DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #1

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http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Victims-in-Woodley-Park-Slayings-Were-Held-Overnight-304161751.html. May 18
Reporter in vid states, Nelly states re Mr S's voicemail to Nelly that eve.(9:30 or 10:00?)
my paraphrasing, of vid at 1min/30 sec: ~ 'VF volunteered to stay overnight, Vera's phone died, she did not have charger; his did not fit;'
quote "can she tell that to anyone who might be worried about her?" end reporter's quote.

IIRC, VF's husband is in DC area for Nelly to tell, does not have children in US to worry.

Mr S's phrase 'tell anyone' -
- does that reflect his lack of knowledge that VF is married (IIRC), or
- is that his attempt to 'code talk' to warn Nelly that something at S home is hinky, or
- convey something else?


Now that we know that Nelly runs a cleaning service, this starts to make sense. The family did not have two full-time employees as housekeepers....instead they used a service. The difference is that a service can substitute, send a new person, send three persons as their needs and yours dictate.
I think they are fine to fill in but , in my experience anyway, though you may have a "regular"...sometimes a stranger can show up in her place.

They may have employed Nelly's service for 20 years but they may not "know" any of her employees as well as they would if that person worked for them alone. So they might not have known if VF was married or her husband's contact information.

That broadens the field of people who might have been in the house and have knowledge of the family IMO. And it explains why Mr VF did not show up till the next morning to look for his wife. He may not have known where she was"assigned" to work the previous day by Nelly. Even if she worked there often before, shewasNelly's employee, not the S. Family...and worked where she was assigned.

And it would be highly unlikely for someone from a service to sleep over. This is my experience anyway. Not the same as the relationship that builds with someone you employ and get to know yourself.
I am thinking that Amy? was carjacked wednesday as to how they gained entry to the home. jmo idk
If there was $42,000 in a bag on the front porch...that these intruders had just spent the whole night torturing a man, two women, and a child to get....I don't see them taking off without that bag. They took the car. They would have taken the money.

The elaborate security system is discussed here. We have this system that "beeps." I doubt ours is as "elaborate" as a family that owns a very expensive art collection, but ours does have a "hostage code" to put in that shuts it off but alerts at the same time. Our system also has discreet panic buttons that do the same. And if you cut power, it alerts.

The intruders would have heard the "beep" as they entered. The housekeeper would not have known how to shut it down with the proper code that does NOT alert.

This is very strange...as is so much else in this case.
If the Porsche was found, burned, at one of their businesses...did perps leave it there or was it burned there? If left there, this does not sound random...how would perp know to leave it there?
If the Porsche was found, burned, at one of their businesses...did perps leave it there or was it burned there? If left there, this does not sound random...how would perp know to leave it there?

bbm It wasn't.
Since the lawn crew was there on Thursday and LE seems to believe this event began on Wednesday, I've eliminated the lawn crew from my list. Since it appears the perp/s were waiting on something specific, they apparently knew about it, which suggests inside knowledge. I'm leaning towards NG being more involved in this.
Things I'm finding curious:

Big emphasis that the morning text came at '9.58 am' but no mention of the timing of the voicemail, I was intrigued why when it was aired publicly that we didn't hear 'call received on XXXXX at XXXpm' before we heard SS speaking.

Why didn't NG answer the Wednesday night call or call back, I jumped to the conclusion that it must have been pretty late and she was in bed, again the timing of that call would be useful.

How did SS know the husband's number to ring and speak to him Thursday morning if he didn't have it Wednesday night?

If VF was intending to leave work at 3pm on Wednesday, how come it took a call from NG Thursday morning to get the husband to go to the house?

Back in the thread wasn't there a debate about why the husband didn't get to the house until 10.30 am, got no answer so left? That's now changed to 9 am and a 'good' reason why he went again, i.e call from SS.

No emotion. Not a jot. People deal with grief in different ways I know but still.......

If NG runs her own cleaning crew then that could explain the man that was part of the 'cleaning crew' sat outside waiting for 'someone' to come out (didn't he say it was his brother originally?)
I'm leaning toward people who knew people who worked in the house. That way they would know a lot about them, their schedules, probably their assets, etc. The fewer people you have come in your home the better.
I don't think this has been posted yet? Second vid is another interview with NG. She discusses husband of dead housekeeper going to the home looking for his wife, also discusses text from dead housekeeper on Wednesday. http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/l...k-Slayings-Were-Held-Overnight-304161751.html

This is really interesting...thanks for posting this.

Odd...if Nelly is the boss...that VF is telling HER where she is working on Wednesday. She says VF decided to work at the S's house so she could get off early.

Also, how did Mr. S. Know how to call VF's husband when he was knocking on the door? The night before, he had to tell Nelly to contact him. In fact, how did he even know who he was...out there knocking?

I would also think it weird if someone called me from within the house instead of just opening the door.
Husband didn't think it was weird? First his wife didn't show up at home. Then, the next morning, he went looking for her, was told (by phone?) that she was inside, but couldn't see her? Warning flags were missed right and left here.
I am only now reading this thread (on page 1), so excuse this question if it has been asked, and answered:
Authorities are saying that Mr. S "eventually" gave "them" what it was they wanted (info). How would anyone know this?n Unless the killer was in contact with someone still alive.

