Defense to depose Dr. G

I saw the defense statement a little differently, to me it seemed like they were ignoring the word, "homicide" which lead me to think perhaps they were going to go with; Accidental death, with a stupid cover story" because ICA was afraid of CA.
It could be one of these 2, they both contained nonsensical rantings :wink::

Thank you nums!

CM never ceases to amaze me with his gall. In the second clip around the 35 sec. mark the reporter asks him how he plans to work in Dr. G's finding of "homicide by undetermined means" in a way that can help Casey's defense. CM responds with, "We'll SELL tickets to trial and you can find out." :thud:

As far as him saying there was no duct tape covering Caylee's airways - I'm not even gonna board that spinning fair ride. :rolleyes: In the first clip he quickly utters "it's all circumstantial evidence". WTH is he talking about??!? Riiiiiiight, CM. The evidence speaks for itself. I predict that Dr. G uses the KISS approach. She will testify eloquently and simply so the jury won't be blinded by the smoke.

Oh, and I think Kathi B should take a crash course in Spanish. ;)
I understand that Defense attorneys who speak to the media about active cases for a news clip are giving information from a defense point of view, so their comments may be provocative.

And I understand Bob Kealing from wesh has a job to do to make the news interesting and in fact "newsworthy" but the information in the clip Nums24 has just posted in Today News-No Discussion with the heading:

Casey Anthony: Is Importance of Duct Tape Open for Debate?

makes no sense to me at all.
The talking head is quoted as saying since there was no tissue adhering to the protected side of the duct tape, ICA has wiggle room as far as why she used the duct tape - perhaps to wrap around the garbage bag etc,.

Really? Is that their best? Because to a layperson like me - to suggest duct tape covering the face of a child dumped in a swamp, and left to the elements for six months, including being submerged under water for weeks, until there is only a skull and a few scattered bones, should still contain remnants of tissue is truly pathetic and such a stretch to even imagine a juror would buy into this concept. IMO of course.
I wonder how long it will take someone to point out to Mason that the fact that the duct tape was NOT adhered to the skull, but was wrapped around the jaw, and adhered to the hair means that it was applied while there was still skin? In other words the fact that he is highlighting, that the tape wasn't stuck to the skull, helps to disprove his defense theory that the body was placed there after KC was jailed. And works against the SODDI theory.

This is why defense attorneys should not be giving public statements outside the courtroom.

I was just coming here to post the same opinion. What is CM thinking? That tape was attached to Caylee's mouth and jaw...the only reason it wasn't attached when they found Caylee is because her sweet little face and mouth had already decomposed :furious: the only thing left for the tape to adhere to was her hair.:furious:
I understand that Defense attorneys who speak to the media about active cases for a news clip are giving information from a defense point of view, so their comments may be provocative.

And I understand Bob Kealing from wesh has a job to do to make the news interesting and in fact "newsworthy" but the information in the clip Nums24 has just posted in Today News-No Discussion with the heading:

Casey Anthony: Is Importance of Duct Tape Open for Debate?

makes no sense to me at all.
The talking head is quoted as saying since there was no tissue adhering to the protected side of the duct tape, ICA has wiggle room as far as why she used the duct tape - perhaps to wrap around the garbage bag etc,.

Really? Is that their best? Because to a layperson like me - to suggest duct tape covering the face of a child dumped in a swamp, and left to the elements for six months, including being submerged under water for weeks, until there is only a skull and a few scattered bones, should still contain remnants of tissue is truly pathetic and such a stretch to even imagine a juror would buy into this concept. IMO of course.

Here's the link

I'm sick of WESH and their talking head, why do they keep saying no skin? It was 6 months, there couldn't possibly be any skin.
WESH seems to be getting very pro-defense.
Here's the link

I'm sick of WESH and their talking head, why do they keep saying no skin? It was 6 months, there couldn't possibly be any skin.
WESH seems to be getting very pro-defense.
:loser: (wesh)

I'm waiting for the State to ask Dr. G. how long it would have taken for Caylee's little body to be completely skeletonized during that time of year in Florida. What have we heard so far? Two weeks I believe it was. So six months later there wasn't any tissue? Get real - they had to grind up one of her little bones to extract DNA for god's sake!:banghead::banghead:
The jury's going to have to look at the photos of Caylee's little skull with the duct tape around it. Add to that Dr. G's testimony and they will come to same conclusion - Caylee was a victim of homicide.

hmmm I wonder what JB was answering in Spanish....??????

