Defense to depose Dr. G

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia was questioned under oath by Casey Anthony's defense team on Tuesday.

Dr. G, as she is known in Orlando and on her nationally televised show, ruled Caylee Anthony's death was a homicide.

Anthony's defense team is questioning Garavaglia's credibility because she never gave an exact cause of death. Garavaglia ruled, through tests and evidence, that Caylee's death was a homicide of "unknown origin."

Garavaglia performed the autopsy on Caylee soon after the girl's remains were found in December 2008. Garavaglia has said little about the case over the past two years and declined a request for an interview for this story.

But in a previous interview, Garavaglia said while the "unknown origin" ruling is rarely used, it has led to defendants being convicted of murder.

Two members of Garavaglia's staff were questioned on Tuesday morning. Lead prosecutors in the case also attended Tuesday's depositions but would not comment.

Anthony's defense team included Ocala attorney Dorothy Sims, who is billed as an expert on medical cross-examination, and Cheney Mason.

Mason talked about how Garavaglia's ruling could help Anthony's case.

"It's critical because it means nothing. That's the bottom line; that's what we're confirming," Mason said.

I don't understand why he's downplaying Dr. G, or her credibility, she reports on what she finds...a toddlers remains were found, skeletal remains were found. Duct tape had been placed around the face area, wrapped partially around her head, wrapped enough to hold a mandible in place, in its anatomic position..Dr. G was unable to see a COD (there was no soft tissue left for examination), she doesn't speculate, just records what she finds...her credibility is impeccable, in case CMason wasn't aware..:banghead:

Too bad really for ICA, once those jurors hear all of what Dr. G states, I do believe they too will come to the realization of who is responsible. Remember, it's not just one piece of evidence as the defense would like everyone to believe, it's the totality of all the evidence...IMO, this will be very hard for the defense to give any explanations good enough to gain ICA a not guilty verdict. She should truly think about changing her plea status, if she wants to save her own life...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Apparently defense is shifting like the sand. They claim SODDI, as in RK, but conclude that there is no proof of a homocide. They claim duct tape was an issue with RK but not an issue with Caylee. So which is it? If you really listen to what they are saying it appears they may not have enough on RK to convince a jury and may be leaning more towards accidental death and cover up by ICA. Defense appears to be chasing their tails and continue to go around in circles.

What is up with this "I'm old" excuse from CM. He is not old. He is younger than me and if he is overwhelmed he should have never taken on that second case. Old does not mean stupid. He needs to drop the "old" complaint. If he, himself, feels he can't do the job because of his age he needs to step down from one of these cases and focus on just one case at a time. If he is not capable of handling both cases at the same time he does an injustice to both parties. As a professional attorney in good standing he knows the consequences of his actions. Being old is no excuse as many who are older than he is are still high functioning citizens doing a full days work without complaints. jmo
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia was questioned under oath by Casey Anthony's defense team on Tuesday.

Dr. G, as she is known in Orlando and on her nationally televised show, ruled Caylee Anthony's death was a homicide.

Anthony's defense team is questioning Garavaglia's credibility because she never gave an exact cause of death. Garavaglia ruled, through tests and evidence, that Caylee's death was a homicide of "unknown origin."

Garavaglia performed the autopsy on Caylee soon after the girl's remains were found in December 2008. Garavaglia has said little about the case over the past two years and declined a request for an interview for this story.

But in a previous interview, Garavaglia said while the "unknown origin" ruling is rarely used, it has led to defendants being convicted of murder.

Two members of Garavaglia's staff were questioned on Tuesday morning. Lead prosecutors in the case also attended Tuesday's depositions but would not comment.

Anthony's defense team included Ocala attorney Dorothy Sims, who is billed as an expert on medical cross-examination, and Cheney Mason.

Mason talked about how Garavaglia's ruling could help Anthony's case.

"It's critical because it means nothing. That's the bottom line; that's what we're confirming," Mason said.

