DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #1

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What worries me about them searching the woods and going back to the shelter: I wonder if LE thinks that Tatum is on the run without Relisha? :(
JVM going to have a guest on tonight to explain the mother's side of the story.
:tyou: belimom!


If you click on the link at the end of the post belimom linked (it's a google map link), you should be able to "add destination" to it, so you don't have to start from scratch.

From there, you can make the screen shot, and post the update IMG code. I've been lurking all day, so I apologize for not being able to help out with the maps as I usually do :blushing:

If you need help with anything, just say the word.


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Thanks! I actually hadn't started from scratch. It is a map that I have had going since day 1, but I am only able to be on sporadically. I have added the locations of the Holiday Inn, where the surveillance footage was taken, as well as general locations for Tatum's reported trailer and cabin.

Still working on other locations, but here's what I have...https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msid...ll=39.089568,-76.948242&spn=1.413344,2.513123
I never watch HLN anymore, but tuned in. JVM saying that there is more to the story on the mother's side and it will be told by someone tonight.

Due to TOS, all I'm going to say is: I've seen all I need to see, heard all I need to hear regarding the Mother's side of anything. SICKENING!!!
I have been looking at every source I can find that has this video or images from it. Not one source has said which hotel/motel it was taken from. FWIW I do not think it is the same place that his wife was found. The video clearly shows them walking down a hallway inside of a building. The Red Roofs that my family has stayed at over the years the rooms are accessible only from the outside. While I'm not familiar with the DC area, it does look like the Red Roof that Tatum's wife was found in is the same setup.

So I think we need to find hotels in which the rooms are accessible from the inside, with hallways, and try to figure out which one it could be so it can be mapped. Most chain hotels/motels use pretty much the same decor. Should be semi easy, although time consuming maybe, to match up the patterns seen in the video to images online and try to narrow it down to a couple. I'm thinking that it would be one that is pretty close to the area as the map posted upthread with all the locations seems to be within a 40 minutes radius. So up until the discovery of his wife I think we can safely assume he didn't go far. That we know of anyway.

Probably already been answered by now, but the name and location of the hotel with the video surveillance is on my map. It is the Holiday Inn in NE DC.
I recently started following this case, and I knew as soon as I saw SY the so-called "plea" from the so-called "mother" was NOT one she wanted to make! Shamika Young should have been arrested when it was discovered she GAVE Relisha to this PO$! I have a feeling that SY will be locked up today, and I hope she is being arrested right now! I don't buy into SY being some confused, naive, ignorant woman who was taken advantage of buy KLT either! She KNEW what she was doing, and she knew WHY KTL wanted Relisha! Unfortunately, I don't think there will be a good outcome here. I am horrified and sooo pizzzed off! I hope they throw the book at Shamika Young!

Thank's to all here who kept this thread going!
My youngest daughter and her husband live in Old Town Alexandria. I visit as often as I can.

Her father-in-law has a cabin in Federick and I know that land is expensive. In fact, most of those cabins can't even be called cabins. I love it up there. They are more like nice homes. Where in heck did Tatum get the money for land and a cabin? He was into way more than being a janitor, IMO. WTH?

Hello, all. I am stopping in to tell you all that I have all the most recent official law enforcement tweets & info for Relisha, as well as the most recent NCMEC poster for her, and the FBI poster that was released on my AMBER Alert page on my website (https://www.rebelmouse.com/MissingUSnews/AMBER-Alert/)

I want to ask each and every one of you to please, take just a minute or two today, and share the posters & official releases on your social media, whether it's twitter, facebook, pinterest, instagram - just please, put Relisha's information somewhere, anywhere, you haven't shared it before.

We MUST find her.

Thank you.
Thank you The Cheese! I've been sharing on SM and trying to encourage others to get this moving too! Too little sharing going on, so let's all get crackin'! Let's Help Find Relisha!

This is getting worse and worse. 'Shamika Young...provided the name and number...believed to be Tatum.' :no:

They actually TALKED to Tatum. So many folks have attacked school officials for not doing anything. It's very hard for a school to know what's going on, when a parent is actually behind something like this. I'm glad they got suspicious and went to the shelter.

I have no words (or, no words that would be within TOS).

ETA - Ohhieliz - I do see that you quoted the same thing above. I just... had to repost... it's so unbelievable...


What would make this mother go along and encourage the school to believe that the janitor was a doctor and that the child was sick. It had to be several days before the school noted the extended absence and contacted this mother. If my child was sick for that number of days I'd want her home and seen by real medical professionals.

