Decomposed Body found in Scurry Co.*3/16/13* - LE identified as being Hailey

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Do cactus grow up to the shoreline there? I don't think the remains were ever anywhere near the water (regardless of levels), but that is MOO.
I thought I read the lake didnt have anything to do with it, I take it that meant the body was not belived to be submerged, dont quote me but I do thik I read that yesterday

They did say that yesterday.
my sister-in-law said its been awful hot dry ad a tinderbox, I wonder if there were fires in that area at one time hundereds or acres burned last yr and yr before
Can someone tell me how to upload pics from my Ipad using tapatalk? I have a map that I found that I wanted to post.

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Nice work Frostess!

Thanks, but I didn't make it. Was just lucky enough to find it. Can't varify it's accuracy though. Someone more familiar with the routes would know for sure.
Love the map Frostess. Would be so fabulous if we had SA and BD's cell phone pings to go with this map and lay Sarx's dead cell areas over the whole thing just to see how things add up.
Scurry County Skeletal Remains: Could They Belong To Hailey Dunn?

By: Brendaliss Gonzalez,
Updated: March 19, 2013
just hung up from my sister, she said the body was found 18-20 miles from Haley's house and the bones are so scattered that is holding up on the determination of sex as they need the hip bones.

Also she said the 2 are still living together to her knowledge and that they pulled a sneaky and moved out seperately and both are residing with her mother in Austin.

As much as it breaks my heart to think of another young, vibrant, beautiful, young girl's life was snuffed out, it would be a relief if these remains are of Hailey IMO. For over two years now we have held out hope for Hailey's safe return but sadly there is too much suspicious, and irrefutable information pointing to certain people who were suppose to care for and love this child. What mother packs up in the night and moves away to another city when her child goes missing?! There are so many things BD has done to make herself look guilty or like she's hiding something. To me this is not "normal" behaviour of a loving, grieving mother. From what I understand BD and SA are still together which to me says they were in Hailey's disappearance together.

If this is HD, may she now RIP and I pray that justice is delivered swiftly and with solid evidence to back it up. For over two years now, at least one person, I'm betting two, have known what happened to this beautiful young lady and they need to pay for their evil ways. If it's not HD I'll be surprised and may whoever this person be, may they RIP. All JMHO.
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