I don't understand why he's downplaying Dr. G, or her credibility, she reports on what she finds...a toddlers remains were found, skeletal remains were found. Duct tape had been placed around the face area, wrapped partially around her head, wrapped enough to hold a mandible in place, in its anatomic position..Dr. G was unable to see a COD (there was no soft tissue left for examination), she doesn't speculate, just records what she finds...her credibility is impeccable, in case CMason wasn't aware..:banghead:

Too bad really for ICA, once those jurors hear all of what Dr. G states, I do believe they too will come to the realization of who is responsible. Remember, it's not just one piece of evidence as the defense would like everyone to believe, it's the totality of all the evidence...IMO, this will be very hard for the defense to give any explanations good enough to gain ICA a not guilty verdict. She should truly think about changing her plea status, if she wants to save her own life...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

At the 98 second mark...Dr G's determination of Homicide of Undetermined Means..Mason says it means Nothing.
Reporter: so that means the Defense can't say that Caylee was definitively Murdered...and Mason answered "That's Correct"

Now Mason is trying to lead us to believe Caylee was not Murdered,:furious: that it was not a Homicide?
So what was it Mr Mason...?
A 2 year old child committed Suicide by Undetermined Means? She put duct tape over her face and skull and walked down to the side of the road and threw herself into the swamp...and bagged herself?

Justice for Caylee!!
The testing of the remains could be the key to the case.

"The most important thing is how did she die?" Mason said. "It could have been an accidental death -- and we've talked before -- an improper disposal, it could have been a brutal homicide. We don't know, and until the medical examiner is finished and renders a report, no one is going to know."

Rahter said an accidental death would be hard to believe.

"What would a reasonable person do in the case of an accident? Call 911 or call your parents or call a close friend. Do you go borrow a shovel from a neighbor, probably not?" Rahter said.

If this were an accidental death, one call to 911 would have put that to rest. ICA didn't do that! She evaded her own family for 31 days. She was out partying while her child lay dead!

I'm guessing he may be trying for an accidental death but the way Caylee's remains were found, would refute that claim, IMO...there is no way to view Caylee's death accidental after all ICA did to cover her steps...duct tape would also refute that claim. What reasonable mother would cover their childs face with duct tape, if she died accidently! This is too bizarre to even bring up at trial..if they do, I'd believe those jurors would have to convict on that claim alone...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
you know, I could know absolutely nothing about this case and here how this baby's remain were found and the mother's behaviour and I would know beyond a shadow of a doubt she was guilty. That is because I have a brain in my head!
you know, I could know absolutely nothing about this case and here how this baby's remain were found and the mother's behaviour and I would know beyond a shadow of a doubt she was guilty. That is because I have a brain in my head!
I laughed out loud at this - Amen!! This isn't rocket science, folks, imo. I can't see how in God's name the defense can explain away KC's 31 days of partAAying and not getting help while her baby was "kidnapped". That just defies reason, imo.
Given the fact that not one statement to LE regarding the whereabouts of her daughter was ever true I find it hard to believe any jury member would accept an accident happened and KC attempted to cover it up. And that is not taking into account her behavior hours after her child apparently was missing and up to the following 31 days until CA called 911. KC NEVER reported that child missing and in her 911 statement KC seems pretty lackadaisial about the whole matter.

We are NOT jury members but this is what we see now. We can all see it clearly and it has nothing to do with pre-judgment. Facts are facts and there are just too many pointing at the Princess. Imagine at trial the impact when it is all presented together. Defense is beating a dead horse. If defense is trying to make KC see the light it must be falling on deaf ears. Maybe they need to do more reality checks with her and let her know what will actually happen when they go to trial.

Funky things going on at the jail, hmmmm, and that would be information from what resource? The one who accused her family of molesting her, maybe. Sounds like our little pumpkin may be bored. Surprise, surprise. jmo

At the 98 second mark...Dr G's determination of Homicide of Undetermined Means..Mason says it means Nothing.
Reporter: so that means the Defense can't say that Caylee was definitively Murdered...and Mason answered "That's Correct"

Now Mason is trying to lead us to believe Caylee was not Murdered,:furious: that it was not a Homicide?
So what was it Mr Mason...?
A 2 year old child committed Suicide by Undetermined Means? She put duct tape over her face and skull and walked down to the side of the road and threw herself into the swamp...and bagged herself?

Justice for Caylee!!

If it wasn' a "murder" or "homicide" WTH are they doing with their time? They are "defending" someone for I missing something? Next they will come out agreeing with ca that Caylee is alive and well and living ??????

I still remember jb complaining about Dr. G and being famous....(his pipe dream--hmmmmmmm perhaps that "pipe is where their bs is coming from?):waitasec::banghead:
That's just a strange, weird, very... odd word to use. That is such bad reporting. Bold? I'd love to ask him how he thinks that's bold. lol.

