear by a certain date. Maybe the clock was ticking and KM threatened to disappear FD’s wife if FD didn’t take care of things. FD didn’t meet the deadline. KM had someone take care of FD’s wife, maybe even while the two of them were meeting, and had the incriminating evidence planted on FD’s property or in his car or something. Maybe that’s the reason for the dumpster dash.

Do you guys ever worry about the suspects who have access to read this?
I don't understand what this all means? Anybody?
IMO, its a legal maneuver from FD IMO to yet again delay and abuse his due process rights in court in his ongoing battle with GF about repaying the money his late FIL loaned FORE. FORE was supposed to have used the funds borrowed to build a house and once the house was built and sold, the loan would be repaid. The issue is that FD NEVER repaid the last $2.5 million borrowed.

If you look at the file in the GF civil action she has been claiming that her late husband loaned FD money. FD however believes the roughly $2.5 million from his late FIL was a 'loan' and as such does not have to be repaid. There is a very clear loan agreement structure in the case file and zero evidence in the file in evidence to explain how the funds advanced to build houses represent gifts so far as I can tell. No doubt the money has been used or hidden by FD so other than the assets of the house it is unclear whether FD has the liquid assets to pay GF the $2.5 million if the case is ruled in her favor. The court has allowed GF to place a lien on $500,000 of assets belonging to FORE to protect them on her behalf but GF has asked the court to provide additional coverage of her claim amount of $2.5 million.

So, getting to your question is a bit of a long and winding road. But here goes. GF just asked the court to have liens placed on FORE assets to cover her $2.5 million claim amount (no court decision on this yet). So, what does FD do when this happens? FD say OK if you are going to do that then I want you GF to give me a bond for an equal amount to what you are asking for, $2.5 million, and then if you lose this civil case then this bond can be used to cover my legal and other expenses. He makes his claim based on the fact that by doing what she is doing GF is attempting to ruin his business and reputation along with some other claims. Mmmm.

So, now the court has two things to do and this takes time to schedule. First they have to rule on GF motion for coverage increase to $2.5 million and FD request for bond from GF. This is all going on while the attys are going back and forth on the MT deposition.

IMO FD did in the GF civil case exactly what he did in Family Court IMO which was use every delay tactic he could legally use to not provide financial information to GF attys. He also has been scheduled in that case to be deposed to give evidence and has been a 'no show' twice now. This last 'no show' was roughly 2 weeks ago and so far as I can tell a new deposition hasn't been scheduled. At some point the court will have to deal with this issue even it means he shows up and takes the 5th just as we saw him do in the Family Court matter.

GF attys however have recently been pursuing MT to be deposed in this civil case as it is believed that MT has intimate (no pun intended!) knowledge of FORE business operations as she functioned as the Manager of FORE for nearly 3 years.

The GF civil case is active and moving forward after being stalled by FD for a long time. Its a tough situation now financially for FORE as FD hasn't been paying all his trade creditors, property taxes were just due in July and some of these trade folks have filed mechanics liens on various of the FORE properties. GF has to move quickly as IMO the FORE house has been crumbling now for awhile financially as she is looking to get $2.5 million in her claim.
Just the sort of guy you would expect FD to befriend!
OK, these new announcements have cemented
a theory I've been holding in for awhile:

In business, it's common for birds of a feather
to stick together and also be attracted to others of their ilk.
FD is a low lying, scumbbag crook in business
and will only do business with other
business people. People who bend the law and
crawl around under the radar. They hang a shingle out to public looking respectable but
underneath their lurid activities are all the same.
FD would only do business with other scumbags who subscribe to his dirty, hardball
LE needs to look at every single business associate he has hooked up with during his time in Farmington and NC.
They need to look at every subcontractor, every
attorney, every architect, every one involved
w/ FD. Honest businessmen do not stick with
crooked businessmen.
I'm convinced we will see LE pull out more
'assistants' that FD had for his crooked dealings.
If someone sticks w/ FD at this point, they are under a cloud of suspicion. They value money
over scruples.
Let the intense investigating begin.
FD attorney files motion against Gloria Farber requesting a surety bond in response to her increase to PJR motion. Wow
Reckless allegations? Please. This lawyer must be taking pointers from NP. It makes him look like a fool. GF is the one recklessly damaging FD's reputation? One must have a good reputation before it can be damaged.
I think it’s important to note that it took that woman 2 weeks before she came out to police about the weird phone calls and meeting with FD. If everyone in CT saw news or heard about JD missing and you called and met with that missing persons husband wouldn’t you think she would have contacted police earlier
Maybe someone threatened her and she was afraid for her life. Seems like there is some very dangerous activity going on in FD’s group of “friends”.
Maybe someone threatened her and she was afraid for her life. Seems like there is some very dangerous activity going on in FD’s group of “friends”.
Sorry just catching up and read several comments related to this already. I sure would hate to show up at one of FD’s planned meetings and be his guest of honor that no one will ever hear from again. All of this new stuff makes me wonder about that Easter weekend gathering FD and MT hosted. I sure would like to know who their guests were and what was discussed. I think there is more than one reason JD didn’t want her children around MT and why she had to leave her OWN home in desperate hurry. MT was sinking her hooks into everything and JD sensed true danger.MT, JD and their “friends” are dangerous.
OK, these new announcements have cemented
a theory I've been holding in for awhile:

In business, it's common for birds of a feather
to stick together and also be attracted to others of their ilk.
FD is a low lying, scumbbag crook in business
and will only do business with other *******
business people. People who bend the law and
crawl around under the radar. They hang a shingle out to public looking respectable but
underneath their lurid activities are all the same.
FD would only do business with other scumbags who subscribe to his dirty, hardball
LE needs to look at every single business associate he has hooked up with during his time in Farmington and NC.
They need to look at every subcontractor, every
attorney, every architect, every one involved
w/ FD. Honest businessmen do not stick with
crooked businessmen.
I'm convinced we will see LE pull out more
'assistants' that FD had for his crooked dealings.
If someone sticks w/ FD at this point, they are under a cloud of suspicion. They value money
over scruples.
Let the intense investigating begin.

I wonder about the homes that have been sitting empty. Was he planning for these close associates to all live close by?
Good question.

I have never seen an answer to this point, but I bet your suspicion is correct and that JD had to start from 'scratch' with the move to NY and then NC. If anyone has a MSM source for an answer it would be useful.

I seem to recall she did pack up - even took the bathroom scale? I will check the media thread because it was publicized with his 911 call when she left him.
Good question.

I have never seen an answer to this point, but I bet your suspicion is correct and that JD had to start from 'scratch' with the move to NY and then NC. If anyone has a MSM source for an answer it would be useful.

snipped BBM
He told officers that he discovered she had packed all of her belongings and later showed the officers an empty room. He told the officers that she even took her bathroom scale.

Sources: Police found blood in New Canaan home of Jennifer Dulos as search for missing mother intensifies
Think about this timeline:
"The wife, who is not identified in court papers, initially met with Dulos at Max’s Oyster Bar in West Hartford on May 19, but after telling Dulos she would not meet with Mawhinney unless their lawyers were present, Dulos abruptly paid the bill and left, according to the warrant. On May 20, Dulos called the wife again, telling her Mawhinney was willing to meet with their lawyers present. On May 21, Dulos called again to set up a meeting, but the woman told him she had talked to her lawyer and did not want to have any contact with her husband, the warrant says."
Warrant: Man under order to avoid contact with estranged wife arrested after Fotis Dulos reaches out to her

May 19: FD meets with Mawhinney wife at Oyster bar
May 20: FD calls Mawhinney wife trying to get her to meet up
May 21: FD again calls Mawhinney wife to try to get her to meet
May 22: FD down in NC dinner with kids at JD's house (mentions DNA to visitation supervisor)
May 23: FD and MT dinner party at 4 JC (who were the guests? planned guests? Was Mawhinney present/invited? Was his wife planned for/invited??)
May 24 morning: JD disappears

Here’s another notable timeline:

June 25 LE announces conclusion of search at MIRA trash plant
June 26 wife of FDs attorney KM makes police report about FD trying to lure her to his home back in May
June 26 MT request to leave state on June 30
June 28 MT request granted, no contact order between FD and MT by court
June 30 Presumably MT leaves CT to NY (per post-facto media and court reports)
July 1/2 Presumably MT back in CT without knowledge of state (per post facto media and court appearance reports)
July 2/3 NBC interview with FD; NC police chief hedges on whether others involved, but promises more charges are coming
July 5 FDs lawyer KM arrested for using FD to violate no contact order with KMs wife the week of JDs disappearance

Now we start to understand why it’s taking so long and why LE needs to be so tight-lipped.
The “tips” they have been receiving haven’t only been ho hum reports of people with possible sightings of a black suburban (for those not local black suburbans are a dime a dozen here).

No, the tips, at least this one tip, have been much more substantial, complex, and critical to figuring out what might have happened to JD. and time consuming for LE no doubt.

(Not to diminish any tips that might add to sightings of JD, FD, MT, and now it seems KM, and the vehicles they’re driving. Those are obviously very important too, but tips like this one expand the labor and verification LE needs to do and potentially lead to unanticipated turns in the case)

EDITED to insert MT timeline
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What???!!!! I didn't know about an early morning attorney meeting. I will have to read the old threads for the timelines.- Thank you Websleuths!
FD early on made a statement to GAL Meehan that he had all his time accounted for. He later said that he had a meeting with an atty and call (believed to be from Greece) on the morning of the 24th when JD was to go missing. No name was ever attached to either the atty meeting at 4Jx or the call from Greece.
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