Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #20

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FD did not taken JD to his house after he killed her IMO - to dismember/put her in bags to take on the Odyssey of Stupidty. Why?

2 Primary Reason
He loved those houses like you are suppose to love a wife/children. They represented more to him than we can never fully imagine. All of his time and energy went into building his sick version of the American dream. IMO there is no way he would want the person responsible, in his eyes, for tearing all down- in the yard, under the porch cement or anywhere close to his true lover---his houses.

Because this was premeditated, he thought of a place to bury her that was perfect. Why did he take her shirt off....b/c fabric takes much longer to disintegrate than human flesh and he didn't want it found with the body. Or if in water, would risk floating off body.

As we know he was big into his Greek culture---wanted the children to speak language etc. As he was planning his attack out---what his culture taught him must have played some part in how he carried out his plan---whether he realizes it or not.

For example, Greek mythology there is a tremendous amount of anxiety surrounding what to do with the dead, and especially what will happen to the deceased if they are not buried properly. According to Greek literature, if the souls were not buried properly they would be stranded, unable to reach the afterworld. Many cultures view death and burial as an important part of after-life, and to ignore this right of passage into the underworld only makes us less of a human ourselves.

Fear represents a major motive forming the posthumous customs. This is due to beliefs that the souls of the deceased ancestors can return to the world of the living and in their suffering and wandering between the worlds unless a proper funeral was arranged for them. The secret fear that they felt towards the deceased caused the appearance of many impressive methods of burial, the aim of which was protection of the community from the destructive factors and unfavorable influences.

All of this was to say IMO - he buried JD in a way that he felt was perfect, under his situation, honored her so that she would not haunt him and certainly AWAY from his only true true love--those stupid houses--a shrine to his lost soul.

This is fascinating @NameisNobody ! I would guess his other true love would be water... to follow your comment in last paragraph that he would honor her in a way (bury her) so she would not haunt him...
This is fascinating @NameisNobody ! I would guess his other true love would be water... to follow your comment in last paragraph that he would honor her in a way (bury her) so she would not haunt him...
I think you're giving FD way too much credit. The premise of this notion is almost romanticizing the disposal of Jennifer's body. There is nothing romantic or noble going on here. IMO.
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I think you're giving FD way too much credit. The premise of this notion is almost romanticizing the disposal of Jennifer's body. There is nothing romantic or noble going on here. IMO.
Total just MOO - my intention was not to express or support romanticizing or noble or that it was truly honoring her. What I reacted to was the last paragraph that to me it was again about him (malignant narcissist or whatever appropriate labels) and he didn’t want to be haunted by her after death. I just wanted to clarify. And if to follow similar logic, perhaps he wouldn’t want to put her in water as that is a passion / love of his and be somehow haunted if he subscribes to the Greek philosophy that was described. I cannot wrap my mind around how he could do such evil to her and other horrible things to others.
Wow- thank you all. There have been a number of fascinating time lines and theories thrown out. Can I throw out a factoid and ask two questions?

Factoid: I live in New York not far from H. Farber's Westchester home. A friend of mine who works in Connecticut adamantly asserted that the New Canaan police "know" that this was a hired hit. I don't doubt that this was sourced from people rubbing shoulders with NCPD. I am inclined to disbelieve that it is a hired hit, for reasons such as removed clothing, some clean up and body removal. It could be as simple as a PD person who was entirely unrelated to the investigation who developed that theory on his/her own. Or, there could be something to it. The first time I semi-seriously considered this was when defense was desperately searching for what accomplice evidence LE was or could be trying to develop.

Question One: Am I correct that the nanny uses the Range Rover to care for the children? And she did not live-in? Did she drive her car to Welles and pick up the Range Rover? If she brought the Range Rover home, that would be an unusual (but not impossible- given the love expressed for her) arrangement. IF she had to pick up the Range Rover from the garage, how would she not have seen blood in day light? Is there any chance that team Farber were onto something awful having happened by mid-day? If LE also knew, is there some investigative reason to start the narrative at 7:00 PM? Also, is it possible that Fotis was unaware of early dismissal, and was surprised by the arrival of the nanny earlier than usual dismissal time, resulting in "some" cleanup? Is the nanny and the housekeeper the same person- "housekeeper" used to keep Fotis thinking he successfully snuck away undetected, and to keep him from realizing she HAD to be in the garage?