It seemed like Baez and Mason were "off" this time to me in a different way, like something jolted them. Anyone else notice a difference in demeanor? I would love to know what Dr. G told them. They were both nasty and silly as usual, but there was a strange solemness there in those attitudes. Mason was probably finally up to speed on the details and maybe finally feeling disgusted, if it's possible???? and Baez looked more concerned than ever about this case surely because of the facts.

Dr. G has very strong testimony for sweet Caylee and she's such a classy lady. She won't give in to intimidation or play any games that they may try.

I agree Butterflylady - when I was watching/listening to that news clip and Mason was expounding his nonsensical mutterings, I was watching Baez's body language and even his razzing of Kathi B. He was definitely more reserved, a little beaten down looking and I had a quick moment flash of - was that an instant of humility I saw there Baez? Just for a millisecond? Whew - I think so!

Let's face it - here's a guy new to the legal profession with bigger dreams than he has ability (note understatement) who stumbles over a client who looks like a dream/career maker. He's going to have a high profile case, lots of media exposure, lots of $$$'s and by god he's going to be famous. I think he has a huge ego, but has the emotional IQ of a five year old. I think he thought his client was innocent - or that it was an accident - or there was some eureka "happening" that would provide him with a Perry Mason moment at trial.

Instead, this guy has learned some very tough lessons very quickly. Watch a clip of him two years ago, and watch one now. What a difference a couple of years and a guilty client makes - wow! Where once she was "his girl" and things were all flirty and fun, now he's faced with a client he knows is guilty and he can't stand to even go and lay eyes on her because he knows everything she says is a lie.

He has had the opportunity to swallow his pride, bring in some experienced lawyers and put together a decent defense case. Not a case that would bring a not guilty verdict, but a decent defense. But now, because he had to be the big shot and delay delay delay, the world gets to see him as the empty headed inexperienced buffoon he actually is.

It's actually kinda sad. Well, for a minute.
I agree with so many of you who have just posted. Did Mason forget what Dr. G stated in the autopsy about the duct tape, where the tape was attached to poor little Caylee's hair so tightly, it had to be cut out? That also tells me, there is no way the tape could have floated to the top, and rested on the hair. It had obviously been attached for quite a while. Poor little angel.
Re BBM: They are getting paid in publicity IMO - which is priceless, positive or negative. One full-page yellow pages add is approx. $2,000 per month (okay, its been awhile since I had to run an ad) this case has been around since 2008....two years of notoriety/publicity - whatever you want to call it. A large section of the country knows who these players are and I believe that is the type of payment they seek.

With respect to Dr. G being deposed or questioned at trial by this new attorney, I also agree with previous posters that Dr. G is no "for hire" medical expert who supports malingering plaintiffs in frivolous lawsuits. She is an employee of the people, paid by the people, who needs no publicity because she is already famous! She has no motive whatsoever to lean to either side. She has no horse in this race.....Caylee was murdered and her body recovered in Dr. G's jurisdiction.....that's all folks.

BBM - You SAID IT! Not to mention, she didn't go scampering on down to the crime scene flailing her arms going "let me play! let me play!". She's the Medical Examiner for that County, no? If somebody else were in that position in that county, they'd have been the medical examiner. She didn't get to do the autopsy because she lobbyed for the job, she IS the job.
I'd like to see this too. She primarily deals with SS Disability and SSI claims, seminars and cross-examining medical experts. She admitted in the press conference that she has little criminal law experience. I can't wait to see how she handles Dr. G....the real deal. Shall be interesting!

Here's a link I found with some comments about Atty Sims and her book:

"Dorothy Clay Sims spent years learning to blow apart the defense’s strongest, most cynical tool: the use of doctors who deceive. Sims picks them apart so well that some never testify again. And few are left with much ability to persuade a jury. So read her book. Sims shares her methods in readable, efficient, usable form." 
--David Ball, Miller, Malekour & Ball
Author of David Ball on Damages

I copied this quote from the link because I think the difference in what Atty Sims has spent years doing will be different when she has to cross-examine Dr. G. I don't believe she will find any deception in Dr. G's findings. In fact, I'd be sick if I had to sit and hear about the remains of Caylee and how she was tossed out like yesterday's garbage. :furious:

Dr. Baden also went on tv the day of, or shortly thereafter, Caylee's body was found speaking of how the evidence will convict her. He all but said then that it would be hard to prove her innocence now that the body had been found. ETA: I know I heard him say it, but I can't find a link to support it.