Was Relisha in such bad shape that both mother and pedophile needed time for the child to look better and heal? Or was Relisha already gone?

The only reason I can think that LE hasn't made any charges against the mother is to try to get as much info out of her that is possible. If she is arrested she may clam up.
Hello, all. I am stopping in to tell you all that I have all the most recent official law enforcement tweets & info for Relisha, as well as the most recent NCMEC poster for her, and the FBI poster that was released on my AMBER Alert page on my website (https://www.rebelmouse.com/MissingUSnews/AMBER-Alert/)

I want to ask each and every one of you to please, take just a minute or two today, and share the posters & official releases on your social media, whether it's twitter, facebook, pinterest, instagram - just please, put Relisha's information somewhere, anywhere, you haven't shared it before.

We MUST find her.

Thank you.

I'm trying to catch up here, you have it posted that the g/mother gave the note to the school????? Has she been arrested? IMO
As a local, I don't necessarily think of Hyattsville as being close to DC, but when you type in Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville MD in Google Maps, it comes very close to the Chapel Oaks location.

To try to help the non-locals: Eastern Ave. NE is literally the boundary between MD and DC. If you are driving in a northwest direction on that street, the addresses on your left are in DC and the addresses on your right are in MD. For example, the building at 1123 Eastern Ave is in Maryland and the building at 1126 Eastern Ave is in DC (totally random addresses, NOT associated with this case). The neighborhood as a whole is known as Chapel Oaks.

The problem that I have with the Hyattsville address is that I cannot find a 1600 block of Eastern Ave NE in Hyattsville. The address that I put on my map, which is in the Chapel Oaks area is considered Mt Rainier, according to Google maps and corresponds with Chapel Oaks, as well as the 1600 Eastern Av NE. So that's what I am going with. It

What do you think Dewey and other locals?
NG also covered Relisha last night. Here's the link to the transcript:


GRACE: Eight-year-old Relisha Rudd was missing from school for weeks. She was never reported missing. Tonight grainy surveillance video emerges. We see little Relisha walking down a hotel hallway with 51-year-old Khalil Tatum, a family friend. His wife has been found shot dead. Straight out to Michael Filippelli, news director with WCBM. What do we know, Michael? Thank you for being with us?

MICHAEL FILIPPELLI, WCBM: Thank you very much, Nancy. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has Relisha Rudd on its website yesterday. Authorities posted a $25,000 reward and they released new photos of the child and suspect, in a hunt that now stretches from Pennsylvania down to Richmond.

Like you said, the surveillance video taken from an area hotel last month, it shows a young girl walking down a hallway with a man. Police believe the girl in the video is Relisha and the man is 51-year-old Khalil Tatum. That video was taken a little after 7:00 p.m. February 26, the same day Relisha was last seen at the D.C. family shelter, the old D.C. General Hospital where she lived with her mother and her stepfather, Antonio Weaver, and where Tatum worked as a janitor.

GRACE: With me right now, special guest, columnist from the Washington Post, Petula Dvorak. Thank you so much for being with us. I`ve been doing research so much on Relisha. I read your column, and it was heartbreaking, and every word of it was true.


PETULA DVORAK, COLUMNIST, WASHINGTON POST: Thank you so much for highlighting this case from the beginning. That`s really important.

GRACE: What is your take on missing Relisha?

DVORAK: Well, it`s a heartbreaking story, and, you know, I still can`t believe that others like you aren`t completely in arms over this. This is national news. This should be a national manhunt for this little girl. You saw that video of her. She`s with a man. He`s 51. He`s the janitor at the homeless shelter. I spent a lot of time talking to young mothers there, and many of them had stories of him giving gifts and even cash to little girls. The older mothers there thought something was wrong. They had the spidey sense to say, hey, back off. This mother did not. And she gave her child to Khalil Tatum to have for a little while, I guess. And a month later, nobody knows where this child is.

GRACE: Eleanor Odom, also with me Peter Odom, defense attorney out of Atlanta. Peter, it`s my understanding and I`ve been told by Relisha`s family that Khalil Tatum, age 51, actually had a grandchild, a granddaughter that Relisha would play with. At least, that`s what her mother was told, so she let her go. But I think Petula Dvorak`s right, this child was missing for weeks from school, and nobody even reported her missing. We`re all talking about Malaysian airlines. Yes, that`s important, but this child is missing, and this guy`s wife turns up dead in a Red Roof Inn. So he`s last with his wife. She`s dead. Why was she murdered? Maybe she complained about his infatuation with an eight-year- old girl, Peter?