SS's assistant dropped off a package at the home Thursday morning before the fire. I'm assuming that assistant had told LE what was in the package.

I have read about many home invasion/murders in the past and I cant remember one at the moment where LE didn't say they were personally targeted implying the victims knew the murderers. Maybe this is done to quell the fears of the neighborhood or maybe it shows even LE gets tunnel vision. In many of these sad and tragic cases where wealthy families were brutally murdered inside their home the perp or perp turned out to be a total stranger to the families. And most of the homes had no forced entry. So knowing that I do not dismiss this could have been done by someone who was casing their home in order to invade and rob the family.

However; I certainly do believe this could have been done by someone the family had a connection with. Not a close connection such as close friends and family but someone that may have known them casually. I don't think this was done by an employee of AIWs. I tend to believe this may have been done by workers that did work for them at their home either in the present or past.

Whomever the murderer or murderers are they don't have a lot of money to accept only $40,000 from a millionaire. Although Savvas could have told them that is all he could get his hands on at the moment. But to some 40K is a lot of money. People have been murdered for a lot less.

What will be interesting to learn is what SS said to his worker at AIW when he requested that he bring the 40K and leave it at the front door. Since he was known to buy fine art maybe the employee didn't think it was an odd request. Many times employees simply do what they are instructed to do. The perp may have not stepped out to get the box thinking the employee may have called police.

But the POI is running away carrying a white plastic bag. I think what may have happened is someone told the perp or perps that SS kept cash/jewelry and other valuables in a hidden safe. After the perp did not pick up the box with cash inside they began to really torture SS and in the end he finally broke down and told them where it was. When he finally gave them what they had come after is when they killed them all, lit the fire, and left in their car. The police have already said that cash was missing. Sometimes a safe is fireproof and wouldn't burn in the fire.

I also think SS was the last to be murdered. I also think he is the victim that had the smell of gasoline on it. After beating and torturing him for many hours I think they doused him with gasoline and set him afire. For LE to say they were held hostage, bound, and threatened the bodies have to show signs of bruising and maybe even cuts on their ankles and wrists. If they used zip ties that could have melted from the fire and left burn marks in the pattern of the ties.

So this certainly could be someone they knew even if it wasn't a close relationship but there is still nothing that points to this being personal or a vendetta against any of them. LE sources have clearly said they believe the motive was robbery, imo.

As far as NG, I am not sure what to think. I don't think she purposefully did anything but she may have run her mouth to others and told them what this family had in their home. Sometimes that is all it takes.

I have issues with the person saying there was $40,000 left in a bag. I do not believe we should consider it. The person has not been verified and on the posts in the "news article" they are only giving out public information. They are not associated with the S in anyway. The mother seems to have all family associations public on her facebook and this "niece" has no public relationship. Also this individual recently changed there location to DC and all other posts from this persons social media was in Palma Sola, FL.
I have issues with the person saying there was $40,000 left in a bag. I do not believe we should consider it. The person has not been verified and on the posts in the "news article" they are only giving out public information. They are not associated with the S in anyway. The mother seems to have all family associations public on her facebook and this "niece" has no public relationship. Also this individual recently changed there location to DC and all other posts from this persons social media was in Palma Sola, FL.

Doesn't sound credible to me either.

The elaborate security system is discussed here. We have this system that "beeps." I doubt ours is as "elaborate" as a family that owns a very expensive art collection, but ours does have a "hostage code" to put in that shuts it off but alerts at the same time. Our system also has discreet panic buttons that do the same. And if you cut power, it alerts.

The intruders would have heard the "beep" as they entered. The housekeeper would not have known how to shut it down with the proper code that does NOT alert.

This is very strange...as is so much else in this case.

But it will beep or chime even when it's not on. Housekeeper seem to think it was always on because it was beeping. That doesn't mean it's on. If it's not on, it will beep/chime when somebody enters, but won't alert police and whoever enters would not need a code.
I have issues with the person saying there was $40,000 left in a bag. I do not believe we should consider it. The person has not been verified and on the posts in the "news article" they are only giving out public information. They are not associated with the S in anyway. The mother seems to have all family associations public on her facebook and this "niece" has no public relationship. Also this individual recently changed there location to DC and all other posts from this persons social media was in Palma Sola, FL.

Yes, we should consider it rumor. But it's also a fact of the story that a package was left by SS's assistant, so that part is not rumor.

But it will beep or chime even when it's not on. Housekeeper seem to think it was always on because it was beeping. That doesn't mean it's on. If it's not on, it will beep/chime when somebody enters, but won't alert police and whoever enters would not need a code.

This is true. It beeps when unarmed. She could be mistaken as to whether it is "armed" or not. If it's "armed" during the day, you do have to keep punching in the code every time you open a door or window...which is a nuisance, unless you are really in fear that compensates for the inconvenience.
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