Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #29

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Yes, but I'm not sure that the trade aren't being used AGAINST Atty Weinstein in this case and in effect are no different from the 'friend' loans on the various properties. We shall see once the case goes to trial. The baffling thing about the trade is that FD/FORE had a couple of trade liens over the years but nothing like the situation at Sturbridge. IMO FD/FORE could have run out of money doing Sturbridge but one part of me says Nope that this is yet another FD/FORE game to make sure GF gets zero from any sale of Sturbridge. IDK, all conjecture on my part so we will have to wait for trial. MOO

I was just thinking about FD and his desire to break GF like he did JF, or at least make sure she didn’t get a dime back. And then started thinking about FD claiming that JF threatened him with a leg-breaker. Now we all know that this claim is and always was BS, because if he really thought she could do this, he would have given up and moved far away. I used to work for a guy who would give you a nice long time to pay him what you owed him, and if you started getting squirrely about it, he would show up at your place of work. And if you really made him mad, he would show up at your house, because, as he put it, he wanted you to know that he knew where you lived. JF didn’t know any scary people, except for FD. I am not an advocate for violence, but now I kind of wish she did know somebody who would have made FD take a more reasonable path.
“No visible means of support” has been used to pry open information in criminal activities. Maybe basing Mr. Weinstein’s argument on that premise could open the gate so needed to assist discovery of funds.

“No visible means of support” ought to at least invite a “lifestyle audit” by the IRS; they usually like to do that sort of thing when someone is living well, with no discernible source of income. Where are they? They are always around whenever we roll over a 401k from one account to another. Is it even remotely possible that the IRS doesn’t have him on their radar? Seems unlikely, but as far as we know, nothing is happening there. Maybe someone should drop a dime on him?
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“No visible means of support” ought to at least invite a “lifestyle audit” by the IRS; they usually like to do that sort of thing when someone is living well, with now discernible source of income. Where are they? They are always around whenever we roll over a 401k from one account to another. Is it even remotely possible that the IRS doesn’t have him on their radar? Seems unlikely, but as far as we know, nothing is happening there.
It's simple to turn in anyone to IRS. They're
quite friendly and accomodating, not that I'd
really know or anything. ;)
Just call in a name and or address/town to your local IRS office. And tell them why you think this person is cheating the system. They
WILL look into it.
Interesting thought. Maybe he skirted the IRS by having no discernible income, everything ferried through the business. Seems pretty evident that he felt entitled to JF's family money. I can't believe the courts allowed him to default on the mortgage, stay in the house, avoid paying for anything and thumb his nose at the system. Not every divorce ends in murder, not every contentious divorce ends in murder but some men are dangerous and will stop at nothing. JF was smart to fight for for her children and GF was smart to guard them.

Murder should put him away for life, but murdering his children's mother, that should add at least five lifetimes to his sentence. That's the ultimate child abuse. I'm sorry but he has no business breathing fresh air while awaiting trial.

IMO the divorce wasn't over because FD didn't want the divorce over. Control is his currency. Well, control and money, other people's money. It wasn't enough for FD to have his mistress and move on; he HAD to win, and winning meant making sure JF lost. To hurt her, punish her. Just like she said he would. It's all so very sad that he was allowed to bully her through the court system. It's wicked, to attempt to wear down, wear out the woman who was raising the children. And now he's doing the same to GF. He's exhausting. But why WOULDN'T he have every confidence he'll waltz through all these proceedings as he always has? There's teflon in that lucky vintage velvet jacket of his. But he's wrong. Jennifer is going to get the final word this time.

Right. FD didn't want it over. The WIN-NING definitely played a big part. But I think there was more to it. For one thing, the financial affidavits. If he was honest, he knew the IRS would have all the ammo needed. JD could turn him in. He did turn in some but not enough to the satisfaction of JD lawyer. A strategy decision was made that what he submitted was unacceptable and the pursuit of more discovery continued. This is where I diverge with that decision. At that point the lawyer should have said OK, on to the custody issue. Because there was never going to be anything gained. If JD wanted to pursue the discovery this way, I can understand that. I truly do wonder what the discussion was and if it was the lawyer who recommended this course of action. I really don't see JD caring about FD IRS trouble enough to turn him in.