P. ODOM: Nancy, who knows. What I do know is this. This guy needs to turn himself in right away. He needs to go to the nearest police station right away.

GRACE: Eleanor, you and I have prosecuted a lot of child molestations, a lot of kidnappings and a lot of child murders, I`m sorry to say. But that`s what it`s shaping up to be. He`s on the lam with an eight-year-old girl and his wife is dead.

E. ODOM: That`s what it looks like, Nancy. Clearly he kidnapped her, and who knows, it might be a kidnapping, bodily injury, murder. You got to remember, he got close to her at that shelter.

GRACE: Michael Filippelli, WCBN, where does this search stand tonight? Everybody, take a look at this little girl. Everybody seemed to fail her. She was missing for weeks from school, nobody alarmed the police. Now she is off with a man whose wife has been found murdered. Michael, what`s the latest on the search?

FILIPPELLI: As far as we know, the Amber alert was issued late last week, I think on Thursday, and again, the search stretches from Pennsylvania down to Richmond, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children does have her picture up on the website, but a representative there says it`s up to local police to spread the word about Amber alerts.

GRACE: We`re spreading it right now. $25,000 reward in the search for Relisha Rudd. She`s only eight years old. Tip line, 202-727-9099. Last word to you, Petula.

DVORAK: Keep showing your Facebook page, tweet it out, let`s get her face out there. So many people failed this girl. The school, there were social workers who investigated this family, nothing came of it. There were workers at the homeless shelter who should have seen that she was missing. You know, if she had a home, if she was not homeless living in this chaotic shelter, if she had a home, neighbors, church people who knew her and knew her routine, would have known much sooner that something was wrong.

GRACE: Okay, everybody, take a look. 202-727-9099.
Here's a snip from the JVM segment from last night

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now according to reports, Tatum and his wife filed for divorce in February, just days before he ended up taking this child. Was the wife murdered because she realized there was something wrong with her husband, and perhaps she caught them, God forbid, in some kind of terrible act?

You know, there are so many unanswered questions here. But one of the things that really bugs me, Areva Martin, is that one of the neighbors -- and we don`t know exactly a neighbor of whom, but presumably of Tatum, OK - - says that she spotted the girl on March 15. OK. So that`s only a couple of days before all this reaches a head. Because it was on March 19 that the school finally reported, hey, this child is not here.

Is it possible that they were kind of acting a little normal, and then all of a sudden at the point that the school says, hey, this child`s missing, and the police start looking, that`s when the thing turns murderous, he kills his wife, and he takes off with the child?

MARTIN: Absolutely, Jane. It`s possible. And I don`t want to, you know, suggest that what the mother did here was OK, because it`s not OK. But I do want the audience, and I want everyone to be sensitive to, these people are in a homeless shelter for a reason. So something has gone terribly wrong in their life. No mom checks herself and her four kids into a shelter. There may be substance abuse problems. There may be mental illness issues. There may be a range of issues that have some role to play in why this child was given to this man. So I think we have to also be careful, because the mom may be a victim herself.

more @ link

So many unanswered questions! At least Relisha is continuing to receive national media attention. I hope the Amber Alert goes nationwide :twocents:

What would make this mother go along and encourage the school to believe that the janitor was a doctor and that the child was sick. It had to be several days before the school noted the extended absence and contacted this mother. If my child was sick for that number of days I'd want her home and seen by real medical professionals.

Was Relisha in such bad shape that both mother and pedophile needed time for the child to look better and heal? Or was Relisha already gone?

The only reason I can think that LE hasn't made any charges against the mother is to try to get as much info out of her that is possible. If she is arrested she may clam up.

Well, I think she may have sold her to him. In turn, he may have been selling her time after time, if you know what I mean.

Little Relisha may well have very well have been hurt too badly to be seen in public. She also may have said she was going to tell someone.

Who knows? We may never know. I do believe Shamika will be arrested at some point, and I believe Tatum will be located.

I was speaking in anger when I said to arrest her now. You are right, CUCKOOHEAD, about not arresting her now. She would absolutely get advice from other inmates not to talk.

Please, please let Relisha be found safe.

If I had time, I would drive over to the shelter and see what's going on, but things are way to busy right now at work. Prayers for her safety!

ETA: And I hate that that nasty river is so, so close to the shelter. Lord only knows how many bodies have been dumped in there and not recovered.
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