Any bilingual-ers out there.....

At the beginning he makes it seems as if he's giving the reporter all this info in spanish while ignoring KB. But really he's saying "I don't have anything to say." LOL I didn't listen to closely to the other parts; if they talk to fast I can't catch it. I'm more 4 years of high school-college spanish coversational than biligual but I'll try and take a crack at the rest.

ETA Nope too fast. Plus KB keeps talking over them, I don't have my earphones and my dog keeps barking.
Oh - I thought it was because he was so nervous and stressed out he accidently reverted to his mother tongue because he didn't remember how to express himself in English.:waitasec:

Anyone know the Spanish translation for "ummmm", "uhhhhhhh", or "hmmmm"??
Really, the way I see it, weather the tape was stuck to her hair or her scull (sorry little Caylee) the defense DENYING it was a "homicide" or that she was "murdered" makes absolutely no sense what so ever to me. What do they think- that she died of old age or natural causes in the care of her "kidnapper" or "nanny"? That in and of itself is very telling as far as I'm concerned?!
Really, the way I see it, weather the tape was stuck to her hair or her scull (sorry little Caylee) the defense DENYING it was a "homicide" or that she was "murdered" makes absolutely no sense what so ever to me. What do they think- that she died of old age or natural causes in the care of her "kidnapper" or "nanny"? That in and of itself is very telling as far as I'm concerned?!

They've been saying all along Casey is innocent so the defense shouldn't have a dog in the fight over how she died, someone else was responsible for her death. The only way it makes sense is if the defense is going for an accidental death -or- they're just blathering nonsense.

An "accident" is all they have. ICA's own stated fear of her mother will be the reason she covered it up, and stayed away. We have all seen CA in action, and I would have been messed up myself if that woman had raised me. Not making excuses, cuz there are none.....but this is all the defense has. And, they are working hard at it too. (Mitigation specialist). The defense will just say Caylee's murder wasn't "intentional" ( duct tape spin )
Plus the tape held the jaw in place. The jaw would have dropped during decomp. If that does not paint a clear picture what will. I think that is why both attorneys looked grumpy. Hard to prove it was not there when the jaw was held in place by the tape after 6 months of being submerged in the swamp. jmo
The jury's going to have to look at the photos of Caylee's little skull with the duct tape around it. Add to that Dr. G's testimony and they will come to same conclusion - Caylee was a victim of homicide.

This is what I was wondering - I know showing pictures of the skull is a sensitive issue but how will that play out? What I'm asking is, when will the defense get to see the pictures of the remains as LE first found them? Does that mean they'd have to release those pics to the public if they turned them over to the defense? Has the defense seen them already and those pics are sealed? It seems like they should be able to see the pictures. A picture speaks a thousand words, right?
Here's the link

I'm sick of WESH and their talking head, why do they keep saying no skin? It was 6 months, there couldn't possibly be any skin.
WESH seems to be getting very pro-defense.

I agree with you completely. I have to keep reminding myself that their talking head is a defense attorney after all, so naturally, he would see things from that viewpoint.
This is what I was wondering - I know showing pictures of the skull is a sensitive issue but how will that play out? What I'm asking is, when will the defense get to see the pictures of the remains as LE first found them? Does that mean they'd have to release those pics to the public if they turned them over to the defense? Has the defense seen them already and those pics are sealed? It seems like they should be able to see the pictures. A picture speaks a thousand words, right?

Judge Strickland permitted defense to take a disc with the pictures on them and let their experts view them early on with the agreement that the pictures were sealed and not for public viewing. So they have had them for some time. They will not release them because of the Dale Earnheart law.

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