Question Two: Someone told me that removing the shirt is consistent with dismemberment, so I tried to visualize it (eeeew) and decided that I would just cut the tee shirt either straight on the top of the sleeve towards the neck opening if I were going to remove an arm from the top, which I would attempt from behind the ballish part. Or, I would cut underneath at the armpit and saw or chop by lifting the arm as if I were separating chicken parts (insert vomit here). The shirt would still make it easier to steady the torso and move it around- I imagine. And the bra--- well I don't see how it would be in the way for dismembering, and I do see how it, too, would be a useful handle. On the other hand, pants or shorts would probably be easier to remove than cut. Is it possible that removing some clothes was to throw a prize into the dumpsters- those tee's are popular (although not a must have on Albany Avenue--- but the arrogant wouldn't be aware of other sets of values except negative stereotypes) ? Or could removing clothes be a way of adding a creepiness to the crime, and perhaps silently accusing EE of rape/abduction/murder? Could the removal simply be to decrease the odds that the buried body/water-dumped body get found (as others have said)?

I think you're giving FD way too much credit. The premise of this notion is almost romanticizing the disposal of Jennifer's body. There is nothing romantic or noble going on here. IMO.
Oh, and I think the only reason why he would have buried her according to his Greek beliefs was because he didn’t want her to haunt him for the rest of his life! The irony is, she will anyway.
Farber v. Dulos
New witness added
Former law partner of KW
SIMSBURY, CT 06070 File Date: 08/30/2019
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Wow- thank you all. There have been a number of fascinating time lines and theories thrown out. Can I throw out a factoid and ask two questions?

Factoid: I live in New York not far from H. Farber's Westchester home. A friend of mine who works in Connecticut adamantly asserted that the New Canaan police "know" that this was a hired hit. I don't doubt that this was sourced from people rubbing shoulders with NCPD. I am inclined to disbelieve that it is a hired hit, for reasons such as removed clothing, some clean up and body removal. It could be as simple as a PD person who was entirely unrelated to the investigation who developed that theory on his/her own. Or, there could be something to it. The first time I semi-seriously considered this was when defense was desperately searching for what accomplice evidence LE was or could be trying to develop.

Question One: Am I correct that the nanny uses the Range Rover to care for the children? And she did not live-in? Did she drive her car to Welles and pick up the Range Rover? If she brought the Range Rover home, that would be an unusual (but not impossible- given the love expressed for her) arrangement. IF she had to pick up the Range Rover from the garage, how would she not have seen blood in day light? Is there any chance that team Farber were onto something awful having happened by mid-day? If LE also knew, is there some investigative reason to start the narrative at 7:00 PM? Also, is it possible that Fotis was unaware of early dismissal, and was surprised by the arrival of the nanny earlier than usual dismissal time, resulting in "some" cleanup? Is the nanny and the housekeeper the same person- "housekeeper" used to keep Fotis thinking he successfully snuck away undetected, and to keep him from realizing she HAD to be in the garage?

Question Two: Someone told me that removing the shirt is consistent with dismemberment, so I tried to visualize it (eeeew) and decided that I would just cut the tee shirt either straight on the top of the sleeve towards the neck opening if I were going to remove an arm from the top, which I would attempt from behind the ballish part. Or, I would cut underneath at the armpit and saw or chop by lifting the arm as if I were separating chicken parts (insert vomit here). The shirt would still make it easier to steady the torso and move it around- I imagine. And the bra--- well I don't see how it would be in the way for dismembering, and I do see how it, too, would be a useful handle. On the other hand, pants or shorts would probably be easier to remove than cut. Is it possible that removing some clothes was to throw a prize into the dumpsters- those tee's are popular (although not a must have on Albany Avenue--- but the arrogant wouldn't be aware of other sets of values except negative stereotypes) ? Or could removing clothes be a way of adding a creepiness to the crime, and perhaps silently accusing EE of rape/abduction/murder? Could the removal simply be to decrease the odds that the buried body/water-dumped body get found (as others have said)?

Wow. God I hope LE has some solid evidence. Just look at all of the possibilities that everyone on here has come up with! The more NP has to throw out there, the more chance of one juror having doubt.:(
FO and HO are broke. Avon motels are cheap accommodations. It has all been smoke and mirrors, no Greek tycoon, just sister's husband who is a Rear Admiral (retired). Bowman and Urso and Riccio are the only attorneys who got an upfront retainer. FO could not make 50k for bail. HO went to NYC childhood friend for money. No such luck. FO and HO were promising their aiders and abettors a cut of the Sturbridge proceeds. While simultaneously tainting the sales value of the jewel in the crown by turning it into a crime scene. It is about a 20 to 40 minute walk/jog to Waveny and Welles and the only place in New Canaan where FO can dig a preplanned grave and fill it himself. I'm sure FO has surrounded himself and cultivated employees who, for one reason or another, choose not to notice the raging maniac and his corrupt practices, believing, perhaps with reason, that FO's cynical approach to handling legal matters is, in fact, the heartless reality of those in power in CT. MOO. MOO. More MOO.