I do also think that there is something in the financial picture that benefited FD continuing to be married. Not in the sense of what he was currently getting but in the sense of what would come in the future if either JD or GF passed away. Or both. This is surprising information to me about inheritance and equitable distribution law in CT:
Inheritance Laws for Married People in Connecticut
Inheritance is not considered exempt from distribution during divorce. WOW. I guess GF could have things structured to avoid that issue. Don't know enough about that. I do think though that FD was just waiting for a death or 2, hopefully before the divorce was finalized. IMO.
It's simple to turn in anyone to IRS. They're
quite friendly and accomodating, not that I'd
really know or anything. ;)
Just call in a name and or address/town to your local IRS office. And tell them why you think this person is cheating the system. They
WILL look into it.

Who would do such a thing???(lol)
Interesting thought. Maybe he skirted the IRS by having no discernible income, everything ferried through the business. Seems pretty evident that he felt entitled to JF's family money. I can't believe the courts allowed him to default on the mortgage, stay in the house, avoid paying for anything and thumb his nose at the system. Not every divorce ends in murder, not every contentious divorce ends in murder but some men are dangerous and will stop at nothing. JF was smart to fight for for her children and GF was smart to guard them.

Murder should put him away for life, but murdering his children's mother, that should add at least five lifetimes to his sentence. That's the ultimate child abuse. I'm sorry but he has no business breathing fresh air while awaiting trial.

Great post
Interesting thought. Maybe he skirted the IRS by having no discernible income, everything ferried through the business. Seems pretty evident that he felt entitled to JF's family money. I can't believe the courts allowed him to default on the mortgage, stay in the house, avoid paying for anything and thumb his nose at the system. Not every divorce ends in murder, not every contentious divorce ends in murder but some men are dangerous and will stop at nothing. JF was smart to fight for for her children and GF was smart to guard them.

Murder should put him away for life, but murdering his children's mother, that should add at least five lifetimes to his sentence. That's the ultimate child abuse. I'm sorry but he has no business breathing fresh air while awaiting trial.


He can’t skirt the IRS by ferrying everything through The Fore Group, and claim no income, though; that’s what the lifestyle audit is for, and he has been living pretty high on the hog, for a guy with no income. Most people with no source of income can’t afford even one lawyer, much less a veritable team of lawyers. And since he is claiming that GF has ruined his business, there isn’t or shouldn’t be anything there. Even having an “anonymous benefactor” paying his lawyers is considered income on which he has to pay taxes...if the IRS was interested in looking, they would find all kinds of ways he could be charged with income tax evasion. Isn’t this what they did with Al Capone, Leona Helmsley, and untold numbers of drug dealers?
Right. FD didn't want it over. The WIN-NING definitely played a big part. But I think there was more to it. For one thing, the financial affidavits. If he was honest, he knew the IRS would have all the ammo needed. JD could turn him in. He did turn in some but not enough to the satisfaction of JD lawyer. A strategy decision was made that what he submitted was unacceptable and the pursuit of more discovery continued. This is where I diverge with that decision. At that point the lawyer should have said OK, on to the custody issue. Because there was never going to be anything gained. If JD wanted to pursue the discovery this way, I can understand that. I truly do wonder what the discussion was and if it was the lawyer who recommended this course of action. I really don't see JD caring about FD IRS trouble enough to turn him in.

I do also think that there is something in the financial picture that benefited FD continuing to be married. Not in the sense of what he was currently getting but in the sense of what would come in the future if either JD or GF passed away. Or both. This is surprising information to me about inheritance and equitable distribution law in CT:
Inheritance Laws for Married People in Connecticut
Inheritance is not considered exempt from distribution during divorce. WOW. I guess GF could have things structured to avoid that issue. Don't know enough about that. I do think though that FD was just waiting for a death or 2, hopefully before the divorce was finalized. IMO.

That is very interesting about inheritance not being exempt from distribution in CT-in NY, where I live, I hear that a divorce cannot split up your inheritance. So maybe FD was waiting impatiently for GF to die, and she wouldn’t accommodate him, and so he did the next best thing by killing Jennifer. No wonder GF had armed guards!
Yes, IMO this ruling was one of the more confusing things I have tried to unravel in the Civil Case so far. The original Atty. P. motion to quash made reference to both the deposition and the requested information and the Jud
So we’re staying in touch by signaling with striped shirts. Jewelry. And Patagonia Styles animal skins ordering is by invitation only...
His media account was back up. Are these two stupid? Arrogant? Delusional? And they’ve pulled in numerous lawyers, media, MT “only did it one time” ex, family.
The ripple effect just keeps getting wider.