Respectfullly BBM

Forgive if this has been brought up already - havent read the entire thread yet. I was just thinking it was such a waste of great talent, if in fact this person really can blow apart people's testimony when they are deceitful. Too bad the defense doesn't have her meet w/KC and let the chips fall where they may, and then use that to convince KC she should try and plea bargain and not go to trial. If Ms. Sims is as described above - able to convince deceitful professionals not to ever testify again - wouldn't that be the greatest use of this woman's talents? I know it's a pie in the sky dream for my wanting just a little bit of sense in this non-sensical case.
How can Mason say this stuff with a straight face?


“What does it mean? That means nothing, does it? She doesn’t know why the child died or how,” defense attorney Cheney Mason told WOFL-Ch. 35 before the deposition.

WESH’s Kealing highlighted the defense’s observations about duct tape found with the child’s remains. “They say the tape was just minimally attached to Caylee’s hair and not to her skull,” Kealing reported. “The net result in their view: No evidence Caylee Anthony was murdered.”

Mason added that duct tape wasn’t over Caylee’s nose or airways — a bold claim, Kealing said.

Bold is mine-

Liquid courage?
Respectfullly BBM

Forgive if this has been brought up already - havent read the entire thread yet. I was just thinking it was such a waste of great talent, if in fact this person really can blow apart people's testimony when they are deceitful. Too bad the defense doesn't have her meet w/KC and let the chips fall where they may, and then use that to convince KC she should try and plea bargain and not go to trial. If Ms. Sims is as described above - able to convince deceitful professionals not to ever testify again - wouldn't that be the greatest use of this woman's talents? I know it's a pie in the sky dream for my wanting just a little bit of sense in this non-sensical case.

haha.. did her book just come out too, like Andrea's was about to when she joined the "team"? Man I have never seen so many con-men/women in one place before.
Apparently defense is shifting like the sand. They claim SODDI, as in RK, but conclude that there is no proof of a homocide. They claim duct tape was an issue with RK but not an issue with Caylee. So which is it? If you really listen to what they are saying it appears they may not have enough on RK to convince a jury and may be leaning more towards accidental death and cover up by ICA. Defense appears to be chasing their tails and continue to go around in circles.

What is up with this "I'm old" excuse from CM. He is not old. He is younger than me and if he is overwhelmed he should have never taken on that second case. Old does not mean stupid. He needs to drop the "old" complaint. If he, himself, feels he can't do the job because of his age he needs to step down from one of these cases and focus on just one case at a time. If he is not capable of handling both cases at the same time he does an injustice to both parties. As a professional attorney in good standing he knows the consequences of his actions. Being old is no excuse as many who are older than he is are still high functioning citizens doing a full days work without complaints. jmo
One more "old" out of him and we'll send him a coupon for a discount on a casket.:chillpill:
One more "old" out of him and we'll send him a coupon for a discount on a casket.:chillpill:

Yes. And he doesn't have to keep reminding us. We know he's older, we can see he's older and we aren't likely to forget. lol jmo
How can Mason say this stuff with a straight face?


“What does it mean? That means nothing, does it? She doesn’t know why the child died or how,” defense attorney Cheney Mason told WOFL-Ch. 35 before the deposition.

WESH’s Kealing highlighted the defense’s observations about duct tape found with the child’s remains. “They say the tape was just minimally attached to Caylee’s hair and not to her skull,” Kealing reported. “The net result in their view: No evidence Caylee Anthony was murdered.”

Mason added that duct tape wasn’t over Caylee’s nose or airways — a bold claim, Kealing said.

I wonder how long it will take someone to point out to Mason that the fact that the duct tape was NOT adhered to the skull, but was wrapped around the jaw, and adhered to the hair means that it was applied while there was still skin? In other words the fact that he is highlighting, that the tape wasn't stuck to the skull, helps to disprove his defense theory that the body was placed there after KC was jailed. And works against the SODDI theory.

This is why defense attorneys should not be giving public statements outside the courtroom.
I agree Butterflylady - when I was watching/listening to that news clip and Mason was expounding his nonsensical mutterings, I was watching Baez's body language and even his razzing of Kathi B. He was definitely more reserved, a little beaten down looking and I had a quick moment flash of - was that an instant of humility I saw there Baez? Just for a millisecond? Whew - I think so!


I've been busy and here very sporadically lately. Could someone please link me to this newsclip? TIA!

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