You nailed it. FORE was a house of cards. The only thing keeping FD in the style to which he had grown accustomed was Farber money. When the full scope of his fraud is revealed, the world will see his schemes for what they were. IMO his fraudulent business practices will be a feature in his murder trial.
Totally agree.We know he did it.
The drive down Albany Avenue sealed his and MT's fate, IMO.
No reason to bury her body then throw away evidence in trash bins.
I am convinced he dismembered her. Just don't know where.
Also convinced that she was in pieces in those black bags.
The homeless people that scavenged will have the last word on this, IMO. They scavenged for a full week before LE arrived. They know what they found and what they saw.
Did the bulk of those bags go in the incinerator at MIRA?
We just don't know.
I heard from a reliable source very early on that the mat had been discarded.
Certain that many other people heard the same. It wasn't a rumor. Turned out to be true. Maybe some other things we have heard will come to light.
Not sure we can discount the Greek Mafia just yet.
Hate to say it as I am of the KISS thinking.
FD is not that smart.
He planned it but he didn't plan it well.
You said in an earlier post that you thought Jennifer fought for her life. I agree with that.
All 120 lbs of her. She fought that evil monster .
May she RIP.
If these homeless people do end up testifying, you know NP is going to try to discredit anything they say. Mental illness, drug abuse, notoriety. It’s gonna be ugly.
I agree with the KISS theory but I think he dismembered her. For someone with his background in tanning, as repulsive as it is, I feel like dismembering her would be keeping it simple. Also, it would be a controlled scene so might not too messy & he probably had most (if not all) of the necessary equipment on hand from the construction business (tarps/tape/coveralls/instruments). I think removing her clothes supports this and also think the time spent at MS also supports this.
I think a lot of stuff went haywire (starting with her fighting back & early presence of LE) but I think this was part of the original plan. I'm not sure where he ultimately put her ----- garbage incinerator vs grave pre-dug in the woods somewhere or on his property vs bottom of a lake/ocean :(
“Controlled scene”...reminds me of the TV series, Dexter.
Can one triple ditto your thanks....@afitzy has been an incredible resource in keeping the search for Jennifer and justice for her AND support for GF and the rest of the JD's family front and center in our discussions...HUGE KUDOS!
Also, thanks to EVERYONE who has and continues to lend wonderful and intelligent thoughts to this forum.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::group hug:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Do you believe MT was the mystery accomplice?

(My point was she was unwitting. Not unwilling. But the strength of your argument points to knowledge on her part that she was to be used as an alibi.)

MT returned the purse to establish her own alibi, then met up with FD to assist after the attack?
New fact scenario.
Has MT as the accomplice been discussed before? I’ve tried to follow the best I can, but maybe I missed it.
I think we have danced around the entire issue of what MT did and didn't know and when she knew it.

Sadly we have little to no info on any of this.

So, we have to make assumptions about MT based on what our reading is of the biographical details of her life and also to attempt to evaluate her character based on life decisions she has made and also look at her 'work' experience such as it was and learn more about her family and its values. This is where things get interesting I think.

We have looked at MT bio timeline, her spotty work history, her ability to find men that have money to facilitate her lifestyle of travel to allow for her to continue a party lifestyle with very little actual work, her propensity to 'find' these men in the 'workplace' and then exploiting them for personal gain, her ability to extract money from these men in terms of child support and housing, her love of party scene in Miami via Party Promoter job with all the questionable people she no doubt met during this period, and her love of riding and skiing.

MT by all accounts moved from Miami to the suburbs/sticks of Farmington and carried out a public affair with FD while JD still lived at 4Jx with the 5 Dulos children. MT also during this period was installed by FD as "Manager" of FORE Group so was at 4Jx dailing. Think about this happening and how JD would see MT every day. MT took a job working in the house where JD lived with her 5 children and FD. MT did all this in addition to having an affair with FD. To me this shows neither respect for JD or any self respect for herself oddly enough. Was MT simply the type of person that had to be in a relationship of any kind in order to be happy? Had she simply spent her life going from guy to guy and in her 40s was simply desparate to settle down? Maybe.