I’m pretty sure they are indeed arrogant and delusional—MOO—and more, as evidenced in many examples like the fact that they thought we (and others) wouldn’t notice. Right up there with the garbage run (I forget the legendary name given to that—sorry.). All MOO.
Looks to me like FD has all of the makings of tax evader, according to the IRS. What are they waiting for?
I actually think the IRS angle quite relevant and as its a federal crime then it would put FD into a whole different realm than the State system that he and his attys seem to have done well to manipulate IMO. I wonder though if perhaps this might have been on the laundry list of items JF might have 'brought up' to FD or her atty might have suggested it. Successful prosecution by the IRS might have put FD out of the picture at least until the children were out of HS depending on how the case went. IDK, seems like this might be worth adding to the 'motives list' IMO.
His “mommie” was there to keep him from misbehaving. I doubt his wife puts up with it in their private life.

It definitely wasn’t him (I checked!) but it looked exactly like him. Height, ponytail, glasses and all. If it had been, I would have politely but clearly expressed my opinions to him, not that it would matter to him as I truly think the only voice he listens to is his own. MOO.
I’m pretty sure they are indeed arrogant and delusional—MOO—and more, as evidenced in many examples like the fact that they thought we (and others) wouldn’t notice. Right up there with the garbage run (I forget the legendary name given to that—sorry.). All MOO.

And it seems to me that the signaling indicates that they both know much more than they will admit about the other—or, more likely perhaps, MT does and FD is trying to keep her silent by professing his soul-mate love for her via striped shirts (or maybe they’re rehearsing for prison garb since some seems to be striped). MOO.
In reading your discussions on the divorce case...I've often wondered what the options are for women in court with abusers. You almost want to let them have whatever they want just to get them out of your life. But then you lose custody...that's too much to bear for most women. It's a lose-lose.
I really think having children with a DV abuser is one of the worst things that can happen.

I also think if you're a victim of DV, your lawyer needs to understand DV, the tactics the man will use, the predictable behavior, what they're dealing with, the dangers for the woman, etc.

I am glad we are having these types of conversations on here and I think if anything, justice for Jennifer also represents justice for many women, and that maybe part of JD's legacy can be education and visibility on the tragedy and severity of domestic violence.
I actually think the IRS angle quite relevant and as its a federal crime then it would put FD into a whole different realm than the State system that he and his attys seem to have done well to manipulate IMO. I wonder though if perhaps this might have been on the laundry list of items JF might have 'brought up' to FD or her atty might have suggested it. Successful prosecution by the IRS might have put FD out of the picture at least until the children were out of HS depending on how the case went. IDK, seems like this might be worth adding to the 'motives list' IMO.
I think the IRS angle is relevant too. In my other post, I expressed doubt whether JD would go down that road. Maybe that's where she wanted to go and that's the reason for the pursuit of more financial info by her. She could have threatened FD with that. That's what I did. And that's why default happened. He didn't want to give a financial accounting and have it all laid bare. I think though, that the IRS wouldn't have needed the info from divorce affidavits. I'm pretty sure their investigation would have been much more efficient than the court rooms of CT. IMO.
And someone said it before, but the professionals who were involved in the JD/FD divorce case should resign or post a public apology, in my opinion. I would hope they have shed tears over what's happened and realize they had a part to play.
I actually think the IRS angle quite relevant and as its a federal crime then it would put FD into a whole different realm than the State system that he and his attys seem to have done well to manipulate IMO. I wonder though if perhaps this might have been on the laundry list of items JF might have 'brought up' to FD or her atty might have suggested it. Successful prosecution by the IRS might have put FD out of the picture at least until the children were out of HS depending on how the case went. IDK, seems like this might be worth adding to the 'motives list' IMO.

I think you are probably right about Jennifer or an attorney bringing up the subject of tax evasion, and that it may have been the catalyst for her murder. However, there isn’t anything stopping the IRS now, and his lack of cooperation, so helpful in the divorce action, cannot save him now. You can’t just tell the IRS to go pound sand when they make a demand for whatever it is that they need or want-wealthier and more powerful people than FD have attempted this route, and found that it wasn’t going to work the way they thought it would. When is this guy going to go to jail for the stuff we wouldn’t even hope to get away with? Seriously, who is protecting this creep?
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