MT has spent her life mainly in cities IMO (both Caracas and Miami). IMO MT is most likely street wise, well traveled and somewhat sophisticated in the ways of the world and how things work and most likely fixated on 'big money lifestyle'. She also seems aimless, not academic, not career focused and not particularly focused on work as something that is a big part of her life, fixated on adrenaline generating sports involving high speed. The MT focus seems to be outward (vs JD who seemed to be focused on looking inward) and on all things surface. In short, MT seems to simply have the depth of a 'raindrop' and in many respects might have been the perfect partner for FD. But I also see MT as conniving, manipulative and focused in accomplishing her goal of having a lifestyle where she didn't have to worry about a thing. Unfortunately the joke with FD was entirely on her IMO!

Again, to me at least MT seems like someone that does the least amt of work necessary to have some money but always has her eye on the 'bigger prize' and to me this would be the scenario where she wouldn't have to work and would in fact not have to think about something mundane as money and survival. This is where there entire "Ho" moniker came into play as I really wonder if MT was foolish enough to fall into believing that the money that swirled around FD belonged to him and not to JD/Farber family? What else could explain the MT decision to engage in a longstanding affair and be a mistress for such a long period of time to someone with 5 children who also happened to be involved with a protracted and quite ugly public divorce? Why would MT hang on to a situation with FD that most other women would have run from or simply never gotten involved with in the first place if they had any level of self respect? Then to me one of the most inexplicable pieces of the puzzle was the entire Troconis/Arrezza clain seeming to 'embrace' FD and the FO + HO relationship with family trips to CT or entertaining them when they went to FL etc. How many families would be supportive of a daughter being a public mistress for nearly 3 years when the end wasn't in sight for the divorce?

To me I think MT is really just about MT all the time and in fact in this regard is quite similar to FD. I'm actually surprised she took on the mother role as she seemed to as it seemed quite foreign to see her in a caretaker role. But, she might have taken on the mother role simply because it gave her access to child support and housing funding from the baby daddy but who knows?

These are just some of the purely speculative assumptions I've made about MT to get me to the point where I believe she was integral to everything that happened to JD. I believe she is the 'other half' of FD and that the two were in fact 'partners in life and in crime'. I do not believe that MT was either an unwilling or unwitting party to the crime, not for a second. IMO she is cunning and canny and knew precisely what was going on, if not all the details.

Farber v. Dulos
New witness added
Former law partner of KW
SIMSBURY, CT 06070 File Date: 08/30/2019
Thanks for this! Oh my goodness! So much for thinking he could dissolve the partnership with KM and fade into the sunset and retire. Nope, not going to happen.

I loved the way that he managed to squeeze into his response about getting 'compensation' for the process of complying with the subpoena! Sounds like he really is not much different from money focused and morally bankrupt KM. Interesting that FD used another atty but perhaps Markowiz dealt with property matters and KM dealt with civil matters.

This should be interesting as perhaps more real estate transactions will be uncovered and perhaps Markowitz might have been the atty to 'paper' the shady deal involving GV, MT and SM to hide assets from JD in the divorce action!

Game on by Team Gloria IMO as they are going to track down all the loose threads of this story. Frankly I wish the CT Marshalls could just use the subpoena to take possession of all Markowitz files so they don't go 'missing' or are lost to flood or fire.

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I think we have danced around the entire issue of what MT did and didn't know and when she knew it.

Sadly we have little to no info on any of this.

So, we have to make assumptions about MT based on what our reading is of the biographical details of her life and also to attempt to evaluate her character based on life decisions she has made and also look at her 'work' experience such as it was and learn more about her family and its values. This is where things get interesting I think.

We have looked at MT bio timeline, her spotty work history, her ability to find men that have money to facilitate her lifestyle of travel to allow for her to continue a party lifestyle with very little actual work, her propensity to 'find' these men in the 'workplace' and then exploiting them for personal gain, her ability to extract money from these men in terms of child support and housing, her love of party scene in Miami via Party Promoter job with all the questionable people she no doubt met during this period, and her love of riding and skiing.

MT by all accounts moved from Miami to the suburbs/sticks of Farmington and carried out a public affair with FD while JD still lived at 4Jx with the 5 Dulos children. MT also during this period was installed by FD as "Manager" of FORE Group so was at 4Jx dailing. Think about this happening and how JD would see MT every day. MT took a job working in the house where JD lived with her 5 children and FD. MT did all this in addition to having an affair with FD. To me this shows neither respect for JD or any self respect for herself oddly enough. Was MT simply the type of person that had to be in a relationship of any kind in order to be happy? Had she simply spent her life going from guy to guy and in her 40s was simply desparate to settle down? Maybe.

MT has spent her life mainly in cities IMO (both Caracas and Miami). IMO MT is most likely street wise, well traveled and somewhat sophisticated in the ways of the world and how things work and most likely fixated on 'big money lifestyle'. She also seems aimless, not academic, not career focused and not particularly focused on work as something that is a big part of her life, fixated on adrenaline generating sports involving high speed. The MT focus seems to be outward (vs JD who seemed to be focused on looking inward) and on all things surface. In short, MT seems to simply have the depth of a 'raindrop' and in many respects might have been the perfect partner for FD. But I also see MT as conniving, manipulative and focused in accomplishing her goal of having a lifestyle where she didn't have to worry about a thing. Unfortunately the joke with FD was entirely on her IMO!

Again, to me at least MT seems like someone that does the least amt of work necessary to have some money but always has her eye on the 'bigger prize' and to me this would be the scenario where she wouldn't have to work and would in fact not have to think about something mundane as money and survival. This is where there entire "Ho" moniker came into play as I really wonder if MT was foolish enough to fall into believing that the money that swirled around FD belonged to him and not to JD/Farber family? What else could explain the MT decision to engage in a longstanding affair and be a mistress for such a long period of time to someone with 5 children who also happened to be involved with a protracted and quite ugly public divorce? Why would MT hang on to a situation with FD that most other women would have run from or simply never gotten involved with in the first place if they had any level of self respect? Then to me one of the most inexplicable pieces of the puzzle was the entire Troconis/Arrezza clain seeming to 'embrace' FD and the FO + HO relationship with family trips to CT or entertaining them when they went to FL etc. How many families would be supportive of a daughter being a public mistress for nearly 3 years when the end wasn't in sight for the divorce?

To me I think MT is really just about MT all the time and in fact in this regard is quite similar to FD. I'm actually surprised she took on the mother role as she seemed to as it seemed quite foreign to see her in a caretaker role. But, she might have taken on the mother role simply because it gave her access to child support and housing funding from the baby daddy but who knows?

These are just some of the purely speculative assumptions I've made about MT to get me to the point where I believe she was integral to everything that happened to JD. I believe she is the 'other half' of FD and that the two were in fact 'partners in life and in crime'. I do not believe that MT was either an unwilling or unwitting party to the crime, not for a second. IMO she is cunning and canny and knew precisely what was going on, if not all the details.


Well done....And, it appears that MT didn't really "sign-up" to mother the five Dulos children. MT's financial life would be much more secure without JD.

As I read about the possible "hit" theory, I think MT probably had more connections in this area than FD. Just MOO..IMO...
Wow. God I hope LE has some solid evidence. Just look at all of the possibilities that everyone on here has come up with! The more NP has to throw out there, the more chance of one juror having doubt.:(
I would not be too concerned about the C Team's ability to create (un)reasonable doubt. Now, this is just my opinion, but there is no way this murder was a professional hired hit. Why? Because hitmen do not meet with the fellow who ordered the hit and say, "We're finished. What do you want us to do with all this bloody evidence? Oh, you'll dispose of it for us? Great, we were going to take care of it ourselves, but If you want it, it's yours." No way, no how.

And, of course, I keep going back to the bloody shirt. Why in the heck would a hitman give FD the shirt that LE most certainly was going to trace to Jennifer, for disposal? And why give him the bloody mops and sponges, items we know FD was seen throwing into numerous cans on Albany Avenue? For what reason? Professionals make it a point to involve a few people as possible in their crime, and they do not make the kinds of stupid mistakes FD made at every turn. They sure as heck don't count on anyone else to clean up after their messes.

Could FD have paid some amateur to participate in helping him murder Jennifer? That is a possibility. Could KM, the lawyer and MT have taken a more active role in the actual killing and disposal of Jennifer's body? I am sure this question is something LE either knows or is actively investigating. It never ceases to amaze me how many seemingly good people willingly agree to do very bad things.

The puppet master was FD, however, and IMO he was an active and physically present participant in her murder. It was HIS DNA found mixed with Jennifer's in her kitchen sink, in a home he had never been permitted to enter. That piece of evidence alone says he was there when she was murdered and it tells me he was part of the physical assault on her IMO. MOO! MOO!

I am sure the C Team is furiously trying on any and all theories for size and this one sounds like a McKenna special. He is the king of "ghost" murderers, those criminals who lurk in the mist, murdering people for no reason, and then disappearing into the night, never to be seen again. The State would do itself a favor by learning the C Team playbook. It will discover and thus anticipate recurring defense themes certain to come from McKenna and crew.
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